Masterful Mysteries

49 thoughts on “Masterful Mysteries”

  1. Oh my gosh!! What are those blue flowers, Amy? Please tell me! They’re out of this world😍
    Thank you so much for sharing these pictures with us. I was having a bad day but as soon as I saw so much of Mother’s beauty, it instantly made me happy!!! Oh the simple pleasures of life❤
    You’re a God sent! Thanks once again🙏

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    1. Shruti, Luv, you are very welcome! I know what it is like to have a “bad day” so my Intent for you this day, is that you shrug off that bad day so that you can create a “good day”. May you smile and feel peace with JOY. The Key to Happiness is to find those simple pleasures in Life and stay there with them. All else leave alone. I am honored and touched about what you said about me. Sending you BIG HUGS and much LOVE!! xoxoxo

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    1. Thank you, Hien! I am so happy that you enjoyed my images. I’ve been finding so much JOY and wonder lately especially when I am with my camera. Hope you are having a great day today! xo


    1. Thank you, Tim. I consider your words high praise! For those shots I took of the bird bath, I was in the right place at the right time. As you probably well know, to even capture the mating process is quite remarkable for it happens so quickly with so much activity going on. And another thank you on the night shots. Hope you are having a truly great day!

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  2. You have taken some wonderful pictures here, Amy. I particularly liked the nighttime one with all of those beautiful blue flowers. I could see a face below the moon but I don’t think those starlings are actually mating. All birds have the same system of reproduction which consists of two circular holes underneath the birds’ tails being placed together, and sperm being trasferred along the resulting tunnel. To achieve “link up” the bird underneath has to twist its rear body and tail around to allow the upper bird, the male, to place himself correctly. This is not happening in the picture in my opinion, and to be honest, I think that one bird is just giving the other a good kick in the pants to get him out the way so that he can have a space to bathe in.

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    1. John, I’ve been with Mother Nature for many years and that being said, I’ve never seen Starlings in their SPRING colors at this time of year or for that matter what looks to be a mating process going on. I always see Starlings, the first birds usually to leave my geographical area, to flock in huge numbers at this time of year, getting ready to migrate. I’m not seeing this either. I am seeing things lately that I just am unable to explain. If what you see is not what I claimed to see, that’s OK. Just these birds being in their SPRING colors I question. And I thank you for the compliment on my pictures. So much has been happening in my life of late that it is practically making my head spin. All these pictures represent one week only in my life. If I kept a record of everything that is occurring I’d be writing 24 hours.

      Also, what face did you see under the moon? I honestly don’t see a face under the moon. I was referring to the face in the orb to the left and above the moon?

      Have a great day!!


    1. Those birds are just doing what they were meant to do in that moment. I’ve been making sure all who I care for inclusive of my gardens, has plenty of water. Water table is down a good 2 feet if not more here. Thank you for stopping by, Rob, and I’m truly happy you enjoyed this post!!


  3. Every sight into nature holds magic. The closer we look at the small the more we discover. I love how you put the lights in your garden. That already spreads some magic by itself. Very beautiful and atmospheric!

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    1. Hi, Erika. Every night I gaze out into our backyard which sends me thrills. It just looks so cool, like fairy land. Lately I have been discovering so much and yet I have not received any answers just have more questions. LOL That’s OK for all will work out eventually. I’m an adventurer, an explorer even if that is in my own backyard. No matter where I go, I run into magic, and a flow so beautiful making me feel as truly I AM living in heaven on earth. So happy you enjoyed this post!! Much love to you! xo

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      1. I understand so well what you mean. I feel the same, the more I see and discover the more questions arise. It is wonderful. We will never stop standing in awe. Enjoy your heaven. I am glad you have this, Amy💖

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    1. Thank you, Dan. Oh yes that bird bath picture has gotten around and when I show those who I know and those in passing, they are boggled. Amazing, just amazing! Good idea about keeping those bowls on the ground. I just may do that for the chipmunks and who are in an abundance this year on our property. Between the birds coming up to the window and the chipmunks coming up on our stairs all to visit Rusty, the activity has been phenomenal!! Hope you had a great day! We finally got a good downpour today!

