Back In The Saddle (4 IMAGES)

74 thoughts on “Back In The Saddle (4 IMAGES)”

  1. I love your photos and am sure it was a wonderful day.

    Photo question…. Modern cameras have fairly good image stabilization, but to get images of this quality requires skill beyond the camera itself. What lens did you use? It looks like perhaps a slightly wide angle. That, of course, would work well with the 1/30 sec exposures. Thanks!

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    1. I used a 24-105mm zoom lens. And yes most of what I shot yesterday was shot with the “wide angle lens” option. I’ve worked a lot of years perfecting my technique and still today am learning new. I hope this information helped you. I also thank you for the compliment regarding my images!! Bless you!! 💞🍁

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      1. Nice lens! Years ago I developed a fondness for the wider angles. It is a hard thing to master because it requires a subject amongst a lot of information. You control it quite well. Thanks for the info.

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    1. Not sure on the mild winter because folk around here are whispering we are due for a LOT of snow this year. NOOOOOOOOO! But I’m just a mere dot in comparison to Mother Nature and in order for me to keep my sanity I just accept what is and cope the best I can. For now though, the Fall colors are not all that great. 🍁


    1. YellowCable, there were only pockets of color which I found as you can see in these images. There is still so much green and I’m also seeing bare trees. Strange. Thank you for the compliment. I’m trying new for me and have yet to perfect what I’m doing. Have a really great weekend! 💖

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  2. Good morning Amy 🙂 Yes!! I am happy for you that you let nature and your camera lead you to some quality healing time. ❤ And now, we all benefit by being able to see such beautiful photos! 🙂 It looks like a very good place to go for a walk. Thank you for letting me come along with you through your photos. I love the look of the path in the woods and the reflections on the water. There is something so inviting about a path through the woods. It's beckoning. What adventure awaits? I can hear the crunch of the leaves under your feet as you walk along transfixed and smell the heady mixture of fresh air and wood. I know how absorbing and releasing of tension this is. The camera focuses the attention and takes it away from whatever trouble it was contemplating before. ❤ It is raining here today. Tomorrow, I will be out playing in the sunshine and walking in the woods. 🙂 I have been looking forward to it all week. This is the first week when it has been cold enough to have the heat on. I brought out the two wool blankets for more warmth when sleeping. One of those wool blankets belonged to my Gran and Grandpa. My Gran gave it to me when she moved out of their house. I am happy she did. It feels like there is an extra layer of warmth and care in the blanket since it belonged to them and was given as a gift to me. It will be keeping my bed warm in the cold weather for the rest of my life. As I was snuggled under its warmth last night, I was thinking about the last Thanksgiving dinner I spent with my Gran. It was after Grandpa passed away. My Dad, Mom, and sister were there along with my Dad's two sisters, an uncle by marriage and some of their children. After desert had been served and eaten, everyone was sitting and conversing except for my Gran who hopped up to clear the table and start the dishes. I imagine she was thinking that her day wasn't done until everything was cleaned up and didn't want to put it off. I got up to help her clear the table and do the dishes. She washed and rinsed and I dried and put away. I can still picture standing there at the sink with her as if it was yesterday. It was 14 years ago. It is funny how the memory works. I have a hard time remember names and titles of books, but I can see my Gran's kitchen like I was just there. She was talking about something to me. I can't remember what. I can see the look on her face and how she used to dry her hands on her apron after finishing the dishes. She had roses planted along the back of their house. It was a constant puzzle to figure out how to keep the deer from eating her roses. On one visit, I remember her showing my sister and I how she had hung small travel sized soaps from a rope fence she put around the roses to keep the deer away. 🙂 I hope you treat yourself to many more trips out with the camera. I am looking forward to seeing the photos! Love and blessings to you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Sarah, there is a product called Liquid Fence that is all natural that does in all honestly keep the deer away from roses. You just have to remember to keep spraying after each rain because it does wash away with the rain.
      Memories are funny. I have a few from my childhood that stand out so clearly but so many are faded and gone. I’m so glad you have those wool blankets to remember your Gran by. I have a kingsized bedspread that my Mom crochet to remember her by. Cards all over my house I am finding from her as well. I’ve been so focused on moving ahead with my life that for now I’m having trouble “feeling” the connection with my Mother. I know this is a good thing because I’ve cried so much that I truly need a reprieve. Some day I will have those memories without the pain, without the tears but for now I turn to my passions …. my camera, my writing, reading, knitting/crocheting (I’m making a baby blanket right now). And my biggest Love of all is Mother Nature deep in Her Forests where I receive redemption over and over again as pain is taken and Peace is given. I will treat myself many more times with my camera, learning new, experimenting, and exploring as well. I have more pictures from this day that I took that I will be showing soon. My Heart right now is not giving me a post to write so for now I take care of me and rest in between the Fall house cleaning, exercising, and spending time with my cats. I hope you had a really good weekend. Mine was the best I’ve had in quite a long while. (((HUGS))) Amy

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  3. You’re so right about the lack of some Fall color…we are missing the bright reds and orange this year, many are just turning brown and dropping. Still beautiful in a muted way. Your pics are warm and lovely, Amy. Keep using that camera as therapy.

