
115 thoughts on “Destiny”

  1. Beautiful shot Amy 🙂
    I wish for you to get many wonderful days to photograph exactly, what you wish to.
    The fight to freedom is not easy and have never been, but so much delight, when we can feel just a little change in the right direction day by day.
    Send my love to you and your big family, my friend,
    ❤ Irene

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    1. Thank you, Irene!! Just yesterday I was in this same park playing along with the clouds that were scudding across the sky. Whenever the sun went behind one there I was with my camera shooting. I obtained some really magical images pleased that my insistence of going to this park and patiently waiting for those clouds, won out. Today it is very cool and very bright sun so today I continue on that wooden screen door. And yes, I am outside applying the polyurathane and even with that ventilator mask it’s bad. Hopefully with the cool temps the smell won’t be as bad as it was. Have a great day!!! 🙂 ❤


    1. I’ll bite. Roller coaster? What did you mean by that? Weather wise? If so it has already begun with very chilly nights x 2 and then temps soaring right back up. And the umbrella …. I have yet to figure out how to hold an umbrella and my camera at the same time. Any suggestions I am open to. Hehehehehe Rembember regardless of what you may have heard, I really do only have two hands. LOL ❤

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  2. Just sending your wishes (for cloudy days) hard and fast with all the excitement like a roller coaster ride Amy.
    And you are a woman, you can do multiple things at once AND focus on another 10. Us poor males have to just focus on one…and just to be certain, think about it for a few days first 😀
    Now this bit is just an idea…I have seen a photographer with a smaller, lightweight umbrella actually mounted on his hat (it was actually part of the hat)…it shaded from direct sunlight on the lens, kept the rain off…and even stopped birds pooping on his head. What more could you want 😀 ….and I would like a photo of that when you get yours thank you 😀

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    1. Oh my gosh, what will they think of next? I’ll have to investigate about that hat, and you know I will. And yes if I get it I’ll make sure to take a pic. Now dont’ that beat all!!!
      And about you guys …. I KNOW. God help me, I know! I live with a male who can ONLY do one thing at a time and only after thinking about it for months and then drawing out a plan, a list …. Ach!! Just do it! LOL I look at what needs to be done, figure out in my head how to do it, and then do it. What is with you men? And if I do not get back to you I will be involved putting another coat of polyurathane on that screen door. Hubby has the fire door off in order to paint that and to clean up the messes our babes left at the door. Don’t ask. Cats do what they do. Anyways …. Just a wee busy today ….. The good news is I found magic yesterday with cloud cover! ❤

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      1. Just another thought Amy, I’ve also seen those ‘little’ umbrella’s at sporting events for the crowds (keeps the sun and rain off at the event). I would think the sporting facilities or shops would have something. Mind you, I can’t remember whether it was at the cricket, soccer or an athletes meet that I saw them 🙂


  3. Wow, just love the magic in that picture that you captured so well. Wishing you many days of cloud cover coming up. And also hoping that the leaves will amaze you with color. How much longer will the door take? Love you ❤

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    1. There is a lot of magic in this one, isn’t there? In fact tomorrow’s post is all about magic in a different way. Huh. How cool that you said what you did and then I just finished with tomorrow’s post, coming straight here to your comment. LOL
      I’m really hoping the leaves behave. I’m seeing specks of color here and there and yes have captured those colors but everything is still mostly green. Kathy, we are in big trouble if we get hit with a very bad snow storm, early on in the season because those leaves still on those trees will bring much damage. Not too long ago that very thing happened in October. And here we are almost there …. I answered about the door in another comment. 🙂 Love you, Kathy!!! ❤

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      1. There sure is the magic, Amy! Will look forward to tomorrow’s post. Seeing specks of color here also on the trees. Hoping you don’t get a October snow!!! Hard to believe that we didn’t get any snow till near Christmas last year. The southern part of WI got more then we did. Love you too, Amy!! You feel like a sister to me ❤

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      2. Aw, Kathy!!! Wow! Who says we cannot have family outside our biological family? I feel the same way towards you and I am just so happy we have struck up a friendship here through WP. Temps have begun to dip … in fact it is pouring rain right now. Crossing my fingers the rain lets up, the clouds stay so that I can get out with my camera. At the moment I am deeply buried in comments … LOL … Just been very busy between Life and catching up on my rest. Full steam ahead today!!! (smile) ❤


      3. No reason we can’t have family outside of biological/ So glad that you feel the same way ❤ Glad you are getting some rain since you said you need it after the dry summer. Hoping you get some cloud cover, also. We have been doing some Fall cleanup inside and out. ❤

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      4. Resting today has won over anything else. Sorely needed and in honoring me, I am feeling the surge of life once again. Tough week for me and besides today it is pouring on and off. Good day to watch movies which I am!!! (smiling) I have a lot of fall closing of gardens to do and a lot of fall cleaning to do too, but all that can wait for another day!! 😉 ❤