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  4. Wonderful images Amy… Nature I know is not acting as she normally does this year… I saw birds gathering for migration much earlier this year than ever before.. And yet others were still nesting and rearing young.
    Flowers too have been reblooming.. I have a Magnolia still producing flowers in August and it flowers in Spring.. While in spring I had a Chrysanthemum producing flowers in Spring when its Autumn flowering… So Nature I feel like us at the moment is upside down and in confusion.. As we observe, deeper the magical mysteries of Nature unfolding.

    The orb I see clearly and have taken photos of orbs my self and many hold images of faces if we magnify them slightly…. Some are of different colours too… They always fascinate me Amy… So was delighted to see one in your image..
    And lots of subject matter has been written upon Orbs.. I have a lovely book by Diane Cooper on Orbs entitled ‘Enlightenment Through Orbs’..
    I also found this site Amy on How to Spot Orbs

    Loved that you are seeing the world via your inner child Amy and enjoying exploring Nature through New eyes… When we open them in awareness its amazing what we witness….

    Much love my friend ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. I know we’ve had this conversation before about Nature, but I’ll say it again, no Mother is not acting as She normally does. So much of Her creation is leaving me puzzled, without answers. There was a time I could depend on Mother to guide me as to what to do. That no longer holds true.

      Thank you so much for the information and your post about orbs. I will look further into this subject and see what Mother gives me as well. Cameras fascinate me for they pick things up that at times the human eye do not see.

      Allowing my Inner Child access to my life is like walking into a candy store. SO much has opened for me and it is just not in a forest. Everywhere I go is an adventure as I see through eyes of wonder a world that sparkles and glitters.

      Sending you much love in return, Sue. Blessings!! xo

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  5. Great images Amy, the more open a heart the more you can see. You’ve let go the filters of life and the views start to go on forever. And just an idea…we have a very long summer over here, it almost goes for 9 months of the year, and because of that some birds actually do have multiple ‘nestings’. Maybe your summer stretched a bit this year as I hear your heat has been quite strong this year, and encouraging further ‘life’. A beautiful post dear lady 😀❤️🙏🏽

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    1. Hi, Mark. I did not forget about you. Life at times is at a gallop or so it seems. I prefer life over that of a computer any day! (SMILE!) Thank you for enjoying my photography. Especially lately it’s been wow after wow and I’m really having fun!

      Great thought about what is going on. Our heat here ….. I’ve seen other Summers in previous years much hotter and drier so that being said, take with a grain of salt what you hear.

      Anyways …. there are signs of Autumn in the air yet these birds are acting strange. For the longest time, Robins disappeared and now they recently have reappeared. The Orioles are still here despite the swarms of wasps at the feeders and yesterday I heard a Spring call from one. The flocking of birds that I normally see indicating that they are ready to migrate out of here, is not happening. Could there possibly be an extended time where our weather stays hot? I don’t know. I’ve seen things in my gardens that don’t makes sense as well, so I’m just along for the ride trying to understand as I go along.

      Sending you much LOVE today! Celebrate, for this is a day that is new and holds so many possibilities!!! xoxoxox

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      1. Thank you for sharing Amy. And I have no doubt that Mother is sharing something wonderful just for you. She is giving a gift in its wonder, and then maybe some amazement as its truth comes through maybe later. Regardless you are enjoying the discovery. Big hugs and much love to you my friend, and may it just keep your heart smiling xoxo 😀❤️🙏🏽

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  6. Stunning. Exquisite. Otherworldly. You know how I feel about your images of Mother and her gifts dear Amy, and about your extraordinary perception. Thank you for sharing with us all my lovely friend. 💗💚

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  7. WOW🔥🔥😍. Those images you captured with your Samsung Galaxy 9 are to die for. Great pictures especially the night images , they look magical. I even liked the picture of the Squirrel drinking inside the bird bath. Well done Amy👏👏

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    1. Hi! I thank you for the wonderful comment. These pictures were taken with a combination of my Samsung Galaxy s9 and my Canon 5D Mark 4. The night shots and the moon shot were taken with my Samsung. All others were taken with my professional DSLR camera and lenses. May you have a really blessed day! xo

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