Play Break

58 thoughts on “Play Break”

  1. These are great, Amy. I think the key to manipulating these in software is having a good underlying image. I like the fact that these don’t look artificial, the way so many images out there do.

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    1. Thank you, Dan. Your words mean a lot to me! Because of the filter I had on my lens with the second set of images I took, those around my house, they looked sort of blah to me so I wanted to Jazz them up a bit. I too do not like the overdone look that some people do to their photography. Although, at times I do go all out and really play so that my images no longer even look like a photograph. LOL I hope you are having a wonderful Monday! 💕😁💕

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  2. Happy Monday AR !!! Looks like snow is heading in again. So much for the Indian Summer that never was…The wood stove has been on so I guess the season has begun! Loved the pictures, I especially loved the shot of the road all covered in yellows. So gorgeous! My fav! Stay warm AR and keep those babies getting stronger 🙂 Hugs to you all….Much love…VK ❤

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    1. VK, as you can see today is Wednesday. I’ve had a few very busy days! We had no Indian summer here either so don’t feel so bad. I’m so glad you enjoyed my photographs especially the one of the road that’s all covered in yellow. We are staying warm and inside because we have a winter storm warning today. If we do not touch base before tomorrow, have a very nice Thanksgiving! Much Love to you, dear friend! 💞💞💞

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    1. Yes they are really quite the sight in reality believe you me! I never get tired of what I see and I always feel awe when I do see what I do. Thank you so much for viewing this post for I derive great pleasure knowing that you enjoyed my pictures. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Much love to you, Shweta. 💕

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    1. Aw, Rob, my ❤️ is filled with gratitude for your compliments. Your words mean a lot to me believe me! Bless you! Even if I am not ready for the white the white is here unfortunately. I will ease into the white as carefully as I can with my photography. I just cannot believe day after day we are already getting this white now. May you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving! In closing, Mother Nature did not get my memo either so don’t feel so bad. 😘😘😘

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  3. Nice job with that software, Amy. I agree with Dan – you need a good underlying photo, even if it seems “blah” at first sight. If I’ve learned nothing else, I’ve learned that. I keep meaning to go back through my older photos and spiff them up like you did yours.

    Like you, a new problem has crept into my life. Not medical, but I’m not willing to say any more about it. Just another little bump in the road. So I may not be in the mood for posting much over the next couple of weeks. Hope everyone will be happy with reblogs of older posts.

    In case I’m not on here again before then – I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving.


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, CM. As you can see two days have passed due to the fact I’ve had to work with this problem in order to get it right. So sorry you are having problems and I hope your problem works itself out. I am really hoping that for the both of us today will be a smooth sailing day. May you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow. Much love to you, dear friend! 💞💞💞


      1. OH GOOD!!! Ditto here! Not only have I been taking care of 2 ill cats (one Hospice protocol), but also training our outside cat to be indoors (YIKES!). LONG STORY THERE! Then the icing on the cake my 14-year old Cookie in full run slipped on the tile and hurt her left rear leg really bad to the point she wasn’t walking on that leg. I didn’t know if I should take her in for x-rays or dig in and treat her myself. I very carefully examined for breaks (I didn’t feel any) so I gave her 5 days to see an improvement. And thank heavens, we see one!!! WHEW!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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  4. I hear you when you say you are not ready for the White stuff. The beauty of fall is enchanting and addictive! Your pictures just draw me into the magical world that I am imagining you seem to want to be lost into. This season of change and beauty keeps churning within and it could take a while to become ready to settle inward and into the season of winter, as it seems to me.

