Climbing Mt. Everest

114 thoughts on “Climbing Mt. Everest”

  1. This was heartbreaking to read. I suffer from severe pain from a slip and fall down a flight of stairs, and the subsequent surgery. There isn’t a moment of my life that isn’t pain free. So, reading your post I felt your pain. These events you told changed that young woman’s life forever.

    I am disappointed to read that the people you worked with failed you. I assumed they would go through great pains to ensure the health of one of their own. Shows how naive I can be.

    Wish you the very best. May your days be full of love and inspiration, and your nights pain free. xo

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    1. Andrew, bless you for your empathy. I have no proof, but my theory is the resident who did the surgery badmouthed me to those on the floor so they deliberately caused me harm out of loyalty to him. That experience was a huge wake up call for me. No, not even being a nurse matters when you are the patient.

      And believe me, you have my empathies in return. Living with pain becomes a nightmare and it effects every part of your life. To overcome that pain is one of the most difficult things to do, especially long standing pain. I pray for your own healing and that some day you will know what it is like to have freedom from pain. Bless you for your well wishes. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! 🌹💞🌹

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  2. You look absolutely beautiful!! You are definitely present and living in the NOW. That’s major as most people don’t live in the moment.

    And yes, I’m sure you and I know how difficult it is when chronic back pain chases us everyday. I know I always pray for my meds to kick in quickly. 😁🙏

    Enjoy your day!😁💃💪

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    1. The NOW is all I have, Emma. I take each day as a Gift and do all that I can within that day. I’ve overcome a huge adversity and still to this day, am a work in progress. And I thank you for saying I look beautiful. I’m just so touched. I’ve actually decreased what I take for pain with the goal of actually getting off. This is another huge leap of Faith. However, if it does not happen, I will not kick myself in the butt about it. At the very least, I will have attempted to achieve this goal. You keep on doing what you are, dear friend. You are amazing!! 🌟🌟🌟

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    1. Rob, I am SO happy for you! Wishing I could just hug you right now! A titanium cage that surgeons want to put in me, would not fly in a second. I have autoimmune issues which they do not take into consideration. So I have turned to other means of healing and they are working for me. And thank you *blushing* about your compliment on the black and white photo. (((HUGS)))!!! 🌟🌟💞💞

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  3. Dear Amy,
    I (along with your other friends and blog readers) feel honored that you shared this very personal story.
    My feelings shifted from anger (at what happened, what you had to go through, feeling disgusted that there are indeed too many terrible and miserable people out there – in positions of authority) to awe & respect at your spirit that is both beautiful and strong. You are amazing and thank you for being who you are 🌹💪🏼🤗

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    1. Takami, this is the first time I am sharing my story and believe me, your words are putting tears in my eyes. Bless you and thank you! My Heart is so moved by what your wrote. This was truly one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I had to decide to either put my energies into healing me or suing. I chose me. Another thank you for saying I am amazing. It really is true, you know, that when you make up your mind to do something and then follow through with that something with right action, you really can achieve that something. Much Love to you and BIG (((HUGS)))!! 🌟🌟🌟

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      1. Thank you, Amy, for your amazing reply.
        Your story hit very “close to home” in many ways. And I appreciate the reminder that we can achieve what we aim for (and follow through proactively in the right way😉). My heart is full of many thoughts, but let me just say again – bless you for being you, and your fighting spirit!

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    1. You of anyone knows how life can be a nightmare, Gigi. Yes some of us do make it through despite those nightmares. I’m glad I made it too, and still today am a work in progress. Thank you for viewing my special flowers. They adore admiration. Much Love to you this day! 🌹🌹🌹


  4. Amazing flowers AR…So bright and cheerful. Uplifting is a good word. As for your story, well, you know how I feel as we have talked at length about this. I just got my latest test results for autoimmune disease and even though my DR is a Naturopath she suggested going on Big Pharma drugs! WTF!!! No way. I have spent the past two weeks participating in two different summits on the internet about autoimmune disease, learned a lot and every Dr said the same thing. You can heal yourself naturally! I surely am not stopping my thyroid with drugs and be on them the rest of my life. No Way! So I am now on a hard diet of only meat, veggies, or fruit. No sweeteners, no dairy, no soy, no carbs etc. It is very demanding of my being creative with food that’s for sure! Not fun but hey, gotta do what you’ve gotta do! All we can keep doing is keep the faith and keep going forward. Look at you now tromping around in the woods! Bravo! Hugs to you….VK ❤

