Bright Delight

95 thoughts on “Bright Delight”

      1. LOL! The most important thing is trying and even if you did not get to where you wanted it to be, the important part is you tried! So give self a pat on the back. It looks fine 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Val. Our Fall has been so unusual and chasing these colors has been a unique journey for me this year. When I finally saw the bright yellow yesterday I just stood there transfixed. The feelings that arose …. heaven! May you have a bright day today! 🍁🍁🍁


    1. Aw, thank you, Takami. What my hairstyle does to my hair is pure magic and no matter how hard I try I just cannot replicate what he does. I have naturally very curly hair and to get it as straight as he does is near impossible. Yet I keep on trying! And another thank you on my pictures. This Autumn has been extremely odd and in chasing the colors the journey has been extremely challenging and adventurous. Have a great day, dear friend! 💕🍁💕

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      1. Actually, I have no idea when they were there – I only know they went because I saw it on Facebook. I could email you a photo of the two of them if you’d like, but I can’t text it since I don’t have any photos on my flip phone.

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    1. This is my proof that when I person takes very good care of herself, youth really does show no matter the age. If you knew my birth age, I don’t think you would believe me after seeing my picture. I thank you from all of my Heart for this comment. The work that has been involved in taking care of me, has been far-reaching. But the results… You see them! 😘😘😘

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      1. Amy, you don’t remember me from shutthatnegativenoiseoff. You purchased 2 of my titles and suffer from chronic back pain as I do. You told me your age but don’t remember the exact number.

        I can say you don’t look your age and look more at peace and joyful since my former blog.

        Fyi you bought inspirational writings and my fitness handbook.

        Love, Emma xoxo

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      2. I remembered you as soon as I went over to your blog, Emma. It’s been years since our paths crossed. Yes I am more at peace and joyful today than I was a few years ago. Yes I am healthier today than I was a couple of years ago as well. I have made great strides in my health and in my frame of mind as well. I hope you are doing well and that all in your life is a smooth ride. Big HUGS and much LOVE to you! 😙😙😙

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    1. *blushes* The happiness shows, Scott. I absolutely LOVE being outside in a forest. Proof positive as well that in taking care of me, youth still shows despite the age. 😉


    1. Aw, thank you so very much! Every year I become a woman obsessed over these colors. Today finally the sun has come out and I’m really hoping I can get more bright yellows which have not been very bright until recently. Another thank you on the selfie. That one goes down for all prosperity (GRIN!) because no matter how hard I try I am not able to replicate what my hair stylist does. LOL


    1. Rob, as I stood underneath the Golden Forest, I was so transported I lost contact with what was around me. I am not able to put into words the magnificence of those colors and how they affected me. Our colors this Autumn have been so muted and to see these bright crisp yellows brought such great joy to my Heart! And as for the photographer… She glowed too … how about that? 😉

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  1. I was thinking the same thing this morning when I posted more nature pics… “Is everyone tiring of autumn trees and leaves?” The photos on your post today are simply spectacular as they always are and I LOVE the rich, vibrant colors in each of them. Seeing such beauty never grows old! Great new hair style! 🙂

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    1. This is been a very strange Autumn, one that has been very long in duration. We actually never did get a Fall Peak where we live. I have been chasing colors here and there and everywhere because one place the colors are bright and not in another. To actually witness this bright golden clean yellow yesterday made my spirit soar until I swear my feet were not touching the ground! I think from here on in everything is going to go fast so I treasure each and every single Fall color picture that I have taken and will post until the snow begins to fall. In my opinion, there just cannot be enough Autumn color especially for those who have a very cold winter to face. May you have a great day and thank you so much for commenting! 😘😘😘


  2. Like your Selfie. I get to see who I’m commenting too. As as far as Fall Color, I seem to enjoy what color there is around the Country. Around here, Fall Foliage in PA, is pretty much at peak. However, there are still area’s that have so much color that it amazes you. All the Reds, Greens, Yellow’s, and Browns have always been a favorite of mine. You never should get tired of seeing Mother Nature at her best. Now, you have to go further South to catch up with the color. West Virginia is said to be outstanding this time of the year!

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    1. Les, thank you on my selfie. I’m pretty much closed for options to go any further then I already do on account of my life responsibilities. I would LOVE to go South of here. Chestnut Park is South of here and that is the spot for color right now. Although, Reinstein which is right around the corner is the place to go for bright yellows. I’m crossing my fingers to get a sunny day so I can do justice to the yellows and perhaps other colors too. Sunshine is tricky and you have to have the right “tools” in order for the pictures to work out when you have a DSLR. Now, with these cellphones, the picture quality is unbelievable, with no “tools” needed. I NEVER get tired of what Mother Nature presents me with. Thank you for stopping by to catch my colors and for commenting. Have a great evening! 🍁🍁🍁

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    1. Thank you, Dan. We who live in the northern states understand how precious these valuable colors are and how to appreciate them while they last. I will keep on taking my shots of these gorgeous colors as long as I can. 💕🍁💕

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  3. I never tire of fall colors because they feel so inviting and comforting some how. The leaves crinkle when you walk on them, they throw out an amazing aroma of loam and earth and nature, especially after a rain and yes, they aren’t white!!!!! I too know what lies just around the corner and I am not a fan of winter. Next stop for me will be somewhere not quite so demanding….So go ahead and click away AR…Beautiful shots you got. Thanks for sharing ❤ VK

