BIG Balls (4 MACROS)

124 thoughts on “BIG Balls (4 MACROS)”

  1. Oh..oh..I wish there will no rains until these peonies flowering! Beautiful photos Amy, please keep us updated when they are flowering! cheers and have a lovely day..


    1. The rain is OK when they are in bud like this. It is when they flower the rain brings them to the ground. It’s been SO rainy here, Indah, that my Heart is just *holding its breath* until these babies flower. Let it rain all it wants now, then stop when my Peonies open to show the world all their glory! Thank you, Indah! Love, Amy


    1. Thank you SO much! I just followed you, Domnuio. I thought I was following you (sigh) so I pushed the follow button again. Your work is fantastic as well!!! Love, Amy


  2. Oh, I just cant wait till they come out!!! šŸ™‚ I hope you will show me here on your blog when they have blossomed! šŸ™‚ Lots of Love to you! šŸ™‚


    1. Oh, Luv, I do plan on photographing these Lovelies when they flower, believe me. At the rate they have grown, I should start seeing flowers next week. Maybe even this week? I am stunned how fast the bushes grew. Even my husband said, if you just sit and listen, you would be able to hear them grow. Have a wonderful day, my friend! Love, Amy


  3. Three of our peony balls exploded to flowers this morning, Amy! I just posted the photo. We have about a dozen buds. And, my friend, you have been giggly lately. šŸ™‚


    1. I know. I saw your post, Mark. How exciting! Your flowers look different from mine and I LOVE the color of them. Karen must be ecstatic! See what happens to me when I am with my flowers. I get HAPPY! TEE HEE! Love, Amy


      1. Oh, yes, they do! I am focusing to be able to live elsewhere during the winter months, Mark, because it is just getting to a point, I must live with color and flowers in my life, all year round. I am enjoying every second of the NOW while I can!


      2. Me either, Mark. This past one haunts me. I will just stay in flower heaven for NOW. And the rest will all work out somehow. (((HUGS))) Amy


  4. I can see the gold of your heart hidden in these spherical shapes of your sweet peony buds !!! They are round,they are alluring,but not ready yet to reveal the power of their petals … Everything needs its time,everything small becomes big with love and care ; anxiously waiting to see their facial expressions and the core of their inner world .. Love and hugs ,Doda šŸ™‚


    1. I’m waiting with bated breath, Doda. We’ve had SO much rain this year, so I am praying for dry weather when my Peonies flowers. It’s raining now in fact. Bless you for your wonderful words to me that you always leave me. Thank you. Love, Amy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Well, since I was looking at the picture, my thought was that it had to do with the peonies. I know. I’m totally boring today. šŸ˜‰

    My grandmother had peonies guarding the walk up to her house. How sweet they were. Then she cut some to bring in and of course they were filled with ants. I’m looking forward to seeing photos when they are mature ladies. Love, SusieQ


    1. Good morning, Susie! I’m trying to get to your Curious Introvert ’cause I know you have a new post, but your link brings me to your other blog. Could you leave the link for me and that way I’ll put it right on my desktop so I won’t keep asking you for it. (SMILE) And about my Peonies. Strange but this year I see NO ants on the buds. Usually they are all over the place. Strange indeed. Love, Amy


    1. Hehehehehehehe Good! I am laughing too! Tee hee. It’s good to have a sense of humor. Most of my posts are deep and make you think. I’ve been in a “light mood” and so I pass it on to you. *giggling* (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Yes, Luv, laughter is SO good for everything. If we laughed more as a species, there would be decreased illness, decreased war, decreased “negative” all the way around. (((HUGS))) Amy


  6. I love your sense of humour AND peonies. Reading your post and enjoying some big balls is a great way to start my day, (lol). Light & love sweet soul.


    1. Oh, Lisa! Good you are laughing too. Some of us are just ROFLMAO because we just cannot stop laughing. My mission is complete. I aimed to get you to laugh. Which in turns makes me laugh all the harder. (((HUGS))) Amy


  7. I was just noticing (and out photographing) my peony buds yesterday. They’re smothered with ants, so icky lol! These are lovely captures Amy!


