Signs Of The Times

82 thoughts on “Signs Of The Times”

  1. Wise words kind lady. And I must say, all those ‘Tourists’ waiting to leave really do look like an airport terminal waiting for that inevitable (but always delayed) call to ‘hop aboard’ 😀
    And that moon shot is bloody amazing, I can almost see the Martian’s holidaying at the craters 😂
    Plus it is very special to me, I’m a Cancer with a Cancer rising, the moon is my best buddy…even though she makes my moods swing like a tree in a gale 😂
    Thank you for sharing a very special treat Amy ❤️

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    1. Isn’t that tourist picture cool, Mark! I just had to run to get my camera for that one! And what about that Moon? Just wow …. agreed! I took that shot with an ISO of 100 to guarantee exceptional clarity and boy did I get it. I edited that image with special care! I too am very sensitive to the Moon which as you say gives me “mood swings”. Oh well! That is just the way things are! You are most welcome for this share!! My pleasure!! Much Love to you! xo

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  2. Fantastic photos. The Friday the 13th Harvest Moon rose behind clouds here on Friday. It was beautiful as we got glimpses of it between breaks in the clouds. Sassy and Jersey are adorable.

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  3. I just dread winter and cold….The cats get cabin fever and very cranky when they can’t go out and climb trees and harass the birds. The poor things get one main path through the snow out to the driveway. That’s it, Mom just doesn’t have the energy to create a gazillion paths any longer. Sorry guys….Life is cruel sometimes……I shall miss the bird song and curtains fluttering in the breeze. Ah well…What will be will be…..Hugs…VK ❤

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    1. VK, the air itself is so empty due to lack of birds that there is an echo. No lie. There is this flower essence solution for cats that is claimed to be “sunshine in a bottle” to help with the winter blues. My cats actually become sicker in Winter, apathetic, and so sad. I’m going to try this product hoping that it alleviates some of their symptoms. Jersey for example, will not eat unless she first sits at an open window. What am I going to do? I have NO idea. I’ve got to, however, figure something out! We cannot fight the Seasons, dear friend. I was so chilled this morning, I had to put heavy jeans on due to my knees hurting. Yep, even though I do like the cool and crisp, I must be warm. Have a great day!! xo

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      1. Could you put up a really nice window seat for Jersey where she can sit and watch the outside but the window just isn’t open? She’ll adapt. We all seem to somehow 🙂 Stay warm. Sunday is supposed to be in the 80’s again. Fickle weather….VK ❤

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      2. I have a chair there now with a cushy blanket for her to rest her head on. I have towers all over this house in front of windows for these cats to see outside. It is a gorgeous day here, with the sky so so blue and here it is, an official work day for me. OH how I would love to be off with my camera …. That’s life! xo

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    1. My brother is back home safely and thank you for appreciating my post, Donna. I was so busy yesterday catching up on “in” work so I can continue “out” work, that I had nothing left over to respond to comments. Today I am treating myself to the forest and my camera. I earned this one!! I’ll pass your hello on to Sassy and Jersey, my gorgeous girls. (smile) Much Love to you! xo

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  4. Lately, I said that actually, I love fall … once I accepted that summer is over…. lol
    But you are absolutely right. It is the regular circle of seasons and thank God we still have them. There are definitely worse things happening on this planet that the natural change of the season.
    Thank you for those beautiful photos. That moon photo gave me goosebumps.

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    1. That’s the thing, Erika, bingo! Accepting that Summer is over the start of enjoying the next season. No use in fighting or getting upset over the fact change once again is here. Summer this year was way too short, as we had a very late start. I agree with you, thank God, we still do have seasons! These weather extremes are very disconcerting! We just have to look at the Bahamas for that!
      That moon ….. I stood there so long just staring up at Her. How incredibly gorgeous! I was actually surprised to find out that moon was the Harvest Moon. I said at first, “no way, it’s too early.” But yep, it was. Hope your day is a good one. It’s gorgeous here …. I’m going for a walk and then plan on diddling around with my gardens. Perhaps I’ll get my camera out …. (smile) Much Love to you! xo

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      1. Yes, the garden work is calling more again these days and weeks. This time we have a lot to do, remove bushes and replant some them since they have grown too big, cutting the big tree and some other things. For that bigger work we called a gardener since they have better tools and don’t break their necks when climbing the tree… lol!
        Much love to you too, Amy 😘

