This Christmas Season (10 IMAGES)

113 thoughts on “This Christmas Season (10 IMAGES)”

    1. Oh wow, your words when I read them put tears in my eyes. Thank you so very much for your kindness towards me. I am honored that this post touched your Heart so deeply!! Merry Christmas, my friend. Love, Amy ❤

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  1. Merry Christmas Amy (in case we don’t cross paths tomorrow). I always enjoy your photos, and I love knowing what they mean to you. The second one today, the orange tree standing defiantly at the end of fall, is my favorite.

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    1. That orange bush really pulled my eye and I could not believe that snow looking like a halo was sitting on top. Just too perfect! Of course I had to shoot! And now when I go hiking in this park YAY I will be wearing my comfortable vest! I cannot thank you enough, Dan, for your recommendation! It came in the mail today and just by looking at it, it is worth every cent I paid. Tomorrow hubby and I figure the thing out to get me fitted into it and my camera attached as well. Now all we need is SNOW!!
      I actually almost got hit taking those lights pics even though I wore a reflective vest and a very bright flashlight dangling from my wrist. Long story …. the good news is I am still alive and no this is not an alias writing this to you! LOL
      FYI … that bush reminded me of me … standing against all odds. That is why my eye was so strongly pulled to it. And the bonus was the snow on top looking as though it was a halo. How cool is that?
      Merry Christmas, Dan, to you and your family and friends. I’m ready to celebrate … and am about to beginning this evening. Please thank Faith for me for taking the time to write to me. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. I’m so glad the vest arrived in time for Christmas. I hope you get many miles (hiking) out of it Amy. Merry Christmas to you, you husband and the cats! As they used to say on “Hill street Blues” Be careful out there!

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      2. I hope to test the vest today, Dan. Hubby and I are going to put it together. I am careful … it’s other people I have to be concerned about. We drove after dark on the same road I took these pics on, and there is NO doubt I would be seen. What that woman was doing is beyond me. Have a good one!! ❤

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      3. Now that we have got it together, NOW the idea comes to use my tripod adaptor. GROAN. Oh no, not today I will change it. Tomorrow. 🙂 ❤ Merry Christmas to you and your family, Dan!!! 🌲💖💖

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  2. Dear Amy, thank you for this wonderful series lights-photos.
    2015 is coming to an end. Again our soul has gotten a few notches but also a lot of points of light.
    I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and all the best for the year 2016.
    Hearty greetings,

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    1. Thank you so much, Ulli. 2015 was a very tough year for me, so I really HOPE that 2016 leans more to the light then then challenges. I wish you and your Loved Ones a very Merry Christmas this year!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  3. Merry Christmas Amy!! Beautiful pictures! Love the gold tree! Looks like halo on top. Interesting! Blessings to you and all of your loved ones! ❤️ Denise

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  4. You certainly captured some great images. Funny enough, my favorite is probably the one of the little shrub (is that what it is? Hard to see how big it actually is) that looks a bit like a Christmas tree. What is it on the top that looks like a star?

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    1. You are so welcome for what I share with all here, my friend. It brings such JOY to my Heart to do so! May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!! Love, Amy ❤


  5. these are all wonderfully festive, sparkling and full of the beauty of Christmas Amy!! may the ministering angels sent forth, be busy in their works upon the earth helping those in need! great post! Merry Christmas

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    1. Aw, Debi, thank you so very much for your kind words! I am SO happy you enjoyed my Christmas post! Merry Christmas to you and your Loved Ones, and yes to those Angels coming forth to help all those on earth who need it!!! Love, Amy ❤

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  6. These are all excellent images Amy! My fave. would have to be the one of the house all cast in blue (third from the bottom). Thanks for making the effort to capture some lights… I was waiting to see who would get up the gumption. I should have predicted it would have to be you (Miss busy as a bee)! What do you think of the unseasonal weather? No ‘white Christmas’ this year. Not that I miss it. If I don’t hear from you in the mean time, Happy Holidays to you and yours Sweety Pie xOxOx

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    1. Thank you, my friend, for this wonderful comment. IF you knew what I went through to get these Christmas lights! Take my word for it, it is a story in of itself!!
      And the weather …. all I can say is WOW! I am loving every moment of it! Happy and Merry Christmas to you and those who are near and dear to you!!! BIG (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  7. Wonderful photos, Amy. Brilliantly done in low light. Those are certainly some sparkly decorations for the season, and I’m sure a lot of thought got put into it. Again another touching poem from you, and it certainly captures the spirit of the season. Merry Christmas, and wishing you well for the times ahead 😊🎉🎅


