Two Choices

107 thoughts on “Two Choices”

    1. Not easy words by a long shot to embrace, Amy. I do good some days, I waffle on others, and still others, I fall way short. But the more you accept and KNOW you have done all you can, and just focus on the NOW, things have a way of working out. If I confused you, Ame, I think I am thinking of another post that is kind of related to this one. Sorry if I did. Love, Amy


      1. Not at all, Amy! I’m amazed that you come up with beautiful words that embrace your thoughts so perfectly… Love, Amy


      2. And here I think I don’t do justice to what I am trying to convey. Thank you, Amy, for letting me know you think so!!! FYI … My Heart is up in my throat right now… I just bought a camera body for hubby to use with my 2 kit lenses for his birthday in an effort to get him interested in having FUN again. He is SO good, Amy, with photography. In high school, one of his film prints hung in the Buffalo Museum of Art. This guy has talent and I am really trying to get him passionate again about a Gift he really has. I bought a Canon Rebel T5i …. one of the lower end models, but still a very good camera. I think this is the most expensive gift I have ever bought for him. Cross your fingers he is thrilled and starts wanting to embrace the excitement of photography as I do. If not, I now have TWO camera bodies to work with. 🙂 I’d rather he use it though. (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. That is a such a thoughtful gift. I love to see your husband getting back to photography, too! And, he did it in HS, Wow!!! I don’t know much about camera, I have a cannon EOS. (((HUGS))) Amy


      4. Amy, this is a Canon EOS too. The type is Rebel. Anyone with talent can take a low end-medium camera, and even with kit lenses, do some fantastic work. This camera was not cheap by a long run either! These Canons have a hefty price tag, but all my lenses are Canon. So, I stick with Canon. And I did buy myself my SG 2. Oops. I will have to give that to hubby to give to me for Christmas. NOW I don’t have to manage a heavy iPad for those quick and easy photos!!! I am having FUN this Christmas, Ame, for the first time in a LONG time. OK. Hub’s gift is for his birthday. Now I will have to come up with something else for Christmas. LOL GRIN!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      5. Camera is a sophisticated technology. I’m excited to picturing your husband opening the box 🙂
        With those buttons on the camera, I can do so much beyond my imaginations. I haven’t tried iPad for photography, but I have been using i6, when the weather and lighting is goo, it does a good job. 🙂


      6. Ame, I am editing an oopsie picture right now that I took with the wrong White Balance setting. It was twilight and I had my WB set for day. Of course my images came out not with the right colors but what I saw …. well you will soon see. Just playing around with WB you can do so much. It boggles my mind what you can do with these cameras, and I really really hope hubs gets excited like me. I’m going to make him a cake too. SMILING hugely. I’m going to wrap my kit lenses in two separate boxes, and the camera in a third. Oh, Amy, I can’t wait to see his face!! His first words will probably be … How much did you pay for this? NEVER MIND! It’s a gift! You don’t ask those kind of questions. LOL (((HUGS))) Amy


      7. How sweet, Amy. I’m in tears… Would you consider taking pics and do a post? Guys worry about $$ more than anything else. 😀


      8. I promise to do so. Perhaps I will get my Christmas present early so I can practice with my new camera. I know about the guy thing and money. Drives me bonkers sometimes and yes I am very aware all the time of what I do spend within our budget. I really feel like celebrating after that storm we had. Amy, we have so much compared to so many in this world, and splurging now and again will not break the piggy bank. So hubby might grumble for a while, so what? I will put the manual in front of him (he LOVES manuals) and say READ to learn how to operate your brand new camera. GRIN!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Deborah, I would LOVE to answer your question but I am not able to. I honestly don’t remember where I even shot this, much less tell you what kind of flower it is. This was taken after I lost all my images and in the mad scramble to gain back photos wherever I could, this is one of those images. I’m so glad you are enjoying Petals. You make my Heart smile. Love, Amy

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  1. Reblogged this on Asariels Muse and commented:
    I stumbled upon this blog by Petals Unfolding and it is beautiful. I will be following this one and ya’ll should give it a look too.


  2. I just love the picture and the details. Very unusual coloring but grabs your eye. I also love what you wrote especially
    ” accept was IS in the present NOW”. I choose this. Have a great day, Amy ♥ Love Kathy


    1. I choose this too, Kathy, yet at times not so easy to do. My next post is in sync with this one as I elaborate on this concept. At least I think so. Now off to continue my cleaning. Oh for the JOY! 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. Well, my next post happened to be other then what I planned. LOL That happens to me quite a lot you know. I ought to just stop saying I am going to post such and such, because I do not ever know what I will be guided to post. The best laid plans …. do go awry! LOL (((HUGS))) Amy

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Dan, for the kind compliment. I do my best to keep a good outlook, yet I must admit some days are tougher then others. It’s called being human. 🙂 xx Amy


  3. Vibrant! Lovely hues of green and edge of deep violet! Plants say so much! Just perfect! Thank you for sharing this Amy.


    1. You are so very welcome!! I know this is an unusual flower. I’ve never seen one like it and I am trying to remember where I photographed Her so that I can go back next year to see the flower. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. It is such a lovely season, it seems everyone should be happy…I wish it could be! Hugs and keep the fantastic and encouraging upbeat messages coming.


      2. Holly, I am well aware of how many people struggle during this season, and too, how dire this world is in so many ways. In fact, I was just thinking today to write a very brief post stating yes I am writing very encouraging posts, yet I am very aware of “reality” in this world, and the suffering that is in it. For example today’s post about choices. Some people are in horrible despicable situations, where only their survival skills instincts are evident. So much, too much misery in this world that often times I am not able to acknowledge, for the pain of it. This does not make me blind, nor does it make me think that the inspirational posts I do write cancels the awful situations in this world. I wish. I really wish. I hope I made sense. But your words you spoke to me confirmed something for me. Yes, Holly, I will keep these posts coming!! (((HUGS))) Amy

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  4. Dear Amy, I know where you are coming from love. I am so very sincere when I say that your uplifting words are helpful and inspiring and of course we
    all know people are suffering but encouragement is sometimes all we can offer and you do your best always to give that and it is so very appreciated and love you very much for it. Please don’t stop giving that, your blog is a serene and peaceful island where one can sometimes escape if only briefly,
    love you sweet Amy… Holly ❤

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  5. Another stunning piece of work, both in word and photograph. Heartafire said it all perfectly! Blessings of all good things be yours and a multitude of blessings to all those whose lives, hearts and spirits you touch. May un-ending love surround you always my treasured friend. ~Matthew


    1. “Blessings of all good things be yours and a multitude of blessings to all those whose lives, hearts and spirits you touch. May un-ending love surround you always my treasured friend.” Now I send YOUR words back to you, Matthew, that you said to me. *tears* Love, Amy

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  6. Wow, so many comments. Yu deserve it. What a beautiful symbiosis of the stunning photo your poem, Amy. It is a great composition with simply georgous colours.
    All the best


    1. I am indeed touched by your comment, Stefan. Yes, so many just LOVE to talk over here at Petals. Hehehehehe Thank you for your kind words. They really mean a lot to me. Love, Amy


  7. These were lovely words and such truth spoken in them. We need to make the best of things and hope for a better tomorrow, when today is full of sad or heavy things. Hugs, Robin


    1. I get very discouraged at times, my friend, for I have spoken like this for many years, and have been shunned for it. People just don’t want to hear Truth so it gives me great JOY and fulfillment to know I can do so here at Petals, and many are very open to the Truth I bring here. Thank YOU for your warm and generous encouragement to me. (((HUGS))) Amy

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