Heart Flip (2 IMAGES)

88 thoughts on “Heart Flip (2 IMAGES)”

  1. So much of religion has been co-opted by man for purposes of control. I agree with all that you’ve said. I do not fear my creator. I don’t need to enter a building to have my own relationship with my creator.

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    1. Rob! I could HUG you right now. I was nervous about publishing this, yet My Heart directed me to do so. It bothers me when others “think” they know what is best for others. That IMO is the beginning of their downfall. Bless you for this feedback!! I personally know a “know it all” and it just about drives me up a wall because there is no gettting through that I have a right to my own opinion and my own way of Life. Much Love, Amy ❤

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    1. These kinds of people cause more separation and hurt feelings then anything else when in reality we so as a human race need healing. Although my poem mentions tears, I was not crying. The words came before this incident occurred and so I decided to use them. I see it as a cosmic crying at the persistence of those who deem it their “job” to tell another how to walk their own walk of faith and how those individuals collectively sadden the All. My “Irish” actually got up to be truthful. I honestly don’t tolerate intolerance very well and I most certainly do speak my mind about it. I know this is a “hot” subject for some yet when are all of us just going to learn to accept one another, help one another, and by our actions those around us learn how to lean on God? Let others come to you when they are ready to learn and then you can share what you know and why. Bless you for your support, Takami. Much Love, Amy ❤


    1. Bless you, Rita. Notice how I always say “Bless you” because I have no right to insinuate to you what to call “God”. Thank you for “seeing” me. Faith is a constant work in action, and it takes a lot of diligence to keep it. It is so easy to let go, but the consequences of that I am not willing to endure. I Love you, dear sister! ❤

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  2. I am not religious either, but have to say, everything you say here makes sense. Fear is a wasted emotion and we should not let it rule our lives. Also timely in the current political climate where I hear so many people use words like ‘frightened’, ‘afraid’ and ‘fearful’. There is nothing to fear but fear itself, right? Gorgeous pictures as always Amy!

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    1. Everywhere we turn today, Marissa, fear is in your face. Everywhere! If we all begin to realize how much fear there is and WHO is promoting this fear, we can then all begin to relax and live our lives accordingly in Love and the way we want. Fear will NOT control me! You are SO right! There is nothing to fear but fear itself and those who have the abilty to control this world, know that. Thank you for your support and and thank you for being who you are! Much Love, Amy ❤


    1. Thank you, Laura! This world needs LOVE not more fear! I will not stand silent while these kind of people create more separation. And no one has the right to judge another’s relationship with the Creator. That is not the Walk of Love, which is the main Mesage of Scripture. Bless you for your support!!! Much Love, ❤

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  3. If someone emphasizes fear in any relationship, I would be concerned. If I fear God, I’m likely to want my family to fear me, or my employees, or my dog. Fear shouldn’t be part of the equation, Amy.

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    1. Dan, a dear young woman who follows Petals gave me a link of a site where a pastor explains the fear of God. This article confirms everything what my Heart has been telling me for years. The relief I felt is indescribable as I finally found another human being who has been “taught” correctly. Huge Blessings came from this post, a post I published with shaking hands. Thank you for your feedback. It means a lot to me. Much Love, Amy ❤

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  4. Dear Amy, as you may know, I agree so much with you. No one are allowed to decide, how others are going to live their life.
    Many religions are build at fear, which also is a good reason to avoid them.
    Spirituality is so different, but not all do understand that.
    Much love ❤ Irene

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    1. If I told you how many churches I have walked away from due to this “fear factor” or other doctrines, you would be shocked. I have yet to find a church that agrees with my thinking. It seems Mother has become my Church, which is fine by me. Thank you for your feedback, dear friend. It means a lot to me! ❤

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      1. IF I find a church that does not use fear or manipulation of any kind, that is the church I will go to. One that is founded in Love. And until that day arrives, I continue to immerse myself in Mother. ❤

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    1. Kathy, if you have time there is a comment left by a young woman with a link to an article that explains perfectly what the fear of God is. And it is everything, and I mean everything and more that my Heart taught me. Look for a cat print and the name “Animals Have Feelings Too” if you are interested. I was so relieved to know that someone is on the same wavelength as me in the pastor world, I burst into tears. Happy Thanksgiving! I have one more post coming for Thanksgiving but comments will be closed and I will not be blogging. Much Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Amy, I found it and it is a excellent article. Especially like “The reverential fear of the Lord is designed to help us grow to become more like God—to grow in love. And this growth removes any need to be terrified of God’s judgment.”
        Agree that it’s nice to be with people on the same wavelength. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Bill. I finally posted a very short post the other day. Love you too ❤

