Wind Beneath My Wings (3 MACROS)

87 thoughts on “Wind Beneath My Wings (3 MACROS)”

  1. Oh, so very gorgeous photos and words Amy! I am touched! 🙂 The flowers are just so so beautiful! I love this post so much! Lots of Love to you sweet Amy Rose! 🙂


    1. I am crossing all fingers that someone recognizes these flowers because I want them in my garden. They are so gorgeous. I could actually go back to where I photographed them and ask the people who have these flowers in their garden. Perhaps I do that today. (smile) Love, Amy


      1. *sigh* you know it! I tried to find a picture of them, but am short of time to dig deeper, so to speak. Can you go back to where you took the photos and ask the person who lives there what they are?


      2. You read my mind. I’m thinking of doing that very thing today. I’ve never seen anything like these before. Thank you for at least trying. YOU have a great day, my friend. Love, Amy


      3. Someone said Columbines. I have to do some research to see if they are right. And go from there to find a Lovely to put in my garden. (BIG smile) Love, Amy


      1. There are a total of three photos. I took all three photos (and more) while on my knees as I held my camera. I use a 60mm macro lens when I do my closeup photography. xx


      2. Ah I see. I’m still making my 50mm lens work for doing flowers and close ups…need to get a macro pronto lol


      3. Do your research first. There were two I could have chosen, but I chose the 60mm lens versus the 105mm. The reviews were better. I also do not use a tripod so I am able to get into places that most people do not. I use my experience with Yoga and breathing to steady myself. When you use a macro, the slightest movement affects the photo, and yes, you will notice how your hands shake. I also highly recommend an f/2.8 lens, due to it being so fast and so clear. Hope this helps. Love, Amy


      4. That does really help. Right now we are researching another camera perhaps one of the new sonys but the next thing is new lenses ^^ I rely very heavily on my tripod…perhaps a little too heavily lol As well as faster shutter speeds but that is a good point you make about yoga and breathing. Thanks


      5. When you get to macro photography, it is an entirely different arena. Many people cannot believe I get the shots I do without a tripod. Believe me, it takes a lot of concentration, waiting for that breeze to stop, and a steadiness that is almost impossible to maintain. There is a lot more to this then you first think. I find it a challenge and when I get lost in the beauty of what is before me, my determination to become the human tripod just comes to the surface. (smile) xx Amy


      6. I feel the same way about event photography…you just get lost in a whole other world that is so beautiful and pure. I dont think macro photography is where I am heading but I want to try it out to be sure. Also I have been thinking of doing some more personal projects that involve macro


  2. I recognize the flowers as…. beautiful and graceful and delicate. No name, though. However, I recognize a friend by the same attributes – a beautiful soul, graceful in her listening, and delicate in her responses. Thank goodness for those who are the wind beneath our wings!


    1. Oh, Honey, you’ve got these tear ducts active again. I honor YOU as I say how grateful I am to you for being a part of my life. Bless your day for Blessing mine. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Wow! Thank you! I will run with that information and see what I can find out. All I know these are gorgeous and I must have these in my garden. With Love and (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Hi, Laura. I will be taking weekends off from now on. I need it. And as for me being back …. tee hee. I am trying to finish up here (never ending!) to continue planting flowers as well as choosing flowers from a catalog to order. Yep, having fun in the sun! Love, Amy


      1. Thank you! I don’t blame you for taking weekends off. I’m not posting until tomorrow’s MMC. I need to let my posts “sit” a bit longer. 🙂 Happy Memorial Day!


      2. I’m doing the same thing, Laura. The only trouble is, I have SO many posts piling up. Hehehehehehe If I could I would post at least one more time today, but darn it, I have to plant my flowers. LOL xx Amy


  3. So beautiful, Amy. Loving the colors of these flowers and wish I could help you but don’t know the name of them either. I am now humming ‘Wind beneath my Wings’ 🙂 Love that song. ♥


    1. Yes, this is the song that came to Delvi’s mind when we spoke which in turn reminded her of her Mother. Someone came along and said they are Columbines, and yes, they surely are. So now I am trying to get a hold of my nursery, (no on picking up) so I just might decide to again go there. I have another nursery in mind, just in case they don’t have Columbines. Oh Happy Days. [GRIN] Love, Amy


      1. Oh great that you got the name. They are beautiful and can see why you would want them in your garden. Keeping my fingers crossed that they have them. Love, Kathy


    1. Thank YOU, Maverick! They do look like a dove, even the texture of them. I’m holding off in going to a nursery today because it would be crazy busy. But I do plan on having these flowers in my gardens. They are soul stirring gorgeous. Love, Amy


  4. Beautiful words and I am not surprised that your friend found comfort in them .. And it seems many have given you the name of the flowers already.. They are beautiful and look so delicate and such a pretty colour.

