Being on Same Page

81 thoughts on “Being on Same Page”

  1. No disrespect taken. You need to do what you need to do to keep your inner circle running well. I will keep you in prayer my friend!

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    1. OH, Father, God bless you for your prayers. *tears* My life is just so big and I take care of so many as well. Blogging is not the only thing I do, but it is the MEANS in which I can do what God has called me to do. I am deeply honored for your words here. In Love, Amy

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      1. You are very welcome Amy. Just know that in life we may get busy…but every so often we need to smell the flowers that God provide for us. He is there at all times just Knock on His door and He will open. Be blessed and know you are not alone in your endeavors.†

        In Christ’s Love
        Padre Eddie


      2. I know I am not alone, Father, for I “see” what you do as well. I have what I call my Inner Garden and that is where I meet with God and I rest in Him. I have to. The quiet times are a must for me to keep going. As well you know. (smile) Love, Amy


  2. Much love and peace flowing to you. I feel very blessed that you are my friend. I read your “about” shortly after I started following you, and I do understand and support you.

    “Only when one is connected to one’s own core is one connected
    to others, I am beginning to discover. And, for me, the core,
    the inner spring, can best be refound through solitude.”
    – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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    1. OH, Susan, you know I LOVE you. I treasure the relationship that has sprung up between us. And then there is that Professor. Tee Hee. He is at his shinanigans again today. *eye ball roll* What are we to do with that man? LOL xx Amy

      I thank you for that quote. YOU know what I am doing and you KNOW just how full my life is. This is one reason why I enjoy SO much talking to you and the Professor and a few others here. Not many, because I just cannot do it. (((HUGS))) and hoping you have many laughs today. Watch out for the Professor. He is lurking about. I can FEEL him. LOL


    1. Thank you, Barbara. I’ve learned to do well and be very attentive to what I do. This blogging has been a huge adjustment in my life, and still is. I’ve just gone up another notch in the challenge area, but once I get used to that, all will flow nicely again. Bless you for being a part of Petals. Love, Amy


    1. Oh, Laura, thank you SO much! I am still getting “settled” and once I get things to run smoothly again, I’ll be visiting and ohhing and ahhing over photos and poems and all the lovely Gifts so many share on WP. (((HUGS))) Amy


  3. Yes, take care of yourself Amy! It is most important! We all care about you and we want to you to be happy and healthy, always!! 🙂 Lots of Love to you!! 🙂

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    1. *blush* Oh, Richard, you honestly put tears in my eyes. To be appreciated and loved by my WP family, means so much to me. Darn it, you got the tears going!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. That is why I was crying. I know. Bless you, Richard. I honestly don’t know what I would do without those like you in my life. I am the one who is so lucky!!! xx


  4. So what do ya do in your spare time gal? 🙂

    All sounds very familiar to me, albeit different things packing the same hours, 7 days a week. But as for blogging, nobody’s business but your own. I blog mainly very late at night and schedule 50+%; I have to to cram in the farm work, household and business.

    Chat? Who has time to chat? A few scribbled ‘replies’ and that’s about it… You do what you want, period. If I see a happy flower once a week, I’ll be chuffed…


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    1. Hey, Uncle Spikey, some people just think I have time to “chat” and so with my increased audience, I wanted to make it very clear, I do not have time to chat. Life is busy. I *eye roll* to think people actually having the luxury to sit and talk. What about LIFE? I am going into my busy season in my gardens, and I don’t know when I will be able to be here. Priority is LIFE. I was getting a bit overwhelmed by the emails I was getting and the invites to G-Talk. G what? So I scooped everyone together here to say this is what it is and I do my best. Thanks for the support. It means a lot to me. I know YOU too have a busy life. Farming is a LOT of work. ….giggling….just looking again at your words ….CHAT? Who has time? Exactly! GRIN!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Hehe, yep. A few of these type of ‘chats’ is my limit. I am working from 06:00am, (4.30 in summer), and rarely stop before midnight. Trouble is people like to chat to you: luckily they don’t hassle me, lol 😀

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      2. No fair. NO FAIR! I am up at 7am and see midnight a lot. Yes, people like to chat with me. That’s the problem. Grrrr……Looking forward to more of your pics, Uncle Spikey. I’ve saved myself from pulling out my hair when you have the “Guess what this is.” Seriously, thank you for taking the time to “chat”. I know how precious your time is. Same here. (((HUGS))) Amy


  5. Best wishes in all your endeavors. I recall how difficult it was working one full and one part-time job, and that was when I was much, much younger. My heart goes out to you and yours. Good luck. 🙂

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    1. Cris, thank you. My passion for my life is what spurs me on. I must also pace myself and more importantly take out time for QUIET. If I don’t, I will run amuck. Thank you so much for your caring words. They mean a lot to me. Love, Amy


  6. Posting and following blogs takes a lot of time. It’s often hard to catch up with ALL of your friends. But we’re truly happy that you’re taking the time to post your beautiful photos and poems… Thank you! 🙂 xoxo Roxy & Tigerlino

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      1. Hehehehehehehe Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, because I am in the same predicament. This is why I do not have my email addy on my blog. But, those blogs I do follow have my email. (sigh) Don’t these people have a LIFE? Really! (((HUGS))) Amy


      2. Whew. Then why is the link to your old one still on your gravatar? How strange. I’ll make a note of it, Holly, right now. I think I have been getting your posts in my reader. I’ll be sure to make sure you are there. (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. It is? I don’t see it on my gravatar , I must check this out…thanks, Amy! hugs!


