Colors Of Love

111 thoughts on “Colors Of Love”

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family – yes – including your cats! 🙂

    A few things for I am thankful: …. for the majority of the world being good – for the dedication of our health care workers – for good health and sound mind – for the bloggers that bring me joy.

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  2. First off, thanks for another look at beautiful fall color. I’m glad you took so many pictures of it when it was here.

    I am grateful for the strength I’ve been given to get through this mess, and the opportunities I’ve had to experience near normal moments.

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    1. You are welcome, Dan. I cannot believe it but just about every single picture from this park I have been using. That is very unusual. More are coming. I’ll be dragging out Autumn for as long as I can. (smile)
      We all long for normal, and please just take my word for it, that is coming in such great ways that go far beyond our imaginings. I try to have as many normal moments as I can …. hanging out with Karma the horse and the two young children who live next door to us, keeping tabs on my other neighbor who just lost her husband as we talk “normally”. Just hang in there. I’m SO grateful my husband does all the shopping. I’ve barely been anywhere since March but when I do go out it is such a shock to my soul how I am treated. May your Thanksgiving be filled with peace and with love. I don’t know about you but I’m wearing stretchy clothes so I can eat until I burst. LOL xo

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  3. What amazing and inspirational words and the pics omg gorgeous hon❣️Thanks again for sharing Amy and Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍁 dear❣️❣️💁🏻‍♀️(Biggest Hugs)xoxo

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  4. Happy Thanksgiving Amy! We who are alive and healthy – and wealthy – enough to express our thoughts online truly have a lot to be thankful for.
    Right now I’m slowing down after a very busy time. I’m thankful for my health, to be able to do all these things that have kept me busy, for all the beauty I have around me, to live close to nature and be able go out of my house and see green hills. I’m also immensely thankful that our friends and family are doing well, and for our local friends who have expressed that they are our Irish family. And I’m thankful for science and medical researchers and healthcare workers all around the world. These people truly are the hands of God.

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    1. What a beautiful moving comment, Susanne. I’m still in a busy season but am taking more time to put my feet up doing chill time. All you mentioned I am grateful for too. In fact, I just today saw my GP and she was very thorough and really listened about how stressful this year has been. I am SO grateful to her!! May all of your loved ones when gathered around the table tomorrow, know how blessed they truly are. We all are in the hands of God and I consider myself very fortunate indeed to know it. Sending you much love and peace!! Happy Thanksgiving!! xo


      1. OH, Sheila! Just saw your comment come in and even though I’ve been buried [again] under so many comments before you, I wanted to jump ahead to say CONGRATULATIONS!! I told you! I wasn’t kidding when I said you are truly gifted as a photographer. I am SOOOO happy for you! Keep going and take the world by “storm”. xo


      2. I certainly will!!! Since yesterday I feel so much better about my photography! I’m just slightly upset with myself that I seem to need other people’s input. But I guess sometimes you can’t see the quality of your own work, it’s so easy to compare yourself with others. Now I’ve decided to try to enter the next competition too…not that I think I’ll make it to the top 3 but to have some input on my photos, I’ve always been scared about that because I’ve always been my own worst critic and didn’t really need anyone else saying that my photos were rubbish. But now I’m more curious about what they’ll say – plus I dare to see the qualities in my photos. Oh and my name is Susanne by the way 😁

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      3. Oops. I know your name is Susanne. I had just answered a comment from Sheila. Seriously tired today …. sorry. As for the self-critic …. know all about that. It is a journey to quiet that voice and to really begin to believe in yourself. It took me years to see how good I am. I mean that. Now I look at my work IN AWE and with great humbleness as I give myself a “hug”. I have so many responsibilities at this time of my life, I really have no time to pursue other options other then my blog for now. All in good time. Be gentle with yourself. It’s going to take a while for you to quiet that voice that wants to sow doubt. I’ve got full confidence in you that you can overcome the critic. SMILING!! xo


  5. So beautiful, AmyRose! I am grateful for all of those things (in your list) too! And congratulations on 36 years of marriage!
    I am thankful that all the paths I have traveled have led me here, living a simple life. Everything Resolves to Gratitude. ❤️🦋🌀🙏☯️☮️

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    1. Hi, Sheila! Yes 36 going on 37 years is quite the achievement isn’t it, especially in this throw away society. I also live a simple life and that is how I prefer it. Simple yes but very challenging at times and busy! Hands full syndrome. LOL I have so much Gratitude and I know you do too. When we live our lives humbly, fully, and with love and Gratitude we really know how to live. Stay strong and never loose faith or hope that soon, life will improve. Happy Thanksgiving!! Much love to you!! xo

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  6. It has been such a trying year, not only for my family, for our country, and for the world. I am hanging on by a string – hoping this year will end without any further tragedy. Those photos of yours, are just brilliant, the colors make me just want to go and lie in the middle of that path which winds through the trees, and just stare at the colors, listen to the sounds of the forest and forget everything – just for a little while. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! My plan is not to spend all day in the kitchen, oh and maybe not to do any laundry either.