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    1. I never tire of the Fall colors either, VK. I honestly do get obsessed and I just cannot tear my gaze from those colors. This rain has been really putting a kink in my style so when I do get the chance to get out there I run! I am crossing fingers I still nail the remaining colors. I have to listen to the “whispers”. Bless you for again stopping by and commenting. Both mean a lot to me!! (((HUGS))) 💞

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      1. Bless you as well as well AR for being so good to comment at my blog etc…We can keep each other going 🙂 Hope the rain lets up long enough for you to get back out. Here it just keeps on falling…Have fun….Much love…VK ❤

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    1. Oh my goodness, Jen, I’m SO touched you again commented. Thank you! I LOVE this time of year too and will not quit no matter the hundreds perhaps thousands (?) of pictures I’ve already taken. *blush* on my selfie. Thanks, friend. I take care of me and it shows. I glowed cuz the forest did. 😉


  4. Beautiful colors and a bright, lovely photographer! Wonderful photos and popping color! Here in the UK we have nature programs called “Spring Watch” “Autumn Watch” Winter Watch” … Anyway, this year for Autumn Watch they went to New England. The colors in the US are brighter and more colorful than the ones here in the UK – so it’s nice to see the colors in your photos so I can be reminded of home!! Thanks for sharing yourself and your time with us!! Much love to you! Donna

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    1. Our colors this year have actually been muted and it is only now that I am seeing bright bright yellows. If it had not rained today I would have gone out with my Canon to capture those yellows. I hope the weather breaks so I can continue my hunt for those Colors. You are so welcome for the share which I absolutely LOVE to do!! Much Love to you, Donna!! 💞

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    1. I am right with you, Eliza. I cannot ever get enough of the Fall colors. I am absolutely mesmerized by them! And you are right on the second point as well… Those magicians in the salons make it look so easy how they can style your hair. But I have not ever been able to duplicate what my stylist does and it irks me! At least I can get my hair halfway decently straight but nothing compared to how he can. LOL 😉🍁😉

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    1. Those bright yellows are just popping now, Joey. It was too windy and rainy to again today go out to try to get more of the yellows but hopefully sometime this week I will be able to do so. Yellows are very tricky especially in the sunlight to capture with my DSLR so I might just rely on my Samsung cell phone to capture those bright yellows. And my hair? I’m loving it! 😉🍁😉

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    1. Good cuz I don’t get tired of the Fall colors either. This weather here has not been kind to me as a photographer, and between the wind and rain I’ve only had a couple of chances to go out with my camera. Crossing fingers I can get out tomorrow and perhaps another day this week. The colors are just so glorious!! Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. Both mean so much to me! 🤗

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    1. John, I am tweaking the colors with filters. Our colors have been very muted this year. It is just now that the very bright yellows are popping but grrrrrrr rains haven’t stopped for me to get out there. And then the winds are bringing those leaves down. Darn it. Crossing fingers I have at least one maybe two more days left to photograph Fall. 🍁🍁🍁


  5. Such stunning photos, Amy. Our autumn colors started late and didn’t last long once the cold rains started. I wanted to get out and captured the yellows and fallen leaves before they disappeared, but weather was not on my side. Maybe next year. Enjoy while it lasts. 🙂

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    1. The weather here has been tough as well, Olga. Every chance I got, I ran out with my camera while I could. For the longest time the leaves stayed green. Then, BAM. Color overnight. But then the rains and the high winds came making it very difficult to get out with a camera. I’m lucky VERY lucky with the pictures I do have. Thank you for coming on by to see what I managed to capture. I have many more pictures and do plan on editing more to publish. I was like a madwoman when I was out with my camera shooting at just about everything! LOL This entire Spring/Summer/Fall has been very disappointing overall. Maybe next year as you say. Have a great weekend! 🍁🍁🍁

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      1. I feel like a ‘madwoman’ sometimes also. Ha ha! Hope you have a wonderful week-end also. 🙂 We have snow on the ground as of yesterday. Makes it more difficult to have photographic adventures, but there can be a beauty to snow-covered landscapes. When the slippery conditions subside and the sun comes out, I might try to explore the possibilities during this winter season. 🙂

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      2. Yep, we have snow here too, Olga. I find myself AGAIN waiting on the weather to be kind so I can again go out with my camera. Hopefully next year will be much better then this year. 💝

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    1. I am humbled by your comment, Cheryl. My hair stylist is truly a magician. I just let him do “his thing” very infrequently telling him what I want. He just “knows”. Thank you for coming on by to view this post. I hope your weekend is being good to you! 😉

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    1. Way cool, Julie, about my Samsung pics cuz I have some more I hope to show. I LOVE my hair as well …. my hairstylist has got magic in his hands. I didn’t wash my hair as long as I could and then I tried to style my hair as it had been. No such luck. LOL 😉

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    1. Most of the time, Julie, my hair is curly (naturally so) and in order to get my hair to look like this takes quite a bit of effort. My hair is also extremely healthy due to what I eat and how I live. I’m in my 60’s and I can honestly say my hair never looked better then it does now. 😁😁😁


    1. Aw, thank you, dear friend. My hair stylist is a magician. LOL I’m the happiest outdoors and it really does show. My Fall Color Chase is officially over and now I go back to see the All in which I captured and begin to doodle and dawdle in art. Much Love to you!! 💖💖💖

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