Exponential Love

76 thoughts on “Exponential Love”

    1. Irene, I walk my talk as best I can. The amazing thing is, the moment I made the decision to make this blanket, all thoughts turned to my Mom, feeling Love. I know I stepped into the “flow” yesterday because everything was just perfect …. perfect wrapping paper, perfect card that was this woman’s “baby theme” (no I didn’t know), perfect timing in arriving at the office. I was in tears this morning when I posted this. I cannot tell you how much I miss my Mom. Much Love to you this day! 💞

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  1. What a good person you are, Amy, and what a beautiful story. She will treasure that blanket always, even when her child is grown and gone. I also learned to knit and crochet as a young woman, but I haven’t done so in years. Maybe once I’m retired I’ll start again – I always found it so relaxing, and people do appreciate something that was made by hand and with love.

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    1. CM, I haven’t knitted or crocheted in years yet when I heard this woman was pregnant the huge urge that came upon me to knit her a baby blanket I could not ignore. The beauty in all this, is that I created something in Love and that Love is felt. I am continuing what my Mom used to do and in so doing, spreading the Love to all those I touch. I too find knitting and crocheting relaxing IF the pattern is not too difficult to follow. Not many people make things by hand anymore … it’s becoming a lost art which is sad. I am actually working on another baby blanket right now for another pregnant young woman. I prayed that pregnant women would continue to cross my path so I can continue to knit and as I do feel the closeness between me and my Mom. Have a great day today! 💞

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    1. Celestine, how much Happy you have just brought to me as now I know you needed to hear these words. I was so in the “flow” when I gave this woman her baby blanket, that it wasn’t until after the fact the tears and deep emotions bubbled up to the surface. May you have a Bliss-filled day today! 💝


  2. Amy that was just so Beautiful… You have me weeping now, as I visualise you knitting with love and choosing the paper and card, and how the lady lovingly unwrapped it.. Healing comes in all things, and I think it came in each stitch you created in your knitted blanket made out of LOVE , A Gift of skill, and love passed on by your Mom.
    To be passed on with love to another, whose vibration needed fine tuning..

    Love and Hugs my friend xx
    Sue ❤

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    1. Sue, I prayed that pregnant women would come to my attention and sure enough another one did and so I am knitting another baby blanket. I just don’t wish to stop right now because when I knit I feel so close to my Mom. I miss her so much! And in giving these blankets I am continuing what my Mom used to do … she knitted and crocheted gifts to pass on to others. The work she used to do is mind blowing! And yeah, I was very emotional this morning. I didn’t know if I could answer the comments. I cried a lot when I wrote this post and edited it. A lot! And I cried when I published this post. Love really IS the answer to all problems. Like I said, I will never forget the look on this woman’s face and how she reacted. (((HUGS))) Amy 💞

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      1. Amy I think it is wonderful and yes, You will not have seen my recent knits on my garden blog have you.. But I also joined this site.. I am contributing and will in a little while start to knit to pass onto this site.. Knit For Peace http://www.knitforpeace.org.uk/
        There may be one in your country too. And once you get bitten by the knitting bug, PEACE is what you feel, as all else drops away.. ENJOY my friend ENJOY!!!

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      2. Thank you for the link, Sue. I bookmarked it and will take a closer look later. I’m working on another baby blanket for another woman and if a third pregnant woman doesn’t “appear” I am thinking of going to the church I’ve been going to and ask if there are pregnant “needy” women who would cherish a baby blanket. I pray that ALL my blankets are received with appreciation and awe. I do have the knitting bug and in fact brought more pattern books out from a closet to look at. I asked that this winter I have plenty to keep me busy so that I don’t dip into SAD and knitting looks like one thing I will most certainly be doing. May you have a great day today!! ☺️

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      3. That is wonderful, and while I leave my knitting for a time, this weekend and next I am bringing out my art paints again.. So I may be a little bit preoccupied for a few days, 🙂 Have a great weekend too.. and sending big BIG HUGS xx

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    1. Oh, Michele. Your words got the tears on my end going again. You of all people would understand how deep the emotions go with something like this. I prayed that pregnant women would keep crossing my path, and sure enough one did. I am presently knitting another baby blanket and with every stitch I do so with Love and feeling my Mom wrapped all around me. Darn, I’m seriously crying …. 💞

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    1. Thank you, Dan. I have a “feeling” that the difficulties experienced in this pregnancy have softened this woman. Now I hold her close to my Heart and pray her symptoms decrease and that she has a safe delivery. And I can tell you every “hard” feeling I had towards her is now gone. Just thinking of her baby wrapped in the blanket I made brings tears to my eyes. Have a great day today! ☺️

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  3. A beautiful story!! ❤ You are a sweetheart, Amy. ❤ This is how it is done. One person at a time. One interaction at a time. One beautiful gesture at a time. You honor your mother by sharing the talents she taught you and the story of the renewal of your bond with her. Your kind and loving gesture will stay with Dr. H. for the rest of her life and impact how she relates to her children and likely everyone else as well. You brought kindness and love when she was in pain and difficulty. Thank you for sharing the story!! Yes. It did get choked up and teary-eyed. 🙂 In a good way, though. ❤ Love and blessings for you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Ahhhhh, yes, Sarah, one person at a time. One on one. Now I am so concerned about this woman I find myself praying for her all the time. This is a woman I really did not like however … God is amazing. The hardness in her is gone and a New Work is being done right now. OH how my Heart goes out to her! She is not a spring chicken and this being her first pregnancy, well, yoga is not going to “fix” the problem as she once sarcastically had said to me when I was in a place my whole world was crumbling. I know she is going to remember the story I told her about my Mom and I pray her child Loves her and this woman SHOWS Love to this child in every way possible. She really is a changed woman and how I feel towards her now is nothing but Love. I’m going to make some Lavender sachets for Dr. R, the man who did the deed to get her in this condition (her hubby and the other Vet), because when I went to deliver the package, I “sensed” deep down how worried he is and already nervous. So I will be making another trip other there with more gifts. Much Love to you, dear friend. I told you this would be a teary-eyed post. I actually had to stop answering comments because I was crying (again). 💞