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      5. So glad to hear that you had a good day of rest. Sounds like you really need it! Happy that we got some deep cleaning down in the living room including windows. Such a feeling of accomplishment. Going to take it easy tomorrow. ❤

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    1. And I say thank you, Scott. Believe it or not, daytime photography is so beautiful on cloudy days. The colors pop and the feel of the images are soft almost surreal. In sunlight colors and objects become washed out and much harsher. This year we have hardly had any cloudy days, but this image was on one of them. You bet I ran with my camera!! LOL And yes I did get wet. On one other occasion I got soaked but my camera of course stayed dry. 🙂 ❤


    1. Mar, I stare and I stared at this scene for a long time disregarding the fact I was getting wet. Every time I walk in this park I make sure that I pass this pond so that I can drink in its beauty. I’m happy to have shared this with you. ❤

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    1. Thank you, Dan, with the good luck! I seem to have a knack for being in the right place at the right time as if guided by Angels. (smile) I have a “feel” for what settings I want to use now in order to gain the effects I am looking for. Now the fun truly begins as I can settle down and relax with my new camera. I’m so glad you enjoyed this truly spectacular place! ❤

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      1. I have an eagle eye, Dan. When I “see” it I know it, and I do not take my eyes off from that spot until I capture it. Even behind the camera I am moving it around to fill the frame exactly as I want it. It’s a “feeling” I get when I hit the nail. Hard to explain …… 🙂

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    1. We are complete opposites which serves an opportunity for me to see your Summer images while you see my Winter ones. So far Summer just doesn’t seem to want to quit. It is still very warm and sunny here. Tomorrow I heard chance of rain so I am grabbing that camera of mine and going to a place I have in mind. Today I rest from all the work I’ve been doing lately. ❤


    1. Aw, thank you, Angel!! I hear there is a chance of rain tomorrow YAY so I’m planning on chasing those clouds to get some amazing photos. Today I have my feet up! That’s important too, as cats do know … rest is major important, yes? MOL ❤

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    1. Oh, Carol!!! I pray that is not true here. Everything still is mostly green and by now we should be seeing some color. I spotted a bright patch of color the other day through the woods and yep, I got it. My Mom is going on a cruise next week up the East Coast to see the change of color and I don’t like to burst her bubble but there is very little color to see. I have no idea what will happen. Robins are still here, for Pete’s sake!! They always migrate in August. It is so strange to still see them. Thank you for your prayers. I think they will be needed this year!! ❤

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    1. Not so sure as you are, Sue. We have had the most sunshine ever for our Summer since I have been walking this Earth and I think since records have been kept. Here we are looking at the end of September and still 99% of trees are green. Like you, it is very warm yet with temps starting to go down at night but those numbers just soar during the day. No clue here. ❤


  4. You have no idea how badly I wish for cloudy days too!!! I just moved to California and there’s not a a single sight of clouds on a regular day 😦 I actually miss just having a little shade once in a while! Great shot and well written words, as usual! 🙂

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    1. Alifya, we are known for cloudy weather where I live and to have consistent sun sun sun every single day all summer long has been a record setting summer for us. The days that we have had clouds I can count on my one hand and yes I go chasing those clouds to hopefully get stunning pictures. I don’t think I would do well in California because the constant sunshine just gets to be too much for me. I honestly never thought I would say that! I LOVE sun! Yet I the photographer looks with excitement for those cloudy days to capture stunning surreal pictures like this one here. Hopefully as Fall progresses we will have cloudy days and rain. Hopefully!!! (smile) ❤

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      1. Beautiful or not, I’m still not sure if I could handle all that sunshine all the time. I am realizing I need variety. That’s probably why I chose to live where I do. LOL Hope you are having a great weekend!!! ❤

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      1. I have a rain sleeve and I also have a rain “bonnet” that is waterproof to put on my camera and lens while I am carrying them on my camera vest. Someone here in the comments mentioned there is a hat with a small umbrella attached that photographers use and I am going to check that out. I just love the effect of what a cloudy day produces when I shoot with a low f/stop. (smile) ❤


    1. Those grasses are called Reed Grass and it is completely taking over the cattails. The extent to what is happening is shocking. This park, a Nature Reserve just obtained a grant to bring in companies to remove these grasses. I’ve seen the beginnings of this as I walked through this park yesterday, and I just could not believe the huge undertaking this will be. In all honesty I don’t know how it will even be possible to rid this Reserve of this grass. It stands about 9 feet tall and is so thick that it is choking out all life. There are acres of this grass!! It’s pretty I’ll say that but what it is doing to the ecosystem is just terrible.

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      1. It pretty much is. We have had several different invasive species of plants take over the natural habitat. Another one over in this Reserve is the pink water lilies taking over the native white ones. Again with these, people are trying to eradicate the pink ones. It’s a pretty futile job because the same thing is happening in that the number of these lilies are extreme. I don’t know how this is bringing imbalance to the ecosystem but I am sure it is.

