Surprises (6 IMAGES)

74 thoughts on “Surprises (6 IMAGES)”

  1. Hello Amy,

    what a wonderful article.I suppose that those professional cameras have that strong and big zoom and at the same time that image quality remains the same.Wow, the last picture is amazing. So powerful. Thank you for sharing with us

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    1. Ben, I must figure out a system where I am carrying my essential lenses and perhaps a second camera body, which does come with a very hefty price tag. Shooting landscape and shooting birds are two separate entities. I have to really figure things out here. And yes those powerful zoom lenses are intense! Much Love to you! 💞

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  2. I’ve shot with the settings for an hour or so before and that’s even with my 15-45! (facepalm) had to run back to the same locations and do it all over again lol! I imagine that when I purchase my 35mm macro this weekend I will forget to do it again heh

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    1. Andy, this shooting landscape and then shooting birds …. VERY difficult to do with one camera body. I’ve been tossing around on getting a second camera body with the appropriate lens attached …. but the price tag is what is making me think things through. Have fun with your new toy! How exciting for you! I’m really happy for you! YAY!!! 😘😘😘

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  3. Firstly, that contraption you call a camera vest could sure fool me as a bullet proof vest😉😆Looks like it! Seriously it looks complicated to wear😲! Secondly,
    The Great Blue Heron was beautifully captured. No complaints and well done as it was caught on camera at expense of your icicled toes and fingers! Gee..winter refuses to leave isn’t it?! Snowing in April is odd as by now there should be some floral activity of sorts. Thanks for the share 🤗

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    1. You have me laughing about my camera vest GF. LOL That thing has more adjustments on it and if you don’t have every one of them perfect it will hang crooked or not snug enough. As for bulletproof …. you have a point. LOL

      Snow …. groan! It just continues. I opened my drapes again this morning and yep, more snow has fallen. This is “SCREAM” horrible! Come on! I really really really NEED flowers!!!!! Thank YOU for the laugh! You made my day!!! (((HUGS))) 💝💝💝

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    1. Rita, there was this feeling that I cannot put into words that I wanted to capture. I do believe I succeeded. I’m talking about that last photograph. I just stood there and stared so taken away by what I saw. I’m glad you enjoyed my sense of humor and what I captured on that day. Much Love to you, dear sister! 💝🦋💝

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  4. I am not laughing Amy, I promise 😀
    But I could just imagine each attempt of trying to get a good day of shooting only to see the day disintegrate with frustration 😀
    A lovely shot regardless my friend, even if you are now in surgery getting fingers and toes put back on 😀 ❤

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    1. Oh come on, you are not laughing? Well, I am! Tee-hee …… Oh man, this weather, honestly! And just about everything on that day went wrong. I must figure out a way to carry my main lenses and to be READY to switch from landscape mode to bird mode which are opposite ends of the photography spectrum. My toes and fingers FYI are all attached again, thank goodness. And a Miracle happened … I did not have to have surgery! Ya can’t beat that! LOL 😂😂😂

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      1. That is a good thing about your fingers and toes at least Amy, now if we can just fix the camera thing. You may be right, a second camera…but the weight will mean more serious gym workouts to build the muscles up 😀 ❤

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      2. There is an attachment for that camera vest I can get that holds a second camera body and lens. The cost of buying a second camera is major, however. I also am waiting for Canon to come out with another camera body that says to me …. yes that’s it! I’m caught between 2 that they offer right now, but I’m not really happy with either one. So, I wait. And yeah, those gym works do come in handy. I was just there yesterday. 🤣

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    1. Thank you, Val! That blue heron shot is not what I would have wanted it. But considering the lens that I was working with and the circumstances, I honestly did do my best. Bless you for the encouragement! It means a lot to me! 💝🦋💝

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    1. Rob, you just gotta know how to use the equipment. 😜 After almost 20 years of being behind a camera I think I finally got it. That doesn’t mean however, that there is not room for improvement because there always is! Thank you for your encouraging words. I really did not have the lens that this shot required in order to get an outstanding shot that I wanted to get on that heron. But like in all things I do, I did my best. May you have a great day today! 💝🙄💝


  5. Hi Amy 🙂 We all have days like that. 🙂 “What was I thinking?!? or maybe I wasn’t thinking at all.” I have found this state of being calls for some quiet still time. It means I’ve gotten in too big of a hurry thinking I have to rush, rush, rush. In my experience, rushing doesn’t make things happen faster. In any case, I am happy you were able to see and photograph the heron. ❤ They are beautiful and graceful birds. He looks handsome against the backdrop of last year's grasses on the lake. The snow photo looks cool in the exciting sense of the word and cold as an in Brrr… There was snow and other frozen precipitation here on both Sunday and yesterday. There wasn't a lot of it and I am choosing to ignore it all. There might be some more this weekend. Like the birds, I know that Spring will arrive shortly and I am Keeping The Faith! 🙂 Love, blessings and wishes for sunshine and flowers for you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Hi, Sarah. I know what you’re saying because it’s really the truth yet… I only have a certain time window in order to get out of this house so that I can do what I LOVE to do. Some days if I don’t put speed into my actions I just will not make that time window. What I do outside of taking care of these cats is far too important to me to miss that time window. And there’s another thing that I cannot explain yet I know happens. That day my Heart was urging me to get over to that Park and when that happens I don’t ignore that either. Even though I got some really excellent pictures, I truly could not tell you the Higher Purpose or why my Heart was urging me to do so on that day.

