Letting Go

107 thoughts on “Letting Go”

    1. Thank you, Celia. This month has been very very rough for me and right now I am in the process of letting go of multiple matters. Not easy but in order for me to keep moving ahead, this I do. Bless you and (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Wow, Sreejith, what a comment!! I am thinking this post really spoke to you. (smile) I am SO glad!! I’ve been experiencing some truly otherworldly scenes from Mother. If I could post all my pictures your jaw would be dropping even more. Some more pics are coming as soon as I can edit them. 🙂 Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Yes I did some magic in the editing room, Marissa, really concentrating on getting this photo to look “old” first of all, menacing for another, yet keeping the bright colors popped out. I was attempting to create a “heavy feeling” but still keeping the very bright trees as a sign of Hope. The words came all on their own as I am dealing with certain Life Issues. I am so glad you enjoyed this, my friend. Love, Amy ❤


    1. Bless you, my friend. I thought I saw somewhere that you wrote how you miss me. I don’t remember if I answered you. I am just that tired and have answered SO many comments today on top of being so tired. I do miss you. I really am doing my best to get back to blogging as my per usual. Taking care of Molly for as long as I did (6 years and intense the last year), then loosing her on top of dealing with the stress of knowing my mother has only a small window of time left to live, really has kicked me and then some. Just Molly alone has my knees quaking. I pray this awful exhaustion lifts soon. I am not able to stop due to taking care of so many others and keeping my Life going as well, but when I can I really do stop as long as I can. Today has been a real challenge day regarding Molly as I let her go. Thank you for that extra hug. It was needed. I Love you, Kath. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. Yes, I did say that and you did answer. I can understand the exhaustion with so many things going on at the same time. I knew your Mom had surgery but didn’t realize that she only had a short time. Plus adding Molly to that since you had her for 6 yrs. Take your time and heal. Love you Amy!!!!

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      2. Kathy, I had Molly for 11 years, 6 of those she was sick. My mom has cancer and prior to surgery, docs told her she has 2 to 6 months left to live. I spoke with her yesterday and she sounds just so weak. My sister sent me a pic of her sitting on her porch and the smile on her face put tears in my eyes. I don’t know how much more time my mom has and I don’t know if she will fully recovered from these surgeries. Today I am going for a massage and starting next week I get back into my exercise routine to get my strength back. Just Molly alone has taken a toll. I will gain my strength and energy back. That I promise myself! ❤

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      3. Amy, Oh now I understand and my heart goes out to you. Wish I could give you a hug but sending you a virtual one. Everything that could go wrong has this week here has. We sent two packages through UPS and they sent them to the wrong people since they switched their packing labels. What a nightmare.Bring on November.

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      4. Just wanted to let you know that I saw your newest post “Roses in November but there is no box to type a comment in. Must be a WordPress thing. Love your November roses! HUGS ❤

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      5. Kathie, I turned comments off. I am needing time for me. If you have fb, you can see what I did today under Amy Skalski. Getting back to serious exercise and space to really incorporate, my losses and huge stresses I have had recently. I am on a hiatus for right now. ❤

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      6. Amy, put your name in FB but only found one person in NJ and one in IN. Knew it wasn’t you since your in NY. I have a FB page under the name Kathy Funkhouser. Thanks ❤


    1. Yes it is, Charlie, yet in doing so we lighten the load we had been carrying, releasing our very own selves from the bondage of hurts. I am letting go two separate situations in my Life …. yes, one is about Molly, the other no. A double whammy if you will yet what is keeping me going is knowing that what is to come will far exceed anything I could dream of, for I am releasing a huge chunk so that NEW can come in! How exciting is that? (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Actually, Brad I wrote it for myself, yet I have seen over and over again, so many others relating to what I myself am going through personally. It gives me great Joy knowing that my Life is assisting you with yours. With Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Yes, John, it is a challenging poem. I’m in the process of letting go, and though painful, very necessary in order for me to keep moving forward. Have a great weekend!! Love, Amy ❤


    1. I’m in the process now. I’ve been talking to Molly about things. I washed her Afghan she slept on and died in. I didn’t want my other babies smelling death. It took me this long to do it. I am dealing with Molly no that I know my mother is home. The day Molly died is the same day my mother went into the hospital so my feelings about Molly were skipped over due to the intense situation with my mother. Not now. Now it is time for Molly and me. I have to do this in order to move on. Bless you, for understanding. Love, Amy ❤


    1. Karen, my Life has been so difficult lately and to know that you are really getting something from my posts, gives me so much encouragement. I am so thankful that my Life is assisting you with your Life. Bless you for taking the time to tell me what you did. Love and (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  1. Dear Amy, I love the colours of Autumn, they embrace us with the last bit of vibrancy before Winter arrives. In winter we have the opportunity to cosy ourselves, reflect and keep warm. One day at a time, one step at a time and then Spring will arrive for new life to begin again. A fresh and new beginning. 🙂 ❤

