Holy Ground

92 thoughts on “Holy Ground”

    1. Thank you, Dan. High compliments indeed! The beauty that I am finding has me rooted in place at times with my mouth wide open in complete awe. I was determined to document this Fall unlike what I’ve done in past years and I do believe what with what I still have yet to show, I have succeeded in my goal. I hope to imprint the color and beauty on not only my soul but all who visit here. Winter is such a long colorless season. Let’s all remember the colors Mother showed me to get us through what is to come. Have a great Sunday!! xo

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  1. Breath-taking Amy! Beautiful fall colors. I see what you mean with the difference between light and shade – the shade makes for deeper colors and plenty of light. The blue bird is so sweet! Oh my goodness, cuteness plus!! Great photos and love the bible verse – very appropriate!! Much love, Donna

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    1. I can feel your enthusiasm right through your words, Donna. Thank you! On more then one occasion tears have been my company as the beauty before me brings tears of gratitude but tears of sorrow as Mother helps me release my heart pain. I asked a few weeks back (I may have told you this) to feel what I saw for my heart when sad doesn’t feel the intensity of joy. That request was answered and now I find myself many times with tears in my eyes being touched so so deeply.
      Shooting on cloudy days in the Fall makes colors pop. Sunshine is so harsh except for early morning or dusk which also makes colors pop even more so. That Bluebird stood so still for me which had to be Mother telling that bird to pose for me. Amazing!! Thank you for commenting on the Bible verse. That popped into my mind and I knew immediately it fit perfectly for this post. That is how Spirit works with me …. and so I take the lead. (smile) Much love to you and yours!! xoxoxo

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    1. How wonderful to hear!! More people need to take time to “listen” to what Mother has to say. There are times what I “hear” leaves me with more questions and I don’t stop wondering until I get answers. You are so welcome for me sharing. My pleasure!! I agree with you about the Bible passage. It perfectly described not only how I feel when I am in the forest or in Mother’s Realm, but it also encourages all regarding our present times. Many blessings to you and much love!! xo

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    1. Aw, Sreejith, thank you so very much! I was determined this year due to the horrors we all have been subjected to, to present Autumn’s magnificence as best as I could. With what I have shown and what is still to come, I believe I have truly outdone myself. There have been times I have been so awestruck my feet were just glued to the ground. Oh yes I have walked on holy ground and I know it. You are most welcome for my share. SO happy you saw this post …. where you live you don’t see the change of colors like I do. Many blessings!! xo

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      1. My Sunday was a good one, which had a wonderful ending. Around 3 pm, our pickleball group gathered to play for several years as a celebration of the end of the outdoor season. 13 of us today – (There still may be other good days) – After playing, everyone came to our house for an outdoor picnic with distancing. On of the few social in months – and it went well – including the distancing.

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    1. Our Fall has been a very strange one, LeeAnn. But thank Heavens we haven’t had snow yet. My heart so goes out to you. Winter is long enough in of itself without starting early. So sorry to hear!! But!! I’m so happy I could lift you up by showing you our colors here. Those birds were a bonus, believe me!! BIG (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  2. It is a magical land Amy, with so much to see and feel. And you have captured its essence beautifully. I am surprised you can take any photo’s at all because I think I would be just wandering, gazing and drinking it all in, it is such an incredible sight. Even the Bluebirds are great, they must have seen you coming and wanted you to see how much they’ve grown 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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    1. It definitely is magical, Mark. No doubt! There are many times I come to a complete standstill just staring. It also brings me great joy when I do use my camera, as my eye guides me how to compose my shot. It’s a thrill! An artist in the forest …. now that is heaven to me! I have a strong feeling Mother had a hand with that Bluebird because he just sat there knowing full well I was there … no fear. What an honor! May this day today be a really great one for you!! Much love to you over the waters! xoxo

