Magic Mother and Me (2 MACROS)

130 thoughts on “Magic Mother and Me (2 MACROS)”

  1. I believe in magic, and I am quite content to say that the flower was responding to the magic coming from you. Splendid and mesmerizing shots 🙂 Peace . . .

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    1. OH, risinghawk, what wonderful words to say to me, ones that bring such JOY to my Heart. So many do not believe in Magic, even though I keep saying over and over again it is Real. Now I have proof. And the way You explained is so cool, because this Rose was showing Herself to me in two different ways. Now I must meditate on this, and wait to hear the Message. I know there is one!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Oh, Cher, Bless you! No matter the phenomenon I do see through my camera, I still am left with awe and wonder. This to my memory, this Rose, is the most significant “Magic” I have yet to behold. Just WOW! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. But, Cee, that’s the whole thing. I did not play around with the colors. That is how they both are on the originals. I didn’t change the colors. At all. I do thank you for the compliment, but I honestly don’t deserve it. This is how the camera took this rose as you see it. Love, Amy


    1. Thank you, Domnuio! I am astonished! Still! I ask was this Mother, the Rose, or my camera? I did hear words today as to WHY I was shown what I was. Would you like to know? “There is more to Life then what is seen at first glance.” Hmmmm….. I surely can apply that to my Life!!! LOL xx Amy


      1. Sorry- it looked and SMELLED so DELICIOUS I couldn’t help my furry little self!! *(the human showed it to her oldest creature (the one with the baby)- and she LOVED IT!


      2. Does this creature like PURPLE by any chance? And YOU need to practice some self control. YUP! Sure do! I DO LOVE YOU! Just sayin’ …….. MB 😻😘


      3. MOL! Good grief NO! Who told you THAT? Self control means when you want to do something that you know deep down is really not right, you stop yourself from doing that thing, and then display more maturity. Whew! That was a mouthful! LOL


    1. Kathy, (((HUGS)))!!!! Thank you for believing in Magic. I have no other explanation. Now I ask, was this Mother, was this the Rose, or was this my energy through the camera that did this? I am curious you know! LOL Love, Amy


    1. It did right in front of my AMAZED eyes, Professor! I honestly don’t have any explanation for this! When I saw this, the distinct colors, my eyeballs fell out of my head. Or just about. LadyP


      1. Yes I am! Although Val explained about the rainbow phenomenon which actually makes sense. SO there is a rainbow around me and the flower, and with an angle change plus my wunderful energy …. VOILA! Magic!


  2. I saw a BBC Planet Earth documentary that was about how we and animals see and colors. Colors come from the prism of the rainbow. The rainbow is always around us, yet we filter it through our human eyes.
    We can change how we see colors based on the angle of the glass prism. So I imagine that this relates to the angle of the glass within the camera and how the light is catching it in the prism of colors that are all around us.
    The magic of nature and what we don’t know in this world ❤
    Val x

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    1. Wow, Val, that is an awesome incredible answer. Just wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. So there is a rainbow around me. OH MY GOSH! Wow!!!! You are SO right! What we still don’t know! (((HUGS))) Amy


    2. Val, I really think you just explained this mystery. I did change the angle from which I shot this image. The light must have reflected on the glass differently and then with my energy, purple was seen instead of mauve. OH this is so cool!!!! Love, Amy

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  3. There is also other things to consider, was it taken on a different day, did a cloud move in, did the humidity suddenly change, did the time of day change from pic on to two. All this affects so much. Yes it is the same flower, that’s easy to see. But what happened and the factors involved can change a cameras view. Cameras don’t lie.

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    1. There was one second in between both photos on the exact same day. I know cameras don’t lie, that is what is blowing my mind. Another commentor said there is a rainbow of colors around everything, and because I changed the angle of the lens (glass) that glass caught another color. Also my energy mingled in there as well. Believe me, when I SAW this, my mouth flew open and I said NO WAY! Oh yes, this truly did happen. I have seen things with my camera that have blown me away, but to this extent? No. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Well, I didn’t know one second. Yes it is possible that a slight change in the sun and camera allowed the reds to come through more. Our eyes would never have seen that.


      2. True. I have seen some things with my camera that I actually see something else through the view finder, “feeling” as though I am photographing something special, and when I do look at my LCD screen, I get blown away. Why? Because what is on my LCD screen as the image I just took was not actually what my eyes physically saw. This macro lens I am just in awe over because of what it has allowed me to see, things that I would not normally see. Hope your day was a good one, Abezure. Mine was a busy one. 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. Busy yes, working at work and now about to start more packing at home preparing to move. Boy this is stress full


      4. Moving is VERY stressful. I hope Petals can bring some calmness into your life. I dread the thought of moving and just thinking about going through stuff, deciding what to keep, what to throw out, and how to pack it all, gives my stomach a deep ache. I know some day we will move from our home we built oursleves, and believe me, I do not even want to think of it. How’s your little boy handling it? Kids usually fare better then we aults. (((HUGS))) Amy


      5. Sometimes less is best but darn it is so hard letting things go. I really hope this difficult part of your life is over soon, and you can settle into your own routine that is comfortable for you.


