Mission Accomplished (11 iPad Images)

103 thoughts on “Mission Accomplished (11 iPad Images)”

  1. WOW! Hope this isn’t an indication of the winter we are going to get….Our temps are unbelievably cold for the “south”!

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  2. Beautiful pics, indeed. WOW, Amy, it’s a wonder both of you can walk or move at all. No one would believe this without these awesome pics. Reminds me of why I live in the South (TN) and Southwest(NM) Loved scenery when I visited Friends in Plattsburg, NY, but white was not my favorite color, at all, in WINTER
    Moved Son’s family down from Chicago, I won’t visit in Winter either.


    1. We’re both OK, George. What we opened up now we must make sure stays open for up to three feet of snow is due to be dumped on us. NEVER has anyone see a storm like this. The National Guard has just been called in for help. It is really really bad. Love, Amy

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  3. Oh I’m sorry to hear of all the trouble you both have faced and of the people that has passed 😦 I’m glad you both and the cats are warm and have food. Praying for you all up there.


  4. Amsgirl, I had NO Idea this was going on. I guess I really do live in a sheltered little world. My Prayers are with you, your babies, and all those who are struggling to survive Mother’s Wake Up Call. I wish I could make you a nice hot pot of soup. Or a Steaming cup of Chai…but all I can send are Hugs {{{{{}}}}}}} and Prayers ~~ ~~ ~~


      1. I am keeping you guys posted, Mor. I am posting another 3 posts today documenting what I am seeing and experiencing. Please keep us in your prayers. The storm is moving back in again right now. Love, Amy

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  5. OMG that looks incredible, I know it isn’t the reaction you were expecting, but I’ve never seen snow like that, I find it fascinating, I know it is a lot of work for you and not great, and sorry to hear that you have had snow fall so early.


    1. Leanne, it really is spectacular to see so don’t apologize. I hope to get out when I can to get photos in a local park. We are still socked in. Even emergency vehicles cannot get through. It is a real mess. We have a total of 50 inches on the ground in less then 24 hours and more snow is coming … it hasn’t stopped snowing. I feel like I have stepped into an alien world. Love, Amy


  6. I feel so bad for you guys having to deal with this much snow, especially so early in the season. I hope they get the roads open. I’m glad to hear that you have food and that you now have your heat working. You’re so sweet to clear the bird feeders and think of the cats. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you. Thanks for the photos Amy. Take care,

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  7. My heart breaks for you. I don’t think I could stand a ‘real’ Northern winter. Ten inches of snow around here shuts down everything. How do you guys function when a blizzard hits?


    1. Bless you, Shrimp. More snow is still coming down. This is CRAZY!!!! We have 50 inches so far and up to THREE feet more is forcasted. NEVER has anyone seen anything like this. It really could be scary if I let it. (((HUGS)))MB

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  8. All that snow! I remember it from growing up in Minnesota: the endless shoveling, the need to bolt heat one’s car, while traveling with chains and a bucket of sand in the back. The stillness and whiteness was lovely but surviving the winter was a challenge. Now that I’m living in the sub-tropics we don’t face a freezing winter but cyclones and droughts are an ever present problem. Life ain’t perfect anywhere.

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    1. It is tough and we still are not finished either. It’s still snowing with the storm supposed to turn around and dump 3 more feet on the over 4 feet we already have. I honestly don’t know what we are going to do. This is the most snow ever this part of the world has ever seen. It is worse then bad. Truly. Yet, my family is warm, fed and safe. xx Amy


  9. I hit the “Like” button for this post, but the only thing I liked was your spirit and positive attitude getting through this! Montains of snow such as what you are dealing with, particularly when it seems to be focusing on just your town, are not meant to be “liked.” All I can think of is all those beautiful photos of roses and other gorgeous sun-fed beauties that you took for us!!! Take heart and keep in mind that this snow will melt and be replaced by such colorful wonders! Hugs, Mary


    1. Mary, Bless you for your kindness. I haven’t been able to answer most of the comments due to the extreme circumstances we are under. I hope that all those who have wished us well read this comment too. I am SO touched by how many people came forth to express their concern. Deeply touched am I. I was also mistaken when I said ONLY Lancaster is getting hit, for there are many areas around us in Erie County that are getting hit too. Although, we it seems is ground zero, getting hit the hardest. I watched the news tonight, and I was shocked, because what was portrayed is really not happening. They downplayed the severity of what is happening, with a spokesperson standing in downtown Buffalo that only has maybe one inch on the ground. Crazy. So far we are up to about 50” of snow that has fallen in less then 24 hours, and this storm is supposed to stall, then turn around and dump 3 more feet on us. Mary, I tell you true, I don’t know what we are going to do. Our roofs are at their max now, straining under in places 6 feet of snow piled on them. I feel like I’ve walk into an alien world. It’s so hard for me to believe this is happening. I was just photographing Autumn colors and the creek in the park, and some flowers that were still blooming. And now this? This is really bad. It helps SO much to know there are so many of my friends who care about us. Bless all of you!!! From my Heart I am SO touched. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Well, the morining news down here (CT) was all about the absolute mess in the Buffalo area, and the photos they showed matched yours. So the world really does know what’s going on, and let me tell you, everyone here is talking about it with disbelief! And to think that more is coming?!?!? Our hearts do go out to you…we can only pray that it straightens out SOON, and that the roofs hold! Hang in there, kid! xoxo, Mary


