The Fall Continues

66 thoughts on “The Fall Continues”

    1. Yes, Frank, the leaves did stay on longer on some trees not all, and that just contributed to the confusion at large. I’m so lucky I was able to get the pictures I did. And I’m glad you enjoyed my voice …. this is the first time I am sharing this Gift in public. Much Love to you!! xoxoxoxo


    1. Yes the bare is already getting to me, Dan, ad here we just began this Season or heading into it, rather. I will keep on posting my Fall pictures for as long as I can. May you have a truly great day today!! xo

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  1. Wow!!! Your beautiful light 💡 language and singing made those colours and trees truly come alive in my mind. Thank you dear Amy, for an exquisite soul stirring few minutes. ❤️🧡🙏

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    1. Dearest Miriam, you’ve put tears of such deep gratitude in my eyes. I had another post written, Spirit said no, I deleted it, and out this comes, guidance to at long last begin to show the world a language that is pure light. I am so humbled that my voice in combination of my photography touched your heart. They are meant to. And it is for healing I am being guided to be doing this now. We are almost at the Turning Point, dear friend. Plug into the in-between no-time where Divinity can be found and stay there to ride these turbulent waves. I send you so much LOVE and encouragement as well, saying everything we have been through will have been worth it. BIG HUGS!!!! xoxoxoxo

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      1. I feel your hugs dear friend. And I so look forward to that Turning Point where truth is exposed and the light shines through this madness. Yes! It will have been worth it. Big hugs and much love returned. xxxx ❤️

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    1. Aw, Tim, these words coming from you are a very high compliment. Thank you! I’m using Audacity and have just begun learning how to use it. I believe that is one program you suggested way back when. I really like it! If you have an even better program in mind, let me know!!! Have a truly blessed day today!! Much Love to you! xo

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      1. Audacity is a great program. I can’t use it anymore because it’s not compatible with the recent Mac OS updates. I’m getting a new Macbook Pro M1 Max that will have Logic Pro. Logic Pro will probably become my main DAW (digital audio workstation). If you want to try a commercial DAW, PreSonus Studio One Prime is free and you really get a lot of to work with in Prime. I used Prime for a long time before I got Studio One Artist that came with a PreSonus digital interface I purchased a few years ago. I bought Studio One Pro when they had a half price sale.

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      2. These updates and these new Mac OS models make me very wary to buy new. My PS updates I am no longer able to download because my system does not support them. Well, as is, it is good enough for me. As for Audacity, it works fine with my Mac OS system right now. It is so hard to keep up with always new and better ….. I tend to stick with what works. I will keep your suggestions in mind. I’m going to just see where this music journey leads me and perhaps a day will come that I too will buy a new Mac OS. For now I’m just following my nose so to speak!

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      3. The New Mac silicon computers are amazing. I’ve been using an M1 Mini for a year now and it preforms so much better than the Mac Pro with Intel inside I was using. The MacBook Pro M1 Max I’m getting is said to be super fast. I shall see very soon.

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      4. Let me know, Tim. And about how much is the list price? I like my Mac Pro and honestly cannot even imagine something better. Yet I know there too I am technologically deficient in knowledge. LOL

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  2. Beautiful write up as always Amy…such beautiful pictures…You do sing well…amazed by your multiple talents and the clarity of thoughts.
    Stay blessed always..
    Keep spreading happiness…

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    1. Thank you so much, Krish. I’m amazed by what I am being guided to do and so very humbled, believe me, by how generous God has been with me in the Talent category. I am blessed, thank you!! Many blessings to you and so much Love!! xo


    1. Oh, Marina, thank you ever so kindly. What I have shown here with this post, combining my voice with my pictures, is “new” and something “Spirit” has been teaching me many years. I am so thrilled you enjoyed this post. Thank you for the feedback and the encouragement you gave me!!! Much love to you!! xo


    1. Thank you SO much, Kamal! I’m thrilled you enjoyed this post. My “voice” is “new” that I have been learning over many years from Spirit. It’s meant to heal for God is “heard” through my voice as Mother is felt through my my images. Sending you much Love today!! xo


  3. Oh the divine sweetness and power of your voice! It drew me into the pictures and had me sit in deep silence in the golden woods. Very different from admiring them from out here, I felt them from being in there. No more words, I feel deeply grounded and cleared from within.

