Spring’s Symphony

69 thoughts on “Spring’s Symphony”

    1. Irene, I don’t know what to say except that I THINK that any Windows computer will not be able to open this audio file. I recorded it on my Samsung cellphone and uploaded it onto my Apple laptop. I don’t know how else to do a recording. Truly wishing you could listen. Another friend here said it is so wonderful and could be sold for meditation purposes. Much Love to you! 💞🌹💞

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      1. This is also why, I would love to hear it, Amy 🙂
        I will try to search for a solution, sometimes it is security programs, who are closing.
        Wish you a beautiful day, dear friend ❤

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      2. You too Amy and I will go and change the settings for your blog, so I can hear another time.
        I’m still sleeping much, so I wake up in the night here, it was 2am, short time ago, because I need water and to stretch. It is tough to lay so much down. I will go to bed again in short time. Enjoy your evening ❤

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    1. Isn’t that recording beautiful, Marissa? I stood in that place for many a minute, so into what I was both seeing and hearing. I would bet there are poeple who have never even heard a bullfrog sing. And yeah those mosquitos and biting gnats are from a nightmare this year. Every time I step outdoors I have gotten bitten. NEVER have I seen it like this. Even the outdoor cats have bites on them. Poor babies!!! ❤


    1. No one will change the name of this park, I reassure you. That was only my small sense of humor due to the zillions of biting insects now in this park. SO glad you were able to open the audio file. Some people had trouble doing so. Much Love! 💞🌹💞


    1. (smiling) Only you, Scott. LOL Yeah, I know boo on the mosquitos. I am really thinking about getting a jungle had with mosquito netting. No kidding. These insects are horrid this year. My new perfume is Au de Liquid Net. Every time I step outside I now have insect repellent on. Never before now have I had to do that. Bummer! 🌹


  1. Wonderful post dear Amy.. I have just come in from the garden listening to a wonderful Symphony of birdsong.. The blackbirds have a wonderful vocabulary..
    Glad you have finished your gardens..
    I was out in the allotments for 3 hours this morning.. Loved it.
    Love and Hugs my friend
    Sue xx

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      1. That is always on going Amy.. Enjoy your Garden and I hope you make time to sit back in it and relax from time to time.. Even though I know how busy you are.. We all need some ME time.. ❤

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    1. Thank you, Dan. And don’t I know it about the woods. I’m thinking of buying linen … long sleeves and pants. Every time I step outdoors I now must spray with repellent. I’ve never seen it this bad. Ever. This reminds me if Tropical conditions. Good luck with your hikes. Mosquito netting on a hat sounds about right. 🤔😯💖

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      1. Know about that too. I’m so bit up its not funny. I was bit at 12 noon yesterday cutting flowers. I’ve never seen insects this bad. What are you doing? I’m trying garlic for starters. I’m drinking my smoothie that has a lot of garlic in it.

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  2. Garlic always helps… if not against insects then at least against bothersome people… lol! Btw. for some reason the audio didn’t play. But I am sitting outside and have that bird concert life while reading your post, Amy! Have a lovely day 💖

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    1. Erika, I think if you are on a PC (Windows) my audio will not open. That’s the only thing I can figure out. I feel terrible that some people could not play this wonderful recording. Things have a way of working out though because you listened to bird sone while you read my post. Cool! As for that garlic, it has begun. 😂💞

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    2. I have the solution!! Play the recording from your phone on the WP app. It works, Erika! Someone else had trouble and so I suggested using her phone. It works!! 😘💖😎


  3. Must be that lovely rich blood of yours Amy 😀
    I have no remedy for mozzies, but I did stumble across a cockroach remover. Just spread whole Bay leaves (as in the cooking variety) around where any infestations are, they hate the leaves and disappear. I just renew them every 3 or 4 months and I haven’t seen a cockroach for ages 😀
    Sorry about that, a bit off topic 😀 But only because I couldn’t get your recording to work. Beautiful picture though, a lovely reflection of springtime, thank you for sharing ❤ 😀

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    1. Mark, are you by chance on Windows? How about trying your cellphone? Can you get the WP app? I feel awful you didn’t hear this recording. It is just so good. As for cockroaches we don’t have that problem. Just fox and rabbit and deer and coyote and biting black gnats and skeeters and ants and aphids …. to name just a few. Wild Inc. here lately!! Whew!

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      1. Thank you Amy, I got it on my cell phone. Beautiful…you could just drift off with those sounds 😀
        As for your hordes of attacking creatures…maybe you should play this recording around your home…that would make them all feel relaxed and leave you alone 😀

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      2. You are too funny, Mark. Did I mention coons? Yep those too. I really doubt they would doze off because our property is a bird sanctuary and we hear birdsong all day long here, just no bullfrogs. I really did stand listening to what you heard for a long time. I wasn entranced. The bloodsuckers were not at that site … not until I turned a corner, wandered a gander and stopped at another pond aka swamp. Then I got attacked. Perhaps I ought to carry this recording around with me to put a spell on the biting creatures to lull them into complacency? Now that is a brilliant idea! LOL 😂

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  4. This is gorgeous picture!!! I am sorry to hear that you got bombarded with insect bites but the remedy you had sound wonderful. I will keep that in mind.. Thank you for sharing!

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    1. Thank you so very much, YellowCable! I’ve got a huge smile on my face when I read your compliment. And you are very welcome about my plan to fight against these insects. I’ve got to do something or really get bitten alive! 💞🌹💞

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      1. I am wondering whether there is any to prevent from getting bitten at the first place. I know there are number of products out there but I do not think they work 100%.

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      2. I don’t think anything is 100%. I’m also thinking of buying a long sleeve linen shirt and pants and a hat with netting on it. No joking on my part. If you had seen how bad my eye blew up you would understand how bad these bugs are this year. And the other bites I have as well.

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      3. I think I understand your situation. I think it also depends how body reacts to the foreign toxin from the bites. Some have little or no reaction while others have severe case.

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      4. I normally don’t react like this. If I’m going to get the shots I would like I really have to prepare. There has been just too much rain here … hence the extremity of these insects. As for me I’ve changed my diet so maybe that is why these bites have become severe. I’ll figure something out. I always do.


    1. You are SO welcome, Eliza! I’m thrilled you were able to hear the recording. I stood listening to that Serenade for a LONG time. And thank YOU for the kudos. I still have bushes that need pruning and weeding done with mulch to be put down around them but … I can do them in my “leisure”. I still have the final touches like statues and more border fencing to put out but the borders need to be bought as I ran out. I am really patting myself on doing what I did this year … and I encourage YOU to finish!!! Plug away but do so safely! 💞🌹💞


  5. My brother Randy painted a vibrant painting called Tennessee Spring Serenade. It is similar in its respect for nature but totally hot, neon colors! (Just thought your symphony and his serenade are what Spring should be about, Amy. xo hugs ❤🌷🌼)

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    1. Thank you, Julie!! I actually bought a hat with mosquito netting which I fully intend on wearing the next time I venture into this park. I will not get bit like that again! I was shocked. 🌼

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      1. Those bites are awful. I went into the Everglade Swamps as a foolish kid and ended in a hospital. Some sort of biting insect bit me on my right knee which promptly blew up, became infected having to be aspirated … VERY painful!, and I had a very high temp. I was extremely ill! So when my eye blew up this time I really got scared. And poor you with your legs. You must have been in agony! Just the thought gives me the chills!

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