Amidst The Storm

61 thoughts on “Amidst The Storm”

  1. Absolutely lovely, Amy! Your visuals and music speak wonderfully of what Spring offers us…and a reminder to keep the faith through current events as beauty pushes through darkness. I am now a David Garrett fan too. I will be joining you in the garden through heart, mind and spirit. Love and warmest wishes to you —

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    1. Hi, WG!! So good to be here to talk to you! I’ve been on another very long and painful Journey but now finally I’ve stepped up to the plate ready to swing. No longer will I look at this world for God/Universe have reassured me that no-thing seems as it is. David Garret is a Genius!! I have his CD called “Explosive” and let me tell you it is amazing! Love love love his music!! Thank you for joining me in the garden through heart, mind, and spirit. The more of us who do this, will come to understand the Power that resides with us all. So much LOVE to you!!! BIG HUGS!!! xoxoxoxo

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  2. The onset of spring is so evocatively captured here through your words and visuals. What is commonly hailed as god and godliness is nothing but love in all its forms. ‘Love is a lamp installed as a divine gift in human minds; to be cleaned, polished, with its oiled wick lit up and kept glowing, duly protected without being snuffed out by unruly winds’, so goes an old song in my native language. Enjoy the blessings of the season, Amy…

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    1. Oh wow, you made my day!! You get it!!! There is but LOVE and the more we set into that Love as you describe we have to clean up inside and polish our hearts and open them in order to receive what we are …. LOVE. What a comment!!! I am so so grateful to you!!! So much Love to you this day, Rajagopal!! xoxo

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    1. I’m not waiting for the world any more, Rob. No, instead I’ve done the work believe me, and I’ve found the Light within. In so doing, I’m running with it every which way I can. As for the music, I adore David’s music. He plays with such emotion and passion!!! xo


  3. P.S. I love Garrett’s music so much I just ordered one of his CDs. Love this song in particular but am becoming more familiar with this music via YouTube in the background. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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    1. Thank you for viewing my post and telling me you enjoyed it. Sorry, for some reason the comment sent before I was finished. Sending you so much Love and Peace!! xo


  4. How happy you’ve made me, Amy, to see such gorgeous signs of Spring! It’s easy to fall into despair at the ugliness in our world, but it seems to me that we should try to focus on the beauty. Nature endures the ups and downs of the seasons, and so must we. Hugs and prayers for you and yours, my friend!

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    1. Hi, Debbie!!! So good to hear from you! Those gorgeous signs of Spring are now covered in snow and as I type these words I look out the window to see blizzard conditions. Oh my poor baby flowers! Yet even with this I choose to focus on the beauty of the snow. Mother is my inspiration and has been for a long time. SO glad you enjoyed this post. Sending you so much Love and Peace!!! BIG (((HUGS)))!! xoxo

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  5. Indeed, by all the cruelness and violence that happens not far away from where I live, these little wonders warm the heart and give back so much life, happiness, and confidence. I felt exactly that when I went through my garden lately and found all of those beauties. Thank you for sharing yours, Amy 💖

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    1. Erika, the best thing you can do for yourself is to keep your head in Mother and Her Gifts. What is happening in this world is so evil yet, in order for us to evolve and survive, our opportunity is to find within ourselves that space where we are able to expand Joy, Love, Compassion, by immersing in that which we love to do. It’s not just about us, however, for it is the world who I’ve now recognized as my brother and sister. Every opportunity given to me I am like a bee to honey, going to others who are ready to embrace my smiles, my honesty, my encouragement, my empathy. Be the example set by these little wonders by giving life, happiness and confidence to others. There is no greater JOY in the world when we do. Sending you so much Love and Peace this day!! xoxoxo

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      1. You said that so beautifully and clearly. We need to feel the joy and love in ourselves to share it and spread the joy which again generates more joy in ourselves. The healing spiral of love. Thank you, Amy and have a blessed day 💖

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  6. Glad to hear your voice dear lady, I hope you are well even after all you have been through. And love your photo’s but especially the cloud of angels at the bottom. They are grouped around you dear lady for whatever you are going through 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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    1. I am more than well, Mark. The Great Peace and Comfort I now have is something so deeply set within my heart, all due to choosing Light and Love over that of fear and death. LOL@ the Angels …. that was actually a chemtrail. It was so stunningly beautiful I just had to take a picture of it. So glad you enjoyed my post. Much Love to you and so much Peace as well!!! xoxoxoxo

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  7. I had a very powerful beginning to my day that kept getting better, and as I reached your post, it felt like a Great Confimation that today indeed is powerful and why did I assume it doesn’t get any better than this – Spring choosing Life despite the coldest energies says a lot to me, and you know I recieve to the fullest coming from you, I take it as Mother reaching out to me directly. I am empowered by the suggestion of putting behind fear permanently – the shift is tremendous right now and I feel steady unlike never before. I will keep my comment light and end it here 🙂 Just know that I get the glory of what you are conveying. Lots of Love and Ease with Gratitude dear Amy.