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    1. Amen!!! Love is Magic, Erika! When Love moves nothing is impossible! Right now I am so enjoying “giving” that I haven’t even thought of the “receiving”. This post is an example of how I contribute to Love in this world. And yes, I should have put a “Kleenex alert” on the post. Much Love to you this day! 💖

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      1. Actually, in giving we are already receiving. When giving from a place of love it gives ourselves more than we can describe with words.
        Much love to you too, dear Amy 💖

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    1. The funny thing, Mark, about all this is the moment I decided to make a baby blanket for this woman, all my hard feelings disappeared. All I felt was LOVE and such excitement about giving this baby blanket to this woman. I never thought about how she would react. I never thought my hard feelings would get in the way. I never thought she may still have an “attitude” towards me. I just flowed in Love and just allowed Love to direct me. That day was one of those “magical days” that everything just fell into place perfectly. 💝

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    1. I know, VK. I should have put a Kleenex Alert on this post. I actually had to stop answering comments because I was crying. VERY emotional post for me and as I now see many readers. Have a great day and keep sharing the Love! 💞


  4. Oh, Amy, I have tears on my cheek and a lump in my throat from this. What a beautiful blanket this is, and what a wonderful gift to make for someone you didn’t agree with from the beginning. I’m tearing up again thinking about it, and about to reach for my needles and try to work on the scarf I’m making for a gift to someone special for a few more minutes tonight. You are such an inspiration! Hugs and much love. XOXOXO

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    1. Thank you, Angie. I am now working on another baby blanket, this one a little more involved and until I “memorize” the pattern, have to pay really close attention to what I am doing. Knitting for me is so soothing and brings my Mother close to me. I am honoring her and continuing her tradition of making things by hand to give as gifts. The Gift of Giving from a Heart of Love …. Thank you for reading this post that has such a huge part of my Heart. May you have a Blessed day today, dear friend. 💝

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      1. I absolutely know all about memorizing the patterns Amy. That’s the only part I hate about needlework–the part just efore I get it to the place where it’s easy to see the pattern come alive and you can see how to finish without checking the pattern every few stitches. My mom taught meto crochet when I was 6 or 7, and I taught her to knit 25 years later. I can’t wait tosee the lanket you are working on now. And I totally agree about the relaxztion aspect. Winter nights were made for knitting!

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      2. Hubby keeps complaining that his memory is not what it once used to be. However, he does not exercise his mind in the ways I do. Perhaps if I showed him how to knit and how to follow a pattern and then memorize that pattern his memory would sharpen. I make a real effort to memorize, to remember, to expand my mind in every way I can. And I will not bend to the age-old comment, oh it is the age thing and that is why my memory is not what it used to be. I hope you’re having a good day today, Angie.

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      3. I have had a wonderful day today, Amy, thank you. A friend and I went shopping — one of our favorite activities, and I walked thru the stores using a grocery cart as a walker. We do that a couple of times a month and I love it. I firmly believe in the old adage, “use it or lose it” and I’m not about to lose anything more than God puts on us all at times. You are so right about the fallacy of old age causing people to forget. Sitting back and doing nothing causes most of that problem. I have to learn something new every day or it feels like something is missing in life. I may forget to eat at times, but that isn’t all that important to me. The important things are that I keep going as long as I am able, then learn to adapt to whatever comes next. God has closed a few doors on me, but the windows that open are so wonderful I stop missing the door. I would probable just hit it with my chair or shoulder if I tried to go thru it anyway. Love to you and hubby, and try to teach him to knit. Iknow a lot of men who have learned to knit or quilt and they are all happy about it.

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    1. I miss my Mom so much, Marissa, it aint even funny. My eyes are welling up just writing this. Twice today the “thought” came to call her. *sigh* I’m getting over to the gym to get some happy hormones going today. And as for me being the bigger person … all I know I had this huge urge to do this baby blanket and so I did it regardless of how I FELT about this Vet. Amazing what Love will do! 💞


  5. Very beautiful. Heart touching. ❤

    Please read and review my book. It is available on Amazon-“COMPLICATED US”
    I am a beginner so it would really help me. Please read and let me know.

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    1. Aw. Life is just too short, dear friend, to hold on to grudges. I’m still “wary” of her believe me when I will be taking my cats in, and yes I do prefer one Vet over the other. Perhaps this difficult pregnancy has changed her. I hope so! It took all my willpower not to tell her off before this baby stuff happened. She was just so arrogant and rude to me. Crossing fingers that is now all changed. ☺️


      1. Hi Amy
        We have all been there . The hope that sometimes people do change.
        Life is short but I carry my immortal soul into next life dragging my grudges coz oftentimes people don’t change. Hope for the best. Hugs 😉

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