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    1. VK, not all medications are bad. Your thyroid is the master gland of the body, and it is nothing to take lightly if it is not working properly. I take Armour Thyroid, a natural source of T4 to assist my thyroid to work properly. This med does not stop my thyroid from working. It gives my body the needed T4 in order for my thyroid function levels to be within normal. I couldn’t live without out. I refuse to take the synthetic compound Synthroid and in fact when I did, I had all kinds of problems. My body did not like it at all. I’m not too sure about healing the thyroid, but if that is what you believe, all the more power to you. I urge you to listen to your Naturapathic Doctor. I know that is not what you want to hear from me, but that is what my Heart is guiding me to say. I really do wish you all the very best and I really do hope you succeed with diet. BIG (((HUGS)))! 🌹🌹🌹

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      1. I am not going to get into this as I know what I’m doing. I’ve been at this for years and I don’t take chances with my life…All will be well. Just trust in me please….VK ❤

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    1. Dan, I’m so sorry this was hard for you. I wrote it with a few intentions in mind, one being it a message that no matter how bad things look, if you really apply yourself you can improve your situation. Honestly, I would not be the person I am today if I had not had this horrendous experience. So many Blessings came from out of it. I have every intention of going as far as I can with my health and boy! am I ever working hard right now for it. That in itself is a whole other story. Thank you for your encouragement. It means so much to me. FYI …. This is the first time since 1993, I have told this story. It’s time this story was heard, and I finally put it to rest. 🤗

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      1. It was hard to read, only because I felt bad for you being in such pain. That people can cause pain and turn a blind eye to it, is something I don’t understand.

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  5. This was a strong read, and hard and heartfelting…but you are amazing❤️
    A role model❤️to me and many out there❤️
    Thank you for sharing.
    Bless you❤️🌹
    A big hug from me.

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    1. Thank you, Lillian, for the honest and encouraging words you left for me to read. I’m in the process of letting this entire part of my life go, but not before it is heard and validated. This is the first time ever I actually put into words my experience. And there is so much more to this story. HUGS back to you, and much Love!! 💝💝💝

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    1. Thank you, Scott! Believe me, I am doing everything I know how to do in order to attain my goal. Much trial and error along the way as I tweak and I improve what I do in order to help me. Thank you again!! 🌟🌟🌟


  6. Wow Amy! Quite a story, having to face uncertainty and the possibilities of a major life change. You’ve had a lot of challenges thrown at you this lifetime and continue to overcome! One wouldn’t know it though because you present as a picture of perfect health. Just goes to show, you can never judge a person’s life or think for a second you can know what it’s like to walk in their shoes. Your photos are so lovely and so alive! They are a true representation of the person in the lens!! Much love to you!! Donna

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    1. It is quite the story, isn’t it though. This was a major life change for me, Donna. I lost my career, I lost my life as I knew it to be, I lost the majority of my friends who were not real friends, I lost my health in many more ways then revealed here, and I had to create another life for myself from out of the ashes of what was. I know I look like the perfect picture of health. That is what keeps me going ….. and hoping that whatever is not lined up correctly yet will be very soon. And you are so very right about judging others. One of my fav sayings to hubby when he complains blah blah blah, is …. You never know what that person’s life is like until you walk a mile in his or her shoes. Thank you SO much for everything you wrote and especially thank you for saying how alive my images are. They really do reflect me. Now you know why I am in continuous wonder and awe, not only regarding what Mother shows me, but what I do. Much Love in return to you, dear friend. BIG (((HUGS))) 🌟🌟🌟

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  7. Amy, as a nurse I am appalled at your experience but I know this kind of abhorrent behavior happens in our hospitals. That a professional medical staff would allow this vengeful act beyond my comprehension though. I always make it clear and get in writing that my surgeon will do the procedure and not allow anyone else to do it…this is common in training hospitals, to let the resident give it a go. I know they need practice but not on me. I am so sorry you suffered so much. I am wishing you all the best and good health. Thank you for the lovely photographs, gifted lady. Sending love. ❤