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    1. Thank you, Van. God knows I am doing my best to bring myself back to wholeness after being torn apart in a million pieces. Yesterday was a darn good start. Oh thank goodness! You have yourself a great day, dear friend. 💖🌹💖

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  4. Thank you for sharing the beauty with us, dear Amy. It is still warm here mostly days and we don’t see so many colors at the trees, where I live.
    Your photos show so much passion and love for our nature.
    Much love ❤

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    1. You are welcome, Irene. I’m getting reacquainted with my camera and the day I took these pictures had in small doses, the “feeling” of wonder and awe that I am so familiar with. I see improvement already. Much Love to you today! 💞

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    1. I am glad too, Erika. That day seemed to help snap me out of the canyon I had fallen into. If there is color around I will find it, darn it. I’m so happy you enjoyed looking at these photographs. Much Love to you! 💖

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  5. Those are some very nice Images there, AmyRose! I should do the same thing as you have. I’ve somewhat run out of Images to Post. I’ll get there. Want to try a NEW thing. Photographing with a Crystal Ball. Lots of possibilities here!

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    1. Hey, Les, I am doing new with my photography right now and there is a lot of room to not only learn but to improve. I don’t know how you can run out of images because I always have more then enough, more then I could possibly post. I am always taking pictures. ☺️

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  6. Aaah I’m so happy you shared the photos you took. I was hoping you would! They look incredible. I’m not surprised you got lost in that last image it looks unreal! So glad you did this and it helped you relax. 😊🌹

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    1. Once again my Therapist didn’t let me down, nor did the Forest, Arbie. I will return again and again and I will write again and again until my heartache is no more. SO happy you enjoyed these pictures. 🤗


    1. Hi, Helen. How are you? You have been through so much. You have been on my mind quite a lot recently. I have a very good idea of what you are going through and my heart just so goes out to you. How I so wish I could just reach through this technology and hug you for real. Once again my camera becomes my therapist and as of this post I have gotten back up in the saddle. I am pretty sure you can relate. Much love to you and BIG HUGS! 💕🌹💕

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      1. Yes I can relate. My camera became my therapist on this latest trip. I was finally able to take photos again. So happy you’re back in the saddle, dear Amy ❤

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    1. Thank you, Dan. The composition in that reflection shot is something new I did and am still learning about. I normally include more land mass with water but I wanted the entire reflection of the trees in the water. To me the image feels “top-heavy” so I will try again and experiment. As for the colors … I’m on a treasure hunt. ☺️

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  7. What a beautiful blog you have created, Amy Rose. Like yourself I have used my blog to showcase nature’s beauty. If we can learn to love our earth, we will care for her and become the good stewards we all should be.

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    1. Thank you, Mary. I LOVE this earth and the Canvas of Beauty I see before me. For years we have attempted to be chemical free on our property but there are times we must resort to chemicals. I hope our example is seen and copied. 💞🦋💞

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    1. Miriam, I so agree with you about Nature being therapeutic. I tried (again) traditional therapy but nope, still a no go. Instead I turn to the Forests and there I am gaining a Peace, a healing, and the ability to move forward with my life. Thank you so much about my pictures!! (((HUGS))) 💖

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  8. Not getting much color up here in Vermont either. Bummer. I love fall colors but this just isn’t the year for it. Way too warm….Glad you got out and about. I really want to but irritating hunting season is in full swing. No way I’m venturing out and getting my head blown off…Stay at peace!
    ❤ 🙂 ❤ VK

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    1. When I go out in the woods, VK, I wear BRIGHT orange to make sure everyone can see me from far away. I also walk in parks where there is no hunting allowed. I will not let hunting season to stop me from visiting with my Trees and having time where deep healing takes place as I walk among them. I will continue to walk/hike regardless of what the weather is or what season it is. It’s still very warm here and the outlook for this coming week still in the 70’s, very unusual for this time of year. So much is “off” about this weather. Hope you had a good weekend! ☺️


  9. Beautiful photos! I agree with you on the fall color. It’s not as brilliant this year and trees just losing leaves. However there’s something to capture as you have here. I hope to get out and paint some of what is available when the rain lifts.

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    1. Catherine, I so encourage you to get out to paint. The smell of Autumn is in the air, and the crunch of leaves underfoot reminds us all that colder weather is headed our way. The “muted” colors this year have had a very soothing and therapeutic effect on my spirit. Please make time to play like a kid! I am!! ☺️


    1. I love the soft dreamy effect too, Julie. I am so happy you enjoyed these photographs. It really does lift my heart up to know that someone else is appreciating what Mother Nature so freely gives us. Have a great day today, dear friend.

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