
53 thoughts on “Gratitude”

  1. Thanks for posting. I liked the bridge image and the way the road curves around to lead to it.

    I’ll have to remember the phrase “bladder squawk.” Happens to me all the time lol

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    1. You are welcome, Joe. Walking that path you liked had a surreal feel to it for before me was this vast blue sky, to the left of me wide open fields, and then that bridge with a few small trees behind it. As for that bladder squawk …. the terminology fits! Hope you are having a great day today!

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    1. Yes, Sheila, very powerful indeed. I’ve learned not to beat myself up yet I’m still working on …. WHY did I mess up again? There was a Gift in there …. a sign that pointed to a past situation which needed to be put to rest. So there you have it. Full circle indeed!!! Love you, dear friend!! xoxo

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  2. I think all of these photographs are really beautiful but for me the best two are the one with the deer, and the one immediately before it, where the different fences lead the eyes to explore the entire picture.

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    1. Thank you, John!!! The one before the deer is the one I actually have on my desktop right now. The blue of that sky and how I composed that picture just tugs hugely at my heart. Those fences are intriguing aren’t they? Hope you are having a great day today! xo

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  3. You had me WOWing out loud too Amy… What gorgeous blue sky and WOW to that deer… Looking straight at you… 🙂
    Mother was indeed good to you Amy, she always finds ways to heal and nurture our spirit, and I am pleased she was able to restore your heart that day..

    Much love my friend… ❤ Stunning images.. ❤

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    1. I cherish each and every wow I get, Sue. THANK YOU! That deer gave me quite the challenge for he would not allow me a complete clear composition. I finally just flew and allowed my automatic “knowing” to hit that shutter. That blue sky was mesmerizing and I know beyond doubt it signals the Golden Era that is being birthed right now. I am so glad you enjoyed this. So much love to you!! xo


  4. Hi dear Amy, when I saw that first photo, before even reading your words, my thoughts were of a human stooping, seeking pardon. Forgiveness does indeed begin within ourselves my dear friend. Your words are so poignant and I felt them.
    I smiled throughout much of the rest of your commentary and your photos, as always, wow me. Thank you for sharing your walk, your exquisite views and your heart. Much love and gratitude sent your way dear Amy. And big hugs! 💗

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    1. Hi, Miriam! Forgiveness in so many ways is a key to our freedom. Thank you for gracing me with your golden presence once again. I am delighted and humbled that your light has added to that which I do here. Bless you, my friend. Sending you so much love wherever you may be in this moment. Where you are, there I am as well. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! xo

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  5. A beautiful day Amy, had a bit of everything too. I felt for old man tree at the top, been there and seen so much over so many years…and still going. A bladder that can talk, a deer always keeping tree’s between it and your camera…and of course a heart to watch over you. And that was in just one mornings wander with your lens. Mother knows where you are 🤣❤️🎅🏽🎄🎁⛄️

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    1. Yes, Mark, a beautiful miraculous day! So many can relate to that old tree especially due to what we all have been through these past few years. And yes I can pack quite a bit in two hours, now can’t I? When Mother promises She delivers, she always does and I right along so do I. Of course my bladder had to squawk with barely a hiding place in sight. What can I say?

      Mother certainly knows where I am all the time. Amazing journey I am on lately!!! Sending you so much love, dear friend!! xoxox

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  6. Wonderful selection of cooler-season shots, Amy. Every one is a winner. The sky really turned on the blue for you and the sun certainly sparkled. You let yourself be called and let your heart guide you, and trust in Love. And look where that leads you – to such a wonderful, glorious time outdoors where your art really shines. Love the shot of the curved bridge, you made both light and shadow stand out very well. And I guess that’s a metaphor for the journey we are on, that there will be shadows but ultimately light will guide us. You make the barren branches look like they have a place there, and they do. It also looked so quiet out there and I hope you felt many deep messages from Mother.

    Hope you are doing well. Sending you much love 😊💕

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    1. Thank you, Mabel! I always trust my heart and I know deep within that Mother will not ever disappoint me. Ever! High compliment on the bridge image …. thank you! That really caught my eye in more ways than one. Oh for sure that bridge picture definitely can be a metaphor for the journey we are on. Light does guide us, at least those of us who are open to the light. I felt the quiet …. just the beating of my heart and my breath were noticed. And sometimes not even them.

      I am doing very well, bless you!!! Feeling just so weary however this week so have been pacing myself here. I “feel” energy and here in the states it has been intense. Sending you so much love as well, dear friend. Keep shining your light!! xoxo


      1. It was you that brought that bridge to light, Amy. You are a guiding Light. It is wonderful you embrace the quiet and stillness and warm towards the light. And very kind of you to share what you know so honestly with us.

        So wonderful you are doing well. Keep calm and keep shining your light too 💕

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      2. You touch my heart deeply. Your words, dear friend, have renewed my sense of purpose. To be surrounded in my personal life by those who do not see me for who I am and who do not understand the glorious life we all are now beginning to step into, wears me down some days. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for encouraging me. I am carrying you in my heart today sending you much Gratitude as I do all day long. Bless you, Mabel!! xoxo


      3. There will be some people who won’t understand…I guess that’s them and their thoughts. All we can do is step into our power and step forwards into the light. You are strong and know how to let yourself guided by love. Thank you for sharing and sending you much hugs 💕

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      1. I am so sorry but I am unable to see your comment anywhere. Not in the Spam or Trash folder. It must have lost it’s way. Thank you for the visit. I appreciate your time, presence and light as always 😊💕

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      2. Oh, Mabel, I could not replicate that comment if I wanted to. It was a long one. I have been struggling with WP for a while yet that will not stop me from blogging. Know I read your post, and truly was amazed by it. The way you think and write are both meticulous. Know you have my deepest respect for the growth I’ve witnessed in you over the years and for who you are as a person. Sending you so much love and wishing you all the very best for you are heading for great success. Don’t doubt it. Know it is true. The sky and beyond you are destines to fly to. BIG (((HUGS)))!! xoxo


      3. It is okay, Amy. Strange things do happen. I always appreciate your comments and thoughts, and presence. You are so kind with your time. ending you much love and big hugs too. Wishing you well 😊💕

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    1. Thank you, Kamal! I wake in the mornings with “thank you” in my Mind. There is SO much to be grateful for! Bless you for your presence here ….. I am so grateful for you, Kamal! Love to you! xoxoxo


    1. Thank you so very kindly! I am positively thrilled you felt the emotions behind the images. That is my heart and with that said, it is my intention with every single snap of my shutter button, that the JOY and awe and LOVE I feel for what I am seeing translate on each photograph I show here. Bless you! xoxoxo

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