      2. Thank God, Mary! Our local news last night was a joke. I am so relieved the world knows the Truth because we really need HELP here and prayers. I know the National Guard has been called in as of yesterday. We are having a respite right now, but this storm is supposed to turn and come back dumping at least 2 more feet of snow. I have more pics that I took today that you will just not believe, for I myself cannot believe it. I may be posting later today with comments closed. I am seriously exhausted today after digging out yesterday. I’ll do my best to keep the pics coming. (((HUGS))) Amy


  10. Oh, Amy! I saw the cnn news and the weather channel too! You all are socked in all around you. I may not sleep tonight with all of you on my mind and spirit. Sometimes when there is weather like this in certain areas I just can’t sleep. I will be praying all night for everyone’s safety. Real love to you dear Aimes ❤ you all are on my heart. Denise


  11. Hello dear Amy,
    Thank you so much for keeping us updated. I can’t imagine what it’s like with all that snow 😦 As others have said, please try to stay warm and take care. I know you’re busy, so don’t worry about replying to my comment.
    Warm hugs,

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  12. I am not sure somebody of your blog visitors like the disaster you involved in. The only reason to like your post to show their concern and worry. Forget about everything. The most important thing to you and your husband to survive.
    Today on my road to work I heard on radio there are few death in Buffalo, and three of them because of heart attack while cleaning the snow.
    Sorry, for so pessimistic comment.



    1. Alexander, I am taking time to write you to reassure you we are safe. We have a little respite today but the storm is turning around and heading back this way again starting this evening. Never have I seen it this bad. I have more pics that I took today, but don’t know if I will post them. Exhaustion has set in from all the digging out I did yesterday. Bless you for your concern. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. There are only about 100 km between us and what is the dramatically different weather conditions. That doesn’t realy surprise me because you have pretty often a lot of snow. However right now you have kind of catastrophe.
        God Bless you Guys!

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      1. The images being shared on the news are amazing and I am certain that the reality of it is even harder to deal with. How are you and your neighbors holding up?


      2. Most people seen are helping each other out but also looking very shell shocked. Absolutely no one can believe this is happening. I know I cannot. I look out my eating room window, and to see 6-7 feet of snow straight across my entire backyard, freaks me right out. I have really tried my best to convey how deep and how massive this snow is by my photographs I have posted. I had to turn the 24/7 storm news off, because now there are more roofs collapsing and more people dying. It’s too hard for me to handle. This is the worst storm I have ever seen. The amount of snow we got within 3 days is normally what we get all winter long. So you can well imagine how we are feeling. Shell shocked. Thank you for asking. I really am not doing much in answering comments due to exhaustion and having so much to do. Your comment caught my eye before I closed down my computer. Again, thank you for your concern. Love, Amy

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      3. Gosh, I hope everything goes well for you, especially with this weekend. Good luck! And by the way, your job documenting the storm is fantastic! I have been forwarding your site to all my family and friends. So much more personal than the Eyewitness News on Channel Whatever.


      4. Oh wow, thank you SO much for your compliment. I’ve never done this before so your encouragement is awesome. I don’t know how much reporting I will be able to do with the floods due to come. I won’t be able to go outside. I will take it as it comes. Today we prepare our basement for the floods. Bless you for your support. Love, Amy

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      5. Dearest Friend …. we have had no flooding. It is a Miracle. The slow thaw over 3 days helped tremendously. I plan on writing a final post about this storm perhaps today. If now it will be tomorrow. I’m really fighting fatigue right now. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      6. That is wonderful, WONDERFUL news! Well then, now I can day it… Have a happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving and Holidays! 🙂 You guys deserve it!


  13. OMG Amy! Last year’s snowstorm was apparently only a foretaste of what was to come this winter. Hope it calms down soon. Amazing nice pictures there anyway – as usual 🙂 Take care of yourself / s ❤


  14. Amy these photo’s show us how deep and how blizzard like are the conditions.. I saw on our TV how the lake with warm air and cold air were causing the snow storms to sweep in.. It was eery looking at how it blew in like in blankets of fog.. Yet it was a full on blizzard…
    So pleased that you have heat and food.. xxxx

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