
63 thoughts on “Release”

    1. What an imagination! No alligators live here, Marissa, LOL. I had to look at my picture to see what you saw, and darn if I too did not see an alligator. 🙂


      1. I May need to make a summer road trip 🙂 I’d love to meet you also, share a cup’a’ and a stroll along one of these beautiful places you are always photographing…plus meet your kitties 🙂

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      2. June sounds PERFECT! It will give me time to plan on just where to take you so that we can sit and have a gorgeous vista. Or if you want, we could hike a bit too. I would LOVE for you to see my gardens and it might be a good idea if you met my cats through our sliding glass door. 🙂 We’ll see. They just may surprise me and let me know it’s OK for you to come in. LOL Oh, Mor, this would be absolutely awesome! By June the roads at Chestnut will be open and we will not have to hike miles for this “spot” I have in mind. Now when I go hiking I will be observing and asking, Where would Morgirl like to go here? BIG SMILE!!!! ❤

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  1. The pictures of waterfalls and streams that you’ve been taking, lend themselves to so many powerful analogies Amy. And, you are so good at choosing the right words. I really like the little waterfalls on these small streams.

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    1. Thank you so much, Dan! I’ve been so drawn to water lately. I just drove over the bridge near Blossom Falls and the urge to get my camera to go back was very strong. Perhaps as the day goes on, I shall do that very thing!!! Have a great weekend! ❤

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    1. These waters were so clear that day I was there, Kathy. I know! I’ve seen this same creek filled with mud and debris and a whole lot of ice. Not that day! 🙂 So glad you came to share this with me!!! ❤

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