Smashing Success

93 thoughts on “Smashing Success”

  1. You are very brave to publish your embarrassing moments; I would have just kept them hidden. Sounds like the beginning of a wonderful relationship with CM……keep us posted.

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    1. I”ve arrived at a place in my life, Mom, that if I cannot laugh at myself, then what’s the point? Yes we are all very human and if we were more honest with each other about our oops and about those things that just don’t go right, perhaps we would feel less pressured to be perfect especially with “first impressions”. Those uncomfortable moments we all have but most of us hide them. Now that CM has had a good laugh we both can be freer to be just ourselves. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  2. Oh, Oh what an experience, dear Amy 😀
    Your friend sounds like a good one, worth meeting again, I think.
    Some days life just is like this, the only thing, as we can do, is to accept it and go on…
    Your art is always amazing.
    Much love, Irene

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    1. It was an experience all right, Irene, and as my Mother pointed out, I see to be in the brave category for even revealing all what I did here. It’s a very stressful time of year for many people so why not create some laughter? So I did!! Love, Amy ❤

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  3. Somehow, I am not surprised that you two hit it off so well. I’m a little surprised by a disorganized Amy, but who am I to talk 🙂 By the way, I do like your futuristic twist on that photo.

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    1. Lately, Dan, I’ve had so much on my mind and especially that day when it was SO nice, all I wanted was to be outside. And then when the mishaps happen to me, they seem to really come in with a BANG!! LOL I’ll be on over later … I’m trying to get to yoga this morning. 🙂 Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Dan, if I stop creating you will know I have taken my last breath! Hehehehe Hope you are having a great day today. I’m vegging watching movies after a very tough week!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. I really HOPE you got a good laugh on me. Between the increase in my schedule of late and the hankering that has been really loud in my head due to the NICE weather we had … I’ve become discombottulated!!! If that is even a word! LOL And thank you for the compliment. I’ll continue playing with those apps …. Love, Amy ❤

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  4. Hahaha! laughing with large smiles upon my face here Amy as you recount your meeting with CM.. Wonderful that you too met.. and loved your story telling of it, which I am sure you felt went much worse than it actually was.. Now off to go and read CM’s version without I am sure the nose mention.. 🙂 It still amazes me how self conscious we all are about our dripping noses.. ( you should see mine upon a cold morning in the allotments ) .. Well maybe you shouldn’t LOL>.. see.. 🙂
    Happy smiles for a lovely weekend Amy..
    Hugs Sue xxx ❤

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    1. Perhaps if more of us spoke of our mishaps and really laughed at them, we would loose our self-consciousness in regards the “shoulds” of how we act. SO glad you laughed at my follies. May your weekend be a good one!!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Aw, thank you, Sue!! I must confess though, that when I played with this image no thought whatsoever came to the forefront to use it for this post. Only afterwards when I saw the “strands” when I written the post did I see the connection. So as with a lot of my Life, the synchronicity of first playing with this image, then writing the post, then seeing the connection … I went for it. It’s amazing when you follow your Heart how the circumstances in your life become connected. Just amazing!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  5. OMG and LOLOLOLOL what a stressful event. I totally understand what you mean about not being present when your mind is trying to create something, or push you to do it. Happens all the time. I start writing stories in my head and people are talking to me and I know I’m answering them but I not really there because I’m trying to memorize what I’m thinking about until I can write it down. At any rate, it was a meeting to remember, that’s for sure. Hope all is well with your mom and Prinny.

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    1. LOL@Gigi!!! The same things happens with the words too! I will be in the darnedest places when the words begin and I do all I can to concentrate until I can get to my yellow pad of paper. I’m beginning to use my Memo feature on my phone to document those words when they come. So I have a double whammy …. words and then the photography end of things!! I’m a hopeless artist, what can I tell you? Yet, this is the part I LOVE about me the most!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    2. PS Both my Mom and Prinny are doing well. Prinny is still a slow heal, and I’m beginning to suspect the growth will always be there. We just are doing our best to control the bleeding which we finally are doing!! ❤


  6. You crack me up! I’m glad you had a nice meeting with CM. It’s fun to meet people in person that we’ve only conversed with online or on the phone. I would’ve held up a sign that said “10” for your adeptness at wrapping cheese around your spoon LOL.

