Crystal Clarity

64 thoughts on “Crystal Clarity”

  1. Isn’t Max wonderful for buying mommy gifts! Hope you enjoy it and you and hubby have a fun time snapping shots together. Just stay warm while you’re doing it! Those ice crystals make me cold just looking at them…Have a happy weekend ahead AR. Thanks for sharing. May your new toy help to bring you some joy and peace….Hugs…VK ❤

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    1. In all serious, yes Max would want me to have this new lens. Now Daddy has a top of the line lens to use so that the both of us when we go out together, are better matched.

      You better believe those ice crystals were cold! I was kneeling/laying on them!

      As of this writing ALL in this house are showing severe symptoms of illness due to the stress of loosing Max. I’m working so hard in getting ALL back to health. Last night I almost ran to the Emergency Clinic with one of our babies. Thank God I knew what to do!!

      I have every intention of allowing my new toy to give me FUN!!! 💞💞💞

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      1. Yes I use it all the time. That and CBD oil too. Thank you, VK. There is also a homeopathic remedy, Ignatia, for grief that we use. Yep got it covered!!


    1. Thank you, Holly, ever so kindly with your compliment. You nailed it! I do notice “art” where and when most people would not. Something just grabs my eyes and I get interested. It is such a cool experience to feel tied in that closely to Mother. Hope you are having a great day!! 💖💖💖


  2. Awesome work, Amy! And today, there’s all that pristine snow. I’ll leave it to you to take the incredible photos – I think I’d just as soon stay in and stay warm. If you do go out, drive carefully – traffic was really bad this morning and the snow hadn’t even started yet.

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    1. Why thank you, CM! Tis the season for photographers to get real creative. Snow is not bad at all here and because it is not, I do plan on going to a Park for a walk, making sure my camera and new lens come along. I’ve had a rough couple of days and majorly require Mothers’ Grace and Solitude. 💖

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  3. Pure magic Amy! I love them all, but I am especially drawn to the one that has light bubbles on the pine tree, where the light is captured so well that you can see rainbows in the light bubbles, and you can feel the divine present. I always call these little light bubbles angels. You had many that day.

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    1. Thank you, Linda!!! Wow! That very picture you describe is my favorite too. The backlighting from the sun was just perfect. I had to work fast in order to capture those Angel bubbles but I did it! I think this was Max’s way of sending me Love from the Rainbow Bridge telling me …. Mom, I’m OK. 💞🐾💞

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  4. And once again you draw me into the magical beautiful world through your lens – I actually shift from Being in my home into this world! The crystals, the clarity and your commitment – all simply beautiful!

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    1. Oh wow! You gave me goosebumps knowing how powerfully my images effected you, Prag. Lying on that ground gazing at these glittering crystals I was mesmerized and like you taken away into Bliss. Incredible!!! Someone else commented the photo with the needles and the rainbow bubbles in the Light are Angels. How I felt exposed to those Lights I wouldn’t doubt that my Max sent me Angel messages from the Rainbow Bridge telling me, “Mom, I’m OK.” What an incredible honor Mother allows me to not only witness but to share here with everyone. I am deeply touched!! 💝💝💝

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    1. This is one of 3 lenses I have the privilege of owning that are f/2.8 glass. If you don’t know what that means those lenses are extremely high end and will give you exceptional sharpness to the images. I am SOOOOO happy you enjoyed these spectacular Gifts Mother gave to me to share with you. What an honor I am given! 💖💖💖


    1. I am SO determined that regardless the weather this year I am going out in it. I was out today while it was snowing with my NEW lens and I was SO happy I felt like a kid playing away. I have so many ideas of what I want to do with special effects and where I would like to go too. Hang on, Dan. I think I may be galloping into the sunset all set for new adventures. With Max’s passing last Friday, a large window of time has opened for me and I am a lot freer to go to more places. And I am!!! (GRIN!) What better way to get over my heartache then with my camera? 😘

