Totally Free

69 thoughts on “Totally Free”

    1. OH, Erika, not many comment on what I write when I post my short sayings. Thank YOU for saying something. Yes, these words are powerful when we stop to really think about them. I am so touched you took the time to read the words. Bless you!!! ❤

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      1. Sure, I do, Amy! Actually it wasn’t that much. But to be honest: The caught me and I read them a few times. I love your beautiful words to your beautiful pictures. They are always so profound ❤

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      2. I am the messenger, Erika. Usually these words come to me as I go about my day, and when they do, I write them down on my yellow legal pad with my “pink” pen. These words also are created sometimes in conversation when I comment on others’ blogs. I don’t understand how this works. All I do know, it happens and I’ve come to trust it. 🙂

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      3. We function similar. I also have lines in my head just so. And most of my quotes are meanwhile comments or replies I made. That is called “inspiration” 🙂 Isn’t that wonderful that we are constantly inspired 😀

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    1. When I wrote what I did, it was yesterday! LOL It didn’t even enter my mind at that time when I posted this, we would be closer to Friday. Oh well!!! Such is Life!!! 🙂 ❤

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      1. It’s OK. I wrote that comment and pushed publish before saying that I really liked what you had written. I was going to go back, but then I saw your comment on my place. See how quickly it gets complicated 🙂 I think I need that long weekend.

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      2. Ditto. I’m thinking of stepping away from here starting tomorrow to just chill. I’ve been dealing with several cats who have slipped away from being stable, so have been scrambling trying to figure out what best to do. Whew!!!

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    1. OH YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! I hesitated to say hump day in this post because last week, someone took those words in a sexual context. Hehehehehehe Which of course, I honestly didn’t mean. As for you getting Friday off with pay as well, oh time to do the Happy Dance for you!!!!! 🙂 ❤


    1. Thank you, Laura!!! I Love this image for some reason. I find myself coming to it today just drinking it all in. I Love flower images that seem caught in the middle of motion, as this one represents. ❤

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    1. Their home lies in a garden that runs parallel to my front sidewalk. Yes, Gigi, their color draws my eyes all the time. They are mesmerizing!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Switters, thank YOU. I have been coming back just to dive into this image time and time again. It just holds so much emotion, so much movement, so much individualized expression! There is just SO much to see and feel in this image. These are very tiny bright yellow flowers that really do pack a personality!!! So glad you enjoyed these! I still am!! 🙂 ❤

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    1. Kathy, it is AGAIN raining here today. Honestly, this is just unbelievable! And what is really a huge shock, some trees are beginning to turn like they do in Fall and some birds have begun to flock to begin to migrate. WHAT!???? This is getting scary! *sighs* ……

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      1. Sounds like you need to build a ark with the amount of rain you been getting lately. We had a storm for a few hours a couple of days ago. Temps have sure been cool the last couple of weeks. Today got up to 69. The birds migrate is way too soon for you. Sure is strange, Amy!


    1. Now that YOU have enjoyed MY flowers, tell your human to get a treat by reading my POOP DAY. I promise her she will laugh until she has stomach cramps. Yup, these things really do happen to me. Hehehehehehe 😂

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      1. She won’t regret it. It has dog poop in it. Rude dogs and the owners right along with them …. at least KATS have the courtesy to BURY their poop!!! HUH!!

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      2. Don’t I know! I just might have to start wearing boots when I go landscape shooting. Stepping in dog poop was really gross!!! Grrrrrrr …….

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  1. You know from time I need confidence and I love being connected to special people like you, Amy. These words touched my heart. Let’s be free together ((hugs))


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