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    1. I’m at your service, Ms. Laura, to give you a laugh or two! And yes thank you I did manage to wrap those strands of cheese around my spoon. They were yummy and worth my every effort, even if I did use my fingers. Tee hee …. Hope you are having a good day today!!! Love, Amy ,3

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    1. Oh, yes, Eliza, I am very human and that is one trait I do not try to minimize or hide. All who walk this earth to my knowledge, are human and we all have those days that we honestly are SO happy to see come to an end. Yes I enjoyed my luncheon with CM yet throughout it, I just could not believe the circumstances that unfolded. And through it all I really did try to keep a straight face and pretend nothing out of the ordinary was happening. LOL Couldn’t have been further from the truth!!! Tee hee …. Hope you are having a great day!! Love, Amy ❤

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  7. Ha, ha! Truly, Amy, I never noticed the booger digging. I was too busy, myself, creating my next post in my head. I’m glad you didn’t say anything about the moment I laughed at something and sprayed spit onto the table – nor the moment that piece of pasta fell onto the front of my shirt!

    We’re all human, although I suspect some of us try to be more than that when writing our blogs.

    It was a great time, and I’m looking forward to doing it again in the spring (or maybe summer, when it’s nice and we could meet outdoors).

    Liked by 3 people

    1. CM, I like you did not even notice your “embarrassing moments” so we are even there! (smile) Oh yes I am very human and I will be the first one to admit it. I’ve gotten to a place in my life that I can actually laugh at me. How freeing! I too look forward to our next meet!! In the meantime, have a very Merry Christmas and a truly healthy New Year. Love, Amy ❤


  8. I am always excited when I am meeting someone. I was glad things fell into place. The outdoors stays mice for more than a few hours. I was a very happy person last Sat. to me my half year (bi-annual) friend, Nancy. I have been hoping to meet someone who blogs from around Central Ohio. I would drive to Michigan, Kentucky or Indiana. Someday, maybe arrangements will be made. 🙂 so happy both of you enjoyed your meal and visit, Amy. ((hugs)) **☆¤☆** merry, merry wishes sent your way, dear. ♡

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    1. Merry Christmas to you, Robin!!! I am very happy you enjoyed my “take” on my luncheon with CM. May your Holidays be filled with Good Cheer and LOVE. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Thank you, Raewn, for your compliment about my digital art. I had so much fun doing it and at the time had not a clue I would be using it for this post. It just worked out that way. LOL I’ve been blogging for over 3 years and this is the first time I found out another blogger is here locally. I hope the same for you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. LOL SO glad you enjoyed the laugh on me, Kathy!!! Tee hee … The darnedest things really do happen to me and I’ve learned just to roll with them. Hope you are having a good weekend. I am going to try to get some snow pics … I hope south of us has a wee bit more of the white stuff then we do and it is supposed to melt so either I act today or say bye bye to the white. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Same here with the funniest things happening at times. Yes, having a good weekend. This year is crazy as I thought we would have a White Christmas. Not even a flurry and still haven’t got our first snow. None in the forecast for us, either. Love you ❤

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      2. WE had our first dusting, nothing to write”home” about although I did get a few shots in today. Temps again will rise and by midweek be in the 50’s. Unreal. Last year was SO frigid and SO much snow … this year peeps walking around in shorts some days. Go figure. I did get some Christmas lights tonight at the risk of my life being on a very busy street. I had a reflecting vest on and a light attached to my wrist. Even though, a woman in a truck pulled over and said she almost hit me. Excuse me? That shook me up pretty bad so I hightailed it for the sidewalk and turned home. I think from now on I stick to a quiet side street regardless of the lights on the busy street I see. Love you too, Kath!!! ❤

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      3. Glad to hear that you got a few shots in today. Good to hear that you made it home safe and sound. That had to be scary. Took a lot of pictures today of our tree and did a little editing before posting them. I too can’t believe the 40’s for us. HUGS <


    1. Thank you from the bottom of my Heart for this reblog, CM!!! Now that we have the squirming in our seats’ circumstances out of the way, perhaps our next meet will be much more at ease and IF some unforeseen things happen, we can laugh!!! LOL (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Now you know how very human I am after all, Marissa. Yes I do seem to have lots of wisdom and yes I do seem able to follow that wisdom most of the time, yet I really do have those days when KABAM seems to happen. Only me, honestly!!! And CM and I have had a good laugh about my predicament! She fessed at having a few uncomfortable moments herself, one being she sprayed when she spoke one time. LOL I’m giggling as I write this. Love, Amy ❤