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    1. Ahhhh …. finally a moment to try to catch up. Whew! No, I’m really not ready for the white stuff cuz it is just too early. Unfortunately the very cold and the much white are making themselves known so accept I must or loose sleep over this. I will keep on posting magical pictures and slowly introduce the white stuff. I LOVE Autumn, dear friend. Yet this year we had no Peak Foliage, no Indian Summer, but instead we went from mostly green to BAM color and then winds and rains came on by which stripped the trees of leaves. I did as best I could to document the color while it lasted. Change for some of us especially when talking white, is more challenging to some then others. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving, Pragalbha. Not sure if you celebrate but I still wish you a happy holiday. (((HUGS)))!! 💞💞💞

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    1. Thank you, Drew! Bless you for stopping by to view my post. I’m so pleased you enjoyed my images. I know how busy you are on your own blog so it means a lot that you have taken time to come on by. Happy Thanksgiving to you!! 😘😘😘


  5. Only one problem I see – your neighbor’s property!! I can see you tried to make the photo look nice, oh well – it doesn’t quite fit in with the rest of the beauty all around you! Lovely shots and I love the editing – looks natural. The tree with the bird feeder and red shed behind it – wow I love it! Beautiful colors and the shed make a lovely contract! You live in a very nice area!! Much love to you! Donna

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    1. LOL@Donna!! My neighbors’ father is a farmer who over the years has collected tractors and farming equipment. What my eyes see has actually grown on me believe it or not. Gives the neighborhood personality. (wink!) When I took this image I actually saw Beauty …. all in the eyes of the beholder I suppose. As for my bird feeder …. thank you! I LOVE watching the birds as I am at my kitchen window. Our barn …. Hubby built and I helped. If you saw the overall picture of what everything looks like you’d get it. Much Love to you, dear friend!!! 😘😘😘

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    1. If you look closely you would see the actual date on these images, the very beginning of November. Now we have snow and very very bare trees except for the Oaks that still have color on them. I’m stunned by how cold it is and that the snow comes down every day. It is just too early for this nonsense yet it is happening. You’ve given me quite the pleasure knowing I gave you glimpses of what I saw with my very own eyes. Happy Thanksgiving, Joey!! 😘😘😘


    1. I am much relieved to be able to say the solution I was hoping for did emerge. One of our cats, (a young 14-year old) spun out on our tile floor and really banged her left rear leg to the point she was not walking on it. I examined it very carefully and to the best of my knowledge, could not feel anything broken. IF the supplements and 5 days did not bring improvement I was going to take her in for xrays. As of yesterday evening she was putting weight on that leg. OH thank heavens!!! Whew!

      I thank you SO much for your compliments on my images. I’m so very happy you came by to see them. Happy Thanksgiving, Michele! 😘😘😘

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    1. Whether I’m ready or not, Eliza, the snow is here. And it doesn’t look like it’s going any time soon. Just too early for this nonsense if you ask me! But Mother doesn’t check with me, now does She? LOL Happy Thanksgiving!! ☺️

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  6. Stunning images. The autumn soul is present in all of your compositions. I like the unprocessed versions of your work. Happy days and I am more than ready for the white stuff. But we hardly get a chance for this photographic playground. Smiles. Reinhold

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    1. Aw, Reinhold, thank you ever so kindly for what you said here. This year Autumn was so brief and so strange and I worked so darn hard at getting the color I managed to get. The white stuff by the look of things, is here to stay. It is bitterly cold out there today with winds whipping so I couldn’t even go for a walk if I wanted to. Not with this wind! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! 🤗

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  7. Amy so good to be back here, you replenish my Spirit, and fill me up with gratitude with every photo you take.. Thank you from my heart to yours for all you share. ❤ Much love to you, I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving Amy.. Love and Blessings..

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    1. Aw, Sue, you are so very welcome! It is my honor to share with you what Mother shows me and what I am able to do with my camera. Bless you for taking the time to comment on my images. Your words meant a great deal to me. Much Love to you and Happy Thanksgiving!! 😘😘😘

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    1. Yes I am blessed to have these parks locally here. I attempt to frequent them as often as I possibly can, life and weather permitting. Thank you for stopping by and for commenting. I apologize for the late reply. I found you in my SPAM. Have a great day! 💖


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