Shake, Rattle And Roll

57 thoughts on “Shake, Rattle And Roll”

  1. Recently I told my husband that the trees barely had time to lose their leaves before the snow fell. I startled to chuckle because I had this sudden image of the trees crying out: “Come on boys! Time to shake what Mother Nature gave ya!” It still makes me chuckle. Your poem reminded me of that image. Awesome poem! 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Brenda!! I agree that this Fall has been rather unique and my chase for color nearly wiped me out. It was a huge challenge yet I did it. Our peak is most definitely over with the bright colors that lasted but a day or two now gone. We still to this day have trees that are yet all green, and I have no idea what is going to happen there. Will those leaves just turn yellow, then a quick brown, before dropping? Who knows? At least I did catch the peak and now I can rest a bit. Whew! Glad you liked my poem. It made me laugh!! 🙂 ❤

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      1. Here, the trees are now dressed in white. I admit that it’s a beautiful sight. I nicknamed my tiny community “winter’s wonderland” my first year here. You’ve done an amazing job as usual in capturing Fall’s beautiful colours. I caught a very quick glimpse here before the snow hit. I loved your poem. 🙂

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      2. Temps got warmer today, Brenda. We really don’t want snow now because many trees are fully leaved and that would bring damage to them. We had a really bad storm in October one year with heavy snows which brought down many huge branches. Keeping all fingers crossed that these leaves drop quickly!!!! ❤

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    1. Since today is the next day, I plan on having a great day. Going for a long walk at Reistein Woods just to enjoy … no camera just Mother and me. Still relatively warm here and Tuesday I hear we are seeing 70’s again. Who can keep up with this weather? LOL ❤

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      1. On my way out but just came back from my barn run. Oh my it is chilly and damp and I must wear one more layer. Temps are not what they seem today. Wet, cool rain makes it all feel much colder. But I am using my umbrella hat that I finally learned how to use properly. LOL ❤

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    1. Yes, Dr. Hb, I went out 2 days in the same week shooting hundreds of photos. I have a blister on my finger. 😉 I actually went for a hike today here locally in the pouring rain and to my amazement I was surrounded by color, glorious color. I didn’t have my Canon but I did have my cell, and so I took pics which I then posted on FB. I just cannot help myself. I LOVE what I do!!! And these colors I just cannot get enough of. This Fall has been so sporadic that full Fall comes to a certain area, then moving to another, and still another. I have to really be observant where that Full Fall is so I get my images. I do have enough. Really. Yet I tend to be a piggy. I want these glorious colors branded on my brain to get me through the next winter months!!! 🙂 ❤

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      1. My, you have been busy!I’m not active on FB anymore but I’ll gladly settle for what you are sharing here. The climate is getting more unpredictable by the year so it’s nice you captured these colors to get you through the winter! 🙂

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      2. I’m not active on FB either much. WP is enough, thank you. I mostly link my posts so family can view them IF they so choose to. Why I bother who knows? Yet I do. And I could not but help myself to post what I experienced yesterday. Ahhhhh…… balm to the soul. 🙂 ❤

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    1. Took me a while to figure out what the heck you were talking about? Hmmmm …. Seems we have a shy one here. LOL Don’t worry I’m not an exhibitionist. Just letting you know …. LOL You crack me up, Ken!!! 🙂 ❤

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