      1. Marissa, I had NO clue what to do. I mean it. Along with going blank when I ordered my soup, my mind again went blank on this. All I could think of what was the closest .. my napkin. CM claims she did not see my dilemma which I am very relieved about. Now that the ice has been broken we can relax and laugh at our humanness. Tee hee …. Oh yes, I am VERY human believe you me!!! ❤


    1. LOL The French Onion soup is SO good yet I have to this day figured out a way to eat it without using fingers. I knife perhaps instead of fingers? Tee hee …. I am SO glad this made you laugh, Sylvia. Thank goodness I did have a napkin on my lap to at least attempt to be unassuming as possible. According to CM I did a good job because she had no idea what my dilemma was. I hope you are having a good day!!! Love, Amy ❤

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  9. Loved your candid account of meeting CM. It is truly special when a blogger, who becomes so dear to us in words, can live up to their image in person. It happened for me this summer with Linda/Nutsrok. I am happy for you both.

    Your picture is amazing. 💛 💙 💜

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    1. Thank you, Van, regarding my digital art for you in turn just have spurred me on to continue to play. As for meeting CM, it was really quite lovely despite all the mishaps that happened. According to CM I did a pretty good job being unobtrusive because she really did not see the booger incident. Thank heavens!!! LOL Hope you are having a great weekend!!! Love, Amy ❤

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  10. “Oh, floor, please open up and swallow me!!” 😀 😀

    I’m laughing so hard, Amy! |

    Honestly, Amy, please write more such pieces from your daily life. You have a natural flair for humour, which very few people are blessed with. Self-deprecation is the soul of humour and you excel in that. I’ll be waiting for more such pieces from you.
    For the first time on your blog, I must confess, I find your writing, even more enjoyable than your pictures… ^_^

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    1. I’m laughing SO hard reading YOUR comment I have tears in my eyes. I KNOW how to laugh at me, Maniparna, because when the klutzies hit or the OH GOD please make me disappear happen, I’ve learned to laugh. I’m SO glad you laughed and laughed hard!!! I really and I mean really worked on this post to get the delivery just right. I have a very dry sense of humor and I have a sense when to crack a funny but I’ve learned it is much more challenging to write humor then it is to speak it. Bless you for the encouragement about how I wrote this. Thank you from the bottom of my Heart!!!
      LOL ❤ LOL ❤ LOL ❤ Love, Amy ❤ ❤

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    1. If we cannot laugh at ourselves with genuine humor, we are taking ourselves much too seriously. As adults we do that enough now as it is. So to crack up and laugh … OH yes this is a great Gift!!! Glad you enjoyed!!! Love, Amy ,3

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  11. The strands in your digital art is cheese? I got your side of things, but I didn’t think. I should have looked at her post first so I can piece the two together. I’ll probably comment there for that. One time on a date, I sneezed with a mouth full of coke and kept blowing fizz out my nose! It was beyond embarrassing… All we could both do is laugh, so it kind of broke the ice, in more ways than one! ‘digging ffor gold’??? You bust me up!! It gives me a chuckle when you get into these situations. You must be funny to know in person! LOL! Nice feed! xOxOxO

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    1. OH I’m funny all right. Depends upon whose around who thinks so. I’m pretty good at laughing at me because I really do the darnedest things, and seriously not on purpose. These things just happen. Not all the time mind you … they seem to come in bunches. Just picturing you with coke coming out of your nose … now THAT made me laugh and I bet is was an ice breaker!!! Tee hee …. Thanks for the xoxoxoxoxo and right back at you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  12. That is wonderful, to meet such a nice blogger who lives so near to you. It did sound like the two of you lovely ladies had a great time. I smiled at this honest anecdote of it all – how nervous we might be when we meet someone new and we don’t want to upset them and humiliate ourselves in the process. But none of us are perfect and I’m sure CM didn’t even mind at all. So lovely of her to suggest to catch up again 🎉

    You certainly are very organised. An early bird 😊 I am looking forward to checking out CM’s blog soon 😊

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    1. Thank you, Mabel, for all your kind words. May your be Blessed and I hope you enjoy CM’s blog. Bless you from the bottom of my Heart for stopping by. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Thank you, Olga. Oh I know how to laugh at me, believe me. I find myself so funny at times I just crack myself up. And another thank you for the compliment on my digital art. I shall continue to play. Love, Amy ❤