    1. ME TOO! All summer I have been trying to get the velvet look on this red Rose. Reds grrrrrrrr me. And oranges too. Deep pinks as well. So, what happened here is totally mind blowing. I honestly did not touch the color. This is what this Rose looked like just as I took it. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. GRIN!!!! I’m just pinching the skeptics that walk among us. Tee hee ….. Honestly though? When I saw this, my teeth fell out of my head, or would have if I had false teeth. Astonished? That does not begin to describe what I felt. (((HUGS))) Zia!!! Love, Amy


    1. The rainbow! YES! Someone else mentioned that. I did not see this with my naked eye but my camera did when I changed the angle of the shot. How cool is that? WOW!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  4. Beautiful pictures of the rose.

    You mentioned that there was more light in one picture than the other? Which picture has more light (first or second)? You mentioned that camera setting for both is the same, I assumed you use manual setting. Is this correct? What is WB setting?


    1. WB was set on automatic. The light is more in the first photo in the background. Yes I use manual settings for all my photos. Someone mentioned the rainbow effect, being there is a spectrum of rainbow light that we do not see with our eyes, yet our camera lens does. By moving my camera to another angle, I must have photographed a different spectrum of that rainbow. I find this fascinating, and to be truthful with you, I still have trouble believing that something like this can and does happen. SMILE xx Amy


  5. “Oh! Oh! Oh! It’s magic. You know-oh-oh!” ❤ Harmonious beauty is no trick.
    The color of wisdom tells me to look twice at everything. 😉
    You are honest and sincere, good LadyP. I have no reason to doubt. Hugz, K


    1. The “Message” I received today this Rose did say to me, “All isn’t as it seems at first glance.” Hmmmmm ….. More or less what YOU just said. Thank you for believing me. I am as stunned as you. Someone congratulated me on playing around with the colors. Uh uh. I did not. No tricks. The Rose showed me Herself in two ways and the Message for me came today. (((HUGS))) Uncle Tree!!! Love ‘n Peace, SisPink

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  6. Nice color.
    If it is not by Mother…
    The correct color is the 2nd photo, isn’t it?
    The difference caused by white balance.
    The second photo is under the sunlight but the first is not.
    Your white balance can read in exif data. and I read it.
    Both photos are the same setting and the white balance is “Auto”.
    Perhaps both white balance are “daylight”(by Camera).
    But the first photo must be “shade”. ..
    Why your camera missed white balance.
    I think your camera was set to the “sky” in the view.
    But the colors are beautiful.


    1. Good explanation, Chun. These were taken same time of day, one minute apart. So perhaps because there is more light in the background on photo one, WB set to day versus shade. Yes, the second photo is the true color. Digital cameras just amaze me, my friend!!! Love, Amy

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      1. If there is a part that can be in the field of view of the camera, to determine accurately the WB, it works well.
        Otherwise, it will fail the Auto detect any camera.
        This also is not easy.
        dear my friend Amy. 🙂


      2. However, I also shoot a pristine also basically you.
        You do not want the original unexpected results.
        It is also the trust relationship of you and me.
        Thank you for the lovely pictures always.
        My dear Amy.

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  7. Pinch me all you like, Amy! It’s a white balance thing going on in the two pictures. And YES changing your position can change the color of what you’re trying to capture. In my opinion, you should look into kelvin temperature as it pertains to white balance.


    1. Someone else said white balance as well, Jackie. I had it set on automatic and when I changed positions, the light that was more prominent in the back of the first image was not in the second image. I know there was an explanation yet it takes the FUN out of things. I just today started looking into kelvin temperatures and how colors change. *sigh* Yep. You are right. I don’t want you to be, but you are. LOL So there you have it. A scientific explanation. I still have SO much more to learn, and sometimes I just don’t learn fast enough which frustrates me. I am SO tempted to get a Samsung Galaxy and just put my Canon to the side. And also, IF I don’t use something I forget about it. Thanks, Jackie. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. It takes time to learn about photography. But to me that’s is part of the fun. Yes it can be frustrating but let that frustration motivate you to get better and better. The more you shoot the better you become. 🙂 *big hugs*


      2. Thank you, Jackie!!! There are times I think I got something down, then I get thrown a curve ball. Yes, I really get overwhelmed. I plan on really studying over the winter and hopefully be able to apply what I do learn. A nice Samsung Galaxy would still be nice. 🙂 I have to talk to Santa. LOL (((HUGS))) back! Amy]

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  8. Amy it is not you who made HUE changes, it is the sunlight. At that time of the day the spectrum of light is changing dramatically fast, especially when day is shorter. This is my guess and only explanation, unless some atmosphere changing had place by the time of your shooting.


    1. It was figured out that it was my WB setting, Alexander. I wrote a post to explain. And regarding the hue, I can actually change the color in Photo Shop. That is why I said what I did. I hope you had a really great day!!!! Love, Amy


  9. Violets and purples have been coming through a lot in the plant world. There has been a lot of talk as well lately about the violet flame. Beautiful as always! ❤


    1. Denise, if we don’t see SOMETHING and like any day now, how can we just keep on going on faith? There really was magic here, but it was figured out that my white balance which was set on auto, caught more light in one photo then the other, hence the color change. *sigh* I still like the magic theory! LOL Love, Amy


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