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    1. Thank you, Eliza! Gotta do more macro to keep these hands of mine steady. I was shocked to see how shaky I was. It took a lot of concentration to get my entire body still as possible. SO happy you came by to see the treasures I found in my gardens.☺️

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    1. Gigi, it’s all in the attitude. I cried my eyes out believe me and am tempted to give into intense sadness but …. I have so many that really need me right now AND I am determined to heal my broken Heart with my camera. If I have to walk a hundred miles in a snowstorm to bring Peace to my Heart I shall. Bless you for thinking about me, dear friend. It’s so hard loosing someone we Love so dearly. (((HUGS)))!!


    1. YellowCable, I am SO excited about this lens. I think it is the best one I have yet. I am stunned by the clarity and how this lens just feels in my hands. I have been using it today and believe me, it is worth every penny! I have 3 f/2.8 lenses and this one by far is my favorite.

      And THANK YOU about my macro. You would know how hard it is especially getting on a cold ground. Yet I had so much fun and was in such awe of what I saw! I’m really starting to get really excited about my photography. With Max at the Rainbow Bridge, a large span of time has opened and I can actually go further then I had been to see more with my camera. There are Blessings in every cloud!!! I will heal my broken Heart with my camera! 😘

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  5. Love the shots, and love the world of Macro too! I know exactly what you mean being in Macro – it’s a small world but has many treasures. You captured just that in these photos! So awesome that you have found the art of photography which allows you to express yourself. When I use a camera, I have a lot of fun too – but just haven’t made the proper commitment to it. Maybe next year?? In the mean time, I’ll keep enjoying yours!! Congrats on the purchase of your new lens – Max knows!!! Much love, Donna

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    1. Thank you, Donna. I’d be lost without my camera and photography. I’ve learned that life is just too short so that being said, what is important to me, I do it. I don’t always succeed every single day but at least I do OK overall. I’ve almost died three times this life and really know how tomorrow just may never come. XOXO

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  6. Amy your eye and hand as always dear friend are in perfect coordination. Such magical captures of ice crystals, Snow already since my last visit to see the leaves so golden.
    Each photo holds wonder my friend, like I am diving into another realm of possibilities ..
    But then you are creating A world of Magic my friend..

    Have a wonderful weekend Amy.. Love and Well wishes.. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Aw, thank you, David. So happy you came by to see my macro magic. Bless you for stopping by in the comfort of your carefully wrapped fleece blanket. I’m not minding the cold so much this year for some reason. Have NO idea why the change. Talk to me again in March. By March I’ll probably be more then ready for Spring. (((HUGS))) 💖💖💖


  7. Amy, as always I enjoyed every shot and every word here on my visit. I’m leaving my comment on this post because of the sheer beauty of your crystals. However, I left my heart with Max, in the post with him. I too, have had kitties that just fell asleep with the tranquilizer. They never cried, and seemed to not be in pain, and loved me every moment we had. I loved them all so much. Thank you for all your fabulous pictures and inspiring words! _Resa xoxo

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    1. Thank you so much for making time, Resa, for reading and viewing a few of my most recent posts. Your presence here is always welcome and know that I absolutely appreciate you in so many ways. Our Max unfortunately had a very meager beginning and never did get the proper nutrition even in invitro. I gave him the best life possible and still stumbled along the way. What I learned with Max will be shared with this brothers and sisters, for in every single cat that has come and gone, I have learned immense knowledge from.

      My pictures will keep on coming. My camera is my therapist through snd through and is my main vehicle through which my brokenness is healed. Much Love to you!! (((HUGS)))! XOXO

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    1. Thank you, Olga! I was planning on doing more of the macros today but the sun decided to disappear. I ended up on a couch cuddled with Cookie as I watched a movie. I will be doing more icy macro this year. I know I will. (smile)

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    1. Aw, thank you, Drew. I don’t know what is going on but it seems every single time I use my camera now my quality quotient goes up one more notch. Bless you for the comment you left for me to read. 💝


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