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  13. Oh my! I’m smiling. It’s wonderful to be at the place in life where we can laugh at ourselves. I’m right there with you! I think it’s great when we can meet blogging friends “live” too. I have a hike planned in few weeks with a blogging friend from this area and I’m looking forward to it. Have a beautiful Sunday Amy. Much love ❤

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    1. Oh, Tiny, I am so happy for you!!! I am MOST comfy outdoors and hopefully next time CM and I meet we can maybe meet for a picnic. CM is not too fond of hikes so we have to take that into consideration. My Sunday today I managed to get some snow shots but am very sore from carrying my Canon. I am at this time waiting for a call back from a company who makes Cotton Carriers, a vest to wear so that your camera is right on your chest. My question I must know before I buy this thing is my 17-55mm lens does NOT have a lock on it, so when it is locked into my camera body with the lens facing towards the ground, as it would be with this vest, does this vest have a strap of some sort to go down and around my lens to make sure that lens does not extend out? You have no idea how many times I wish that lens had a lock on it!! It is a good lens but a PIA to carry! Anyways … I’m thinking of getting some Christmas lights tonight even though I am sore from this afternoon. Thinking … perhaps not doing …. 🙂 Love, Amy ❤

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      1. I was planning to go out too tonight, but not sure it’ll happen. Just came back from a friend’s birthday party and published my pics from yesterdays holiday party at the salt marsh 🙂 Have a wonderful week dear Amy!! Love Tiny XX Ps. I hope you find the right vest for your camera and lenses.

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      2. It seems all the photos I did shoot last night did not come out very well. Hmmmm …. seems I need some practice. Either that or just take the photos with my smart phone. We’ll see. I may end up trying again tonight. And I am waiting for a call from the company who makes this vest. Hopefully one way or another I will have my answer by the end of the day. 🙂 ❤


    1. Your words softly spoke to me with such genuine sincerity I felt actually Loved by them. I had to go to your blog to see who you are and was stunned by all those who wished you a Merry Christmas and how they did it as well. You are truly Loved, Marko. What a glorious feeling that is!! Merry Christmas to you and your family, and may the True Meaning of Christmas be celebrated by you not only on the 25th but the whole year through. God Bless you for touching me in such a way, much of the heaviness I had been carrying, lifted. Thank you from the bottom of my Heart. This is my first Christmas since my Dad passed. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  14. This reminds me so much of how hard it is to stay present in the moment 🙂 It is hard sometimes, for us with such a life of the mind!
    I’m glad you had the opportunity to meet, despite your runny nose and stringy soup — which, by the way, sounds delicious right now!

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    1. The good thing about all this, Julie, is that CM and I have had a really good laugh over this! And when you arrive at my age, you learn to not take yourself so seriously. Yes I really was uncomfortable and frustrated to boot, yet when I looked back with hindsight it was hysterical. So hence this story! I’m glad you enjoyed …. And thank you for your lovely words. From one lovely lady to another lovely lady, Amy ❤

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  15. LMAO … love it!

    Blowing up a city a euphemism here for your nose hon? French Onion Soup is like spaghetti, fork and spoon. Well that’s my experience any way.

    The time you are doing what becomes ingrained in us. We just get there early in case there is something to shoot. The subconscious of the creative mind at work.

    We find our own kind. We just do. Very nice that you’re so close and can go F2F!

    Sounds like you two had a very good time once you stopped fretting of course!

    I really like that city scape. Looks like part Alien attack.


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    1. Gary, just knowing I gave you a good laugh on today of all days, brings such great JOY to my Heart!! LOL I’ve arrived at a place at my life that I can actually laugh at me. I stumble and bumble around due to having my head up in the clouds. I do remember eating French Onion soup with a spoon and knife actually using the knife to wrap the cheese around the spoon. But here again, my head was just not too focused. Tee hee ….
      Thank you for encouraging me to keep playing with my digital art. I just did another one tonight on PicsArt and I could have just kept on going!! That app is awesome! The features it has and what I can create … wowowowow! Next stop I will be taking another look at those lights I shot last night to see what is salvagable. I just might play with them and make them into digital art. I have yet to do a Christmas post …. at this time I have not a clue …. as per usual. I’ve learned NOT to fret because Inspiration always comes. Always!!!
      Have a Merry Christmas, my friend! Let’s both laugh the gloomies away. This is the first Christmas without my Dad … not sure if I told you or if you knew. Not easy by a long shot. We tend to think about those who are no longer with us around the Holidays. My Dad would want me to smile and enjoy so that is exactly what I shall do!!! ❤

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