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    1. Holly, dearest Holly. This event was the beginning of the end for me. I not only lost my hard-won career as an RN, but my trust in medicine was totally and forever smashed. The shocks, the horrors, the betrayals, of not only of what I wrote about here (there is more to the story), reinforced within me to stay away from medicine as much as I could. I did not know at the time that my surgeon would pass me over to an inferior resident. I did not work in the OR. I was an SICU nurse. I had no clue this would happen. And then what followed on the floor was so appalling that I could not believe I was connected to the very ones who deliberately hurt me. Thank you for your kind words. I’ve not ever before told this story before. It is time for me to validate my experience and then to finally put it to rest. Out of all this, however, I’ve grown and my inner strength and respect for myself would not be what it is today if I did not go through what I did. Thank you for your well wishes. I’m really doing this, dear friend. It’s been such a long journey but now I’m really seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank God! Much Love to you and huge (((HUGS)))!!! 💞💞💞

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      1. Huge hugs back dear Amy. Terrible things happen and it’s so hard to get past esp if physical pain has been inflicted on our bodies by people whose sworn oath is to do no harm and we don’t know if we will ever heal from. You are a strong and courageous lady. ❤️❤️🌺

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      2. Bless you for understanding. The good news is I really like who I am today versus who I was when all this happened to me. A lot of good came from out of this nightmare. Tough way to gain Blessings, to be frank with you. But I suppose on the other hand I appreciate them more. Much Love to you, dear Holly! 🌹🌟💜

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  8. This was heart wrenching (and infuriating) to read. Ah. Pain aside, there’s hope, determination and courage in here. This will continue to be a story of triumph. You have a fighting spirit, and a great attitude – I suspect there’s a message in there for me. 🙂
    And yeah, you are so beautiful and look amazing in that photo. 😉
    Thank you for sharing, Amy! x

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    1. Jen, I am really seriously touched you commented today. Thank you! This is the first time I told my story for now the anger and the pain have subsided showing me it is time to let go and move on. I came so near in giving up countless times but today man I’m ever so glad I did not! *blushes* On the beautiful remark. I’m working so hard to stay in shape and living my life straight from my Heart. No BS. I believe that shows. You are so welcome for me sharing. May I inspire you in the times when you don’t think you are gonna make it. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! Much Love to you, dear friend. 🌹🌹🌹

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      1. Yup, WP does that sometimes. I’m always amazed by your creativity, silently watching you sharpen your craft into inspirational pieces.
        Have a great weekend, Amy. – Jen x

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  9. Amy, what you have been through only rare people can take, even less have the will to not let anything or anyone tell them that this is how it will be or how it is supposed to be. You proved that the being that controls body and mind is still the master over both. Incredible how far you have come. Yes, you can be so proud of yourself and shout it out loud, spread the message to inspire as many as possible to do the same. My deepest respect, dear friend 💖

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    1. Bless you, dear friend! There is much to this story I did not tell, but oh yes this one was truly a test that hit every aspect of my life and my Will to overcome or not. When the day came I chose to get out of that bed something deep within me was birthed. To have suffered such gross negligence at the hands of people who I not only trusted but who have sworn an oath to do no harm, the hells I’ve been through with just that aspect of it all, believe me, was great. I did it though. I just will not allow anyone to have power over me. These circumstances represent so many Lessons and Gifts that to this day benefit me. A very tough way to learn yet I did and still am. Yes I am very proud of myself for all I have accomplished. Every single image I post on here is a testimony that I overcame and am strong. It was my intention to inspire others to NOT give up, no matter what happens. Thank you so much for your touching comment. It meant a lot to me. 🌟🌟🦋🦋💝💝

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      1. I see the photos you are posting and how you look at the objects a lot different since I know a bit more about your story, Amy. You have become very strong due to your experience and the decisions you made successfully but still you have a beautiful and shiny soft heart… also because of how you approached your challenges. Again, my respect 💖 💖 💖

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  10. You are looking soooo good, dear Amy 🙂
    I’m happy, how you choose and chose to take a turn on your life. Very encouraging and you are a brave woman, who doesn’t just give up. Thank you for that.
    Your special flowers are amazing beautiful, just like you.
    Much love to you ❤