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    1. Prag. I’m in tears. What you experienced is exactly what I “thought” would. I have been guided for years to sing as I hear these notes in my “mind” and then to allow my heart just to take off. Every song is unique, different and I never know where it will take me. This movement is not stopping here at WP, my friend. I envision myself live in a huge theatre with my photography all around me as I sing. There is no word for this. This is spiritual healing in ways I have no words for. God bless you for confirming what I have being guided to do over many years. I am SO touched by what you experienced. My voice is to bring to life the “energy” found in my photography in order for both God and Mother to touch emotions, broken hearts, and heal the mind/body connection spiritually. I am trembling and so humbled. This is part of the “new” I believe I confided in you about. Sending you so much Love today!!! xoxoxo

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      1. My voice is to bring to life the “energy” found in my photography – yes exactly!!! It is profound to be engaged and immersed with all senses, sound is the most profound medium to reign in those who couldn’t access it from seeing your photographs. I can imagine you on that stage – what an humbling honor for me to get to have a glimpse of it all already. Mother’s Healing is the greatest and deepest gift for humanity, I am so honored with this privilege to interact with you.

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      2. Prag, only those who are on an advanced healing path themselves, can understand what I know and what now you know. Healing brought by our senses is the most powerful way to heal. I have been walking around for years just following my Guidance having NO clue as to why I was singing as I am. My Highest Intention is to one day meet with you so that I can look deeply into your eyes and hug you! I am so grateful for your feedback and it is my honor to consider you a friend. And to have the dots beginning to connect is such a thrill!!! OH how my heart wants no-thing else but to bring JOY and Love and healing to all those who I come in contact with. Your heart is so wide open, my friend, and you do not have any fear in allowing me the privilege of feeling you. God bless you! For the first time in over 60 years, my life is beginning to make sense. I KNEW all of my life combined would eventually lead me to an exciting point where with clarity I know where I am heading. Wow!!! xo

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      3. I have to admit how I have imagined meeting you, looking into your eyes and then a warm knowing hug …silence, and perhaps some giggling like innocence meeting 🙂 What a joy! What an humbling honor you have that intention – I will certainly take audience when you are on that stage. Just wowww what you describe of the clarity and magic unfolding for you ✨✨✨

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      4. HUGE GRIN on my face in your description of our meeting. So cool!!! As for that audience ….. you will definitely know when it occurs. I have no idea myself just so you know but God has a way of doing things that dazzle me. And so my amazing Journey continues ….. Love to you!! xo

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  4. Your song gave me goosebumps, Amy. You have not only a beautiful voice, but it also took me into the world of Native people, and it felt so familiar. Your song took me home. Thank you for that and keep that up, please. It is healing! Oh, and the photos are breathtaking again.

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    1. Oh, Erika!! When I read your comment yesterday your words brought tears to my eyes. And yes yes yes ….. this “language of light” YES is the KEY to the world of Native People!! It opens doors inside and brings harmony, healing, and an awakening the likes you’ve never known before. Oh my gosh!!! I cannot describe to you the huge confirmation you have given to me. For years, my life made no sense for Spirit/God/Higher Mind/Mother had me walking in Faith. I have been guided and trained for years to “hear” these melodies or notes in my Mind and off my heart goes, singing just singing and even I don’t know where I am going with it. I seem to “hear” a note a fraction of a second before I sing and then my voice does the rest. This is God through me, Erika! And in combination of my photography, Mother will be felt and Her Power, with God’s Power will heal in ways I don’t even know. God is using me in so many different ways right now it is making my head spin. LOVE is really blooming all around me and everywhere I go! OH MY GOSH!! New Earth is birthing and to even think I am involved sends me to my knees in deep deep gratitude. For the first time in my life, my life makes sense.

      I will be posting more of my songs when my heart directs me. When I come across words such as yours, my heart soars for the majority have yet to understand the truth about my songs. Be of good courage and know just know we the people of this world are creating a New World founded in LOVE and JUSTICE and PEACE. Sending you so much Love and appreciation!!! Bless you!! (((HUGS)))!! xoxo

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      1. Amy, now your words brought tears to my eyes because I could so feel your alignment, you remembering, you being who you are meant to be. That is just so deeply touching to witness. Your song ahs so much power, the vibes are amazing and it has such a centering effet: Yes, it is pure!
        I thought that maybe you should make a CD from all the channeled music. It would be perfect for meditation and helped many to find back to themselves.
        I don’t just say it, I mean it from my heart, Amy!
        Thank you for everything you have been going through in your life to experience this now and share it with us 💖

