No-Time In Time

65 thoughts on “No-Time In Time”

  1. I find that with fall comes a slowing of time. This year it’s the opposite, with time flying by at the speed of light—how it feels to me. I don’t even know where November has gone! Your post reminded me that I’m the one speeding through time. Slowing down mentally and allowing mindfulness to replace the anxiety and obsession while going through my day will bring the desired result. Thank you so much for sharing your story and reminding me to relax. I love your photos, especially the first—I find so much peace in water.

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    1. Fall usually is a slowing down of time, yet this does not hold true any more. Rosalie, I blink and three hours are gone. I blink and where WHERE did November go? Trying to keep up does not work. However, when I practice knowing I can do what I mean to do without rushing and without getting all bent out of shape, I actually do affect time and it seemingly slows down. You can do it too. We are all programmed to run like rats on a wheel but I will no longer live like that. I have a very full life, and in order to keep my sanity and my peace, I am again learning I am Master over time, not the other way around.

      You are very welcome for me sharing what I am doing. Remember, it takes practice and we all tend to fall back into our habits of racing after time. Be gentle with you. Know you are breaking a lifetime pattern and it will not happen in one day. As for my photography, it is my Gift from Mother and God as I am allowed to actually walk in the Higher Dimensions. May you have a truly blessed day and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you!! Much Love to you! xo

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  2. Really beautiful photos. It’s amazing how there is no-time in time like there used to be or seemed like there used to be. We seem to have so many more complications in our lives these days.

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    1. Thank you, Tim! Time most definitely has changed no doubt about it. But, me being me, I set out to again flow within the new time parameters because I just won’t feel harried and stress due to time. Some days are better then others and I’m still learning but I yes am seeing improvement. I attempt to live as simply as I can but I cannot discount this world that I live in so that being said, I dance around the obstacles as best I can. May you and your family have a really glorious and happy Thanksgiving!! The smell in our home is simply heavenly!!! xoxox

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  3. Beautiful advice and captures. Thank you. Yes time can be a bully and very pushy. It likes to bully me too. I am learning to not let it control me as well and to punch that bully in the nose when it needs it. 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Art! Life becomes transformed when I flow instead of doing battle with the clock. Oh yes, many times I’ve gotten beaten up by that darn clock which makes me even more determined to beat time. And I am!! You keep punching time in the nose and tell it who is boss … you are and not it!! Happy Thanksgiving to you!! xo

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  4. Yes, time should never be a constraint . It’s our attitude of being over obsessed with time, always running after it which creates stress. Schedule your priorities and let the life flow . Nothing will go wrong if certain things get delayed. Finally everything falls in place.
    God bless you Amy🙏🌹🙏

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    1. Krish, for the most part, we were conditioned to run after time. I know I was and in fact, I actually got punished for reading a book versus doing the endless chores I had. So for me to figure out in order to beat time you relax, tell it who is boss, and flow with confidence that all that you have to do will get done. And it happens like magic! And I like what you said about priorities. I agree. Some days I “want” to do this that and the other, but if my body, say, is tired, I only do what I must so I can rest. Coming from being a workaholic to who I am today, still doing a lot but pacing myself, is a huge leap in the right direction.
      God bless you, too, my friend. Yes, all is GOOD and things do have a way of falling into place. Much Love to you this day!! xo


    1. Bless you, Kamal!! We all have the ability to master time if we just understand what to do. I gave a lot of wisdom within this post yet a person has to be ready to hear it. As for my pictures, I didn’t even know I captured this much beauty for I was so involved in staying out of the way of the hoards of kids everywhere. I do believe magic happened happened again. (smile) Much Love to you this day!!! xoxoxo


  5. Beautiful images! I relate to a relationship with time. For me it is an illusion something man created and it can be useful in moderation. But, when I let go of it, I notice, I’m always on time – at the right place at the right time. It’s miraculous! Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving Amy! Blessings!!!

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    1. Thank you, Cathy!! I understand explicitly all you have said here and yes yes yes time is an illusion. It is not organic in nature. Yes it is useful to help me with my cat care and to get out of here when I have an appt and the such but other then that, no. I’m just like you. When I step into knowing I have got this and just flow, I have more time then I need. It is miraculous, I agree!! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!! Much Love to you!! xo


  6. Oh Amy, these are magical. You’ve outdone yourself, what a beautiful sight. Thank you, and then some ❤️. And I’m sure time stood still for you to be there at that time 🤣. For me I find time does indeed do interesting things especially when it is doing something I love, it will fly by or seem to stop. But when life intrudes it goes back to ‘learning’ time. The more attitude of love we are in the more we are like ‘up there’ where there is no time at all but that one eternal moment. I think your heart is tuning in well 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 😂 🤣

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    1. Mark, I was just thinking about you and Miriam and praying you both are all right. The horror stories I am hearing coming out of Australia are giving me nightmares.
      THANK YOU for saying these images are magical, for I feel the very same! That forest is so special to me and to be greeted by hundreds of noisy teenagers all over the place was not my ideal outing yet I managed to again create magic.
      Time …… it has definitely sped up and when I confidently step fully into it knowing I am the BOSS and will flow effortlessly, I do. When I caught up in things I love, yes time flies leaving me with a what????? Either that or time actually slows down, a phenomenon I am seeing more and more leaving me convicted I really am splitting the time atom. (smile) Yes life does have a way of intruding that I know in spades yet with this too, I’m learning to skate and dance and twirl around those intrusions to find the spaces of LOVE in between. And yep, I do it!! I’m beginning to be known for my giggle ….. it’s contagious and to get others to laugh is a huge stress reliever.
      My heart …. the best it has ever been. Bless you for all the kind words you left for me and I pray, Mark, that these horrors in this world come to an end so that the LOVE I know exists is all that is. Much Love to you, dear friend. xoxo

