Do You See?

61 thoughts on “Do You See?”

      1. There are no swimming signs posted in this park. This is a Preserve park so the people who are in charge make sure the animals and birds are protected. No dogs are allowed either.

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    1. Aw, Jen, I am so moved by your comment because I know you don’t often do. Thank you so much for taking the time to write your thoughts. I must agree that the shot is a bit tricky and if I had not been there myself may have had to really look too. Much Love! 🌹


    1. This Park focuses on preserving many species of animals, Erika. I couldn’t believe my eyes on the size of this snapping turtle. I also saw a baby swim by so this may have been a Mama with babies swimming about. So glad you enjoyed this! 🌹

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    1. WOWOWOWOWOW!!! What a compliment!! I am just about falling off my chair! THANK YOU SO MUCH, Marissa!! That is high praise! Oh wow!! Just wow! And I thank you on my hair. It’s finally getting longer and yes now very blonde. 🤗


  1. You always make the right place at the right time Amy. Great picture of the turtle, they usually zoom off before you get a chance to really look at them let alone take a picture 😀
    And the picture of your nephew trying to show hubby something, he has a distinct advantage because he is much closer to the ground and probably has better vision than hubby 😀
    I think that is why there are so many interesting things on the ground at that age…bugs and spiders included 😀

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    1. Yes it does seem as though I find myself in the right place at the right time. Incredible how that does happen again and again. That turtle I would swear was looking right at me trying to say something. I, in fact, will read in a bit what turtle means according to the “Medicine Cards” I have. Thank you, Mark, for commenting. It means a lot to me. 🐢🕷🕊

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  2. I thought – what an uncharacteristic picture for Amy – then I saw the turtle, and thought – Oh perfect!! Your great nephew is adorable, would be nice to be able to get that low to the ground again!! Great photo, worthy of a frame! ❤️❤️❤️ Donna

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    1. Hi, Donna! Don’t get to set on seeing flowers only from me. I’ve been known to do some unusual photographs. When I really get in the mood for creating it is unbelievable what I can do and do do. I am so glad that you enjoyed this post. Slowly, I have been getting to my friends’ blogs one by one. So know that I will be by yours when I can. I so appreciate your support at this time in my life. Much Love, Amy

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  3. I thought I saw a Turtle Cloud!

    I tot I taw a puddy tat,
    I’m going back to look…. again!!!

    Your Mum is the essence of the posts I've read here today.
    I get what you are going through! I gave up working, and went to live in another city for 3 months.
    My heartfelt strength is for you.
    Love and Peace,
    Resa xo


  4. Oh, what a relief, Amy I used a scope to see it better and thought it was a shark of some kind! At least I saw it with only one eye that still works. I hope you see this soon and get a small chuckle during this painful time in your life. I’m sorta backtracking your blog, catching up on things I’ve missed since I got my own dx from my doc. My love and prayers to you, Sweet Amy.

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