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  5. Wow for your photos today Amy. The moon is amazing, the flowers beautiful and your beauties are the best, but you know that 😀
    Have you thought about buying some flowers in soil pots, not green plants, so the beauties can tickle their senses? Maybe this would help at their mood. They need sunshine too.
    Much love to you ❤

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    1. Aw, thank you, Irene! I have to be very careful with plants and flowers, for my cats will not only chew on them but eat them. So many are poisonous to them. We ALL need sunshine in the Winter. I’m ordering for my cats, a solution that proposes it is “sunshine in a bottle” to help with the winter blues. Perhaps in rubbing it on them, I too will get the effects. Wishful thinking …. LOL SO glad you enjoyed this post! I’ve been so busy, dear friend, attending to heavy cleaning inside so I can fully address my gardens, all the while keeping up with everything else. I’m just now going for a walk. It is gorgeous here! Much Love to you!! xo

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    1. Aw, thank you, YellowCable. Yes this post does have variety. Thank you for noticing. And bless you for noticing my beloved babies, two of six we have. These are two girls who I’ve been working with for months to not only get on stable ground and stay there, but to learn what is going on. Lesson in progress ….. xo

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    1. Thank YOU so much!! Here in New York, I can start smelling Fall in the air. The crispness and the smell both I love! And yes those poor people in the Bahamas do need relief. My brother flew 12 hours yesterday. I’ve yet to hear from him. My guess he is exhausted. Much Love to you! xo


      1. In all honesty, Cher, when I get feedback like this it makes my day. I am very critical of my photography, always striving to improve. Thank you so much for what you said. Words such as yours keep me achieving the best quality in my images as I know how. (((HUGS)))!!!

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      2. Well my dear, I can tell you with all sincerity that you are the best photographer! It is incredible and I am in awe of ever single photo you post!! Awh, why thank you, Amy! I wish you could see what we all see!!!!! HUGS right back!!! Cher xo

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      3. I honestly don’t know what to say. I thank you again, Cher. I really do see what you do, and yes there are times I am in awe of me. That however, does not stop me from trying new and improving more. There is always room for improvement. (smile) xo


      4. *Biggest smile* I admire your tenacity, Amy! Looking at your work it is hard to see where any improvement could happen because it is THAT good! I really appreciate you sharing your work with us! Cher xo

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    1. Thank you, Dan. Was just out today with two cameras to find first evidence of Fall. And yep, I found them. That and magical light. (smile) Once we accept Summer is winding down, we can then get excited about the oncoming season, even knowing what comes after that one. LOL

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  6. Gorgeous work, as always, Amy. I can smell the autumn in these images. The Harvest Moon was so special this year, wasn’t it? Only a couple days left of summer. I hope autumn is magnificent for all of us this year.

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  7. Wonderful what your brother is doing Amy.. Yes there are always those so much worse off than ourselves.. and Autumn still has lots of colour and life in her yet.. So loved Sassy and Jersey.. Both look so comfortable.. Your Moon shot is stunning as is the chrysanthemum I think its that anyway..
    Now going to settle in here for a wonderful time as I catch up with your amazing skills and brilliant mind.. ❤

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    1. Oh, Sue, your compliments have my cheeks all rosy. To be seen as brilliant …. that above anything is something I cherish so much. Why? Childhood share …. I was made to feel stupid and I never came up to expectations in any way. Bless you for seeing me for who I truly am. No I don’t go around bragging but, I know I have an amazing brain and yeah, I LOVE to use it.

      My brother is a complicated guy. He won’t admit it but he has this very huge heart. As for Autumn, oh I am SO ready for this. I’m treasure hunting right now and yes I am finding colors. BIG SMILE!!! Sending so much LOVE to you, dear friend!! xo

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      1. I know as children we were so suppressed into that unworthy mode.. I know.. I mean it when I say Brilliant.. and so intune with Mother, and your inner guide.. Higher self who is holding your hand and leading you onto ever greater accomplishments.. Love right back ❤

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    1. I agree with you on that moon. Thank you for your kind words, Amy. Yes my brother got home that same day. I cannot imagine flying a plane for 12 hours straight. He landed, his plane immediately unloaded and back up in the air he was again within minutes.

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