My Special Angel

232 thoughts on “My Special Angel”

    1. Thank you, Smilecalm. These words came to me while I was in my yoga class yesterday morning, and I kept saying, “OH! I have to remember these!” The moment I got home, I wrote the words down. Whew!! I remembered. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. And I Love that you Love being a part of my Journey as I Love being a part of yours too!!! Did you hear that the Prof is talking about war now because we (yes me too) ganged up on him over at Audrey’s place? What think you about that?


      2. I had no idea that there was war. I didn’t see what happened. I have had some things going on with me. I was hired to be a book editor for a publishing concern, and working from home. So, among my other jobs and such I have been setting up to do that.

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      3. I kinda thought you have been busy. Duke is talking war because we …. you, me and Aud … ganged up on him. He being heartless and all ….. (smile) ….


      4. Yes he does. Susan, I am not sure you are aware of this, because your responses have been vague. Are you aware my Dad just passed last week? I know you have been busy, which I sensed, so that would explain why you really didn’t read the poem I wrote for him. Sending my Love to you this cold snowy morning, Amy


      5. I kind of gathered that he had passed recently. I just hadn’t figured it out when.

        I have a job, and before that I had some major issues (for me) with an extended family member that left a bad taste in my mouth from Christmas forward.

        I am sorry to hear that your dad is gone.

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      6. Yep. That’s the one!!! Now you have gotten into war with Duke. LOL Perhaps I’ll turn my laser eyes of him, point them at his heart, and turn his tune of war into that of Love. LOL

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    1. I am so moved by your words and am so happy in Heart that through my difficult journey, I am reaching you to help you. The honor is mine, believe me. Bless you both. May you find Peace in your grief, coming to the Place of Balance. God bless you, Patricia and Nickel. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to bring solace into your Lives. (((HUGS))) Amy


    2. Thinking of the both of you this morning, and sending you IBG (((HUGS))) along with my deepest condolences. Life really does go on, with the “illusion of death” only the beginning of New Life. Take good care of yourselves at this time. Know you are Loved by me. Love, Amy


      1. Thank you Amy for your understanding. The loss of my husband of 34 years, married 23 has been a huge adjustment. He was such a fun, loving & strong man. I know deep down in my heart he is in a much better place, visiting all of his love ones. We got Nickle a year before he died, he has been such a blessing these past 3 months, he teaches me how to live and appreciate the sunrise each morning. My wish for you is to embrace the grieving process, we must go through it and we will continue on with a new meaning & purpose in our lives. You had something very special & treasured with your Dad. Your photos bring such peace to the soul. Patricia & Nickel


      2. Oh, Patricia, tears are stinging my eyes. Your loss is so great and one that just brings such pain to my Heart. I am so glad you have Nickel to bring you comfort and to help you get through each day. My cats are helping me immensely, sometimes to the point, of ….OK, I really must get back to work now …. May each of us come to terms with this loss, in our own ways, coming to a Great Place of Peace and Balance. Going to the service in a few weeks from now, will help me bring closure as I get hugs from my brothers and sisters who I have not seen in so long. Life can get SO busy and there is just no one to replace me in what I do with these special cats. Hubby is now on a very structured training program to teach him how to step into my shoes while I am gone for a little over 24 hours. I pray Peace for you. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Thank you, Linda. Bless you for being a part of my Journey and I am so touched that you are keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. Even though my Dad is definitely in the Better Place, I really do miss him. Just one more phone call …. *tears* (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Yes, Charlie, even in this great loss of mine, I shall continue to see Life and Blessings. That does not mean my Heart aches terribly and the tears come easily. Yet, I refuse to give into the darkness that tempts to swirl me away. (((HUGS))) Amy


  1. And what an awesome part of the team he is…You wrote this so beautifully and found a way to transform the loss into such beauty. I found myself wishing this for my own daddy to be HOME, really HOME, as he is struggling in his earthly shell. My heart and hugs go out to you dearest Amy. Thanks for writing a piece to hold onto. Namaste, Marie

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    1. Oh, Marie, tears are stinging my eyes because I know the hell it is to see someone you love, suffer and struggle. I have so many disagreements with medicine with “keep them alive no matter what philosophy” as I saw “death” on my Dad. I tried long distance to get those who were making decisions to get Hospice involved and when they finally were involved, my Dad passed within hours of their care. The helplessness is terrible and the emotions so powerful that even if you could, you don’t make decisions you later wished you had. My Hope is that medicine gains more mercy with the old and dying, and instead of continuing their suffering, bring comfort to those people so that they can easily let go. My Heart truly goes out to you and your Loved ones. Truthfully, I am reeling from everything I have gone through. Please keep this poem close by so that it brings you HOPE. God bless you and know you are in my Heart, praying for you and your family. Love, Amy


  2. Dear Amy… I am sure all the other Angels rejoiced at his homecoming… I know he was welcomed in his new surroundings with love, and oh how he will love testing our his new Wings!…. He is soaring already 🙂 x x x ❤

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    1. My husband saw a shooting star the evening of the day my Dad passed. I know he is rejoicing and dancing and is HOME. I feel his presence even stronger now then when he was alive. His spirit was slowly withdrawing for years, Sue, and towards the end, his inner tormentors tied him to a body that was no longer able to continue. My voice was the only one he responded to at the end, (over the phone) and at his passing, I had a vision of me as a little girl in NYC, running down the sidewalk, and looking back at my Dad, saying, “Come on, Daddy, come and get me!” He did. So yes I really was there at his passing. I felt it, I knew it, I saw it. When Hospice stepped in, he was finally able to let go. Now he understands what I could not tell him because of how he believed. Bless you for your Loving words, my friend. Bless you! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. My eyes are wet.. but my heart is overflowing.. as your emotional encounter brought home just how joyous a miracle a passing is.. I saw the image of you as a child and your Dad following your words to catch you.. I know dear Amy.. He now does know.. And you will I know feel his presence more..