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    1. Oh, Prag, what a delight to be conversing with you once again. I get so much out of your comments. Your insightfulness fills my heart with knowing that once again the words I was guided to write were not for naught. For eight years I’ve been “hearing” words all based on Love and I’m not about now to defy my heart’s knowing despite what the world is screaming every which way. I had to go through a final cleansing in order to gain the ground I stand upon today. And for this I rejoice for at long last I can ignore the insanity so I can return to my world of beauty. I’m also beginning to realize the importance of opening my heart to others in “real time” when I connect with them bringing smiles and good conversation and good cheer. We’re going to get through this, dear friend, and what lies on the other side will be so worth all we have gone through. I am deeply grateful that my words confirmed so much within you. I do love you! I send you much Peace and Joy this day! BIG HUGS!!! xoxoxo

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      1. “ignore the insanity so I can return to my world of beauty.” – the gifts you keep bringing me, this is another gem :)) Along with your assurance that we are going to get through this – means a lot to me. Love You yes!!!

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      2. Luv, I’ll be over tomorrow. Know we are on Divine Timing, whatever name you associate with Divine. But I do know that this New World is being birthed and when the final slaying of the evil ones happen, that shall be our sign we are being freed. The more we live from our hearts in Joy and in Love and in Compassion, the more we weaken evil. Talk to you more tomorrow. What Joy it is to connect with you. I “feel” you. (((HUGS)))!!! xoxoxo

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  8. What an uplifting post, Amy. So happy for you Spring and more is coming your way. It’s a new chapter, a chapter for so many of us to recognise that Power within us. That is good advice, to put fear behind us and move forward by believing in Love. It’s still unsettling times we live in. But like you, I can feel that we are turning the corner, breaking free of shackles we didn’t know were around us for so long.

    Your photography is stunning as usual. Wonderful macros. Keep being busy this Spring, Amy. Sounds like Mother is calling you and by all means enjoy your time with your camera outdoors. Looking forward to more photography from you. Stand tall and strong. Take care ❤

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    1. Mabel, for one so young you have a great deal of wisdom within you. The New World that is about to be known, will be built by not only human effort of course but as well, just how our hearts guide us. For eons it has always been about intellect but that is changing as the Power of the heart is becoming known. Living from the heart is the only way to truly be alive. That’s not to say we don’t use the brains given to us, no. When we allow Flow to take place within us and give room for what our hearts have to “say”, which by the way never lead us wrong, it is then our true potential as a species can be grasped. We are only beginning that journey now.

      I had to let my cameras go for a while until all that had to be faced within took place. Now I am more than ready to be ONE with Mother again and this time it is so deep in ways I am only beginning to understand. Bless you for the encouragement, dear friend. I take your words to heart, literally, so that a soft smile appears on my face. I’m not sure where my heart will be guiding me with my cameras but the pull is back and then some. This Spring should prove to be interesting. So much Love and Peace to you this day!! xoxoxo


      1. So lovely to hear you recognise Flow as well, Amy. Flow is such a powerful thing. It’s a feeling of being free while letting Love and Mother guide us. It’s an amazing feeling, and glad you know that – and I hope others will begin to feel it some day. The journey has indeed just begun and people are beginning to see the light.

        You enjoy every moment of your well-deserved Spring. The Universe always will have your back . Much love 💖

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    1. You are welcome, Dan. Unfortunately those flowers are right now covered in snow. Within a day or two that snow shall be gone, thank goodness!! I too feel so much better when Spring is here. xo

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  9. Oh, how I love this Amy. Your words, photos and such amazing music fills me. Nature has so much to teach us, strength, resilience, patience and a knowing that through all the darkness comes miracles. Your photos of those early Spring flowers are simply glorious Amy. Thank you for the beautiful reminder of a new Earth that’s on the horizon and is in fact here when we choose love. Much peace and love to you dear friend. 💚🌹

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    1. Thank you, Miriam! I agree …. Mother is our Teacher and if we would open our minds and hearts we would learn so much about who we are. Bless you for encouraging me, dear friend. I’ve chosen Love and even though I have been sorely tested, just like breathing, I would not be able to stop now by stepping out of Love. Sending you so much Love and Peace!!! I do love you!! xoxoxox

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  10. Thank you, Amy. Your words touched me at a time when I needed them most. Faith is my armor – I needed that reminder. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos with us. They remind me to stop and use all my senses to take in the truly miraculous world we live in. David Garret’s music was the food my soul needed this this morning, what a gift!

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    1. BIG HUGS, Rosalie. These times are truly tough and I do admit my faith has been sorely tested many a time. I am so glad my words, David’s music, and my photography assisted you to find your Inner Calm. Pulling away from the world is my advice and as I do, I’m able to walk tall and in my zone. Just hang on for I know a world so beautiful is about to be birthed. In order for that world to be birthed, the old must fall first. And that, friend, is exactly what is happening now. Sending you much Love and Peace!! xoxoxo


    1. Thank you so much, Krish. I’m not back as I used to be. I’m relishing life itself right now in every way and healing from the massive traumas accumulated these past two years. Much Love and Peace to you!! xoxox


  11. So glad to have you back Amy at the same time as nature renews herself and shares her delight at being held by the same loving presence we are all part of. AND hear your message of staying close to self as the world and humanity choose between focusing on the love of power or the power of love❤️ You’ve worked hard on releasing your own fears Amy and now able to share the message of love, joy and peace that we can all embody. I love your new felt wisdom translated in your photos and writings. Here’s to the many waking up to the truth of our infinite sovereign power and magnificence! Sending love to you from a rainy and cold spain❤️

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  12. You have brought to us (through your lens) the power of Spirit, physically and internally – and eternally. What gifts Nature gives us – and lessons – if only we watch closely. THANK you for sharing your precious gifts of photography and insight. ❤


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