
65 thoughts on “Monarchy”

  1. I had one of these sweet babies hatch in a jar I had filled with milkweed leaves. It was so wonderful to watch the whole procession from Caterpillar to butterfly…It was the first time I realized nature does indeed make gold color…The little balls that go around the pupae are a brilliant gold! I was amazed by it…Such fun. I’ve only seen a few this summer but they are gorgeous to behold! Stay at peace and keep that TV shut off!!! Only way to survive this….Hugs…VK ❤

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    1. I’ve never seen the process, VK, and I can well imagine how spellbinding it is. Nature is fascinating! The way you described the process has in my mind a golden Treasure, one that I will carry with me today. I actually wrote this post and edited these images while hubby had the horrid news on yesterday. I fought back! I pleaded with him to turn the news off. Finally finally he did. I told him we must put things into perspective here ….. and the fact there is a lot more GOOD then there is awful. Usually I walk away when hubby does this. Unfortunately my laptop is in the adjacent room. It’s hardwired into the ethernet so I was unable to move. Survive we shall! It is up to each of us to choose what we allow into our lives!. Much Love to you this day! 🦋🦋🦋

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      1. Oops…Forgot….I’ve written about this on my blog before, but think about this idea. What better proof that reincarnation truly does exist do we need than a caterpillar dying and being reborn as a butterfly, because that is just what they do. Amazing to me….:)

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    1. Kamal, I thank you so much for your very generous praise of my post today. Bless you! I am just so happy that you came by to see this. Yes, it is up to each of us individually to maintain joy and happiness within ourselves and in our lives. Have a blessed Monday! 🦋🦋🦋


    1. Thank you so much! The light, angle and how this butterfly was in midair turned out to be just perfect. I’m so happy you admired these Monarchs today! And yes I do agree the motion that I captured is spectacular. (smile) 🦋🦋🦋

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    1. Andrew, wow, thank you! The story behind those pictures, I was testing my new camera. It was not working properly so I opted to reset to factory settings and again set all my settings I had written down prior to hitting factory reset. I put my camera through its paces and these Monarchs were the subject I was shooting. They were glorious to watch. I was amazed that the female (the tattered one) could even fly much less mate. They look so delicate but evidently they are a lot tougher then they look. Happy Monday in return! 🦋🦋🦋

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      1. Oops. Did not mean to give you a headache, Andrew. LOL You should have heard what the camera tech told me to do. Now he gave me a major headache and is the reason why I opted to fix it myself. 😘

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  2. Such a beautiful post, dear Amy 😀
    I don’t have a TV and haven’t had for many, many years. This doesn’t mean, that I don’t follow on with the news, just by reading online. My hope is, that the souls in US will think before voting next time and not just be blind following that despot again.
    Much love to you ❤

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    1. Thank you, Irene. So happy you viewed these special Monarchs. They haven’t been back since, not that I know of. We all have choices as to how we wish to live life. I know there is a lot more good than bad in this world and that is what I every day intend to attract to me. Our President unfortunately is only a mirror of too many in this Country. These are seriously desperate times. Yet …. I keep on living as I have previously even with more Peace now then before. Much Love to you, dear friend. 🦋🦋🦋

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  3. Love, love, love those photos! The flowers…the thoughts…the butterflies. And as for the violence, I completely agree. I choose to stop looking at all of the sadness in the world and do my best to make the world a better place. Deep prayer, acts of service, positive thoughts to as many as I can. Sending a hug sweet Amy ❤

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    1. Aw, Melissa, your words put a glow in my Heart and a smile on my face. Thank you! I absolutely agree with you on how we can “retaliate” against the violence that is in this world … with acts of service, kindness, prayer, and Loving actions and thoughts. Good for you for choosing the High Road. BIG (((HUGS))) back at you!! Bless you! 🦋🦋🦋

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    1. I’ve got a huge smile on my face, Donna, knowing now how much you enjoyed this post. Those butterflies were mesmerizing to watch. Let’s just hope that those who read my post heard the “message” and apply it their lives. Truly today was beautiful in all ways …. Much Love to you! 🦋🦋🦋

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  4. Those photos are so beautiful. Again, I am amazed by the quality. I have those flying around and sitting on my lilacs too. A joy to see.
    I agree, Amy, I totally see it the same way. We need to live the way we want this world to be. Let’s be compassionate and also sad about what happens but not unhappy. Let’s never lose our positive basis from where we can create the most beautiful world we all are dreaming of. Let’s never give up living our dreams.
    Thank you, Amy 💖