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    1. What a beautiful comment, Milanka. I will keep your words in mind come this winter when I begin to go stir crazy. I also am planning on buying show shoes and maybe cross country skies in order to get out to photograph the beauty that Winter offers. I have every Intention of Loving Winter this year!! I hope you have a really great weekend!!! Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Hi Amy, embracing winter sounds like a great plan. I am sure by getting out and about on cross country skis and snow shoes you will capture some wonderful images. You to enjoy your weekend. 🙂 ❤ Milanka

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      2. I’m focusing on gaining my strength back, Milanka, so I can do just that. Caring for an extremely ill cat for years, the last year the hardest, took its toll. I must get back into my usual exercise routine and start eating better as well. I really am intending to enjoy Winter this year instead of dreading it, as I have for the majority of my life. You have a great weekend too!! Love, Amy ❤

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      3. Oh Amy, yes you have had a very difficult year. Winter can be a difficult time due to lack of sun, short days and bitter cold. I am sure that you will find the strength to get out and about when the weather will permit and enjoy what you are passionate about your photography and poems. Look after yourself and I send you healing energy. 🙂 ❤ Milanka PS: Enjoy your Sunday and the beautiful nature that surrounds you in fall (Autumn).

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  2. Lovely photo, dear Amy 😀
    It is very tough to let go, but the only way back to life and new freedom to live, just in another way.
    Molly was a wonderful cat with a beautiful soul and now she is free of pain and I’m sure, that she knows, how much loved she was.
    Take very good care of yourself. Big hugs and much love <3, Irene

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  3. With focused mind and determined step, I whacked right into a tree once! It made me let go of the football! So I know all about letting go! You can imagine why I now wear glasses… I love the picture! My Dad once gave me a terrarium like that, if I promised not to kill off all the rodents… I’ve since come to respect hamsters for what they’re worth… $8.95. I love the strength and conviction you have, where-as I just smell strong, and need to be convicted!

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    1. Oh wow so sorry to hear about the whacked head! Have you recovered? So glad you liked this image … I have more coming, one more beautiful then the next. Since I don’t like rodents, even if they are cute, and I admit they are, I won’t even think of my image being a terrarium housing rodents. EEK!
      Darrell, it seems I was born into a life that commanded, and yes I mean that in every sense of the word, for me to dig down deep to find the strength that I do have and then to even build on top of that! We all have days we seriously question if we are sane. You are not alone. Over this past month some of my behaviors were so shocking even to me, I asked …. WHERE did that come from? And you see, being the smartie pants I am, I figured it all out. I still have an inner child that is hurting and still crying for the attention she never did get. When that “little girl” heard that her mom is very very ill, she panicked. I’ve had to very tenderly Love that little girl, making sure she is heard no matter what others think, and then to allow her the freedom to create and to be Happy. A lot of that liitle girl’s innocence was ripped away. It is probably why to this day I act like a kid, I really do, when I am around children, with my cats, and behind my camera. PLAY is very important even for we adults.
      Hey, happy Halloween! I don’t celebrate it, but I thought perhaps you did. If you don’t I hope you are having a great weekend anyway! Love you, my friend! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. Thank you for confiding in me Amy! I too have had to harden up on some bark along the way; sometimes not believing it real, things went so wrong so often. A lot of that was self generated, always learning the hard way. LOL! Of corpse I could never say it as eloquently as you. And since you act like a kid, it’s no wonder we get along so famously (I want to play in the mud with you!). Yes I suppose we are hams for wanting attention. Well, at least in your case, there are added dressings and assorted accutriments… Though my Ham’s butt naked, together we imply quite the feast. Mom’s know best! I miss my Mummy :O(

        Greetings and Felicitations: Count Alucard (which we all know is ‘draculA’ spelled sideways…)

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      2. Now how in the world you wish me to respond to this book, is totally beyond me. *scratching head* You truly do entertain, that is for sure! Sorry you are missing your Mummy. Mine is very ill and I have been really purraying that she recovers fully from the humongus surgeries she went through. As for your Greetings …. YOU have got an imagination like no other!!! You are just too much, Darrell!!! LOL 🙂 ❤ (((HUGGIES))) Amy ❤


  4. Another lovely post. I’m thinking of you Amy, with your problems. You are doing the right thing dealing with Molly’s passing, and I hope your Mom is not in pain. Please look after yourself so that you can cope with all that you do. Love, Chris xx

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  5. Beautiful poem, and beautiful fall photo once again, Amy. The trees are simply on fire in your part of the world this time of the year. It looks like a lonely place, but I bet those trees certainly kept you entertained while you were there 🙂

    So much truth in your poem. In order to move on, we have to let go. Letting go might be scary because perhaps we fear the unknown, or we are used to sticking with what we’ve got. When we let go, we force ourselves to see things in a different light – or we see the light and move on to more positive times ahead. Letting go sometimes we risk it all, but often it’s worthwhile especially when it comes to finding freedom within our heart ❤

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    1. So happy you can relate to this, Mabel. Life is all about flow and ebb, and at times, in order to keep moving forward, we must let go of those things that are weighing us down. May you have a wonderful day today!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Sue! Mother’s display of colors this year have been magnificent!!! I cannot tell you the hundreds of shots I did get, one after the other, one more incredible then the next. She really is taking care of me this year!!! Love, Amy ❤

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