The Big Mamma (3 MACROS)

42 thoughts on “The Big Mamma (3 MACROS)”

  1. Amy no worries.. I have sat on my PC nearly ALL day trying to catch up with my fellow blogging friend… There is only Soooooo much we can do.. We happen to be human, although at times I think I am wonder woman LOL.. I also know another Wonder Woman who does Wonders with her Garden and the time she has in them.. Love and Bright Blessings… See you soon.. Oh and watch those thorns.. 🙂 Hugs Sue xoxox


    1. Love you, Sue. Just came in to check on everything …. and yep I do have some scratches. And yes again, I can only do so much. I’ll be SO glad when this is over with … the gardening that is. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Kathy, he is. HE IS!!! He does not recognize me right now, poor guy. But I am SO SO relieved he is home. OMG! He’s never been out all night long. He is neurologically special and if his neck is out and there is a high stress in his life, he blanks out. With Love my Doodles will come back to us. Love, Amy


      1. In more ways then one, Kathy. He is neurologically different and he has a powerful connection to my Heart. Thank you for caring!!! Love, Amy


    1. Take my word when you see the after photo you will agree with me it was a mess. I am still not done. Yivey! Hopefully one more day will do it!!! Love, Amy


  2. Even we are in the process of making a new garden, and bought 5 different types of rose plants last day.
    Though my wife is the person in charge of garden my help is limited to transportation and a bit of manual labor 🙂
    For me the motive is, flowers and butterflies, as you could guess 🙂


    1. Now, Sreejith, if you don’t put in the LABOR of the garden, you won’t appreciate those beauties when they bloom. There is nothing like getting your hands in the earth. Of course I use leather gloves. Tee Hee. Yesterday I saw HUGE spiders in my Rose Garden *shudder* about the size of a quarter. Not sure if you know what that is, but these babies were BIG! I have never seen spiders around here that size. Yes, leather gloves do come in handy. LOL Love, Amy


      1. Frankly speaking, my wife is the “Garden in Charge” and I am just an observer. When ever she needs any help I’ll go and help her out 🙂
        But, as you said, you could feel the happiness of bloom fully, only if you had sweated for it.


  3. such a wonderful escape! I just started a rose garden. I don’t have a green thumb but I am giving this a shot. I have had a few roses and some promising buds going on now. I am not a great photographer like you, but will take a snapshot when it is finished. Love this photo of yours, thanks for the inspiration (((hugs))) Holly!


    1. Holly, any questions you have about Roses let me know. They are challenging to grow. This is not a flower you can just stick in the ground and let grow. A lot of tender loving care goes into a Rose. Insects and black spot are the two main deterrents that will hurt your Roses. Best of luck!!!! xx (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. I will do that, I have followed the directions for planting, feeding, sunlight and water…they have some new shoots so I am hopeful. Thank you Amy!


      2. Let them know they are Loved. I know this sounds silly, but it works. No need for verbal words, just a feeling of Love towards the plant. Love all on its own does wonders. xx


  4. Lovely macro shots Amy! And so glad Doodles made it back, thanks to your loving stalking. :)) I am now just getting to my reader. We have been busy packing for a big move and I miss my blogging friends desperately. May your garden grow as beautifully as your soul. Hugs.


    1. I am SO glad to see you back!!! Thank you for your words about Doodles. He still goes in and out of reality (impaired neurologically) but he is staying present for longer periods of time. All of my cats were SO frightened about what happened to Doodles, they don’t even want to go out right now. It really was a hell of a week with those windows being put in. WE are getting back to noramalcy and quiet. And oh, yes, I DO know how to be a cat. I’ve had much training. *laughing* Love, Amy


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