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    1. Oh, Honey!! I saw this yesterday and I apologize for the late response to you! Life for me has been so busy! There are many of us hanging on by a thread especially those of us in “blue” states. The ONLY way I am able to again rise above all the insanity is to turn to Mother, to prayer, to my camera. I have to keep walking in faith! Just please hang on. I don’t like to dip into politics, especially here so I will just say …. I have every confidence that the “ending” is wonderful. Keep in mind my post, “A New Dawn Is Dawning”. I will attest to you that it was automatic writing. My hands wrote that with words flowing non-stop. Be encouraged that no matter what MAN wants us to see and experience, there is a Higher Movement going on right now that will abolish this evil. (((HUGS)))!!
      I have more Autumn pictures coming so I invite you to not only sit with those I have posted already but with those that are coming. My hubby has got kitchen “duty” today and nope no laundry for me either. I pray blessings over you of love and peace. You’ve got this. Just a little while longer ….. XOXO

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  7. Again, your Images are very well done. Good watermarks. For us here, we are thankful that no one in our Family has gotten sick, so far. We still will be having a Thanksgiving Dinner with our Son & Grandaughters who are home from Philadelphia. I am always thankful for what we have and not what we don’t have. We have always been that way. I was raised well.

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    1. Thank you, Les! Your attitude in life is a good one, and I applaud you! I have the same attitude as well, and living in Gratitude is both humbling and fulfilling. May your day today be filled with SO much love and laughter and JOY. Happy Thanksgiving!! xo

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  8. Happy Thanksgiving, Amy! Your photos are a delight to the senses — the colors are amazing, and I can feel the peace of being among such beauty. I try to live every day with gratitude and thanksgiving — I realize my blessings are many, and one lifetime isn’t enough to truly appreciate them all. Yes, it’s been a challenging year, and perhaps we’ve learned that we don’t really need as much STUFF as we thought we did to be truly happy!

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    1. Happy Thanksgiving, Debbie! I have more Autumn forest pictures coming …. I have been so blessed by Mother this year! I LOVE how you say perhaps we’ve learned we don’t need as much STUFF. Happiness is not about material possessions, not at all. I too have learned a lot through these trying times and as the saying goes, pressure on coal deep within the darkness, results in diamonds. (smile) Blessings to you on this most special day!! Much love and peace to you and yours! xo

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  9. I’m grateful for your beautiful photos!! They remind me of home. I’m grateful for friends like you who understand the big picture (in full color!) and who represent humanity’s truth. I’m grateful for people in my life who support me and that I have everything I need. Take care my friend, have a lovely day tomorrow!! It’s my favorite day of the year. Much love, Donna

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    1. Thank you, Donna. It is with JOY I share what I LOVE to do. That IMO is the icing on the cake! We both have so much to be grateful for, don’t we? I don’t particularly have a favorite holiday. I am however happy that Thanksgiving is yours. I can understand why.

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  10. And I am very grateful that I have the gift of love in all your images Amy, and that you share these with us all. These above are all magnificent ❤️ 🙏🏽
    Happy Thanksgiving dear lady, while ever you shine that love it will benefit us all 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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    1. Mark, I am answering comments and cheating with yours, jumping way ahead to get to you. You’ve been on my mind and I really hope you are coping with what is going on in Aussie Land. Here too we are again locked down but this time around businesses are banding together and as a whole beginning Monday are reopening. I pray OH how I pray that enough businesses are doing this so that NOTHING can be done to them.
      YOU gave me a “message”, dear friend, and that is another reason why I jumped ahead. You said, “while ever you shine that love it will benefit us all.” I needed to hear that, so God bless you! There are times I feel the “little” I do is not enough and yes I get discouraged. I shall keep on fighting this darkness by the beauty and truth I share. For now just sticking with the beauty because sticking my head out in the world is just so tough for me to do.
      Thank you on the Happy Thanksgiving wishes. Just having a very quiet dinner as is our usual. Sending you so much love and peace!! Hang on! (((HUGS))) xoxo

