Testing … Testing … Testing (3 Images)

89 thoughts on “Testing … Testing … Testing (3 Images)”

    1. Oh, Amy, I really am overwhelmed when I look at these books. I just might stick to how I am editing right now for a while. Getting to know this new camera is enough. LOVE your last post, Ame. I mean it! That is a WOW! (((HUGS))) Amy


  1. Petals Unfolding, these are wonderful pictures of your pet family. Enjoy your new toy and l look forward to seeing many awesome photos. Take care & happy blogging to ya… ❤


      1. LadyPinkRose, I know what you mean, time waits for no man or woman in this fast paced world of ours. But, as the saying goes – Take time to smell the roses… Have a wonderful day and take care my dear. ❤ Laura


      2. Laura, please call me Amy. Everyone does. I sign my work AmyRose, yet when I talk to those at Petals and at other blogs, everyone knows me as Amy. Thank YOU for the wonderful comment. Love, AMY

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      3. Amy, Thank you for responding with your name. At times I’m not sure how to address other bloggers. Take care and bless you for your comments as they seem to be rare on my blog… hugs ❤


      4. Laura, if I may, I would like to give you advice. You want comments? You must work for them. They just won’t happen. I worked extremely hard and still am regarding Petals. In order to get comments, you must start going to others’ blogs, liking their work, leaving from the heart comments, and also following them. I would also suggest getting a gravatar that sticks out. You want to be seen. Use your reader. Go to blogs that have common interest as yourself, such as writing, (use the tag option in order to call up blogs tagged writing) and go to those blogs, again liking work, commenting where you are guided to comment. When people comment on your blog, talk to them, make it personal, develop a relationship … same thing on other blogs. When people come to your blog, immediately go to their blog, follow them, and/or like their latest post and again leave a comment. It is a LOT of work, Laura, I am warning you ahead of time. I observed how to blog efficiently. I hired someone to show me how to get people to come to my blog. I actually paid someone to help me, because I knew zip about blogging. As my following grew, my work got better and better, and today I have SO MANY conversations in one day, sometimes I must walk away. Hundreds of comments in one day, Laura, and I make sure I respond. On the days I am very very weary, where I can, I like a comment instead of commenting, and I just don’t go to the blog that day. You must pace yourself, and setting goals for yourself. When I first started out, I remember getting SO excited about getting 50 followers. Now look at me. Even I am stunned to see what is happening. Yes, I am still putting forth great effort and with every comment, I make sure the other person feels my Love and sincerity. Be careful what you wish for. I sometimes am so busy, I groan out loud. So there you have it. You wouldn’t believe how many keyboards I have worn out because of the conversations I have had since September of 2013. If you want something enough, you will be willing to work for it. I wish you all the very best. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      5. Amy, I’ve had to dab at my eyes a few times, while reading your heartfelt comment to me. They were happy tears my dear, because you’ve taken the time needed to type your offerings of help for my blog and where it has lacked attention.

        Actually, I’ve spent quite a bit of time enjoying the many blogs on WordPress, I like them and more importantly I comment almost on every single one.

        My blog lacks focus I suppose others might feel when visiting, but I have so many things which excite me I just have to share them, writing, cooking, gardening, crafting, you get the idea. 🙂

        I’ve noticed most have a single idea and they run with that , cooking, or gardening, etc. I’m like a packet of mixed flowers you buy at a garden store, You’ll never know what you’re going to get from my blog, most times… 🙂

        My heart is brimming over with gratitude for your message to me today, and I shall never forget your helpful words to me, and I shall work harder on each post I like from now on.. not just most. Hugs back to you, Amy ❤


      6. Don’t burn yourself out, Laura. I would suggest as I did before, to use the Reader. Go to blogs you don’t follow, typing in a tag that interests you (like garden for example) and see how many blogs come up that you would like to follow. Don’t worry about following too many blogs. I know of a way to deal with that, so when you are ready for that info, I will do so in an email. I am giving you a lot of ways to expand your horizons. That is the KEY. Just don’t focus on those who follow you or who you follow. Think of yourself as advertising who you are and what your blog represents. If you think your blog is too scattered, narrow it down to what your Heart guides you to do. My blog has a variety of posts on it, yet there is ONE main theme and that is photography. I urge you to work around ONE main theme and branch out from there. Make your blog pretty. Customize in colors that say YOU. You want different because there are SO many blogs. You want to want people to be drawn to your blog for content and the “feel” of it. Again, don’t go overboard on the comments. Sometimes one sentence says it all. I have my own signature where most times I end my comment with either (((HUGS))) or Love. Be creative, Laura. You are an artist and a very talented one. Don’t be afraid to experiment. If I can do it, so can you. It is not easy to have a Balanced Life especially with all I have in mine. Sometimes I am on here too long to the point I can barely see. So many come to me and I will not turn them away. Go check out my first posts, and you will see how few likes I got and how few comments as well. The content wasn’t all that great either. I have really worked my fanny off to get where I am. You can do this too, IF it is important enough to you. I am SO happy I could help you. I hope you have a really good day, my friend!! Love, Amy

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      7. Amy, Thank you for all of your wise advise. I was shaking my head up and down, actually saying out loud yes, yes, that’s a good idea… I’ve seemed to have found an audience with my writing of the few stories I’ve posted. These are near and dear to my heart, and I think this point is shinning through.