      4. You are welcome, Holly. Yes, your OLD site is on your gravatar. I think you have to make adjustments on your gravatar. Good luck!!!! Love, Amy


  7. I wish you the best of luck during your transition- I always look forward to seeing your posts, your comments, your photos- all of it. I know we all appreciate the serenity you bring to all of us when you share your posts. xo

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    1. Oh, I will be still posting, Luv. I am going through a new transition in a different way. It has gotten more challenging for me to get to the blogs I normally do, and to those who come to see me as well. I am doing my best. Thank you so much for your support. It means so much to me!!! Love, Amy


    1. Jeremy, for a complete stranger to say words that ring so true in my heart, took me by surprise. Thank you so much. I am doing what I was born to do. It is adjusting to it during the “growth periods” that can be challenging. (smile) If there was no growth there would be no life. (smile) Love, Amy


  8. No disrespect taken at all and totally understood. My husband is also a Nam Vet-disabled and I am shutting down all of the other stuff I have been trying to keep up with online and just keeping WP.
    I do not have all that you have to do and still have a hard time keeping up.

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    1. Thank you, Jackie. And bless you. Things have begun to settle nicely. I went again to see your photo of the yellow flowers and hover fly and just sat in amazement at the clarity in your work. Fantastic! xx, Amy


  9. Amy,Dear ! Time is money and I keep wondering where it goes … It mercilessly flies by and makes me feel that the 24 hours of each day are never enough to do what I really want to do apart from the certain obligations and commitments.I admire you,you manage to do so many lovely things in one single day and yet have time to write all these brilliant posts that generously convey love and sympathy.
    You have my love as always and many thanks for taking the time to write such an extended and pithy comment on my humble recent post.
    Hugs ♡ (◠‿◠✿) ♡ , Doda xxx 🙂


    1. Doda, your post was far from humble. It was par excellent!!! You do not give yourself enough credit, my friend. Your brilliant replies you always leave here stun me, for your gift with words and insight is truly incredible. I love the fact you are a part of my life, for you bring to my life such LIGHT. Bless you from my heart. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Your reply and your kindness deeply touch me,dear Amy !!! Thank you so very much for your nice words and for appreciating my comments.You bring celestial Light to me too and I feel so lucky I have met you !!!
        You are such a dear *===***===* ,love and hugs,Doda 🙂


  10. Blessings to you Amy in all that you do… I do ” get it” in many shared ways…You are in my love and prayers Thanks for peeking at my blog and affirming me Much love, Jeane


  11. Blessings in all that you do Amy and all that you are.. you are in my love and prayers Thanks for peeking at my blog and affirming my words, Love Jeane


    1. Those of us who do the Work Of Love and the Light, we need each other to support and to encourage. That is how we grow stronger together. (smile) With Love, Amy


    1. Oh, Jean, thank you SO much!! Bless you, Luv, for understanding!!! I am so delighted you are here to share my journey with me and I yours. BIG (((HUGS)) Amy


  12. Wow! I don’t know how you do it, but that’s absolutely impressive! May God help you with your work, your family and bless you in all your endeavors. Take care of yourself and definitely the time you need to yourself to recharge your batteries ; )


    1. I don’t know how I do it either. And then throw in there my photography, which I forgot to mention. I also am studying new techniques, teaching myself. Whew!!! I think I dive in between time itself. LOL Love, Amy


      1. I love photography, too! I’ve taught myself a lot on my own from books and websites. Unfortunately, where I live now doesn’t offer much photo opportunities, but I like doing post processing and photo manipulation with stock photos, which is a lot of fun, too : ) (((HUGS)))


      2. I’ve taught myself everything I know and am still learning. I have some really good books and if you ever want to read to keep learning, let me know and I will give you the names of them. I don’t do a lot of manipulation with my photographs accept for cropping and adjusting color/saturation and sharpness. I really try to take an image with the exact correct settings. Some which have busy backgrounds, I do adjust, so that the flower itself is the center of attention. I plan on being in my gardens today and photographing more flowers. I shall have FUN. (smile) (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. Yes, trying to capture an object amid a busy background is definitely a challenge. Thanks for the offer of the book titles. I’m not reading photography books at the moment, but if I do in the future, I will let you know.

        I’m sure you will have a lot of FUN in your garden. Being around flowers will do that to you : ) Have a great weekend! Love, M


  13. I would say reading this Amy you do more than your best.. And i haven’t as yet read your about me page.. as Like you Life often has to take priority ..I too work unsociable hours in Support work with adults with learning difficulties.. So thats why I catch up in blocks as I have done just now.. Its amazing you fit in all you do… I so admire you and how you share your loving Light with others and totally appreciate and respect that..
    Your Heart is Big and Bright and full of love… And you so deserve your quiet times to find your own Peaceful moments to connect back with source 🙂

    Blessings dear One.. you have risen already in my thoughts.. xox Hugs Sue


    1. You have me in tears. Yes, Sue, I really do need my quiet times. In fact, for the first time since I opened this blog in Sept of last year, I am taking the entire weekend off. Hundreds of people I have touched this week, and now I need a respite. Bless you for understanding “me”. You are an incredible woman!!! I encourage you as YOU bring LIGHT and LOVE into this world, a world that needs so much of both!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


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