Variance (4 IMAGES)

62 thoughts on “Variance (4 IMAGES)”

  1. I love these bulbs Amy.. I have many that came early on in my garden.. They ranged from Red, Blue White and even Yellow.. And they managed to bloom despite the snow on them.. I love their fragrance..
    And yes you are ME>. and I AM YOU… WE ARE ONE… 🙂 LOVE.. your words Amy..

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    1. Their fragrance is glorious, Sue! Have you smelled a Daffodil? Oh …. the sweetness is Heaven!! I had my nose in many a Daffy last evening. LOL I can only imagine what my neighbors think. Too bad …. I even had Hubby smell the Daffies. Oh yes, we are all ONE!!! Much Love to you this day! 😘

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    1. Wait a minute …. How did you know? I didn’t say anything! Have I in the past? Are you psychic? (smile) Oh wow, Rita, you just about blew me away by what you said. LOL 💝💝💝

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      1. My secret ❤️❤️ I just remember conversations with those I love and I make notes 🤣. I’m getting old after all so calendars are my best friend. Love you 😘

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      2. I know you will celebrate life in ALL its magnificent glory and share it. This just gives me the chance to celebrate what matters in mine!

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  2. And I accept this ‘me’…and in finally understanding this, that I AM that rainbow that we seek, no longer ‘trying’ to be anything, just opening my heart totally, no longer walled by my journey, but accepting that perfection that I AM…just as your flower has always done Amy ❤

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    1. BEAUTIFUL comment, Mark!!! Yes, I am right there with you! It is SO freeing to be ME. As I have said for so many years …. I was created this way so what is the point in being something other then what I was created as? May you have a glorious day today!!! Much Love to you! 💖

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    1. YellowCable, I have been having the same trouble …. SO many of my blogs I was following were blocked. I am SO happy to see you back here! And I thank you saying my pictures are beautiful!!! May you have a wonderful day today!! 🌹

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    1. I agree with you 100%, Garfield! The colors are astonishing! So glad you enjoyed this today! I have almost the entire front Gardens finished and for the next couple of days I rest. So I blog LOL! 💝🦋💝


    1. Looooved your comment! (smile) You should have seen some of the positions I was in to get these shots. LOL I did it though! YAY!!! Celebrate your uniqueness as I shall celebrate mine! 💞🌸💝

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  3. Amy, I love the new banner with the birds!
    Lots of great shots and thoughts here today. I know just how crazy spring can be. I’m in the middle of major shuffling, cleaning and re-potting of house plants, on top of the usual. I like how you used the 2 budding yellows for your Gravatar pic. I’ve often thought of using a graffiti pic, but I don’t want to be identified by someone else’s art. They wouldn’t like that either. My new gown has graffiti art on it that I painted. Perhaps a pic of that?

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    1. Ha Ha! I just changed my gravatar picture to keep up with the progress of my flowers. I am having a riot with those birds and OH is it fun and easy all the while sitting on my rocking chair shooting through my dining room window. Now that is luxury! LOL Oh yes do use your graffiti art from your gown, Resa. That would be awesome and so original!! YES!!! Do it!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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    1. I am so glad you enjoyed these, Hyacinths, Dan. This Spring has been so odd with the early flowers still in bloom, which by now should not be so. You can always transplant your white Hyacinths come this Fall to a better location with less traffic. Just an idea …. Have a great day! 😎

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      1. K. If you have time email me the lay of your property and maybe I can point you where to plant these flowers. They are just too pretty not to get the attention they deserve. I know I’m busy but I’ll do my best.


  4. I’m not sure but I think the different colours are the result of the cunning Dutch centuries ago who just produced lots of different colour variants of the same basic plant. Bulbs used to change hands for a fortune and the Holy Grail was the black tulip. I certainly don’t see the people at our garden centre as being capable of restructuring DNA (no offence intended)
    Those are really beautiful flowers, and you’ve done an excellent job to capture them so well.

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    1. I actually saw a movie about how the Dutch used to sell bulbs until the government stepped in. Thank you on your compliment how I captured these flowers, John. Very much appreciated!! 🌸


  5. Hi Amy 🙂 Beautiful flowers!! ❤ I hope you are able to spend lots of time out in the fresh air and your garden or the woods. Everything is growing at a rapid pace around here. It seems we weren't the only ones impatient for spring. 🙂 Love, blessings and happy gardening for you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Thank you, Sarah. Yes I have been outside much of the time getting the real Vitamin D. I’m getting my gardening muscles, that is for sure!! Hope you are a great and sunny day! 😎

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  6. Hi Amy! Well, and happy special day to you too!! (The secret’s out!) The colors are incredibly vivid and so alive! They just burst out of the photo so alive! Thanks so much for your eye-heart!! Have a wonderful day and much love to you!! Donna

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the well wishes on my special day, Donna. I too was taken aback by the colors. These are actually in my neighbor’s gardens and new flowers. I just had to capture them and so glad I did! May you have a glorious day today!! 😎

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    1. Yes, Julie, they are the most gloriously scented flowers. I wonder how many people have actually kneeled down to smell them. I was intoxicated. So too with the Daffies!! Wow!! 😘

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  7. I can tell that spring is treating you very well, Amy. Stunning photos, the colors, and crispness of these shots are truly a sight to see. What complements them very well, too, is your great prose as well. It looks like you are going too have a busy but wonderful spring season 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Randall, I’ve been very occupied in opening my gardens. Instead of burning the candle at both ends as I have in the past, I’m doing minimal blogging until these gardens are opened. I thank you for taking the time to comment, knowing full well how much you yourself juggle. I’m really glad you enjoyed this post! Have a great day! 😎


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