
83 thoughts on “Synchronicity”

  1. Oh yes, I’m a big believer that everything happens for a reason, even the crappy stuff. Clearly you were meant to go down that access road. Beautiful post and pics Amy and I look forward to seeing what you find when you go back to that park. Loved reading this 🌹❤️

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    1. Thank you, Miriam! I’m thinking of going back to that park today even though it is very overcast and rainy. As for, everything does happen for a reason …. yep. Although, to be honest, I must admit there are several circumstances that leave me questioning WHY this is happening. Interpret that as the crappy stuff. Patience …. eventually (as is my experience) I will be shown the WHY. I’m so happy you both related to what I wrote and enjoyed my post today. Have a great Sunday!! 🌟🌟🌟

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      1. Oh yes, I know what you mean about the whys? Who can figure why things happen. Hope you got back to the park even amidst the grey sky. It’s a cold Monday morning here but the winter sky is blue. Have a great week ahead Amy. xx

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  2. I love colour and your flowers fill the brief for me! They’d make a beautiful bright inspiring collage! Enjoy your adventure Amy, I’m looking forward to your next post!

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    1. Hopefully my next post will be about this new park. Crossing fingers the weather will be a bit drier for me to go. I did have a bit of time today but not enough. As it is I ended in another park in a downpour. I had my umbrella hat on (no joke!) and my rain coat and pants on as well. I mostly enjoyed the walk …. I am thrilled you stopped by to see my flowers. My Lilacs and Peonies this year have been exceptional. Yes these flowers too. (smile) 🌟🌟🌟

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    1. Holly, I see my Chiropractor on a regular basis. Without that man I would not be as well as I am today. This appt. however was sooner then “expected” for my next appt. This bombshell experience was an eyeopener how emotional stress can and does effect our physical body. Sending Love right back at you! 💜💜💜

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    1. George, when I check this park out I will know instantly if it is safe or not. I went to one forest a few years ago and just driving in the parking lot alarmed me. I never went back. Thank you on the compliments regarding my images. I LOVE to share what I LOVE to do!! Much Love to you! 💜💜💜

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  3. The more tuned in you become, the more blatant the synchronicities become. And you stop trying to rationalize them. Sometimes they are clearly pointing the way to something specific, sometimes they’re just a smile from the Universe, letting us know we’re being watched over. ☁️♾☁️ Have a delightful Sunday, beautiful Amy. 💗🐇

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    1. I’ve stopped rationalizing a long time ago, Julie. I frustrate hubby so many times cuz he wants to know HOW I know or WHY I did something. I can’t explain. I just follow my Inner Guidance. LOL It’s become a way of life for me …. I wouldn’t want it any other way!! You have a delightful Sunday as well, dear friend!! 🦋🌟💜

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  4. These are beautiful images, Amy. I love the water drops. I discovered my favorite park after being forced off the highway by an aggressive city bus. I stop there almost every day now. I love it when life works like that.

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    1. Thank you, Dan, so much! How awesome that you discovered your now favorite park after being forced off the highway. I LOVE stuff like this when it happens. I am so looking forward in exploring my new find. Hope your weekend was a great one!!

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  5. If we don’t venture out beyond where we are, we never experience what that unknown has to offer us. Scary stuff to many, an exciting challenge to others. What these excursions into the unknown require for our safety is faith! Belief that all is as it should be and then we are given lessons to be learned from the journey. And now you have a new park to explore! This synchronicity is what we have forgotten, it is our compass for our excursions, it guides us along if we are open to following. So glad you did, whether your choice or not you followed and were rewarded! Happy Sunday AR! Hugs…VK ❤

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    1. You are so right, VK. How oft though, do we tend to do the same thing over and over again? Yep, I know I do at times and then I complain to myself that I’m no longer interested. Well! I’ve got a whole new playground to explore. I can’t wait! I enjoy adventure and doing things at the spur of the moment. I’ve discovered so many wonderful things doing this. I LOVE synchronicity. When it happens I celebrate! Listening to my Inner Guidance no matter how silly it may seem, always leads me right. Much Love to you!! 💞💞💞