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      2. SOOOO happy you liked that article and got some good out of it. Makes my Heart just smile. I’m going for a walk and when I come back I will make sure I come on over. I apolgize for not coming sooner. I’ve been so involved with a good friend and his family and what it is taking to get him home from the hospital. I’ve not been blogging as ususal. Mission accomplished. He is coming home today. I’m in tears. The impossible has been done. OH to have family like this, Kathy! I’m in tears right now just so happy for these people. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  5. And well said beautiful lady. Judgement is the act of someone who is still dealing with their journey, still fearful of things in their life, and still trying to open that self love within.
    When found, they too will be where you now are…and probably take fantastic photo’s too 😀 ❤
    Or at least just be fantastic in whatever they do…we always 'give' from wherever we are at 😀

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    1. Mark, how this all played out is phenomenal. This subject regarding judging me is a “hot button” for me. Ever since I was a small child I was an independent thinker, seeing life from a perspective most did not. As a result I was punished a lot. Now fast forward to present. I’ve kept that way of thinking refusing to allow anyone to take that from me and I have learned to listen to my Heart for guidance. In writing this post, one of the young women who follows me gave me a link to which I went to. In that article I found confirmation how my Heart has taught me what “fear of God” means. The answer I have been seeking all my life I found in that article. My Heart was not wrong. Now, what sparked this post was a discussion with a young man who said I was wrong in my thinking which produced this post. Within the context of that conversation with this young man, I somehow finally got through and I shared the link with him which he read. All conflict has been resolved and I was shown respect. AND the really neat thing I asked my bio sis to read this post, something normally I do not do but it just meant so much to me to hear feedback from her. She told me she would read it and text me about it. I never heard from her. I refused to be disappointed or hurt and just totally relied on God to bring resolution, which I just told you about. Just wow! I mean it, Mark, just wow! I fully 100% all the way around refused to allow anger or disappointment to interfere with the process. And so it flowed. Are you following this? I’m shaking my head as I write this to you. This is totally unbelievable! I really did not get in the way of a Higher Energy to bring this Beautiful Process to a complete circle of completion. Whew! That was a mouthful and then some! LOL 🙂 ❤

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      1. And a beautiful mouthful it was kind lady. It takes so much to ‘learn’ that unconditional, in all its forms, but especially with the love that we use in everything.
        Your heart ‘knew’ your journey Amy, and it has come together and been really appreciated for that exact path you have taken. And as you have said….the ‘synchronicities’ are amazing, with many messages coming through for us all to see…and always built on that love 😀
        Many will learn from that, and thank you for sharing ‘your’ hearts journey 😀 ❤

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      2. I’m beginning to believe our very survival depends not only on kindness to one another but to listen to our Hearts. The problem as I see it, though, when we listen to our Hearts many times we are flying “blind”. And that, dear friend, can be very scary. Blind Faith. Blind Trust. Not easy for so many. But other times it is fun, and finds Bliss, and just feels so darn right. It always feel right even when we are pushed out of our comfort zone, as I was with this post. Yep, sure was! LOL

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  6. Hi there GOD’S superstar!!!!
    Just saw the weather report…….how many feet you get from that lake effect snow???
    Never a dull moment in your life we see.!!!!
    ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Hi, Michael! We only got a dusting of snow … no biggie at all! And as for me being a Superstar ….. HAHA! You make me laugh. I am but a messenger, dear friend. And no there is never too much time that goes by without a dull moment in my life. I can attest I am far from bored. Tee Hee ….. Happy Thanksgiving!! ❤

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      1. Blessings back at you. Nice to know you don’t always get the feet of snow!!!
        I’m making the Turkey, bright and early tomorrow morning!!!!! Today!!!
        Happy day!!

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    1. I coud kiss you right now, LeeAnn! You don’t know how many years I have struggled with this concept of fear in connection with God. In fact I said I revere and respect God because I Love Him with my whole being. I could just cry with relief that finally I received an answer to my question all these years: How is it possible to Love God as much as i do and fear Him? Please thank your pastor for me. You don’t know what this means to me. My Heart was right! All these years I refused to allow others to tell me I must fear (the bad fear) when it comes to God. No! Never! God is my everything! I couldn’t live without Him in my Heart and my life! Honey, I am really emotional right now if you can’t tell. Make sure you tell your pastor I am bookmarking his sight because it has been too long I have gone without the guidance of a good pastor. Up until now I have not been able to find one. God bless you, dear friend! God bless you!!! (((HUGS and KISSES))) Amy ❤

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      1. I am thrilled this helped you in such a way! The article wasn’t from my pastor though, I just found that online, it sounded similar to what he spoke on before. Here is a link to the church where he speaks: http://whchurch.org/
        His name is Greg Boyd and he is an awesome speaker! He makes sense out of things and is really down to earth! 🙂


      2. Just fyi…there are a few different speaking pastors at this church, so I am attaching a link that goes to one of his websites (besides the church link that already sent) with a picture of him on it, so you can see who he is. In case you decide to listen to any of the sermons on the church website, you’ll know which one is Greg Boyd.


