
99 thoughts on “Home”

    1. Or a speck on my sensor …. hehehehehe. It really isn’t because as far as I know my sensor is clean. Working hard to keep it that way as well. Yeah, those trees are a wow, arent’ they now? 😉 I really caught magnificent this year! Mother has been so generous. 🙂 ❤

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      1. I can see the bird, at the spot in line with the chimney at the top of the picture, in the white patch….and with my eyes being lasered, I can see it hasn’t sharpened its claws in a month, its beak is filthy from those grubs its been eating, and don’t get me started on the wing tips, they really need oiling 😀
        Oh, and the hide of that tree in the foreground staying green and not getting in on the act of being all firey and golden….mind you, I suppose you need a little balance in the photo Amy 😀

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      2. I roared when I read this the first time and now for the second time I am all caught up in giggles. What an imagination you have, Mark!! And your sense of humor is shinning as well! Good for you! That tree I will just have to watch out next time not avoid the green ones, you know the ones that stay green all year round. LOL 😉 ❤

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      3. More colors coming ….. shot today for next week. Six in all if I can edit all of them. I lately went into new glasses with new prescriptions for near, far, and my stigmatism in my left eye. The trouble is I cannot use them for computer work so am using my old reading glasses. In the process my eyes are sore and blurry because my old glasses do not have the proper new prescriptions in them …. going slower then usual. I’m going Monday to get a new pair of reading glasses ordered with the new prescription in them for near vision and my stigmatism. Whew! So ……… ya better not be greedy there, young man!! These ole eyes of mine are a blur!! Tee hee …… 😉

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      4. Well, gee, that was easy enough. I am not able to use my new glasses and my old reading glasses. I must wait until I get my new reading glasses with the new script in them to use my new transition glasses, that I will wear all day except for computer (these babies have new scripts for long, near, and stigmatism in them!). Now that I am only using my old reading glasses my eyes are much better. I’m a genius! LOL ❤

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      1. That would have been my second guess, mostly because the style of the house in the picture.

        It certainly doesn’t look like VT or NH.

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      1. NOOOOO! Please never feel stupid for asking questions, Marissa, especially here. I get the biggest kick out of your questions. I really do. Ask away, friend! And I will answer! 🙂


      1. My new glasses are tough to get used to, Irene. Three changes and wearing glasses called transitions I’ve never worn before. I am not able to wear my new glasses until I get the proper script in my new reading glasses I must wear for computer work. The transitions glasses I just am not able to use while doing computer work. My eyes are so sore and I’ve actually had headaches over my left eye, the one with the stigmatism in it. *sigh* HUGE changes with my eyes this time. I’m now just using my reading (old) glasses and not using new glasses until all scripts are the same. 🙂 ❤

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      2. I hope for you, that you will get used to your new glasses fast, Amy.
        When I have pain in my eyes, I use to think about; Is there anything, as I deny to see in my life? Then I try to recognize, what I can change to change this view, which again help my eyes.
        I bought both glasses for wearing all over and glasses for reading at my PC and to use while I create jewelry. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to create any longer.
        I haven’t tried out these glasses with transitions yet, but I will, when I can afford to buy these.

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      3. When I was told about these transitions, I was not told how small the window is for the computer. IF I used these I would have to move my head back and forth constantly in order to read. I attempted to do this and only ended up with a raging headache and terrible pain in my neck. And I still could not see right. I have a few choice words to say to this company when I return tomorrow to buy a pair of glasses to use at my computer. My mother has transitions and she has no problem at all with the computer, or at least that is what she tells me. So why am I? And when I did have a conversation with the manager about the problems I am having, he knew right away I was in the right and admitted his wife had to do the same thing. I see it as their way of getting more money out of me. They are not honest up front. Ah, well, so the world goes round …..

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      4. I’m sorry to hear about your troubles with your glasses, Amy. I got to know, that transitions were for walking and maybe I could use them for reading a paper, but not for PC. They made my reading glasses for usual reading first, then they changed them for use by the PC, without I needed to pay extra.
        Sad, but not all are so honest, as we could wish for.

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    1. Thank you, Kathy!!! Those birds are not easy to see. I just threw that out there to see how observant people are. My whole purpose was to show there is a lot more to a photograph than what first is thought to be. I can always see more when I look. Always!!! (((HUGS)) ❤

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  1. A very nice area to live in. Just like what I’d want. Out there where there is not much but Nature all around you. No busy streets, no noise from other people. Just plain quiet. Regards, AmyRose. Les

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    1. I’m right there with you, Les. When we chose the plot of land we own today back in the 80’s, it was nothing but farm land out this way. Quiet. Major quiet. So that is the main reason why we built our house here. We actually came out here one evening on a weekend before we built and before we bought this property to see just how many cars went by. I think we counted 3 in one hour. *sigh* Now? Our street has become a freeway with cars whizzing by one after the other. So much for peace and quiet. Progress …. grrrr … ❤


      1. Yes, I know how you feel. We live in a nice development full of homes. Years ago, it was not as many homes as there are now. It’s pretty quiet, but not like you have. I could live out there in the “boonies”, but Eileen doesn’t care for that. It’s too far out of the way for her. Not me.

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    1. Thank you, YellowCable. I’m glad my eyes saw this as I was driving. It was quite tricky driving at 50 miles an hour with cars on my butt and to be looking for scenes to shoot. Then I had to find a place to park my car safely on a road without shoulders. It was quite the undertaking but I did it and as a result at my persistence really shot some incredible sights to share with all here! 🙂 ❤


    1. Monica, my dear Monica. You are not going to believe this but very early this morning, just before I got up for the day, I had a dream and this dream said, “Where has Monica been?” I kid you not! And now here you are in my comments!! I’ve got goosebumps! I’m SO happy to see you and I’m SO happy you enjoyed this post!!! (((HUGS))) ❤


  2. Incredible how fall colors are. In reality, those are leaves fading its color, but in essence those are leaves turn themselves and the surroundings more beautiful. Great capture!


    1. The leaves loosing their ability to photosynthesize due to decreased sunlight and cooler temps yes does make the green fade yet these brilliant bright colors in the place of green are just so amazing to see. They do not last long but while they do the world is transformed into a magical place. SO glad you enjoyed my post! ❤


    1. MOL No, Angel, they are up so high I doubt they could see you. Good thing too! Thank you for your high praise. You put blushes upon my cheeks, on my! Pawkisses to you and yours for a happy Sunday!!! Much Love, ❤

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