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  6. I always forget to comment on your photos AR…Sorry. I get caught up in your thought process. I love the flowers and buds you captured! It is so wonderful to see color again and watch the flowers grow. Thanks for sharing your talent my friend….VK ❤

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    1. Aw, thank you, VK! I do not ever tire of getting comments about my photography. I find such great happiness knowing my images stirred someone else’s Heart. Oh yes I LOVE the color that is popping. I’ve got my gardens timed for the most part so that when one part of my gardens goes down, another part perks up. It’s so cool. I really didn’t plan it that way. It just happened. LOL (((HUGS))), friend!! 🌟🌟🌟


  7. Going out of comfort zone once in a while is a good thing. I think that is pushing yourself to discover or learn new things. I don’t like the feeling to step out of my comfy zone either. But once you step across that line, you always find something surprising.

    Amy you have made these already beautiful flowers even more beautiful !

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    1. I agree, YellowCable, about stepping out of our comfort zone and how it many times is just not easy to do. Thank you ever so kindly with your gracious and kind compliments regarding my flowers. I’m just so happy you enjoyed this post. 🌟🌟🌟

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  8. I love how you weave your stories with your beautiful photos. I resign myself to the adage ‘we have to take the good with the bad’ And the good is alway so much more rewarding 🙂 ❤

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    1. Aw, thank you, Kathy. I’ve had plenty of bad believe me. When I get the good I am so so grateful for it! I’m so touched you enjoyed my post and how I “weave my stories with my beautiful photos.” Two birds with one stone or something like that … smile. Much Love to you! 🌟🌟🌟

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    1. If I focused on the bad that has come my way like so many do, I’d have my chin on my shoes and boy, I just don’t want to. So yes everything does happen for a reason even if it hurts or even if I don’t want that particular “lesson”. Eventually things do have a way of working out. My photos …. THANK YOU!! The rain this year has made such vibrancy in my gardens. Amazing! I plan on taking many more pictures later this evening ….. Have a great day, Eliza!! 🌟🌟🌟

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  9. Very cool – life synchronicities!! The best part is you are aware enough to recognize a gift – instead of a pain in the butt detour and getting all upset about it – you felt the excitement of it all!! That’s awesome. How many people miss out on “gifts” that the universe is trying to present us with! Thanks for the lovely photos too – brighten my day!! Much love, Donna

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    1. LOL, Donna! The first time on the way to my appt. I was upset. I don’t like being late and I don’t like other people waiting for me when I tell them I will be at their place at a certain time. That’s just the way I am. However, on the way back, after being adjusted, I didn’t feel pressured and so off I went on an adventure. I “feel” or “sense” things all the time …. I was just talking about that with Jen, one of the owners of the goats I wrote about. She was astonished I caught her one day with some bug spray I made for them. She asked me, “Do you know what the chances are of you actually being here when I am?” I laughed. I was guided I told her to come. She got it right away. She’s like that too. Cool beans. People are listening to their Inner Guidance. LOVE IT!!! So glad you stopped by and that my flowers brightened your day. This weather has been downright awful! *shakes head* Not sure if it has been pouring your way again but it sure has here. Unbelievable! Never have I seen so much rain! Much Love to you! 🌟🌟🌟

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    1. Thank you, Gigi!! Checked out this park and that will be coming soon. Let’s just say it wasn’t what I “expected”. Smile …. 🦋🦋🦋


    1. Wendy, thank you so so much!! My flowers this year are just so vibrant from all the rain we’ve been getting. And it’s not letting up any time soon either. Sun out today …. YAY!! 🌟🌟🌟

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      1. Lucky you! Screaming face first into winter here. already had a cold and still got sore throat 😒 Garden looking very bleak!

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  10. An adventure into the unknown – much better than a ‘paint by numbers’ approach to life! What gorgeous photos 😀 I’m getting back into photography – I’ll be asking for some tips soon!

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    1. Good for you getting back to photography! I don’t like a paint by number approach to life …. no way. This adventure I was speaking about will be seen tomorrow in my next post. SMILE 🌟🌟🌟

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  11. I’ve begun to believe in this a lot…that all the stuff that happens to us are bits of the jigsaw puzzle which gradually begins to make sense of the bigger picture, that is our life. Some begin to be aware of it sooner than later and some don’t see it at all.