      I really also thank you for the compliment on my blue heron picture. If I had had my 100 to 400 millimeter lens it would have been a heck of a lot better. Yet in all things I do, I really did do my best. May you have a glorious day this day even though spring is very slow in coming this year. Practicing patience is what it’s all about isn’t it? Mother Nature is a whole lot bigger than me. 💝🌷💝

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  6. Amy, we all need your flowers. Winter is just too long this year. I was all set to take Cody out for her walk while wearing sneakers this morning, and my husband pointed out that there was snow and ice on the ground. Bah! (PS: Great job getting that heron photo!)

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    1. CM, I could not agree with you more regarding winter. This is very discouraging to say the least! And I really do thank you for the compliment on my heron photo. Bless you for encouraging me even though I did not have the right lens on my camera. I did do my best! May you have a great day today! 💝🌹💝

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    1. Oh wow! What a comment! THANK YOU, Baffled! I’m known around these parts that no matter the situation to always or at least try, find beauty! Bless you for your encouragement! 💖💖💖

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    1. Why thank you, Lilka. So you understand how convenient a second camera body would be. The price for a second camera is not however, so I really must carefully weigh matters over. And YOU understand how different landscape photography is from bird photography. Totally two different entities. That Heron, Bless him, seemed to be posing for me and so not moving. He must have known I had a sloooooooow shutter speed going there. LOL Much Love to you this day! 💖💖💖

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  7. Oh, yes, I am still laughing, Amy. Almost crying for you though. We are getting more snow than usual but nothing at all like you. I really don’t think I could handle your weather, but again, we are always given what we need to handle the situation at hand. One of my nephews moved to Buffalo recently so he and his family spent their first winter on the East coast rather than west coast. Colorado born & raised, post doctoral work in Oregon, now both are working around Buffalo, expecting second daughter next month. Even the high country in CO doesn’t have the snow you guys have in upstate NY! Incidentally, that’s a 4-letter word, you know!

    BTW, Was that your vest you were wearing or did you pick up your hunny’s by mistake? Thanks for making me laugh this morning! I guess I should get back to work on this filthy apartment now. HUGS! ((()))

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    1. You are welcome for the laugh, Angie. OH yes this is my vest. This is what I carry my camera on when I go walking/hiking. As for Buffalo …. why would anyone want to move here? Just my thoughts ….. Hope you are having a great day!!! 💖💖💖


      1. Not sure they WANTED to move there, but he is in a job field that is so specialized he has to go where the job is rather than hope the job will come to him! She is a mathematician and Science Fiction author, so she can work any place, but they jumped at the chance to move to Buffalo

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    1. I just about laughed out loud, Jess, when I read your comment. It’s so obvious you don’t know me. I am tied into a life right now that even if I wanted to go to New Mexico, I could not. My dream is to travel to photograph the wonders that this country holds. I will have to keep in mind the Rio Grande Bosque. Thank YOU for the tip. 💝


      1. It is true, I just came upon your blog but a day ago. I hope that what you’re going through improves and that you are one day able to do as you dream. My best wishes to you!

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    1. You and a lot of people, myself included are ready for Spring! Come on! And thank you about the heron picture. Now I will be bringing that 100-400mm lens with me to that park. The Herons have arrived! 😎

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  8. It is snowing right now here AR…I am about ready to scream uncontrollably if it doesn’t go away! Enough is enough and it is getting really depressing. Brown grass covered by white snow and how about 19 degrees? Yeah right. So done with winter! Love the bird. Good job in capturing him. We are gong through major overhauls AR and lots of people are out to lunch right now. I have been and am having issues with balance and dropping things…So strange. I will be glad as well when humanity finally does what it is supposed to do to grow so we can move ourselves along! So why was the vest so big???? Have a happy….Hugs..VK ❤

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    1. VK, I totally understand what you are feeling. OH I get it, I really do! I’ve never seen the weather like this. RE: dropping things …. um, me too, which is SO strange. I am very coordinated, but lately, no. I also seem to be forgetting a lot or bumping into walls as well. *sigh* Really?

      No idea why that vest was too big. None. Once I make the adjustments the vest stays as is. I was completely baffled. I’ve been using this vest for well over a year and not once has it fallen out of adjustment. I got it corrected yesterday and yes, it was out a great deal. Hmmmm….

      You just hang in there and I will do the same! I’ve also had some very very strange people interactions. But anyways …. BIG (((HUGS))) … and I’ll stop by your place tomorrow. 😎

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  9. I love the original picture of the heron Amy! It is so nicely framed with everything around and I can feel the joy of the capture through your descriptions 🙂 And the blizzard picture is just amazing!

