Selfishness Leads to Happiness

106 thoughts on “Selfishness Leads to Happiness”

  1. It could easily be misunderstood…but we are to love others as we love ourselves. I think where selfishness is g artful is when it is overindulged and becomes harmful to our callto love others.


    1. This is why I made sure I wrote “without spiteful harm to others” because selfishness can be a negative quality when it oversteps the boundaries to hurt someone. When we act out of selfihness for our own benefit and happiness without being spiteful or mean, that is the selfishness that brings to us such glorious things!!! Love, Amy ❤


  2. I believe where selfishness goes wrong is when it is overindulged and becomes detrimental in our ability to love others as ourselves. ♥


    1. I agree, Mary ROSE. There is always a fine line between assisting ourselves to a Greater State and acts that hurt with intention those around us. Our Hearts will tell us when we hurt others spitefully. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  3. This is beautiful, Amy, and thank you! My heart is smiling ❤ I was up all night thinking about everything, and I am choosing the happiness route. Today is a new day, and I will be crossing that bridge! ❤

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    1. I am so proud of you, Serena!!! You will not ever regret this decision. It may be rocky at first, and it will feel uncomfortable for it is “new’, but the more you wear this hat, the more comfortable it will become on you!!! Promise!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. I already feel a bit of that uncomfortable feeling, but I am sticking with it and know it will pass soon. I am not changing my mind. I have a flurry of excitement and butterflies inside, so it’s leaving me with a bit of upset….but, I am walking. Hell yes, I am walking forward!! ❤ Love you! ((Hugs))

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  4. I think it is a wonderful, unique and creative perspective, in fact, I agree completely. Very well expressed. 😀
    Best wishes and regards.

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    1. Thank you, Harmonie. This will get you to stop and think about the words I wrote. Most of the time we think selfishness is not a good thing. 🙂 I’ve done a lot of inner work on myself …. lots of thoughts have arisen from out of the Journey. Have a great day!!! Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Yes, certainly, I could sense the introspection and thought you had put into the subject.
        Good day to you too 🙂

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    1. I agree, Val. That is why I stressed “without spiteful harm to others”. I just gave today a perspective regarding selfishness that most people don’t think about. I’ve learned especially in the last 10 years or so, that selfishness is a good thing … putting myself FIRST instead of always putting my desires and needs on the back burner. That is a perfect reciped for being taken advantage of.
      Have a beautiful day today!!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Thank you, Irene. Yes, indeed, if we do not Love ourselves how then can we possibly Love others? It just is not possible. I am so happy you understand. I am not surprised. (smile) Love, Amy ❤

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    1. As I stare at the incredibly LONG list of notifications. *sigh* Oh, yes, this is what happens when I open comments. I will do my best today, and IF I get tired, I will just stop. I’ve had a really challeging past couple of months. I am SO happy these words resonated with you today, Takami!!! Thank you for telling me!!! Love, Amy ❤


      1. ❤ ❤ ❤
        And I'm sure you already know, but please never feel obliged to reply to any of my comments. I can completely understand how hectic things are (especially when taking care of real Life issues) and would never want to add to a chore list. Like you, I comment simply because I'm moved, and to show my appreciation 🙂 ❤

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      2. Takami, those of us who are the healers, know how exhausting it is to bring back an animal that is so very very ill to health. It takes a super human effort and it truly takes strength you didn’t even know you possessed until you are walking the Journey. Yes, I tire easily and am just taking things as they come. To get into blogging full time I am not able to do yet. If I don’t take care of myself, I will not be able to do so for others. Thank you for understanding. I know you do, for you walk the talk. (smile) Love, Amy ❤


  5. I am so sorry to hear that you have had problems with idiots who have bad feelings about your blogposts. I don’t do a great deal of Facebook, but do I always follow the Dalai Lama. You might find some comfort from what he says. He talks to politicians a lot, so I suppose he is used to these kind of negative feelings.
    Above all, Amy keep on keeping on!

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    1. John, it was not actually me but some of my friends who have been having problems. I just put this post up to say what I did, that I will not tolerate any kind of abuse of any kind on Petals. Some people are so empty of Heart that they project their own misery onto others. My Mama Bear comes to the forefront when I know some of my friends have been hurt. (((HUGS))) Amy<3

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      1. I just saw this, Amy, and I replied. I didn’t make the change on my latest post but I have changed it so hopefully my next post will be as I want it to be. I had the summary selection on for years for my posts but when the reader changed, my pics were not coming through on the reader. Support told me to change to full text in order for my pics to show. Now my pics show …. but I still am not being directed to my blog. *sigh* This is SO frustrating!!! Thanks, Ame!!! ❤

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      2. I just wish they had left it alone. My WPC dodn’t show up a week ago, and I lost a bunch blogs that I subscribed.
        You can go to LD’s blog to let him know when you find out it works.

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      3. I am following him, Amy! I wish they would have left the reader alone as well. I too lost a bunch of blogs I subscribe to, about 50 in all. I’m really sorry for all the heartache you are going through. This is just so not funny. 😦


  6. Choosing happiness is not a new concept. When Jesus chose to die for us He made it possible that we should chose to love ourselves and others as we love ourselves. He also asks that we seek joy…in ALL things as He weaves the tapestry of the things that unfold in our lives with all the things in the lives of others. We only see the back and single threads of that tapestry….He knows thefull outcome of the front side of that tapestry….Through all things we have that choice to seek and rest I His joy and love. I choose His joy and love that I might live a mormore abundant life. That is not selfish either. Because out of that live snd grace….others seek to live as well.

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  7. Well, everything in moderation but I get your point. Love the flower today. It really portrays the silkiness of the petals. So are you recovered now? Will this be a start of more blogging, or just a quick hello?