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    1. Thank you for your amazing words about my pictures, Erika. And as for how we live, we all have choices. You bet, due to me be an Empath and all that jazz, I “felt” deep pain from the events over this past weekend. I prayed for all involved and then resolved to keep on shining my Light and walking in Love in my life today. I will not ever let go of my dreams …. I’m actually living some of them now. (smile) I thank you for taking the time to comment as you have here. That means so much! Much Love to you!! (((HUGS)))!!🦋🦋🦋

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      1. We won’t ever reach our big goal of having peace on earth as long as we react with resentments, aggression, and violence to violence or injustice. Love is the only way. And only in following that way we can strengthen ourselves to keep up the way.
        You are one of those who shows how to and I am thankful that we are connected, Amy 💖

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      2. You are so right, Erika. Violence only begets violence. How difficult it is to face violence standing in kindness and gentleness, yet when we do, that violence has no where to go. It is diffused. Love IS the only way! I know. I live it and so do you. I am thankful we are connected as well. We build one another up and encourage the other to keep on walking as we are. Bless you, dear friend. 💖💖💖

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      3. Yes, excactly, by standing tall in the energy of love, the negative energy loses its grip.
        You say it, Amy, we are having a positive spiral here. Inspiring and encourging each other constantly which definitely causes further ripples. Thank you and blessings to you too, dear Amy 💖

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    1. Why thank you, kind sir! I so appreciate the lovely pats on the back … I’ll take them! (wink) Seriously, bless you for your prayers. I cherish them. The energy for me of late has been glorious. After going through some mighty tough years, (about the last 3) I seem to have broken through to goldenness. Thank goodness!! Much Love to you! 🦋🦋🦋

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    1. I choose prayer as well, Colleen. And then I live my life based on Love and Peace with the intention that much of that good energy I share with those who are in need. I’ve noticed of late an increase in kindness. Have you? Could this possibly mean people are fed up with the disconnection and negativity? Oh for the JOY!! 🦋🦋🦋


      1. I have been VERY blessed in life AmyRose. I was just telling people at work today that I have been surrounded by kind people at work. We were talking about people who seem to be intent on making work life miserable for others. I have seen an upswing of kindness AmyRose, and I think people are seeking and creating it ! 🙂

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      2. Oh, Lord, it’s about time kindness be let out to shine again. *sighs* Good things really do come from out of the dark ….. 🎼🌟🎈


    1. I think, Eliza, what fascinated me was this young stud chose this female, who was very evidently scarred and even missing part of her right wing. He was not put off, turned off, but no, instead he selected her to mate with. How many humans could learn a lesson of two that looks are not all that matters? And yes! If we wish change to be, we are to be that very change. Share the Love indeed! 🤗

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    1. Thank you! I’m smiling knowing you enjoyed this post. Ah, yes, butterflies do mean transformation which adds another “meaning” to this post. I’m thrilled you understood!! Healing Pawkisses right back at you from me and my gang of 8. Much Love to you!!! 😘😘😘

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    1. Thank you, Dan. Our Monarchs are fluttering and mating right now. There was a lot more activity but it seems to be dying down some. I’m so glad you enjoyed my Monarchs. 🦋🦋🦋

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  5. I am with you there Amy, homage and silent prayers said, but we should all focus on the beauty and Joy in the world, if we all of us did more of that instead of holding negativity.. We create what we think..
    I am all for Joy and Beauty.. And what better way to show it than with the transformative Butterflies.. ❤
    Love and Hugs my friend

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      1. Wonderful, but then what we give out comes back ten fold, and I am sure you are only reaping in what you have sent out in kindness and care to others, be it Humans, Nature or your beloved Cats Amy..
        Much love returned my friend ❤

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    1. Thank you so much for the recognition you so generously give to me. Bless you! I love what I do and it shows, yes, yet, there really is work involved too. Since these pictures were taken, I’ve not seen those Monarchs. 💖

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      1. I do believe after they mated, the female almost immediately found a milkweed plant to lay eggs. The process is very quick. Where the both went from there I do not know. 💝

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    1. Just yesterday I had a run-in with a violent reaction to my honest to goodness offer of kindness. There was no point in continuing the conversation due to the extreme defensive and arrogant attitude sitting next to me. I just kept quiet and day dreamed looking at the sky while patiently waiting for my appt. Even though my act of kindness was not received, I still put it “out there”. (smile) That kindness will hook into something of the like in the perfect moment, I am sure! xo


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