  8. What time your post it! I JUST put supports under my peony plants so they won’t fall over. The ones I’ve used in the past didn’t do so well but this year I found mini trellis type supports. The leaves hide the trellis and it looks great! Last year, I barely had any buds / flowers but this year they are full and I’m so excited!! The buds are just starting to flower …


    1. Thank YOU so much for this information. Today I am going to a nursery, maybe two, and Home Depot. I will now be on the lookout for trellises that I can support my Peonies with. They are SO loaded with buds and darn it, I really don’t want them crashing to the ground this year. Bless you for helping me!! I am so excited too. I honestly have never seen so many buds. Please keep me updated to let me know how you make out. And please make sure you take pics!! Love and (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. I just went on line so I could show you a link to what I found at lowes (I’m sure any garden store would have them). I couldn’t find it online but they are flat, maybe 12 inches wide and maybe 36 inches high. AND cost less than $5! Good luck and yes! photos will be posted šŸ™‚


      2. Got it. Now I know what I will be looking for. Thank you SO much! Lowes or Home Depot both have so much at a much lower price then a nursery. Thank you!!! (((HUS))) Amy who is looking forward to your photos. [GRIN]


      1. Yep. Be more risky.

        Have more sex. Dare to go after my dreams and LIVE them. Not get married. Travel. Do more what I wanted instead of what others wanted. Made more money doing what I Love. Have more confidence in me. Laughed more. Done silly things more. Followed my Heart more. Hmmm…..Ya got me thinkin’, there, Audrey, and that can be risky for me all by itself.


      2. I’m workin’ on it, Audrey, that I can promise you. I really am. I am no longer waiting for a certain someone to decide to live, so I am leaping off that board and learnin’ how to fly! I really am. It may be a slow process to some, but I really am doing it. šŸ™‚


      3. And you must try new, too, Audrey. You must. That is what makes life magical. Really. And then you look back and say WOW if I never did such and such I wouldn’t be where I am today. Really!


      4. I know you are, Audrey, and that is what inspires me. And truth be told I am VERY shy when it come to “personal” matters. I am great speaking with casual acquaintences and having casual relationships, but to have involved personal attachments, I am really very shy about it. I guard my Heart very carefully because of past hurts and I really do have trouble expressing myself in a personal way. But like right now, that is what I am doing, even though I am uncomfortable doing it. I am trying too, Audrey, because I really want to have the LOVE of my life but I will not have that until I learn to open my Heart and trust. See? You and I are not so different. There are even times when I post something that is really close to my Heart, and you will find me in bed under the covers, afraid and in tears, because I am showing myself so much. Yes, it is true. I’m getting better at this too, and I am not so afraid anymore but feel more confident in what I did reveal. We can work on this together, OK? I really am learning to trust my friends and to open my Heart. And to change too, in many other ways, which again, is far from easy. And so can you. Love, Amy


      5. Thank you, Amy. You are doing a fine job of showing courage. Just continue. You make people smile everyday. I would have never guessed. You hide your shyness well. Ok, we shall cheer each other on.
        Thanks for the pep talk, Amy. You will get that love of your life. I just know it.
        Hugs~ Audrey


      6. Thank you, Audrey. Yes, we will cheer each other on, one baby step at a time. Change, lasting change that is, takes times. Don’t let anyone tell you anything differently. Patience, diligence, practice, and hope. (((HUGS))) Amy


      7. I’m confused. How many professors are there? And who is talking about a fight? I’m talking you know …. shapes in the sky that look like um …. well … a penis darn it! I said the “p” word again! What fight? Where? With whom? Did the Professor get a knock on the head?


  9. wow wow, how this ball will be after blooming?? Can you pls save its’ beauty and share with me pls!! Hug.