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      1. You are following your heart dear lady, no better path can you tread. And yes we will all still make mistakes but that is to learn and become better for it ❤️ 🙏🏽
        We are about to reopen all borders dear lady (bar one), to breathe again. There has been a flare up in South Australia but all other states are now at ‘no virus’ for about 16 plus days I think. I think we finally broke its back. I hope 😀
        We have used a QR code system over here (you can see how it works on the internet) so it would allow business’s to stay open. At least to have say half a restaurant full rather than none and reductions in others. But it at least kept the pulse going until this virus is beaten. And the QR code system has been around for years and years, it used to be used for parcel tracking, just in this instant it would see who you were, where and when in its trace and track system so that if a virus infection flared up at some restaurant it could be traced back to who was there at that time so they could be contacted and isolate the infection. And when this is all over you just turn it off in your mobile phone and your back to full privacy. The QR code is in most phones anyway and simple to use instead of visiting somewhere and having to sign in or fill out mountains of forms. You just hold your phone up like your going to take a picture, it recognises the QR code and just brings up a box for you to verify your details. I think that was the main reason we are now at no infections, we were able to isolate it quickly. And even this will become obsolete when a vaccination is found and they seem to be bobbing up all over the place at the moment 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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      2. SO happy to hear you are getting out of lockdown, Mark. Enjoy your newfound freedom!! Freedom is a gift and precious and something to not ever to take for granted. I know I don’t anymore. xo

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    2. PS I got so excited when I saw you have a new post up but I cannot comment because I am being told I have to log in. Log in? I am!! Tired right now so if I still cannot comment when I read tomorrow I’ll reply on this thread here. *shakes head*

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  11. Gorgeous golden glories of Mother Nature! Absolutely grateful for being here, for you being here, all the contributions from the greater awareness and our own intuition. Your list of Gratitude I could easily and genuinely borrow, as I find it all true for me too, mine is a 22 year marriage, my stability and security in so many ways for me to dive into such adventures of awakening to my Self. Much Love, Happy Thanksgiving and the abundant gifts of Gratitude your way!

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    1. Aw, Prag, I am so touched! Can you see how we mirror one another? (smile) Twenty-two years of marriage is not a small feat. Congrats and I mean that!!
      I had a dream just before I awoke this morning that showed I have 3 incredible strong men [angels] with much authority protecting me. I’ve been having a lot of struggles with PTSD after our second lockdown happened last week (illegally at that). Doing better today thank goodness!
      Much love and Happy Thanksgiving to you, even if you don’t celebrate this day where you live. Sending you much love and peace today!! xo

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  12. First off, I’m grateful that you share these photos of Nature’s great beauty! SO beautiful! 🙂
    I am grateful for my health, loving relationships (married to a great guy 36 yrs. too!), healthy sons, wonderful home with lots of wild land in which to roam, work I love, the list could go on and on, but that would take too much space here! 🙂 Happy Thanks-living, Amy! ❤

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    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Eliza. If it were not for Mother, I’d be a basket case. Very cool married as long as I have. That IS an accomplishment especially in today’s throw away society, as soon as it gets tough, leave mentality. I agree with your list as well and like you could go on and on. I AM so grateful to be alive. Happy Thanksgiving to you!! xo

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  13. Happy Thanksgiving AmyRose! I am thankful for the people I love, and the people who love me, for the ability to recognize my gratitudes (when things feel rough, turning to gratitudes realigns my emotions). I am thankful for having so much to be thankful for that I can’t think clearly enough to write a decent response! 🙂

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    1. Aw, Colleen, what an absolutely lovely list you shared with us. I believe many of us this year especially feel gratitude for so much. When we’ve been through hell, which we all have, one tends to appreciate life and all that goes with it. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours today!! xo

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    1. I take nothing for granted, dear friend. I am so grateful for the beautiful life I do have. Yes both my husband and myself really worked hard for what we have, but if it were not for God and everything He does for us, we’d, despite being comfortable, would be miserable. Thank you so much for your comment!! Much love to you! xo


    1. Those glorious colors, Laurie, are no longer evident. Bare. And that is when the real deal photographer comes along to find beauty. I did that just the other day in spite of being laughed at by two 20-something year olds when I was attempting to capture a complicated grass blowing in the winds. I ignored them. Clueless. I LOVE to observe …. I was so taken away that day I broke out in song. What I saw was just so moving!! Love what I do!! I don’t do it enough due to life but when I do YAHOO!! XO


  14. Amy Rose, these pictures look like they should be on a calendar for the month of November. The colors epitomize fall. I found you on Frank’s post about colors. Have a wonderful weekend.