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    1. Aw, thank you, Irene. That picture of me represents a lot of dedication and commitment always striving towards my goal each and every day for Balance and Health. No, I wouldn’t give up. If I had, I wouldn’t be writing this. My body had begun to shut down. I was not only bed bound but taking massive amounts of drugs. FYI … the doctor who prescribed too many drugs was arrested years after I had him for my pain doctor, and put in jail for abusing the system by prescribing too many pain medications. He is not legally able to write out any more prescriptions. Yet his minions do it for him so the abuse continues. I’m just so relieved I had the strength to go through horrendous withdrawal to get off those drugs that would have ended my life. SO glad you liked my garden flowers who love to be admired. Much Love to you, Irene! 🌹🌹🌹

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      1. Good to read, that this doctor got his punishment for what he did to you and others, Amy. Bad with the minions…
        When I find the energy, I will write you an email with latest updates from here.
        Wish you a beautiful weekend ❤

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  11. Not that it matters anymore Amy, but I bet the individuals concerned are attracting accordingly.
    You have been through the grinder dear lady and then blossomed beautifully. You have created a life from all of that pain and transformed it to an inner love and become what we have all searched for…a happy snapper! 😀
    May your photo’s always show that love, as the above most certainly do ❤️

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    1. Hi, Mark! I do know things have a way of catching up to you. So with that in mind, and with all the inner work I did in order to accept and forgive ALL that took place within this phase of my life, I’ve given myself freedom from anger and hate. Yes I have created a unique life, one that I am very proud of. Now my life is based on Love and Peace in all areas of my life. My photographs will show that Love, dear friend, for they truly are a reflection of my Heart. Much Love to you!! 💖💖💖

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      1. It came through Amy, I have the settings back on ‘manual approval’. It should have said to you ‘Submitting Comment’ or some such but it has been very slow, like 10 seconds after you hit the Submit Comment button.
        What I don’t understand is at all other blogs (almost) your comment would come straight back up and say ‘Awaiting Moderation’ which it isn’t doing. Unless that is the (free) wordpress only does that. I’m not sure, I’ll have to keep my eye out as I comment around the blogs.
        But I kid you not I am being blocked at everything at the moment.
        I have a roaring trade in carrier pigeons at the moment but I think the hawks are getting very fat on my messages 😀

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      2. You STILL are having problems? OMGOSH! What a major pain in the butt! I am so sorry, dear friend. My theme is not free and I do not have nearly the problems you do. Yes I did see the “submitting comment” but I did not see my comment. I’m keeping everything I can crossed minus my eyes that you find smooth waters and soon. This is ridiculous! 💝

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  12. “allopathic doctors” Abba sure will put you in the right place at the right to define what He taught!! Thanks Amy! You can do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives you strength!!!

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    1. I’m unsure if I understood what you wrote, Anthony when you said “allopathic doctors” Abba. I’m a bit confused to be truthful. Yes I have proved over and over again that I can do all things with the strength that is given to me! Bless you, dear friend. 💜💜💜

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      1. The Lord used your message and use of the term of “allopathic” to lead me to do a little research, and upon doing so, the Lord brought me full circle with what He’s been teaching me over the last 11 years about health and wellness. I’d never heard that term before, but it was indeed what the Lord’s been teaching me about “one of the reasons” why so many people never truly experience healing and wellness. We see more people in the medical community using the allopathic approach to treating illnesses and diseases, rather than homeopathic…

        “Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, 26 and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse….Mark 5:25-26

        I haven’t had health ins for the last 11 years, therefore, I haven’t been going to the doctor, but the Lord’s led me to better care for my temple, naturally. My first step was truly BELIEVING that He created our bodies and immune systems to fight illnesses and diseases, and secondly trusting His lead and walking by faith in the process. “The older I get, now 47, the better I feel. And it’s all because of Him!

        “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers…3 John 2

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      2. Ah, now I understand. How awesome that God used my words to bring to you something He wanted you to learn. I do have health insurance but yet I maintain an attitude it is my responsibility to prevent dis-ease from occurring in my body/mind. I prefer natural when I can. That does not mean I throw allopathic medicine out, for there are valuable medications that I would not be able to live if I didn’t have them. My thyroid decided to up and quit and go bananas so I do take an all natural T3 medication. I too believe our bodies were made to heal …. we however have to figure out the “regimen” best suited to us in order for us to attain health. I’m the closest I’ve ever been today in gaining that goal. I also agree with you the older I get (do the math I gave hints in this post LOL) the better I feel. As I told my sister just today on the phone, if it were not for God protecting this home, we’d be up you know what creek. We had a critical event occur here 2 nights ago where one of our cats who was chasing a fly, tipped a boiling huge pot of bone broth over and half the contents spilled all over my kitchen. The miracle is that cat did not have one drop of hot broth on him. He could have been very badly burned! Yep, that is God, my friend!