    Learnt from one of your comments above that you did go to that park. So , will wait eagerly for you to write about it and share pics.

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    1. I really appreciated the way in which you expressed yourself, adding to what I wrote. Thank you! Yes, when we do step into the Flow of Life, and when we become aware, the “clues” do come. I did publish a post on what I “thought” would be my new park, however …. that isn’t exactly what happened. For your convenience, here is the link ….

      Bless you for leaving such a thoughtful and insightful comment. Much Love to you! 💜💜💜

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  12. What a fascinating sequence of events! I was so happy for you discovering that new park and could feel your extreme stress when you descriptively worded “…a person who represents hell…” especially in your “safe place”! Ugh! Looking forward to your photos from the newly discovered entrance to the park.

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    1. This new park didn’t exactly turn out to be what I thought it to be, yet the vistas I saw and what I captured were worth my every effort. I was touched by how you “felt” my stress …. That experience was quite painful. Thank you so much for taking the time to both view my post and to comment. Both are so appreciated. Much Love to you! 🦋🦋🦋

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  13. I love this post for multiple reasons. I feel like I am going through internal/personal detours as I metaphorically am ‘driving’ through life. I am still not done with the detours to get to look back to see how perfectly I am being led, yet I trust that is what it is. So many mundane and intense experiences keep carving our way and coaxing us on our way. I absolutely can relate to how you ‘know’ it is exactly 7 minutes of delay. It is eerie how sometimes I just ‘know’ the time too. The flower photographs in your post are a treasure of a gift as usual.

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    1. Prag, it seems I’ve been on detour after detour, lost in a sense, not quite sure which direction to steer. Yes I too am being led yet I find myself uncomfortable, itching for something different, feeling that “something” different, but unable to see it. I’m neither here nor there …. but someplace in between. I’m questioning so much of my life …. examining, digging, …. asking for signs to lead me the path of which I seek. Like the butterfly my cocoon is getting tight signaling freedom is in sight but still not seen. My Heart goes to yours …. transitions are troubling and tough at times. I have every faith you will have no doubt where you are heading. Same here ….. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! XO

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      1. What a joy for the words you give – they exactly fit for where I am and how I feel right now! I truly receive your assurance and faith, I trust too that I am on my way. Thank you with much love.

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  14. T’is I. Spartacus. I see your site has grown, and so have you! You’ve come into your own as a photographer; creating more depth of field, more of a focus on detail and a “wow factor” of a 3D effect. “Superb” is the only word I can think of. Yet it does not justify such an explicit array of color and beauty! Very well done Amy!

    I get confused just going to my fridge so, you’ve done very well indeed with something as usually messy as a detour. They should provide a free map just so we don’t end up in a different country.

    We have much to catch up on :0)

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    1. Yes, Darrell, my site has gotten huge. I’ve actually cut back on the blogging cuz I just don’t want to sit at this laptop typing all day long. I would rather be out with my camera, or doing other things in life I Love to do before my life is over. The ONLY way I improve my images is with practice and not sitting on my behind. I really THANK YOU for your observations and your compliments on my art. Yes yes! I have come into my own as a photographer and I know it within! How cool is that?
      I don’t know where you have been but it’s really good to bump into you again. I’ve lost contact with so many here cuz when a blog gets this big, it’s just not possible, at least for me, to keep on keeping on with everyone. When I am here, I do me best.
      Now for detours ….. ahh…. those are adventures except when you have an appt. to be someplace at a certain time. Then they are a total bummer. There were no signs whatsoever much less a map. Right! You made me smile ….. thank you! And it felt like I bumped into a old friend today! Another thank you!! 🌟🌟🌟


  15. Absolutely stunning shots!
    I hope your transitional time smooths out and you increase your peace. Sounds like all the signs indicate you’re on the right path!

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  16. Wonderful! I’ve found that the more I open up to synchronicities the more they appear in my life. It makes life into a pretty interesting adventure. Beautiful post, I couldn’t wait to hear where your detour brought you! 🙂

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