    1. OH, Hadorable, I am planning already to have my Peonies supported and takes LOTS of photos. Yes, I will be sharing them with you. I promise. Love, and (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Me too, Mor! Tomorrow with hubs’ help, we will be putting supports around my Peonies so that when they flower they won’t fall IF it rains. So many years I have seen my Peonies end up as mush due to falling to the ground, but darn it, not this year! I’m gonna save ‘um! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. I know, mine did that too…but I solved the problem by cutting most of the blooms and bringing them inside šŸ™‚


      2. I am not able to do that. *sad face* My cats will eat the flowers. And I have SO many Peonies …. let me see …. (counting) …. 8 bushes? Something like that and they all are huge. Can you imagine how many flowers I will get? You will see cause I plan on snapping them. LOL xx


      3. By the time I am through showing you my Peonies, you will be SOOOOO happy! Now off I go to get some more DIRT on my jeans. Tee hee And under my nails. Loving this!!! Love, Amy


    1. Tee Hee. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s healthy to think about sex. Geesh, some people rear back and act like it’s a sin or something. This country in so many ways, squashes the feminine. OK, this world does. I am SO glad you laughed! So did i! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Oooh I very much have a perverted sense of humor, lol… Just not everyone does >.< and yes it is totally healthy to think about sex! I think the photos are quite lovely, I've never seen them before. *HUGS*


      2. Michelle, you are the farthest thing from perversion. Believe me. You are just a healthy young girl. If I could be young again, I would do things differently believe me. I had such a strict and abusive upbringing. Which in turn made me make decisions I would not make today. Enough of that. Get back to laughing!! YES! Love, Amy


      3. Well today I very much feel like it, lol. Today I definitely got my sassy pants on… tough I wouldn’t mind taking my boy friend’s off šŸ˜›


      4. Yeah, it sucks! Just our current situation, but I do try and remind myself that it won’t be like this forever. Thank you Amy! *Hugs*


      5. If it is meant to be, this relationship will pull through, Michelle. Just remember that, and just like you said, it is not for forever. This kind of “strain” on any relationship is tough, yet sometimes, distance makes the Heart fonder, which in reality is not true either. Any way you look at it, you are in a tough position. I’ll carry you in my Heart. As I plant my flowers, today, one I know will just “remind” me of you, so every time I look at her Beauty, I shall think upon you. (((HUGS))) Amy


      6. I love you Amy. You make my heart melt. It’s so hard and it’s only been a month now, but we know what we have with each other and it’s not something we are willing to let go. It might sounds unrealistic to some but I just know this will work out and we’ll survive this. But more on that later I think I’ve taken up enough of your time šŸ˜‰ enjoy your gardening and I hope you had lots of sun today. Thank you for being you and your kind words they mean so much. ā¤ļø


      7. OH, Michelle, you have tears to my eyes. I just came in to feed my cats and to check here. Thank you for appreciating my heart-felt words to you. I have every faith in you that only the best will come about. For now, why don’t you pour all those passions into something YOU Love? You just might surprise yourself at what you can do. (smile) xx Amy


    1. MOL! Catnip BALLS? Never heard of ‘um, Shrimp. Do you have anything else on your mind besides food, by the way? These BALLS don’t look too tasty and I would bet be on the bitter side. Hmmmm……. Sorry no petals today.


  10. I place stakes around my peonies and create a kind of cat’s cradle of twine to keep the heads up because it ALWAYS will rain! I adore the scent of peonies!


  11. Your pictures are so beautiful, again! And don’t complain too much (lol!)…at least, you can’t say they don’t grow enough! What do you mean ”What were we thinking”? Gee, I thought…well…not what I think you thought of! You’re great my friend, I’m just teasing you! Have a nice Wednesday….big hugs from Delvi.


  12. I looove peonies! I didn’t even know they existed until I was an adult – strange :/ I hope you’ll be posting pictures when they bloom šŸ™‚


    1. But of course I will post my Peonies when they bloom! Oh my gosh, I will cherish sharing their beauty with everyone here. Today I am going to put in supports so that when they flower the stalks will remain upright. (smile) Love, Amy


      1. Your photos are beautiful, and you’re obviously a marvellous gardener! I’m in awe of anyone who can produce blooms like yours šŸ™‚ Rock on!