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      2. Dearest Erika, your suggestion of a CD I’ve already thought of and if this is one of the ways my heart directs me to go, you know I will do it. I’m truly stunned by all that is transpiring in my life of late, believe me. For you to deeply be affected by this music that my voice produces, I know your vibration in of itself is very high. I came from a history of abuse and horror only to come out on the other side to be who I am meant to be. I am in awe. I pray my example of my life stories that I post here are taken to heart by those who read them, and they think about my words to apply to their life. May you have a truly blessed Sunday. I so appreciate your feedback. My gratitude knows no limits. (((HUGS)))!! xo

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      3. You are the proof that in losing all that may have made you, you actually find you. Such a wonderful thing to witness. Yes, there is something so strong in the vibration of your voice and how you use it. But I agree, you need to have that frequency to connect with it. I am happy that I seem to be in that state. Have a wonderful week, Amy, and sending you huge hugs back 💖

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  5. Amy…that let the cat out of the bag…literally. That came right out of left field and stunned me. Here I am thinking your gift was in sharing your photo’s but Spirit obviously has a few more surprises 😀
    Your vibration is rising dear lady and wanting to be expressed as a healing in this way. As it is born you will feel the need to express it in many ways till you hit the right ‘note’ so to speak, and you will know, the cats and other animals (humans too), will come to you while doing it. Mine did this but I don’t have a voice, but gradually it came out during my healings with others, be it massages or in counselling as I touched or spoke to them. Just follow your heart dear lady, it will guide you accordingly. Beautifully done 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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    1. Mark, I played leap frog and jumped over a whole lot of comments to reply to you. First of all ….. that cat out of the bag is another Gift straight from God that is right now being used for Good and Healing and it will be used going forth in many other ways. I am stunned by what is transpiring because for the first time in my life, I am beginning to understand why God placed me in this life. Powerful!!

      As for touching others …. that is happening right now. I am becoming a magnet for either I sense someone who needs a word of encouragement or cheer, or I am sent to someone who it turns out is barely holding it together and by the time I’m done, they are standing taller and know they are NOT ALONE! My voice heals. My words do the same. My touch does too. God has built in me a multi-faceted multi-talented Woman who just “knows” what to say, how to say it, when to say it, what to do ….. all by being led by the Spirit of my heart. I am blown away by how people seem drawn to me. I am in awe. I am so humbled. My dreams are becoming more and more real as I know by continuing what I am guided to do, what I do will mushroom out. As it is ALL I am doing is having a ripple effect on the world and just that makes me want to throw my hands up in the air and jump for JOY! Oh, Mark! Fyi ….. you should see my animal audience when I sing. LOL They love when I sing!

      K!!! I’ll be over to your place tomorrow. I’m done for the day. I was out in the cold today and not being dressed warm enough, triggered my shoulder that hurts. So, that being said, I have to attend to me. Thank you SO much for your support, your love, your presence. I do so appreciate you and our conversations! Thank you for your open heart!! Some day, just imagine, ALL human kind will understand how to have open hearts. YES!!!! Much Love to you! xo

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      1. My pleasure dear lady, and I do imagine a new world with this all in it indeed, that day will be something else to see and feel with the love that created it. It is an amazing feeling when it all comes together and you can ‘feel’ those that come to you or an understanding to reach out to someone, it is a beauty all its own. Love is its own healing, to us or others. And yes, I had to laugh at an image of all the animals lined up listening to you…but they ‘know’. Beautiful xox 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 😂 🤣

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  6. Amy its wonderful to see such colour on trees within your photo’s it brightens up a drab December Day. And again you show us a magnificent display of autumn colour..
    Loved listening to your voice… It held me in its balm and peace… Thank you dear Amy for sharing.. ❤

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    1. Thank you SO much, Sue!! Welcome back to WP by the way! I have more images of Fall that I will display until my heart is directed to focus on the here and now outside. Another thank you on my song. You put a big smile on my face!!! Sending you so much Love!!! (((HUGS)))!! xo


    1. Thank you, Cindy. God is using me in ways I never even dreamed of. To have what is unfolding right now in my life, is a true testament that I am a Miracle. Sending you much Love this day!!! xo

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    1. Bless you, Brad! When we know not only are we sacred but all of life is as well, what transpires shakes us to our souls. How the dots are connecting when we do the work on ourselves and follow the “voice” within, we begin to realize how sovereign we are and how much we can affect change for Good in this world just by being ourselves. How magnificent! Keep on shining, dear friend. Stay high in frequency and keep walking the Path of Love. Big HUGS!!! xoxo

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