    1. Thank you, Mabel, for noticing my efforts on bringing into focus on most of the lights, just the lights themselves. I deliberately shot and edited in such a way that the background would not be seen. I am so touched that you enjoyed this post, one that just seemed to fall into place. May you have a glorious Christmas! As we approach the New Year, may 2016 be our very best one yet!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  8. Wow! This is an amazing Christmas post, Amy! Beautiful Christmas spirit reflected in nature, home and thousands of lights! I wish you and all your loved ones are wonderful Christmas filled with Peace, Love and Joy! ❤ Tiny

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    1. Thank you, Tiny!! I actually had NO idea what I was going to do for this post. First I took the pics without again no idea why. I just did. Then as I edited them words began to come. Ahhhh ….. When finished I began to write and wouldn’t you know the words were the exact amount needed for the pics I took. Amazing! It never ever ceases to amaze me how my talent works. I couldn’t explain it if I tried. LOL
      Our Christmas was quiet and I am still getting much needed rest and Peace. I went out walking today on the off road trails trying out my new camera vest and yowza I got some fantastic shots with my Canon and the vest works beautifully. I am not one bit soar at all from carrying my heavy Canon and lens!!!
      Hope your Christmas was a good one, my friend! I’m not sure when I will be back to blogging … I really am in much needed rest and I am taking it!! I’ll be on over to visit when I am back, though, you can depend on that!!! With Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Your talent works in amazing ways, Amy. That’s called inspiration, which means in spirit. Wonderful! Happy you had a restful Christmas, mine was too, very enjoyable. Glad your new camera vest works as you had expected 🙂 have a great rest of the weekend! Much love , Tiny

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      2. You have a great rest of the weekend too, Tiny. I just finished up with 3 posts for the week, and am presently waiting for a video call with my family at the Family Christmas party I could not attend. I’ll be back to blogging tomorrow!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  9. Oh, Amy, you’ve hit upon one of my favourite things here — Christmas lights! Great pics, and SO glad that you got a shot of the green and red projected lights (4th image from the bottom)! My dad and I went out last weekend and drove around the town where my mom grew up, admiring all the lights, and this was the first time I’d seen those kind and I LOVED them! I kicked myself afterwards for not taking out my camera and snapping a pic or two of those, but here, you’ve done it for me! I have got to find whatever contraption makes that gorgeous scattered light effect and buy one for myself for next year.

    Amy, are you on Pinterest? I would love to pin that image to my Christmas board (if you wouldn’t object — I’ll of course make sure you’re credited and that it links back to this post)!

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    1. Dearest Wendy, I am thrilled you enjoyed this post so much!! I LOVE the lights too, and those small LED lights are SO SO cool! They look like fairy lights! My Mom told me that these lights come in sheets and how you put them up is beyond me.
      As for Printinterst no I am not on that but I am so tickled that you would want to post me on your Christmas board. I hope I am not too late being the day after Christmas and all. I trust you. Yes you do have my permission!! (smile)
      I hope your Christmas was wonderful! Ours was quiet and I am now getting some much needed rest and ME time. This past year was a very rough one for me and now before the New Year comes in, my body is saying pull back and rest, as well as get into Mother Nature. I was on off road trails today at the park I walk in and OH OH OH did I get some exceptionl images that will be up at Petals as soon as I come back! Tomorrow I think I am going to another trail in a different location where waterfalls are that I have yet to see. So more adventures and more beauty coming your way soon!! Sending my Love and (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. How interesting! I didn’t realize they came in sheets. I just assumed it must be some sort of projection. But I simply MUST find myself some for next year! My Christmas was still a nice one, despite a 30-hour power outage (still no phone service!), and some damage caused by a terrible wind storm on Christmas Eve morning. Power was finally restored at about 3:00 PM on Christmas day, and I’m beyond grateful for that — some people are STILL without power now. And Christmas is about those you love, and I was with my dad (who, bless him, set up an elaborate clue hunt for me that ultimately led to a really nice gift — and a lot of fun reading his silly clues!), and so not even a power outage could really ruin a day like that!

        And no, you’re not too late at all regarding the pin! In fact, take a look: 🙂 Have fun on your next adventure, and stay safe. God bless, Amy!

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      2. Good to hear power was restored for you! I SKYPED with family last evening but the connection was so bad it was like watching a broken pixel movie. Still I did get to talk to them which was such a JOY for me! I did see the pinup and I thank you so much for it. It looks so nice!!! Hope your day is a good one today, Wendy!! Love, Amy ❤


  10. Such beautiful images filled with Love and Light Amy.. I hope that you had a Joyous and Peaceful Christmas filled with Love and Light my friend..
    Sending you lots of love from a very wet and flooded UK…
    Sending you Love and all the very best for the New Year Amy.. Hugs Sue xxx ❤

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  11. I really liked how you capture unique angles and shots in your photos, Amy. Your Christmas tree with snow atop, which I saw instantly the halo on top. It was full of ice crystals, like a shimmering crown. I like the Christmas lights! I like your generous ♡ gifts of pictures like a series of cards. Smiles, Robin

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