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    1. Aw, thank you ever so kindly! I have goals but right now my cat babies are taking preference over that of my photography. I’m glad you found me through Frank. His beach series are absolutely perfectly divine!! Much love to you this day, Marsha!! xo

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      1. Thank you Amy Rose. How many cat babies do you have? Our two babies are two almost three now, but we worried about moving them 500 miles and from being outside nearly 100% of the time to inside 100% of the time. I’m happy to report that, even though having cat babies takes time, it is worth it. 🙂

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      2. Marsha, we have 6 babies, most of whom are all older now and need extra special care. I’m feeding by hand 3 of 3 girls just to give you an idea, three to four times per day. They are my family and I do what it takes until I hold them in my arms as they take their last breath. Tears. WE just lost our Doodles. The pain is still so acute. We live in a very harsh blue state and I wish we could move. However, that is not to be on account of our babies so we are all here living in heaven within our home. SMILE! xo

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      3. Oh, Amy Rose, I am so sorry. We just lost Scardy Boy who was 19 and a half. Since we were going to move, I did what I never wanted to do and put him down because the doctor said he had diabetes. He had cancer surgery a year before and I didn’t think having to give him shots daily would be a good quality of life. My kitties loved him, and he was a cuddle bug, so it was a very hard decision. I wish you well with your nursing project. Lots of love to nurse and babies. xx

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      4. Doodles was 15. He was in so much agony with huge abdominal tumors. Thank you for your condolences. Yes it is so hard to make that decision. We have a wonderful in-home euthanasia Vet. Every one of our cats had to be put down except for one, Bella, who stroked out and God help me I never want to experience that horror again. When their quality of life gets to zero, I call it. So so hard yet it is the heroic Act of Love to bring suffering to an end. I am SO sorry for your Scardy Boy. I understand the pain. God bless you! xo

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  15. Hi Amy, I’m playing catch-up lately, having neglected everything online so much in the past year. I’ve heard so many stories about how much longer it will take, but just realized I should tune in to your post every day if only to see the photos of a world I can’t see from the city. I try to observe Thanksgiving and Christmas every day, always finding a reason to be thankful for all the things I have, and I still have my Christmas lights up hoping the day will soon arrive when my kids will be able to see them. Since we were all unable to get to the Post Office all the gifts are still here waiting for them to come home.

    Christmas was bittersweet for the family. My brother, Steve, next to me in birth order, passed away the Sunday before Christmas. He was such a wonderful human, loving his neices and nephews even though he was unable to have children of his own. And it’s not over yet, since the pandemic ruled out a funeral service. It will be held June 4 with our youngest brother, Ray, officiating. Steve’s ashes will be scattered along Trail Ridge road, one of his favorite places to spend a day when he was feeling well. He had lived with Chrones Disease for almost 50 years, with the last one being so terrible. He is no longer in pain so my only regret is that I had not seen him since our mom’s funeral over five years ago. sometimes getting old has painful drawbacks, like being unable to travel.

    Ah well, Steve is not hurting any longer and is the lucky one. I had alwaus hoped to be the first to go so I wouldn’t have to mourn the others, but I am so grateful that he is not in any pain now. Sorry about the long comment here, but you are the understanding person I have shared most of my thoughts with. Now I’m going to look fo more of your posts that I have missed and I promise no more of this oratory.

    Thank you, Amy. You are one of the people I am thankful for on the Thanksgiving part of this day.

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    1. Angie, due to what I know, dear friend, we’ve all been had regarding this pandemic. It is SAFE to go out and about. I have refused to bend my knee to fear and lies. I am an RN. I understand germs and what we have been told is not not not true. I have for the past year lived my life according to me. Are you aware that the Constitution stipulates that we the people tell the government what to do, NOT the other way around? I have gone about without a mask on and those places who refuse to allow me in without one, hubby God bless him he goes. I have medical conditions that say I am exempt from masks and I have fought SO hard for my health I will NOT harm myself by breathing in my waste products while wearing a mask. Nope not going to do it. I live in one of the most crushed states, living in communistic conditions yet even despite this, I continue living MY life without allowing fear or government to reign over me. Keep coming back here, for I promise you I shall show you Heaven on Earth truly does exist. It really does and I’ve been proving it. Even loosing 3 of my babies in the last 5 months has not stopped me living Heaven on Earth. We all have to make a choice between love or fear. I choose love. All the way. I shall continue to do so until my last breath. Sending you big big hugs and lots of love!! So sorry for you loss!!! I KNOW that pain!!! xoxoxoxo


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