        Balance is so correct concerning my blog…I just need to view my blogging like I do my gardening, and get weeding .. giggles… Take care sweet lady and enjoy the weekend.. Happy blogging to ya ❤

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    1. Yes, I feel like a kid, yet I groan when I look at the manual. Why does technology have to be so complicated? I really look forward to see what I can do with this baby! LOL (((HUGS))) Amy


  2. Awww… Bella, Cookie and Rusty are super gorgeous. The photos are PAWSOME! We can already tell that you’re gonna have a lot of fun with your new toy. It sure pays off to be a GOOD girl, huh? MOL 😉 Have a wonderful weekend, dear Mom BonZo! 🙂 xx Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


    1. Thank you, my friends!!! I thought you would be partial to these shots. I must put one of Prinny up again because she looks like Roxy. Yes, I AM going to have fun with this new toy! And YES I was an extra good girl this year!!!! LOL (((HUGS))) MB


  3. Nice camera and i had to go look it up to see what it is. Very good reviews on you tube.
    Your kitties are beautiful and I love Bella the most.


    1. Yes, this camera does have great reviews, my friend. So far I am liking what I see. Of course, I must read the manual to understand the thing, and know how to use it properly, but that will be done over this weekend. This camera will eventually take the place of my iPad in certain circumstances. So Happy you liked my babies. Bella is very special. She is my sleeping Angel who snuggles with me every night. She had a horrible abusive history and to see her now, so Loved, brings tears to my eyes. Have a great weekend! Love, Amy


  4. Awesome pics of the kitties! A fun camera indeed and you will have it all figured out in no time! Love to you! ~Matthew


    1. GRIN!!!!! Bill and I went for a walk last evening. With my “eye” pointing out a great pic, he shot (with my SG), and I intend to edit those images. Dual Duo. LOL We had FUN! My hands were too cold to shoot so he did. I pointed out OH! look at that! You just have to get that! And he did. He also as well saw things I missed …. so we make a good team. Glad you enjoyed this post, Dan. I am really all set. My iPad, my new SG camera 2, and my Canon …. what more could a girl possibly want? I am SO grateful, beyond words grateful!!! ((HUGS))) Amy


    1. I thank Santa, too, Indah! LOL The manual that came with the camera is all about OTHER then the camera itself. So, hubby found a manual online that helps explain how to use this camera. YAY for hubby!!!! Have a great weekend!!! Love, Amy

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m stumbling about with it, Linda, but it won’t be long until everything is automatic. I am reading the manual on this thing, and I want to turn basically everything off except for the camera itself. There is just too much on this camera. I know the newer cameras are coming with everything that is on this camera and it is like …. really? Anyways …. hubs and I both took some gorgeous night photos this evening …. will be posting! GRIN! Looks like I found my photo buddy!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  5. These are the most beautiful cats in the world! (Except for maybe my 2 babies … well cat babies… not kittens, just cats that are my babies. Sheesh!) ❤


    1. Of course they are the most beautiful in the world, except for your two! LOL You should see my others, Resa. I LOVE them so much! I am so glad you enjoyed this post!!! And yes, my cats ARE my babies, so I get it! (((HUGS))) Amy


  6. Ahhh….love the kitties! ❤ Princess Bella, that Cookie has my number, and oh Rusty is such a beautiful color! Face rubs to all from me and my purr crew! 😉 I am looking forward to all the beautiful pics you and hubs take this coming year. Oh and blackforest cake is the other one I make for my guy. 🙂 as it turned out his office got him a cake so I am waiting to make his for Christmas. We don't need that much cake. Lol! All these December birthdays, we could have one blast of a party! Give hugs to your husband. I can see the two of you smiling as you are off on a mission of photographing the world around you. Love from me, Denise


    1. Hi, Denise!!! Just last evening we had FUN together, with he with my new camera due to my hands freezing, and I was the “eyes” saying OH! Look at that! You must get that! I am working on some of those photos this weekend and will post. It will say something like “My Eye, His Finger” …. I was the scout he was the shooter. LOL Hope your weekend is Blessed and Happy. Thank you for the compliments on my lovelies. (smile) Yep, I sure do Love them!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Honey, pull your head out from the past. Suzie, IF I focused on my past, it would destroy me. This is what I am trying to teach hubs, who sinks into depression and anger every holiday due to being in the past and missing those who are no longer here. In my case, my childhood was a nightmare. I will NOT allow what was done to me to destroy me. I do deserve a HAPPY LIFE and so do YOU! I really mean this, Suze. Please, change your thoughts. I KNOW it is not easy … yet it really is doable! I LOVE YOU. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Thank you, David, for the vote of confidence. There is a lot on this camera, more then what first meets the eye. This I will say …. how nice it is not to lug around heavy camera equipment and only have a camera that fits in my coat pocket. I feel like I am on camera vacation. LOL Hope you are having a good weekend. Love, Amy


  7. All of these were beautiful photo’s, I couldnt resist coming back as I didnt have much time to comment when I liked your post Amy.. Good to see you and Hubby getting used to your new camera 🙂


  8. The soft texture of the cats’ fur looks beautiful on each one of your treasured kitites. I liked the caramel color of the last cat, but all are special. I loved the photo on your post with your husband’s birthday gifts. You are so lucky to share this common interest. I think he looks like such a nice person and you are a special person who deserves happiness! I love how excited you get in your words! Smiles!


    1. Thank you, Robin, so much. I look forward in going on photo shoots with hubby. Perhaps the excitement will bring some of his youth back. He has aged so much lately from the effects of just not wanting to live life. (LONG story … he is a Vietnam Vet.) I look at times so much younger then he and that is because of the sparkle in my eyes. I also am much younger then he is, years wise, yet if I can look and feel youthful, so can he!!! I look forward to the transformation in him, for I KNOW it will happen, and I will show at Petals, what a camera can do to lighten one’s Soul and Heart. Bless you so much for your kind words! They mean the world to me! Love, Amy


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