      2. Thank you so much. It does take a lot of work. I am almost finished with all I bought yesterday … planting the flowers. I don’t know if I will have the strength to begin to photograph them tonight, but I do have a post in mind, with some pics of flowers I took the other day to post tomorrow. IF I have the strength there to do it. I also went to your blog, and it is absolutely lovely. It’s so lovely that I will follow you. I will do my best to view your work, but here again, I follow SO many people, that I am pretty sure some of them are not coming through on my reader. Your best bet for me to come to your blog is to leave a comment like you just did here at Petals. I even try to get to all the likes as well, but I again here, am in a really busy season with these gardens. Thank you for being a part of my life. It is an honor. There are so many gorgeous petals coming that I will be sharing. I really outdid myself this year. (smile) Love, Amy


      3. Oh, that’s lovely, thank you! I know what you mean, there are so many fabulous blogs, and so little time! I appreciate the effort you obviously put in with your blogging. I shall come back later to see how your garden is getting on, no pressure on that post mind you, you sound busy! I really am in awe- not a fab gardener myself, but appreciate gardens šŸ™‚


      4. Well, Sweetie, I did get a post done for the morrow, but the bad news is, I didn’t finish everything I had planned on getting done in the gardens today. I have 6 plants, I believe left that are going in my Mom-in-Law’s Garden. When you see the pics I will take on all the plants I put in over 3 days, you will understand, and say wow! So tomorrow I will finish up with Mom’s Garden, then on to assisting hubs with stakes and tying up my Peonies, getting ready for them to bloom. Exciting things are a-happenin’! Love, Amy


  13. It looks there was no wind even light air breath by the time you took these pictures. And your arms and body are pretty stable. No shaking at all. Strong woman! Lovely Peonies! Do not work hard. Relax sometime and enjoy your garden.


    1. Thank youAlexander. I stand poised and ready, actually holding my breath at times wating, wating, waitng for that lull in the breeze then SNAP! I was just thinking how it is possible to maintain such steadiness when I take my photographs. I came up with the answer. I practiced Yoga for many years and in combination of learning Mind over Matter in life, plus life itself has brought circumstances that have made me very strong. So, Yoga, plus Mind, plus inner strength. I am able to shoot 1/40 shutter speed with my macro. It is not easy and I do not do it often. But yes I have done it. Yes, I amaze myself. So, even when I want to complain about the “tough” life I have had, I won’t for it has molded me into who I am today, enabling me to do what I do. And yes I do enjoy my gardens. I have a post to show you I do which will probably go up tomorrow. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. I am with you. I don’t like a tripod. I think it limits you. Now when I shoot water falls I will be using a tripod, because I want to experiment with shutter speed. Have a great day, my friend! Love, Amy


    1. Probably in about one week, Lor. Hubs and I are working on supports for them today and I continue planting the zillion flowers I bought. I am trying to figure out just where to put all these babies. LOL Love, Amy


      1. Everyday I rub some Rose butter or put on my leathers I shed a tear. Because they remind me of my sweet sis.

        Please check out my new post Honor. I wrote it Monday a dedication to solders.

        I love and miss you more and more everyday.

        Lora šŸ» hug for my sweet sis xoxoxox


      2. Oh, Lora, you are making me cry. You don’t know how I wish some of my WP friends were in my life for real. I’ve been so busy with gardens I haven’t been around to the blogs much. When I am on break I will go and see your post. Please say hi to Erik and tell him I wrote a review for his book. Honestly, Lora, some days are so hard. I want to be close to my friends. OK. Enough. Wipe the tears and just go back to planting flowers. I bought SO many flowers that I will have hundreds of pics to show everyone. *I am glad you got a giggle out of what I wrote on the post* BIG (((HUGS))) Amy


What we think and write and say become our reality ....