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  5. What a beautiful poem…. Its very true; the only way to live freely is to let go of old grudges and wrongs. Ive been working very hard the past few years, to do just that. Im still working on it, but I know my emotions are now in check.

    Thanks for sharing.

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    1. Vinny, I just found this comment so I apologize for the lateness. I am very proud of you for admitting what you did here. It takes a very courageous and strong man to work on himself. Bless you and keep on going!!! Thank you so much for your warm and kind words to me. (((HUGS))) ❤

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      1. Irs cool. Thank you. Ive been trying to just be a more balanced person.

        Ive always been super motivated, smart,cocky but whats the point of that, if my emotions are out of whack ,I lack humility and i cant appreciate simple things?

        that negative stuff ages people so badly. from the inside out.

        No problem. Thanks again. Jah bless.

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      2. You truly speak truth, Vinny. Those negative emotions will not only age you they will kill you. Pride has been knocked out of me sideways and then some in very painful and intense circumstances. I too am very motivated but yet have been taught balance, in fact, still learning. You are an inspiration to other men, my friend, who are naught but a big Ego led by their “little brain”. Women like myself respect and are attracted to men like you so if you are still single, you will be pleasantly surprised how women on your own vibe will react to you … With pleasure mind you. Keep on keeping on. I am so honored to have our paths cross. Bless you!!! ❤

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    1. Charlie, it’s been a very long and difficult journey for me, but right now Life is evening out. When my family is healthy and happy, I am the most content. Dealing with losses and extreme exhaustion nonstop for months will get to anyone, and I being only human, fell to my knees. I am back up, yes, and I thank you for noticing!! Bless you, dear friend!! Your words meant so much to me!! Thank you so much!! ❤


      1. You got one thing wrong, don´t thank me, thank you. You are an inspiration to others, or at least me when I see the fighting spirit in other people specially ones that I feel a connection with(And I only know you through the writing), it give me strength.

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      2. What you have done for me today goes beyond gratefulness, goes beyond words. I am really touched. I know if I stay down, that in turn will only begin a slow downhill ride and I am just not ready to concede or give up. In taking Martial Arts I was taught to spring up back onto my feet as quickly as possible. Perhaps that “training” I have applied to Life itself. 🙂 ❤


    1. I was wondering the same thing myself, Amy. I have no idea what to expect this year. It is still mostly all green and by now the leaves should be changing color. I see a speck of color here and there but nothing major. Seasons seem to be changing themselves. Crossing fingers I get to shoot the brilliant colors we are known for!!! ❤

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  6. So lush and green Amy. I love this! You’re doing well with that new camera of yours. 🙂 Cloudy days are a “soft box in the sky” for a photographer! We don’t get many clouds this time of year here at all….our clouds are FOG. 🙂 Same effect though!

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    1. Laura, I love that soft, surreal look which once you are bitten with it, you don’t want anything else. Sunlight makes things look too harsh and the colors washed out. I just don’t like taking images in sunlight unless they are my macro taken when the sun is very low in the sky. Clouds here used to be in abundance but not so this year. When I see a cloudy day I now make a run for it. LOL This image was actually taken while it was raining. If you look close you can see the drops of rain in the pond. 🙂 ❤

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      1. I have the Lee Filter system. It’s recognized as one of the best. I have a .9 soft GND for horizons that aren’t totally flat like mountains or hills or tree lines) and just ordered a .6 hard GND (for flat horizons like lakes and oceans) which I seem to do a lot of. You can google lee system. Their website is so clear with their videos and info. One of the best websites! A refreshing thing these days. Hope that helps!

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      2. Oh wow, Laura, thank you! I will go to their website. I would need a GND for landscape and water. OK!! I’ll be doing some research over the weekend. Once I have the proper equipment I think my confidence to shoot in strong sunlight will improve. (smile) ❤

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    1. Clouds do the trick, Julie. I know it. Perhaps one day I will learn to be comfortable with bright sun photography but for now, clouds are it for me except for my macro. Then I use the low sun for drama and special effects. (smile) Hope you are having a great weekend!! Thank you for your wonderful comment! ❤

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  7. Be grateful you don’t live in North Cyprus, Amy – from May to mid-September the sky is blue, no clouds, no rain. It would drive you right around the twist. We are just now heading into autumn, only 27C today, coolest day since early June, such a relief. I love the clouds because you see such wonderful colours and shapes in the sky, so my camera is now lurking in the kitchen, ready for me to run onto my patio to capture colours and cloud shapes. Love to you! xxx

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    1. Mo, that is how it has been here this year and I know exactly what you mean about driving you right around the bend. It just was too much! The heat was brutal and then on top of that we are in a severe drought. Day after day after day of bight sunlight and blue sky. I thought I would never say I was about to go nuts due to sunny skies. I would never make it in California. Too much of a good thing to me is not good. I require variety or so it seems. Love to you as well!!! 🙂 ❤


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