Trials And Tribulations

77 thoughts on “Trials And Tribulations”

    1. Erika, I’ve learned instead of getting upset or angry that I laugh at myself. I derived the greatest amusement with myself at times, I really do. When we can see life from a humorous lens, the JOY of laughing is like no other. Thank YOU for taking the time to read my story. That meant a lot to me. Many come here just to view my photographs but skip the reading part. I enjoy writing too. (((HUGS))) ❤
      PS. I'll be over later to see you. I think by now you know my "system". (Smile) Much Love!!! ❤

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      1. Oh, I enjoy it so much and I love the irony ou put into your writing at times abut also the depth and insights or your thoughts and feelings which go along with your photos. The photos appear in a “different light” at times that way! But then again, you provide somthing for everyone. Huge hugs and much love to you too, Amy 💖

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    1. Gee, I am actually thinking of cross country skiing, Scott, in this park because they do not clear the trails. It was a lot of work getting through that snow. I’m going to go for a test run without my camera first to see if I can do it as I remember me doing it without taking a spill. ❤


    1. Yep, live and learn. I wondered why you didn’t comment and investigated. Holy moly! I have many comments here on my blog that were not in my notifications. The WP rascal is running around again! Thank you for the compliment, Marissa! Just think how I would have missed it if I didn’t have to go retrieve that bonnet. Some of my best shots have been captured when I looked back to see what was behind me. Cool! ❤

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    1. I Love you, too, Lorrie! Yes everything does happen for a reason yet …. ya would think I would finally GET IT that me stuffing that darn bonnet where I was truly was not working. I just get SO caught up in my photography that I just don’t’ want to be bothered with anything. Hehehehehe Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas with much JOY and Love!!! (((HUGS))) ❤

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    1. BIG smile here!!! I hope you laughed, Kim, because after the curses flew I began to laugh out loud. Yep, oh yeah only me! I get the biggest kick out of laughing at some of the things I do. Seriously. LOL ❤


    1. When I bought this jacket it looked like it had deep pockets that I could get in at the top of them. But no. The top is fake and the entrance is a side zipper so anything I do put in them if disturbed may fall out. Seeing I put my keys in one and my cell in the other, nope, they cannot be used. I THINK I have another zippered pocket at chest level. I’ll go and investigate. Truly where I got the bonnet from is a hassle to put it back in ….. sigh ……. LOL I’ll perfect this yet! ❤

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      1. I did figure it out, Kathy. I am putting velcro on the bonnet so I can attach it to the velcro on my vest when my strap that holds my camera in place is not on the strap ei. When I am using my camera. 🙂

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  1. I love it when you get a bonus like this beautiful photo after making an error. My wife accuses me of turning woodworking mistakes into features, all the time. I just accept them, smile and feel good.

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    1. It’s a good thing hubby wasn’t with me, Dan, or he would have pointed out how careless I was. Hmmmm …. let me tell you when I am creating just about everything else fades away. And I LOVE it when “mistakes” turn out to be masterpieces. 🙂 ❤

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  2. Beautiful winter and snow photo Amy, I can easily follow you, when you find the perfect for shooting 😀
    Everything else don’t matter in that second.
    I find it great to fly sometimes, then we forget the less good days.
    Much love ❤ Irene

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    1. Thank you, Irene! I have so many pictures from this day yet I’m thinking I must really focus on getting lights IF I am going to post those. This week is turning into a very busy one for me. For the first time I am really enjoying this season! Yes it is SO good to get lost in a “dream” and I wish I could do so more often. Much Love to you, dear friend!!! ❤

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  3. Might have to see if their is a camera umbrella Amy. One that folds around the camera for protection, but pops open to take shots and protects it from the elements like your hat umbrella 😀
    Now there’s an idea…millions to be made 😀

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    1. This won’t work, but good try. I have to take the camera off the vest where it hangs securely and held in place by a strap. In order for me to take a shot I have to first take the cover off, take strap off, then I have to slide the camera off completely in order to use it. That’s a lot of “doing” for every single shot. In the warmer weather I can just leave the camera hanging without the bonnet on it. Nice try though, Mark. LOL ❤

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      1. Mmm, bugger….back to the drawing board 🙂
        One other thought…what if you had a servant to do all that and just pass you the camera when you need it 😀
        Sorry, I degressed into silly….but enjoy the silly season anyway 😀

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    1. Thank you, YellowCable. A friend mentioned velcro. Hmmmmm…. that got me thinking. I could sew a strip of velcro on the bonnet and hang it from the vest where the strap that snugly holds camera in place is now off the velcro strip, making it possible for me to then hang the bonnet. Brilliant!! 🙂 ❤

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  4. Well, AmyRose, don’t feel alone. I’ve done some dumb things myself once in a while. Like you, I am very protective of my Camera gear. It cost’s alot of money to buy, so why not take care of what takes care of you. I have dropped my Pentax K10d on the ground, because it was not attached right to the Tripod. I stood there in disbelief! How could I be so stupid. Thank goodness no damage was done. My Nikon D7000 is the primary camera I use, so I’m extra special careful with this one. Regards, Les

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    1. Ah, Bless you, Les! Oh yes my camera cost a lot of money and I treasure her. No matter the hassle of removing that darn bonnet every time I take a shot, well, that comes with the territory of keeping my camera dry. I also figured a way to sew a length of velcro on the bonnet so I can attach it to the velcro where the strap that holds my camera in place was, put no longer due to me using the camera. A friend of mine got me thinking and so I came up with the plan. And darn it if I was just not on Amazon putting in an order and I forgot the velcro. I avoid stores as much as I possibly can at this time of year.
      Shocking about your camera falling. OMGOSH I would have had heart failure on the spot. Thank goodness no damage was done!! There is SO much to remember and take into consideration especially when using a tripod. That is probably what I will be doing this night as I go looking for Christmas lights. Yep, the time has come ….. Much Love, ❤


  5. Amy, this photo is lovely and life is not life without a few trials and tribulations. 🙂
    Just popping my head up from behind my cloud Amy as I reach up and soak up all of your Sunshine smiles here.. After my absence..
    To wish you a beautiful Christmas with your loved ones and to wish you a Happy and Peaceful New Year..
    Now to soak up more of your Sun.. as I flick back through some of your photo posts

    Hugs to you.. Sue xxxx ❤

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  6. Your dressed in a festive mood Amy,
    Is your hair really that orange like Eppies hair!!!!
    (hunger games reference.)
    Merry Christmas,
    The time when everyone thinks of giving.

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  7. It is like a lesson to us that while rushing we may lose something precious to us, maybe a friend we put on the side burner and they may get sick, we didn’t know and other things which are valuable. To me, the bonnet was like a metaphor for special people we should take the extra time to listen instead of rushing by. Love you Amy! Sorry I fell bad we had a horrible fall of 50 hour weeks and I missed you more times than I should. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2017!! xo ((HUGS))

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    1. LOVE your metaphor, Robin. Only you would think of something like that. I was not about to leave behind that bonnet, oh no!!! So Much Love to you and stay well!!! (((HUGS))) ❤


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