War Must Cease (9 MACROS)

191 thoughts on “War Must Cease (9 MACROS)”

  1. You are very right in saying “War Must End.” Being a US Navy Vietnam Vet I have seen just what War can do. I was only 19 yrs. old then and had to grow up real fast. I’ve seen things that most people will never see and I still can vision in my minds eye some of the unpleasant sights of War.


    1. Oh, Les, my husband is a Vietnam Vet and to this day he has trouble. I am SO sorry you too had to see the atrocity of war. War does not end when the “child” leaves war to go home. That war continues and affects that “child” now “old man” as well as his family. I pray for Peace for you. I may not have been in Nam, but I have seen what Nam has done to my husband. And as an extension, I too have been affected by Nam. (((HUGS))) Amy


  2. I’ve found I can’t leave a comment on your most recent posts for some reason or other… Have you abandoned me? You wanna got to war? LOL! I’m sure it must just be wordpress neglecting to press words again.

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    1. No, Darrell, I needed some time to myself on account of my Dad. It’s not WP this time, it’s me. I closed comments in order for me to have some quiet time. I take it you missed me. Well, that means distance does make the heart fonder, so when I come back, you’ll be even more happy to see me. I’ll be back soon, I promise. I haven’t gone anywhere. I went for a walk yesterday and OH BOY did I ever find some magic with my camera. LOL But, again you must wait like a patient boy. All in good time. Peace, Amy


    1. Oh, Nicci, thank you so very much for your precious words to me. I have been getting bolder since this post I published, not being so afraid of what others will think. It is freeing! Bless you for saying what you did to me. Love, Amy ❤

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      1. *tears* Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my Heart. The message that war is unacceptable anymore needs to be heard until all people upon this earth walk away from war. That means it begins with self. Bless you, bless you, Nicci, for helping me spread Truth. I am so touched. Love, Amy ❤

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      2. You touched me deeply because you made the message simple, powerful, and visual. The wilted flowers evoke the destruction of war without showing the images of war we all know too well. You are right it starts with self and your post gives a single person a clear thought and imagery to have in her heart and mind so she can visualize and feel peace. Then there is no justifying war any more in our hearts. Wouldn’t it be nice if today’s babies never had to learn that war is still happening in their world? If it was just in history books?

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      3. Wouldn’t it even be nicer that war is no longer mandatory to learn in history, Nicci? That the babies of today will grow up in complete Peace living in a world which no longer even focuses on war, but only on Peace, Goodness, and Love. Now that would be something!!!

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  3. I am a non photographer , and I never knew how compelling and powerful the message could be if delivered with such exquisite photographs.

    With every few lines I read, followed by a beautiful photograph there was this sudden revelation within to prostrate before mother nature and resolve to sustain peace….

    My heart hums along with your words, softly yet so loud for all of us to heed !! < 3 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You have put tears in my eyes. For years my “mission” here has been to encourage the Way to Love is to get back to our Connection to Mother Nature. My “Gift” is to “hear” Words that just match what I shoot with my camera, or when I am editing the images themselves, the Words speak to me. YOU understood what I have been doing for years here in ONE visit. I’m stunned. Bless you from the bottom of my Heart! Your poetry blesses me immensely!! Much Love to you this day, Shefali! 💞🌹💞

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      1. The very first lines I read on your blog, why colors are more prominent on those buds and your discernment … how those buds might have received your focus and attention more…. That was the very moment how you are person so hopeful, filled with love and affection and aim to spread it well….

        You have natural inclination towards nature to photograph the perspectives of nature and ornament it with yours words. It was so natural for me to be drawn to them…

        How happy I am to come across this eye-opening blog of yours…. Petals Unfolding… Not just yours, but a flower just bloomed in my heart too…

        I feel so at peace.. thank you dearest Amy.. ❤

        More love to you! ❤

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      2. Shefali, you have no idea what your words have meant to me on this occasion. I am carrying your words with me all day long hugging them close to my Heart. As I said over at your blog, you have so much wisdom for one so young. I feel so blessed to have had these conversations with you today. I was nervous speaking as I did the first time I spoke with you, really not knowing your forthcoming response. Look at all the good that has come forth from the Truth spoken between the two of us. May your day be glorious and be filled with much Love and Peace! 💖🌹🌻🌸💖

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      3. We are the souls and souls connect, woven with silver threads of this virtual world….

        Thank you for accepting me and my words for them to resonate with you… I look forward to read more of your heartfelt work…

        Love and Peace… Have a great day Amy!

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  4. This is a lovely post and a lovely blog. Hollywood and media hawks have got us all used to constant war, but we humans need to get past our ideologies of aggression.

    My good friend Lao Tzu said that those who have compassion when they do battle will be victorious. Those who defend themselves similarly will be safe. Heaven will rescue and protect them with compassion.

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    1. Patrick, bless you for commenting on a post that has not been seen in a while by anyone, not that I know of. War is horrible and the results of any war remains with that person for the rest of his or her life.

      I like your friend Lao Tzu. I have many of his books and my intention each and every day is to walk in Love, Compassion, Kindness, and Peace. Powerful words you left for me to read. THANK YOU!! 💝💝💝

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