Oopsie Into Art (2 IMAGES)

68 thoughts on “Oopsie Into Art (2 IMAGES)”

    1. Wow! Now I’m SO glad I checked right at Petals for comments ’cause this was not in my notifications. Thank YOU, Scott!!! I am just blown away by what you said!! You made my day, dear friend! Must admit Amy Van Gogh has a really nice ring to it. Huh. 🙂 ❤


    1. Marissa, it is hard to understand what you don’t experience. Tell your son it’s like standing in front of an open freezer with blasts of chilly air coming out hitting you. Even though the temperature around you may be “warm” those blasts of cold air make it seem colder then it really is. I also found out the hard way that the wind which was blowing that day actually made some of my images come out blurry even with camera on tripod during long exposures. I never stopped to think that the wind itself would move my camera. Huh. Well, now I know! I had so much fun playing around with this when I thawed out as I slowly got sleepy enough to go to bed. I like bright too. Especially in drab grey seasons that which is called winter around here. ❤


      1. Yes, I think we managed to explain wind chill to him pretty well but I don’t think it could be any substitute for actually feeling it! I don’t think it would have occurred to me either…about the wind making the pictures blurry…but there you have it!

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  1. I could look at these two photos forever. In fact, I keep coming back to them. They help me visit a place I know is deep down inside me, but not often reachable. You know what I meant? The original is in the nearest reaches of my inner being – the pink is even further down, and deep and so delicious.

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    1. Your comments are incredible and leave me almost without breath as I read your words. Bless you for “feeling” the healing energy that is within my art. May that “energy” enrich your Life many times over! You have encouraged me more today then I think I can put into words. Thank you! ❤

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    1. Bless you, Mar! It is those like you who keep me ccommitted to what I do here. I’ll be over later. Promise. Just leaving for vmy barn run and then a good friend is calling. She just took exam where she needed an A. She thinks she fails. She needs an ear. 💕

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      1. Awww, so sorry about your friend. That is a disappointment. But remind her, everything, even that, happens for a reason. She just might not know that reason yet, but don’t stop believing in herself. She is lucky to have your ear and shoulder to lean on. Blessing to you! 🙂

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      2. Depending on what this teacher says when a few of the girls go to his office tomorrow, I am prepared to go with Mom to the dean to put in an official complaint. It happens I am an alumni of this very school and I graduated with honors. What is happening in this class is so very wrong. I’m lucky to have this young woman in my life, Mar. It is me! She looks upon me as a Grandmother figure and her mom leans on me too at times. Wonderful to feel like “family”, something I’ve really never had. (smiling) And now I know what it’s like. ❤

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    1. No snow here, Dan, but I hear we have some on the way. IF the winds behave I could possibly get some pretty pictures. Yes I agree about the color. I am so done with GRAY already. *sigh* What happened to our glorious blue skies??? ❤

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  2. Wow, I just love it, Amy.I can see you had fun in PS after thawing out. We got our first snow Sat/Sunday morning. Ended up with just a couple of inches. Already starting to melt since we are in the upper 30’s today. Have a great day my friend!!! Hugs ❤

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    1. ROFLMAO!!!! Too funny!! Laughing as I write these words. Thank YOU for the belly laugh, Mark!!! Good grief that was good!! No, no smoking here. Wait for the rest of the posts coming this week. I um played with White Balance. Tee hee ….. ❤

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      1. Hehehehehe I actually thought my camera broke as I fooled around with WB braketing. Having no clue what I’m doing … still have to read and learn … I didn’t know for every pic I took the cam took 3. I’m waiting and waiting .. long exposure .. and when I went to delete one I didn’t like I kept seeing the same pic in LCD panel. What???? Heart in throat I managed to do whole shoot freezing without loosing it. I did however manage to dump my 2 bottles of water in a creek. LOL I was a mess that day. When a got home I realized what my camera was doing. Bracketing as in more then one pic. I told cam 3. 😂

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      2. The adventures of a new camera Amy 😀 Plus the old bits take on new meaning with the new abilities. A completely new away of being. And of course trying to do it in the cold gives another whole new dimension 😀

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  3. Very nice, Amy! I love the artistic drama ❤ And I saw you are expecting snow…and I understand how you might feel about lots of snow. But the upside is that it makes beautiful pictures 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Tiny, and yes beginning today, first rain which it is doing now and then snow um lots. Now this is the thing with these weather forecasters. They say lots of snow and it doesn’t happen. When nothing is said that is when we get slammed. Hmmmmm …. Yet I must admit the weather is doing exactly as they said it would. No use getting freaked over this. I’ll just wait and see. Agreed snow does make for some beautiful pictures. (smiling) ❤

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  4. Hii i’m new to the blogging life and was wondering if you could read my work and follow me I’d appreciate it as i am interested in literature and spoken word and lack a bit of confidence Thank you for your time and have a nice day


    1. If you truly want to be taken seriously it works both ways in the follows. And you show an interest in the work of those that frequent your blog and also the work of the blogs you follow. Blogging is not all about you. It is about us. I’m giving you a few things to keep in mind if you want others to follow your blog. Have a nice day! ❤

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  5. I love seeing others rescue their would-be orphans! It’s one of the things that is a tremendous time eater for me, as I can easily wander around trying to fix any number of so-so shots when I’m editing a batch of images, but when one or two turn out really great, it’s all worth it, isn’t it! Well done, my dearest.

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    1. Thank you, Kathryn. I came so close to deleting this original yet I hesitated because I saw something. And then when I played, well, my response was OH was I happy I did not delete this image. LOL So happy you enjoyed this!! 🙂 ❤

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