Fairy Flutter

48 thoughts on “Fairy Flutter”

    1. Whew!!! Finally on this post of the day! 😜 SO glad you smiled at this one, Mark. I was just laughing and giggling as I read out loud again and again (to get the rhythm right) about my silliness. We all need some highness these days and I am doing my share of laughing. And you saw a pink ballerina. How very cool is that! ☺️😚🌸

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  1. Beautiful photo, Amy 🙂
    You made me smile big 😀
    Please be kind a send Odin kind thoughts, he is in hospital for testing now, either for cancer or ? I just hope the best. He has been sick since last week.

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      1. Thank you Amy. Odin has been bleeding out of one side of his nose and it was getting worse and worse. They found an infection Thursday, which he is still in treatment for, for 3 weeks. He is only 4 years old, I just hope now. Thank you, dear friend ❤

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    1. So glad you did get a giggle, dear friend. I had to find a word that rhymed with long and song and so “bong” came to mind. I asked, “Do I dare?” and I answered, “Why not?” 😂

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  2. I was thinking Amy. The more I return and look again, the more I think how gorgeous many of your floral images would be – how Perfect- in prints/calenders/home decor/ greeting cards….
    have you thought about it?
    maybe Society6 or Redbubble.com or Fineartamerica? one of those online might be a start….
    but I really do, think that your love of nature, of flowers,
    esp of the lavender purple shades! LOL comes across to the viewers
    and it might be something to ‘think on’
    NO, I don’t get 1000’s of $$$ hehehee but, a little bit here and there, sure doesn’t go astray either, is my motto 🙂 and its never the original you sell anyway. (a thought, to consider now or later…..) Cheers, Debi ❤

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