        Yesterday was my Dads Earth Birthday.. He pasted exactly one month after on the 12th Feb, he was 68. Yesterday I smelt his tobacco, and so many memories flooded back in.. I spoke to him.. and he heard..

        We are only ever a whisper apart I wrote this poem with him in mind some years back.. The picture of him was there.. But now seems not to open.. Such are the mysteries of WP.. as this was posted before the transfer to WP when it was then Windows Live Spaces..

        Love to you xxx ❤

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  3. no wonder 🙂 you make me wonder 🙂 no wonder you let me realise 🙂
    you are a wonder 🙂 the 9th wonder 🙂 you inspire 🙂
    and it comes back to you 🙂
    bigger, brighter, bolder, ever greater

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    1. Niki, Love, I refuse to allow the bite of depression to grab hold of me to pull me down into the dark. I refuse. My Dad would not want this for he is celebrating right now! Though the hole in my Heart is very real, I shall continue to focus on Love, on Beauty, on Joy, and Truth. Bless you for saying what you did to me. I bring those words with me as I go about my day. I Love you. ((HUGS))) Amy


  4. Beautiful, Amy! *wipes tear*

    I’m sorry you lost your dad, but I’m glad his artistic legacy will live on through his very creative daughter! 🙂

    I love your outlook on things. You are very inspiring!

    Sending you big hugs.

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  5. So moving, Amy. This time of transition is never entirely easy, but what a blessing that you’ve got a larger vision of the peace and healing and hope and joy possible in letting go of the struggle, pain, and sorrow—from both sides! Your dad will indeed remain alive in your heart and your gracious generosity and creative powers. (((HUGS)))

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    1. *tears* Bless you! I framed this poem and the Rose. Both are coming with me to my Dad’s service which will be put upon a table with all other items that have been made for my Dad. I am also reading this poem at the service as well. You have really touched me with your words. His service is this weekend. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. I feel your pain Amy and my heart goes out to you. Lost both my parents far too early. Just know your father is always with you. As long as you have your memories he will always be in your heart.
        ★ There is one more Angel in heaven and one new star in the sky ★
        You will be in my thoughts this weekend.

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      2. Bless you, Angie. There truly is one more Angel in Heaven now. This poem will be read by me at his service, and I know it will raise a few eyebrows. It matters not to me what Southern Fundamentalists think. I am there for my Dad, not they. It is really good to now know you. Just the little time we have spoken, I know I have met another “like minded soul”. I do have memories, and those are what will live on. My Dad also lives on through me, my work, for he is an artist himself. I do feel his presence, too, and somewhere on one of my posts, I said I have just gained another member of the LadyPinkRose’s Creative Team .. my Dad. (smile) Bless you for all your kindness. I really look forward in getting to know you better, Angie. ((HUGS))) Amy

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      3. Hi Amy I look forward to a long and lasting friendship too. It was your beautiful pink rose that caught my attention. I love flowers and my late Mom loved roses too and so do I but my all time favourite flower is an orchid.
        But I do love the scent of the old english country garden roses.
        How did the funeral go? I thought of you over the weekend.

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      4. Angie, your comment put tears in my eyes. Bless you for touching my Heart in such a meaningful way. Roses hold the highest vibration of all flowers. Did you know that?

        My Dad’s service was incredible, a 21 gun salute, the highest honor the military has, reserved only for those who have served this country who have seen intense battle and have medals of honor. My Dad had both. It was SO good to see my family, and the time, of course, went by too quickly. Six out of the eight kids have decided to begin to act like family, to really get to know each other, to Love one another, to support one another. One brother and one sister want nothing to do with the family. That is their decision, and I accept it. Much abuse in our past history, so I really do understand. But many of us have worked through so much darkness and are now ready to embrace one another for who the other is. Such a beautiful unfolding from such a sad affair. I am SO touched by your caring, Angie. God bless you! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      5. The miracle of love and bringing a family together again was a special farewell gift from your father’s passing.

        So sorry to hear your past history is tainted with painful memories. I hear of so many stories like this nowadays and its so sad. I do hope you have found peace with your past and have been abke to move forward.
        Sending love and positive vibrations ypur way. ♥♡♥♡

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      6. I have found Peace with my past. Years worth of inner Healing, where only the Brave of Heart go, has enabled freedom in my Life to move forward and to keep moving forward. It was sad to see some in my family still stuck in the dark, yet, they too, have the choice to go deep within and see Truth in order to heal. It really is a Miracle that 6 of the 8 kids that make up our family, are willing to keep in touch and to create relationships with one another. Bless you for your Love and + vibes coming my way. Bless you, Angie! Love, Amy

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    1. Thank you, Irina. Bless you for your Loving words to me. Yes, this is a challenging period of my Life. I miss my Dad’s physical presence on this earth, yet I know that he now lives in a place he has been longing to be for a very long time. THAT is what helps me, AND my friends here on WP, not to stay in the pit of depression. With Love, Amy


  6. Wonderful expression. And we all know your dad is truly at the best place he wished, where he belonged. Prayers and regards to you and to your family.


  7. Reblogged this on Petals Unfolding and commented:

    Today, January 8, 2016, is the first year Anniversary of my Dad’s death. My absence from Petals will be until I am ready to return. Loosing someone you Love is a reality of this world, yet in Truth, their is no death … only a continuation of Life.


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