        Anyways ….. I just talked your ear off. I’m procrastinating. I’m watering gardens and fertilizing flowers (SO challenging for me!) and it is HOT outside. Thank you for explaining the confusion. And thank you for telling me a little about you, Anthony. Both are cherished. Much Love to you! 💖💖💖

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      3. “The miracle is that cat did not have one drop of hot broth on him. He could have been very badly burned! Yep, that is God, my friend!”

        These are all the amazing blessings and benefits we receive from Abba. He protects and cares for everything and everybody in our lives.

        “trust in the Lord with ALL your heart…..

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  13. This is a very encourage post. I can understand you feel and during your painful time. Many would not see any possible way to see the pain or suffering can go away but sometimes things can change in a surprising way.

    Great pictures for eyes!!!

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    1. YC, yes sometimes things can change in the most surprising ways if we just try to bring change into our lives. I still deal with limitations and at times pain, yet I pray each day these will leave as well. It is a miracle just as it is that I am walking and leading a very active life. I am Grateful for every day, believe me. So happy you enjoyed my garden flowers who love to be admired. (smile) Have a great day today! 🌟🌟🌟

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  14. Though the pictures are beautiful, I thank you today for the story you shared. The hope you share-and create. I can empathize with much of your injury, that darkness that pain creates is a monster. You are an inspiration.

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    1. You’ve gone and put tears in my eyes (again). I wrote this to inspire others to think upon my words when the going gets tough. I also wrote to validate my own story and then to let it go. This is the first time I am telling this story, Colleen. It took me 25 years of inner work to let go of the anger and pain towards those who hurt me. Yes pain does create a monster but I was determined to transform that monster into a master. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! 🌟🌟🌟

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      1. You have harnessed that monster, tamed it, and conquered it. You need to celebrate that. I think telling your story is part of that celebration.

        When ‘we’ are in these tough and dark places, it is the life ropes, the life jackets of hope that others throw back to us, that can always make the difference.

        THank you for doing this. We never know when your words of hope are going to make that difference to that person who needs to hear it.


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      2. I carry your response in my Heart today, Colleen. You have encouraged me in ways I am not able to put into words. Thank you. And yes I am celebrating that I have conquered a real monster, one that almost destroyed me. You are also correct. In telling my story, I am validating my experience. And then tie it up in a pink balloon and release it. 🎈🎈🎈


  15. Amy Rose, you climb Mount Everest, not just in this heart rending story in /of your life, but in every post.
    Your photos are stunning, and your nature’s subject matter is a joy.
    It’s always a rich experience coming here for a visit.
    Oh, like… you are awesome sexy. 🌹💥🌹

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    1. Your words, Resa, I don’t think I can convey to you just how much they mean. I’ve had more support, more compassion, and more “real emotions” regarding my story then I have had in “real life”. So many times I’ve had tears on my face as a result of the words that were left for me to read. Holly for example was outraged. She being a nurse understands the deplorable behavior towards me. Bless you for reading my story. Bless you for saying what you did about my story and how I live my life NOW. And as for sexy awesome … *blush* …. not bad for an aging woman, huh? LOL I work for it, believe you me! Menopause ruined me. The things I have to do now to not only get a pump but to maintain one and still I contend with sags. Teehee …… 🤣🤣🤣Aint aging fun? 😂


      1. Menopause is the ships! I went through at 35, and it changed my life…BIG time. Being so young, I really had to buck up, or give up. I’ve done okay. Yes, aging sucks, but you are doing great! I’m your age, and I’m doing okay. The main thing is keeping the bones healthy!
        Holly is a wonderful, caring person. I read her thoughts and advice, and I will follow her advice when/if surgery arises! ❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹❦🌹

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      2. *shock* 35?!?!? Oh, Resa, that is terrible! Menopause hit me so hard in so many ways and I just cannot imagine a young woman going through it in the prime of her life. What really ships about M and aging is that not too many people will actually TALK about it. Hmmmm …. I mean what’s up with that? I had to learn the hard way without any support what M is and what it will do to a woman’s body.
        Re: Holly. I trust her explicitly. I pray you do not have to go through surgery. That’s another thing that changes you.
        I’m taking a wonderful product:
        that you may want to check out. I drink lots of almond milk and eat tons of raw seeds and nuts. Exercise and walking strengthens bones big time! I also take Pure Encapsulations Magnesium (powder). There are many other supplements I take but these two come to mind for you to check out. I really HOPE no surgery for you. BIG (((HUGS)))!!!! 💝💝💝

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  16. I admire your strength ! It is miracle that you can do, what you do, after such a terrible injury. A huge ingredient is your indomitable spirit ❤ !

