Every Picture (2 IMAGES)

63 thoughts on “Every Picture (2 IMAGES)”

    1. This year has been unusual, Scott, so I really have been paying attention regarding what is going on outside. I do believe I will be taking my camera again this weekend for the Full Fall color may be evident in certain places. Wish me luck!! 🙂 ❤


    1. Aw, thank you, Amy!!! I’ve really been paying attention to how I frame my images. My husband gave me some of the most valuable piece of advice years ago and that was, fill the frame. My focus has been getting different perspectives. SO glad you are enjoying my Fall series!!! 🙂 ❤

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      1. Please delete the previous reply. Hit a wrong key before I finished. I meat to say, I alway take time to appreciate your beautiful photos. 💖💕

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  1. What a great shot! Love the reflection! Are these slightly differently edited shots of the same picture? I was looking at both like it was a ‘find the differences’ game but seems like one is just a bit darker than the other.

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    1. Marissa, time to put your glasses on. LOL The first one is taken of the whole area while the second is a closeup shot of a piece of the whole area. Now go back and look. First one is a big expanse while the second is focused on one area at closer range. Do you see it now? (((HUGS))) You can do it! 🙂


    2. Here, I’ll make it easier for you. Look for the white speck located in the upper right hand quadrant of the picture. See how small it is in the first picture. Then look for that white speck in the second picture. See how much bigger it looks?


    1. Thank you, Jet. I’ve pushed myself in my uncomfortable zone, daylight photography and the results I am getting are making my jaw drop. Why didn’t I do this sooner!!! How silly of us how we get caught up in habit. 🙂 ❤

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    1. It was just that …. gorgeous. Yet more then just once I ran into delightful people who wanted to talk to me. LOL Delicious conversation surrounded by sunlight and color. The day was not exactly as I foresaw it happening, but nonetheless, the conversation must have paid off because the sun dipped lower in the sky in order for me to get these images. How cool is that? 🙂 ❤

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      1. You sound like me …. flying by the seat of my pants thinking something will be a certain way, yet when actually experiencing that something, I never know what lies ahead. Some of my best shots happen this way …. LOL

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    1. I LOVE reflections period, Dan. You should see my phone gallery and all the pics I haven’t shown on Petals taken by my Canon. I’m drawn to water like a magnet. And to think I got you to think! LOL Nice!!! This is how I’ve taught myself to look at life. First the bigger picture then breaking it down into smaller pictures. It makes for a very interesting way to live. 🙂 ❤

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    1. Cindy, I am so honored you dropped by and left a comment. Thank you! I have pushed myself into my uncomfortable zone and have begun daylight photography. I’m getting results I never imagined. I am amazing me. SO glad you enjoyed this!!! ❤


  2. Beautiful landscape photography, Amy. I like how there’s light and warmth around in these shots, and the poem too. There are endless stories around us and that is what makes it sweeter to go out exploring. Hope all is okay with you, and light and love are shining your way. Hugs 💞💖❤🤗

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  3. Wow – these are so lovely and unique; yes,Nature – at its finest. 🙂
    brilliant shots Amy!! And, sorry i’d not gotten to respond earlier to you, I’ve had quite a few ‘things’ (as we do) go on. But thank you for the nomination that is so sweet, and such a lovely thing for you to do. thank you for thinking of me.
    I appreciate it. I’m going to decline participation at this time. Theres too much for me to do & finding it just about impossible to juggle everything. but thank YOU Heaps! cheers, and hugs, Debi

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