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      1. Thank you my friend, blessings gratefully received. And the lies are starting to come out from down here. The ‘political’ truths are starting to lose their shine profusely. Lock downs placed without a shred of evidence and in one instance going against medical direction all together. They have effectively upset every person in Australia, vaccinated, un-vaccinated, business owners, the lot. And still carrying on like morons. They don’t realize they are sitting on a time bomb and the reactions are becoming more and more angry. They have no one else to blame but themselves 😦

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      2. Mark, I am so relieved to hear you are all right. The same is happening here in NY as the politicians once again have begun playing with numbers and slapping us with threats and mandates, both for the vaxxed and unvaxxed. No one is following the “mandates” and all who I’ve spoken to are so angry and some ready to pick up arms to fight. This has gone on long enough and finally people are seeing the lies for what they are. I’ve seen them right from the start but due to the volatile environment, I’ve kept my mouth shut. The Gift of Knowing is at times a burden and I have had to develop discernment when and to whom to say anything to. For almost 2 years I was not believed and scoffed at, but that no longer holds true. The relief I feel that people are really seeing the EVIL in this world I have no words for. I spoke to one older woman who was spitting nails she was so angry and her words ….. these bastards better be careful because this time people who have been pushed up against the wall for too long will no longer take this tyranny. I pray it does not come down to men and women carrying arms, yet to fight for our freedom and to get this evil defeated, if that is what it takes, the majority are now ready to do so. I pray for this world all the time. I send you so much Love for it is LOVE that will defeat the dark!!! (((HUGS)))!!! xoxoxoxo

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      3. Love will indeed take us all where we need to go dear lady, and you are right, it just takes a little time to see through as evil hides within truth as it cannot stand on its own. That is what makes it so dangerous, it looks like the truth, it sounds like the truth but it takes a discerning heart to see that darkness within it. I’ve found a simple way through this, I refuse to vote (our elections are coming up next year), for anyone that won’t bring on a Royal Commission (your equivalent is a presidential commission or task force I think), into this fiasco. Everyone wants the truth so it is something everyone wants…except the politicians and they will fight tooth and nail to not have it. Their true colors will indeed be coming out for all to see 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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      4. Hubby and I both agreed we are no longer voting for right now there is no one but politicians and I don’t trust anyone as far as I can throw them. I trust in the Divine for the working out of all this, yet in the meantime, the agony of so many breaks my heart. Frustrating for me is that I do know truth (to an extent …. NOT all of it) due to my medical education, and even then I am not believed. However, that doesn’t stop me from spreading Love and truth where there are open hearts and minds. True colors are showing NOW for those who have eyes to see. Yet there again so many do not see yet. That is when I pull wayyyyyy back and just go on living my life according to God and me. (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  7. Happy Thanksgiving, Amy. Time seems to have sped up so much, and yet, as you have discovered, it’s a matter of perception and we have the power to shift our awareness to slow it down. We are truly so much more powerful than we realize. Much love to you.🧡✨

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    1. Happy belated Thanksgiving, Julie. I no longer even know the days anymore for one is blurring into another. If there is anything about me I am determined to again flow “in between time” and that is exactly what I am learning to do. Yes we are more powerful then we know. How gratifying and humbling to witness!!! Much Love to you!!! xoxoxox

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  8. Stunning post Amy and quite apt as I feel as though I’ve lost and simultaneously gained time lately. In fact my last post (that I have yet to publish) starts with a concept about time. My phone actually died two days ago (water damaged and irretrievably burnt out the battery) and so I literally have had no thoughts about looking or obsessing about time. And it’s amazing how, when we think we have more than enough, we get everything done. Kudos to you my friend for “dancing with time”, flowing and surrendering to the natural rhythm and vibration of the Universe. It truly is all in our mindset. Big hugs and much love to you Amy. xxx

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    1. Thank you, Miriam! As I told Mark, I have been very concerned about you two and the both of you commented. What relief! I don’t know what to believe anymore and on top of what we are going through here, it just gets to be too much at times.
      I am getting better about this time issue and it is amazing how sloooooowwwwww time can become. In fact, yesterday I kept looking at the clock not believing how time crawled. LOL Yes I dance with time and have for years. I again am adjusting to this “new” time that is now here …. fast and furious. Sending you so much Love. Stand strong and hold the line. The pace with which things are unfolding is exhausting, maddening, and for me, angers me until I zoom to zen again. Hang on for we are almost there!!!! (((HUGS)))!! XO

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  9. The autumn is such a great time to take a deep breath and reflect and to enjoy how the days slow down a bit ~ and with all that beauty around it is a great thing to do. Wonderful post, Amy. Enjoy the holiday season.

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  10. Amy, you still have so much beautiful Fall — and I can’t get over how blue your skies are! Seems as if we’ve had more than our share of rain and gray days, so I really gravitate to a sunny one, even if it’s just perching in a window. Like a cat!

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    1. Debbie, I’m actually behind in showing my Autumn pictures so I have decided, seeing that Winter is so long, to keep showing my Fall pictures. I have at least one more post that I shall do, then will have to switch gears so that I can get creative with the Winter season. Yes our skies when seen have been a deep blue, a blue I’ve never witnessed here before. Sending you so much Love today!! xo

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    1. Oh, Julie, thank you SO much!! Time really is speeding up and know please know that with this change, we are changing too and we must rest more often. I shake my head thinking to myself here is a woman who has more then her hands full yet she is telling me she wishes she used her time better? Sorry, that doesn’t compute. Take a LONG step back and observe your life and see with new eyes all that you accomplish. You inspire others, my friend, and I don’t even think you know it!! Sending you much Love from way over on the other side of this big beautiful Earth!! xo

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