  7. Amy, because God, Love, Friendship and some other meanings are spiritual things, I personally even do not discuss them with the strangers or people who on my mind have absolutely different understanding of these things. We are different and nobody has the rights to fix your soul and spirit. My understanding of that is pretty much as yours.

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    1. Alexander, I normally do not engage in discussions regarding my beliefs. I just don’t. But this time my Heart guided me to do so. The conversation upset me, yes, and my Heart again guided me to write a post on a subject that left my hands shaking as I hit publish. This is not my usual and it is not going to be my usual. Yet my Heart persisted. And then last evening, a Blessing arrived I did not see coming and all fell into place as to WHY I was guided to post what I did. A friend came forward and gave me a link to a site where a pastor explains and goes into great length about the fear of God. I read it. And I rejoiced for his research and article confirmed for me exactly how I feel regarding the fear of God. I respect, I revere, I adore God. I Love Him and my whole life is a reflection of Him. When I listen to my Heart, no matter how difficult it may be for me, I always always always am Blessed. For the first time ever the seeking in my Heart for confirmation of what I have been “taught” by Spirit brought such relief to me I burst into tears. So, in doing what I did, something I normally do not do, I received an answer. How awesome is that? Much Love, Amy ❤

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  8. Bravo…. Dear Amy…. BRAVO!!!…. I could not have said any of that any better dear friend..
    Wishing you a Blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving my friend.. May you enjoy your reunion with beloved family and soak up the gratitude we all feel for your presence here upon WP my friend..
    Sending Huge Hugs your way..
    Love Sue xxx

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  9. That was wonderful, Amy. God is love. Whatever God created was created with love: the universe, our planet, mankind. It is not God we need to fear but the ones who make us believe this. It is only a way to control people. There is no punishing God. There is only love. Love empowers and that is why we feel so much strength and faith when we open up for God.

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    1. I like what you said, Erika. Fear in any form is a way to control and punish. God doesn’t punish, although many think so. What they don’t understand is many times what we have in our lives is a consequence of something we have done in our pasts, or a deep family pattern, or it is a “curve ball”… something life itself throws at us to push us out of our comfort zone to grow. God does not punish. Man does, though. And what is perceived as punishment is only “karmic energy” come back to the original source. Life is complicated … yet bottom line I and I alone am responsible for my Life. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Yes, exactly. Whatever we do has its effect in eithet way. So what we need to understand is that we can go from the consequences we face now and see what we need to make differently. That is the only constructive way to change our lives for the better. 💖

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    1. Rommel, all of my Life I have thought outside of the box and have listened to my Heart, yes, even as a child. I was severely punished when I dared to question the “authority and truth” of the “authorities”. So many “teachings and “truths” made no sense to me and I knew in my Heart they were not true. I learned to keep my mouth shut until a senior in high school when a priest was teaching a “false teaching” about marriage. All those years of keeping quiet accumulated in one moment as I jumped to my feet, red in the face, furious, and had the audacity to face him telling him he was wrong. He in turn was furious, refusing to even listen to what I had to say, and as a consequence he failed me. I was a straight A student so to get an F was a shock. Yes, Rommel, these are the types of situations I have dealt with all my life so you have no idea how refreshing it is to get positve feedback here when people tell me, YES, you are so right on. I refuse to bend to rules and regulations especially when it comes to my relationship with the Higher Source. SO glad you could relate to my words!!! Bless you!! (((HUGS))) ❤


      1. Even your reply I can relate. A priest didn’t let me have my communion because I didn’t attend a phase of it because of an illness.Here I was trying to become a Catholic and this priest wasn’t letting be part of it. How was I to “believe” then. That’s when my philosophy of faith changed. TO ME, it’s really more of a personal thing, and I shouldn’t question how others beliefs as well.

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      2. I so agree with you, Rommel. I look very carefully at people’s actions and words and many times they do not equate. This was my experience with the whole “church” experience. I strongly believe that what an individual chooses is none of my business. Now, if those choices harm me or my family, that is when I do interfere. I’ve made it a policy here at Petals to accept all, even when I don’t understand or if that person makes me a little uncomfortable. I have formed friendships from out of this blog with people who IF I had pushed away, wouldn’t be a friend of mine today. I LOVE diversity and that includes people. Just don’t “judge” me for my choices. That is another case where I will say something and stand up for myself. Sorry about your experience that left a sour taste in your mouth yet from out of that you formed your own “way”. And so this is good! 🙂 ❤


  10. Being a non-religious, more spiritual person, I agree. I see God as this abstract force and only as light and love. I have to fear my own conscience, fear my own vice, fear natural consequences. I don’t fear God, either. And like you, I certainly don’t need anyone to see it my way.


What we think and write and say become our reality ....