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    1. Thank you, Prahalbha. I myself am not too fond of the original heron picture but I needed to show how far away I was. That blizzard scene as I looked on the spot gave me a very quiet, serene, safe feeling. I just had to convey that with this picture and I think I did. At least someone else claims I did so I suppose I did. (smile) Much Love to you! 💝

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      1. The blizzard picture looks quiet and serene but I think to actually feel that while standing at the spot, you would have to be very grounded as a person. and that’s you my friend 🙂 Much Love too 🙂

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  10. Good mercy, I love the foggy warm tones with that new lens. Just beautiful. It’s all beautiful, but I hold some bias.
    Now, I’m going to confess something, between you and me. As you know, I love the cold and I’m not complaining about the lingering winter weather. However, the other night, the girls and I ran to the store quick and while we were in there, it neared dusk and the temp dropped a good ten degrees, and the wind blew cold. So it was 40, but with this wind that felt like February. And I thought, though I’m ashamed to admit it, “I wish I’d worn a coat.” So that’s happened to me now. It was 40 and I wanted a coat. I don’t even know who I am now. LOL

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    1. Um, news to Joey. That is NOT my new lens. I thought it was but I put the wrong lens on my camera. Perhaps me thinking I had then new lens on created the warm effect. LOL As for that coat …. YOU are in good company. No worries. And when you don’t know who you are, I’ll be there to tell you. 😆


  11. Oh my goodness Amy – more snow!!! It has been really cold and wet here in the midlands of the UK – we pray for sun too but get cold damp rain 😦 Pretty amazing shot of that Blue Heron – beautiful!!! Sometimes I just have to go with it when my mind is jumbled and not focused, I mean and look at the shot you got! Much love to you!! Donna

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    1. This cold in so many places …. makes you wonder. At least it does me. As for the Heron shot thank you, Donna!! I just didn’t even think about settings, just knew I did not have time to change them, and I also knew if at least I didn’t try to capture him, I would not know if I could. So there I was running on a wooden boardwalk covered in ice, camera in hand, praying that Heron did not hear me. They spook so darn easily. And look at what I got. Oh YAY for me!!! (smiling) Much Love to you! 💝

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  12. I have to agree with what the others have said. This is well written and you recounted your camera experience with so much emotion. That is so unfortunate for you to mix up the lenses – as you said you could be in a hurry but sometimes we just are too excited to start doing something. I do not mean to insult you but I smiled along while reading this piece 😊 Yes, sun and snow start with S but they are so different…and that lady who dressed like a mummy sounded like no joke. You persevered and got some amazing shots.

    A while back I tried shooting birds. Definitely a fast shutter speed is your best friend and you just never know when they will take flight. Good luck with buying a new Canon. I am also a Canon person and own two of their higher end point and shoots, the GX’s. Really am keen on a mirrorless body from them…so tempting but might nor totally speak to me. Stay safe my friend. Take care and hope sunshine comes your way soon 😊❤

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    1. Mabel, no insult taken. I wrote this piece with the Intention of getting the reader to enjoy some humor on me. Tee hee …. I do laugh at myself when I mess up …. believe me!

      Oh yes I do know how to persevere and I am ever so glad I did!!! Thank YOU for saying what you did. I understand what it is like to face adversity and to not admit defeat!

      Naw about not speaking to you. I honestly was thinking of going mirrorless but with a different company, if you can believe that one! I weighed the pros and cons and so decided to buy two more lenses for my camera, and as well, have the thought in mind to buy the 5D Mark IV which has a very hefty price tag! The ch-change is what is stopping me from doing that. I gotta feel things out. How NICE it would be to work with 2 cameras because landscape photography is a totally different world from that of birds. When I shoot landscape I use low shutter speeds. With birds you need fast shutter speeds. So we’ll see!

      Hope you have been well! Much Love to you, dear friend! 💖


      1. Good to know you are okay with honesty, Amy 😘 Tee hee hee, this post was certainly hilarious and you got a nice story to tell out of it.

        Bit of perseverance goes a long way. It did seem you were very annoyed and negative throughout, but the bit of positivity you let shine through, did shine through in a big way 🙂

        The price tag for the 5D Mark IV is no joke. For those of us who take photography seriously, a camera body is more than just a toy. Maybe if another mirrorless brand speaks for you, go for it. I have tried Fuji mirrorless in the past and bought two lenses with it. The photos from this set were lovely…but last year I ended up selling all of it because it just didn’t speak to me.

        Wishing you well, lovely ❤

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      2. I’m sticking with Canon, Mabel. I’m just going to wait things out to see how life goes, then I will make a decision. For non-photographers, they truly have no idea how expensive equipment is, especially top brands. I am not about to take a chance with another brand at this point and start all over. I have invested thousands of dollars just in lenses alone. I DREAM of going places with my talent …. yet like I said I have to feel things out before I make this huge commitment. 🌸


      3. Sometimes it’s not worth the risk with a brand we’re not familiar with. If it works for us, stick with it and grow our art from there. Keep doing what you do and share the beauty all round, Amy ❤ ❤ ❤

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