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    1. Marissa, that I cannot answer you. I have walked through months of extremely trying times. Blogging takes a lot of energy for me to do, and if I get tired quickly, I will again pull back until I feel my strength return. Bringing two of my cats back to health when both were near death, takes super human effort, and a lot of research and treatment around the clock. Things have settled down yet I am still treating Molly and now have added even more treatments with others. When it comes to helping someone live and with quality, blogging takes a back seat. I really hope to be here, but again, I honestly don’t know right now. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. One day at a time Amy! Of course I always love seeing you here on the blogosphere but if I don’t see you for a couple of days, I know you are doing what you need to do to keep your family healthy.

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  8. This is very true. Only when we ignite the happiness within us we can radiate it and inspire others to do the same. But we have to care for our happiness first – no one else is even able to.

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    1. Oh, Erika, your comment is SO beautiful!! I Love what you say here …. and someone else too really enjoyed your words. You do understand!!! Only when we seek and have our own personal happiness can we then turn around and share happiness with others. It boils down to the fact that we all are responsible for our own happiness. The misery I spent, years worth, waiting for someone to make me happy. That does NOT happen. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Yes, Amy, that is the biggest illusion regarding freedom. It is never up to others but always and only to ourselves. Your life changed after realizing it and so did mine 😊

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  9. I love with Erika said here about when we find happiness within us we can radiate it. That is so true! Thank you for beautiful words this morning Amy along with a stunning 3D-ish image! BIG HUGS!

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    1. Oh, Laura, you are SO welcome!!! I am glad you understand! It has been crammed down our throats (at least mine) that to be selfish is wrong. Yet the truer meaning of the word is not so, especially when you are walking in Love. I am selfish and I am also selfless in service to many. I Balance the two to remain Centered. 🙂 Hope you are having a great day!!! Love, Amy ❤

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  10. No one is totally free of selfishness. Even a selfless deed is done either because it gives us joy or it makes others happy with us and we like that. We are called to love our neighbor as ourself not more than ourself. Hence, the first person to love is us and then we strive to love the other person like us. It becomes bad when we love ourself and take care of our interest but fail to think of the other.Your post is in order. Some may raise eyebrows because the word has mostly been seen as negative. It takes real courage to step out and speak about it as you have done. Bravo!


    1. Ngobesing, my Brother in Love. What a Heartfelt, beautiful comment you wrote for me. It takes “wisdom and experience” to understand what I have written here. I didn’t understand this concept until I was in my late 40’s. I learned the hard way and if someone wrote what I wrote here before I had the understanding, I would have said that person was wrong. Bless you for understanding this!!! You really made a difference leaving the comment you did. Thank you SO much!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. JM, if we ourselves don’t bring our own happiness to ourselves, we will not ever experience that happiness. When we do decide to be “selfish” without hurting others, we really begin to see aspects of us we really didn’t even know. 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Oh Laine!!! How you make me smile!! Thank you SO much for your encouragement after a really very trying time in my Life!!! Bless you!!! You answered questions I posed to the Universe …. Do I keep doing what I am at Petals? Am I making a difference? Would it matter if I just stop? Your words just now leaped out at me and in the Moment I knew my answer. Oh how can I ever thank you???? (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Thank YOU, Dan!!! I knew when I posted this some would not understand, and I might walk on some toes. Yet I’ve lived this! I understand that being selfish to bring one’s own happiness is the one true way to real lasting happiness. Bless you for confirming that what I was led to post is meant to be. May you have a wonderful day!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. OH, yes, Dan, we tend to learn or unlearn what we were taught rather, in hard ways. I learned you cannot bring happiness to another while all along you are depriving yourself of that very element. And yes, I know you know who I am reaching out to. I saw your gravatar there. (smile) My post yesterday had this person and another in mind when I wrote that one (with the clouds picture and comments closed). ❤

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      2. PS And I am just now realizing how talented I am. I don’t wish to come across as vain, yet now, for reasons I don’t totally understand, I am admitting I have been given Gifts and Talents which I truly am in awe of!!! ❤

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    1. I took it off, Ruth. I don’t want to ruin my day with a rant. WP lies and manipulates and it just is not fair what they are doing. I am going for a walk because I will not let them get to me. Happiness is MY choice! Sometimes you have to work at it.
      Someone suggested changing my settings to summary instead of full text. Another engineer told me to change from summary to full text so that my photos show. I don’t know what to do. I will try the summary again to see if my photos show AND if my post will take you to Petals.
      I’m just really tired right now and disgusted with WP. When I come back from my walk I will feel so much better. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  11. A great take on selfishness, we humans do need this sometimes for our own happiness and welfare. Thank You Amy, have a great rest of the week.

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      1. Thank You Amy I appreciate that. People are leaving comments so It appears to be working, or maybe I will just check on the time frame of comments, is that what you mean on older posts?

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  12. Amy ♡, I was falling behind on my reading your posts. I am thrilled to view the beauty in your photos and am taking a deep sigh of relief. I was telling you on your post with conversation with “Bill” from WordPress that my new phone still has “kinks” in it so some of your problems I was attributing to the phone. (I got a 3nd phone and purse stolen. This time not on library surveillance tape! It was at my oldest daughter’s apt complex.) Anyway, hope you figure out WordPress as I muddle along finding my way with new cell phone, too. 🙂

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    1. I am figuring out WP, Robin, with the help NOT of Bill the engineer, but the help from WP friends. Good luck with your phone!! I know how complex they can be!!!! Have a great day, Robin!! Love, Amy ❤


  13. No one can make us happy if we ourselves can’t…the key to happiness lies in our hands and the way we look to the world…I think no harm to be a little selfish in this respect… 🙂

    I hope Molly is doing great… ❤


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