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  3. WOW!! Words can barely describe these majestic colours. So glorious and that bird, nature really is a miracle. He was there posing Amy, for you to capture him and show him to us. Thank you from my heart, so beautiful. I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I too can feel it in my core. Sending you the biggest hugs and lots of love dear friend, from a sunny spring morning here in Melbourne. xxxx 💙❤️

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    1. Still here I am plodding through the comments. LOL Hi, Miriam!! LOVE your wow! Big grin here! You don’t see colors like this in Aussie Land so I can just imagine your eyes and spirit just drinking in the magic I am sending your way. Yes yes yes that Bluebird was posing! What an honor …. he had no fear of me! Yes YES there is LIGHT at the end of the tunnel! I send you in return huge hugs and all my love!! Together we are strong! Much love to you from a cloudy damp Buffalo. (((HUGS))) xoxoxo

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      1. There is indeed light at the end of the tunnel my friend. There are rallies here too, in their thousands now, though the msm downplay them to be nothing. But we know. The uprising is here. And we won’t be quashed again. Sending you love and hugs as you continue to chase those awesome colours and amazing birds! xxx

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      2. HaHa I had to laugh, Miriam, when you wrote about rallies, cuz, my original comment to you I spoke of rallies but then I deleted it. I’ve had several politically charged people stop by my blog and I in no way am about to attract that kind of energy. I talk about these things in private, not here where the 1st amendment for the most part is not respected. No NONE of us will be squashed again!! More and more every day are uprising and the JOY in my heart when I see this knows no limits! These draconian measures are coming to a end. THANK GOD!!! And yeah, I’ll go on skipping in my merry way chasing colors and birds. LOL

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      3. Yay, you go girl!! Joy, love, disclosure, it’s all here and coming fast. As for nature, I’m doing the same over here, skipping, chasing spring colour and hugging trees in nature. Loving it! xxxx ☘️❤️

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    1. Thank you, Dana. This time of year makes my heart pound and my spirit fly fly fly. I have more pictures coming so don’t miss out. I promised myself after such a difficult year that this Fall I would really go all out to find color. I believe I have surpassed even my high standards. (smile) Much love to you!! xo


  4. You did literally transport me to another realm gazing through the landscapes you brought us – I as if entered the space and then came out with moist eyes. Thank you for being so real and raw in your presence with Mother Nature, transmitting the trust and beauty abound, transcending between the worldly world and the otherly world 🙂 And the bluebirds …incredible!!

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    1. Prag, there is no faking with Mother for when you open your heart She knows and in so doing, what the eyes see is beyond words. I loose my breath. I cry. My heart soars and does my spirit. I know no other way then to be real and raw. I live in transparency …. no games. I learned that on the road traveled less. (smile) Much love to you this day!! xo

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    1. Cathy, all my macro pictures are done in cloudy conditions or at dusk. “Low light” conditions make colors pop versus intense sunlight bleaches colors. I’m not surprised you understand. (smile) xo


    1. Michele, I cried more then once while on this photoshoot. What Mother is showing me touches me so deeply that tears come of their own volition. I was determined to find Fall colors in a glorious way to counter all the horrors all of us have been through, with the intention to bring healing to our hurting hearts. It sounds to me as if Mother really touched you. God bless you!! xoxoxo

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  5. Stunning photographs, Amy ~ these photos express what autumn is about, and there are no words or definitions that can describe what you have here. Another realm, and there is so much optimism in nature 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Randall. Because of the horrors we all have been through this year and are still going through, I became determined to document Fall in a most glorious way to bring to all who come here HOPE that truly this too shall end. I do step into another realm when I’m with Mother and because I am there so much that realm I now live within my ordinary day. My optimism is high as Mother continually reassures me Her World will survive, and so shall we IF we learn how to live harmoniously with Her. I am. I have for years. Much love to you this day! xo


    1. We have been in the end game in my humble opinion, Barbara, and it will continue to play out until people understand fear is a miserable way to live. LOVE is the way to a happiness that is compared to heaven. Much love to you!! xo

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