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    1. Bless you, Kathy! Yes I am a miracle that I will say. I just won’t lie down and quit. I’m working so hard to stay strong and well and will do so for the rest of my life. My accomplishment with my photography alone is a huge milestone. Carrying around that heavy equipment takes strength. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me your thoughts on this post. That means a lot to me!! (((HUGS)))!!! 💖💖💖


  17. I’m grateful you not only survived but you so generously share yourself and your beautiful photographs with the rest of us. You are an inspiration and as I felt the first time I read one of your posts, you are love.

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    1. When I read your words, I was so taken aback and the awe I felt I cannot put into words. You just paid me the highest compliment anyone on this planet or beyond could pay me. To say I am Love, brings tears to my eyes. May you be blessed for bestowing upon me such a huge blessing. Thank you from the bottom of my Heart. I too am glad I survived. Much Love to you! 💖💖💖

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    1. Eliza, this is the first time I have told this story. It has taken me 25 years to work through the intense emotional aspects of this phase of my life, coming to acceptance and forgiveness. However, it is time to not only be heard and my story validated, but to herald to the world that no matter how tough the going gets, you can if you want, get through it and overcome. Thank you so much for reading my story and for commenting. Both mean so much!! Much Love to you this day! 💖💖💖

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  18. I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. I am glad that you’re the strong woman that you are…Not everyone would have made it through that ordeal and still have a positive attitude. Thank you for sharing your strength and beauty with us. 🙂

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      1. I’m glad you that you have such a supportive husband Amy! Same goes for my wife, although I often leave my camera behind when we go for walks – otherwise she has to wait patiently while I “get the shot” – however, I still have my cell phone as my photo-sketch pad.

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  19. You are so gorgeous, Amy. Such gentle strength in your face. Your story terrifies me and reinforces my strong aversion to allopathic doctors. I only go when I’m forced to by the insurance company. I have instead used mostly Chinese medicine -acupuncture and herbs. My personal experience with doctors has been mostly negative – I feel a general lack of empathy and awareness from their end. The nurses seem to be the ones who do the work and really know what’s going on. Anyway, you are really inspiring, dear one. 🌹❤️

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    1. Dearest Julie, your words put tears in my eyes. I’ve been very emotional since I posted this story, a story I have told as you read it for the very first time. Yes it is terrifying to be at the receiving end of such gross negligence and abuse in the medical profession, and yet, I like you have met with multiple “bad experiences” within the medical field. (this was not the first one) This event, however, pushed me over the edge, with all trust broken between me and the medical system and me adamant to not ever again practice as a nurse. I went from fully believing in the system, to bam! mistrusting it. The Gift, however, is that I learned and am learning to be responsible for my health, turning to alternative measures. I’m presently seeing an acupuncturist and chiropractor who base their practices on Chinese medicine. I only go to my GP when I must to address issues I am not able to resolve naturally. I thank you for you very kind compliment on what I look like …. taking care of special needs cats plus taking care of me have made me very strong yes, but has added a very gentle component that had always been there, but had not been seen for all the “junk” that was covering it. Bless you for the words you left for me to read. I’ve had more support from the responses on this post, then I’ve had in real life. People for the most part deny, hide, push away truth, not wishing to get involved. Sad but true. My husband still today is not able to speak of what happened to me. Oh yes this greatly effected him too. Bless you from the bottom of my Heart, dear friend!! I do Love you …. my kindred Sister. May your day be greatly blessed for blessing me. 🦋🦋🦋

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    1. I do not speak of this too often, Michele, and in fact, this is the first time I am really telling my story. It is time for it to be validated, heard, compassion exchanged, and then for it to be released entirely. Yes that time has come. I’ve done so much healing and now Acceptance and Forgiveness have been arrived at. Pink balloon time ….. tie everything in a pink bow, put into a pink balloon, and say goodbye. 🎈🎈🎈

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  20. You are so inspirational Amy! I love reading your posts! I too have had terrible pain issues in my life. They were so bad and affecting my life so much. I have gotten better but I also have learned how to manage and not “anger” my sciatic, bulging disc, knee, etc. The bad thing is that in return I do not get proper exercise and have gained a lot of weight. 😦 Once again beautiful pictures!