    Wishing you a beautiful day Amy… Love and Blessings xox Sue


    1. May your day be wonderful as well, Sue. I just finished up with what had to be done inside the house, now I go out to continue planting flowers. It’s hot today. Whew! Love, Amy


      1. We have rain.. I went to a garden centre earlier today as Its a Bank Holiday here too.. And treated myself to some busy lizzie plants, and a fuchsia .. .. 🙂 Enjoy your planting xxx Hugs Sue


      2. Thank you, Sue. I just discovered I have a new predator that likes to “nibble” on my flowers. This one is called the 2-year old who lives next door to me. My annuals I planted yesterday he decided to pick. Nothing has been said. I ask you, where were the parents and why said parents haven’t said anything to me? I made a BIG show of spraying “something” on my flowers as if it were the worst poison in the world. I made sure said parents were watching. It is an all natural spray for deer and rabbit. And now hopefully little boys who love to pick flowers. *shaking head* Ya gotta luv it! Tee hee. I have a post in mind to do titled HOT showing pics of objects of bright red and orange. Kind of represented how I felt this morning. Flowers are sacred to me, Sue. My friends. At least I got some pretty cool photos from the “picked flowers” I found on the ground. See? Everything has a blessing in it!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. Or the “psychology” of the “message” I sent to the parents. Hehehehehe I have several red hot poker flowers, a sunset, a bird feeder, a tractor …. hmmmm…. Should make for an interesting post. Tee hee. As for the words … fire burns making me hot ….. Or maybe no words. We’ll see. 🙂 xx


  5. My dear Amy…thank you to you, for everything. This flower, sadly, I don’t know the name of it, but for me she already have a name : yours, Amy Sunshine. I’m deeply moved that you always find in you the words to calm and comfort. For me, my mom was the wind beneath my wings…now that she’s been gone for over 24 years, my kids helped to fly. And at this moment, in my present life, a few friends blow a wind of tenderness and love that makes me reach another sky. And you my precious Lady Pink Rose, you come at the top of the list! Thank you again and may God bless you always and keep you safe. Big hugs and kisses from Canada, Delvi.


    1. Delvi, you have me in tears. How tenderly you speak to me, and how you in turn, have become the wind beneath my wings today. This flower does have another name, Columbine, as a few pointed out. I have every intention of getting a Columbine, putting it into my garden, and she will be name Angel Delvi. Every time I look at Her, I will think of you and send you lots of Love. Bless you, so much for you being in my life. I am so humbled and so happy that our paths did cross. I am really happy you enjoyed what I have given to you today. May your Mom see too, and fly as high with you today. Loving you, my friend. Amy


      1. Beautiful Amy Sunshine…we both are so grateful I see. You have become a great and wonderful friend to me. That our paths have crossed is sure a blessing, but I think it was meant to be. You know, everybody and everything comes in our lives for a reason. Nothing in lost and nothing is vain I think. And I’m sure that my mother smiles to you from her cloud. She was a very strong believer you know…the flower Columbine is gentle too. Sorry if I had missed the reading all the comments, but I was kind of tired and so many people like writing to dear and that too has its reason : it just proves to you how much people like you and respect you! I must go again, there is so much to do you can imagine, when we move! Bless you Amy and have a wonderful Wednesday! Love, Delvi.


      2. Delvi, please do not feel obligated to write back to this. I understand how much work is involved in moving. I just wanted you to know I too am very glad our paths have crossed. I am truly grateful to know you, and I am truly grateful to all those who come to Petals. I never had this “friendship” my entire life and now so many love to talk with me. I prayed for this, Delvi, and even though it is not in my life life, I still have the friends and the conversations that I absolutely adore. I went through many years of speaking to hardly anyone, and now to have this, I get down on my knees saying thank you to God. When one has gone without, and then recieves abundance, that person carries such deep gratitude in the heart. That would be me. Love and so many (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Oh, Linda, I just spoke to Delvi and the tears are still coming. Thank you, my friend, for being in my life. I don’t know what I would do without Linda in my life anymore. With big (((HUGS))) Amy


  6. Intoxicating purple nuances dear Amy ! Hope Delvi was more than pleased with this very special and thoughtful post ! Nice your photos,nice your words and kind your thoughts,dear friend. You were born from love for the love’s sake !
    Keep shining my sweet,friend ! Many hugs ans kisses ,Doda 🙂 *****


    1. Not really. And they are called Columbines. I just some today and a LOT of other flowers as well. After this winter we had here, OH do I need color in my life!!! And I have color, believe me, and OH do I have flowers to show you (later). I must plant them first. Love, Amy


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