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    1. Thank you, LeeAnn. It saddens my heart to know you too know what it is like to live in pain. The worst thing you can do is not exercise. And that is the God’s honest truth. I’m right now back at the gym working with free weights and actually doing some of my body building routines, something I did not ever think I would do again. The whole goal is to develop strong muscles to keep our backs in place. I also employ “healers” to help me, along with a whole list of what I do for me. I wish you all the very best!!! 🌟🌟🌟

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  21. Most people do not realize how quickly their entire lives can change without fault. I’m sorry you suffered so much pain that you leaned to despair, and so glad you fought your way to your current state.

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    1. You are absolutely right, Joey. People also don’t realize how precious health is either. Not until you loose something do you realize just how fortunate we were. I’m glad I fought too, dear friend. I wouldn’t be writing this to you if I had not. Have a great Monday! 💖💖💖

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  22. I love your post and your photos. They are so inspiring. Your life has such meaning and purpose. Thank you for sharing. I wish you health and joy.

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    1. Thank you so very kindly for your very generous praise of my posts. I am deeply touched. Bless you! I wish you health and joy as well! (((HUGS)))!! 🦋🦋🌹


    1. Christy, this journey still continues to this day. I feel strongly I’m nearing the top as this huge push is happening right now …. acupuncturists, (yes plural), chiropractors, Chinese medicine, supplements targeting healing of the cells, gym workouts 3 times a week, walking, biking, ….. so much right now as if to say YES! I’ve done it! Thank you for reading and for commenting. And apologies for the late reply. Hope you had a really great day today! ☺️


  23. More stunning photos, thank you. I love your story! And I’m so glad you fought! I’ve had a similar path – I got complete burnout about 8 years ago. I had to give up my job and basically sat on the couch all day for months. After another 5 or 6 years, I could get off that couch, but my body and mind were shutting down. No-one could tell me what was actually wrong with me. But I wouldn’t give up. As they said in the Shawshank Redemption movie: Get busy living, or get busy dying!!
    I eventually stumbled across a condition called Pyroluria on the internet (yes, I was saved by Dr Google 😛) then insisted on a test (which was done in another country), and the rest is history. I’m still recovering from all the damage done by this condition over the years, but I now have hope, strength, and I’m still improving! And I now have NO faith in the medical profession (and many natural charlatans).
    I feel inspired by your story, that I can now move forward in my life, into a brave new world. Thank you so much for sharing!! 💖💖💖😁

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    1. Wendy, this is the first chance I’ve gotten to get here. I have not been ignoring you. (smile) I am SO sorry about your experience. When we loose our health, we have absolutely nothing. I am however very happy that you did your homework and actually found out on your own what is going on in order to get the help you require. I too have many reservations regarding traditional medicine. I am an RN, and to say that, is huge. I trust my alternative healers in my life more then I do medicine. I have found a decent GP of late who is really trying, yet I am very cautious with what she suggests. I’ve been too hurt by the system to be hurt again. I encourage you to do all you can do to improve your health. Listen closely and wisely to your Inner Guidance. Keep an ear open for “clues” that others give you. At least that is how it works for me. My supplement regimen, for example, is changing all the time. When you have been as sick as you have been change for the better takes time. Keep in your Heart at all times the “feeling” that you will overcome no matter what. If I can keep walking and do what I am today, I hold my hand out to you to share in that celebration. I will keep you close to my Heart. Much Love and BIG (((HUGS)))!!! XOXO

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      1. Thank you for your encouragement. I too have found a great holistic GP who I can trust, and I’ve learnt muscle testing from a kinesiologist to manage an ever changing supplement regime. BIG LOVE & HUGS right back at you 💖💖💖

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    1. Thank you, Julie, for enjoying my post and for the compliment on the picture hubby took of me. Yes I’ve been through a lot and still going … But! I am who I am today because of what I’ve been through. 🌹

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