
98 thoughts on “Celebration!”

    1. Singing while cleaning really helps take the tedium out of the cleaning. As for this pic, so glad you like it. I was so thrilled by the way it came out. I’m playing again and it feels just so good!!! 🙂 ❤

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  1. Dear Amy,

    These words are really motivating…

    “You do not know
    what you can achieve
    when you strive
    to reach the Stars
    in the Champagne of Life!”

    I am really working hard to make an impact … hope my efforts won’t get wasted…

    Thank you so much for sharing and have a beautiful day ahead 🙂

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    1. Sreejith, all you can do is do your best for you are not able to change others. My Intention is to make a difference as well, yet it is not my place how my art is received. We who do strive to make a difference will do so. I have Faith we are! 🙂 ❤

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  2. Amy. This is one heck of a stunning shot, the capture and the post-processing. I love how you blended in the background and foreground into the glass itself. Sort of reminds me of…coming home, you know. Like things will be okay in the end 🙂 So happy you found a spark of happiness yesterday while cleaning your home. Sometimes in the midst of the hardest times, it is the most mundane things that give us joy in the world – because they are always there waiting for us.

    Hope you get the chance to play with your new camera more, and get out more soon. I hear it’s autumn already in your part of the world, and hope there are a few more warm days for you to go out in your shorts and do what you love doing ❤


    1. Mabel, it is still Summer here and still very warm. And yes I am still in shorts and will be for as long as I possibly can be. Winters around here are too long and the amount of clothing one must wear to be outside is a lot. I love the freedom of being outdoors with barely next to nothing on. 😉
      Thank you for the compliment on this image!! I played and had a lot of fun as I figured out how to do what I did. As for cleaning, I had a choice yesterday to have a frown as I cleaned, a thankless never-ending job, but instead I chose to sing as I went along. By the time I was finished I was in my Bliss zone. LOL
      This evening I have plans on going back into the park that is behind us when the sun is low in the sky with my new camera. The other evening I went for a walk in this same park and was transported to a world of magic because of how the light from the sun made this park look so soft, dreamy and surreal. I am crossing all fingers that today I will see the same vistas. 🙂 Much Love to you, dear friend!!! Happy Weekend!!! ❤


      1. Good on you for making the most of the warm weather. I hope you had a good evening at the nearby park. Maybe the walk was just as magical and dreamy as the other one, and your camera got a good workout. Lots of love to you too, my beautiful friend 🙂 ❤

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  3. So glad to hear about this, Amy. We have all lost our inspiration, and more, and it is thrilling to see the rebirth of one’s enthusiasm for life, art, writing, photography. I love the champagne glass image, but more, I love what it represents for you. And music…even while cleaning…is so very therapeutic.

    Great post. Welcoming you back, with open arms and comforting words. ❤️ 💛 💙 💜 Van

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    1. I’ve been told my singing sends hubby out the door. Hehehehe …. I like the way I sing and if he doesn’t, oh well! Singing and dancing both I have done with a vacuum or shampooer. Why not? If men knew how boring housework is, they would sing too! LOL
      Thank you for the compliments about this image, Van. I was just so thrilled that the effect I wanted was exactly what I was feeling. Maybe I got lucky but I would like to think I created with purpose. 🙂
      It’s good to be back in the Flow. I’m itching for evening to get here so I can take my camera and go to the park behind us. I was there the other evening and was stunned at what the light at that time of day did to this park. Dreamy. Happy Weekend!!!! ❤

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  4. I’m very happy to read, that you are coming back to life, dear Amy 🙂
    We need to believe, that joy is just around next corner, when life throws heavy challenges in our head. We can go through, you just did.
    Much love ❤ Irene

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    1. Irene, the last few years have been some of the toughest I’ve been through in ways I had not experienced before. My Life it seems has these phases, all extremely challenging in of themselves, yet all different. If I had not taught myself with the assistance of my Higher Self (God) how to maintain a perspective based on Love and Peace and Beauty, I may not be alive today, and I most definitely would not be the person I am today neither.
      I found magic last evening and I also have a story that evolved out of that experience. My intention is to get both up on Petals this coming week. Of course I’ve said that kind of thing before and in a blink of an eye, Life has a different idea. I just do my best by following my Heart. 🙂 ❤

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      1. Sometimes there are only one way Amy and that is up…..
        By all your challenges you grow and I wish, that you also find yourself and your inner peace, no matter for how short time, it might be.
        If you don’t post them in the coming week, then another time.
        Just follow your heart and intuition.
        Much love ❤ Irene

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  5. So pleased for you Amy.. Singing connects us back in touch with our soul.. Never lose that vibration of Song dear Amy.. Keep Joy in your heart.. For Karma is always there sitting within your heart.. Just purring, waiting for you to let go and see the Purrrrfection in all you create..
    And that was ones great celebration. Cheers.. 🙂

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    1. I used to sing all the time with Real Joy, Sue. The ensuing hardships over the past few years stifled my Song as I only had energy to paddle to keep my head above water. Now I deliberately turn to my Song again to assist my spirit to embrace the fullness of Life once again. Bubbles of Champagne …. are found in Joy. Much Love, ❤

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  6. What an amazing photo, Amy! Absolutely stunning! I love to sing and dance as I go around my house btw. A liberating and joyful experience. 🙂 Here’s to reaching for the stars in the champagne of life. 🙂 Wishing you a beautiful weekend. ((Hugs)) 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Brenda!!! 🙂 May your weekend be wonderful as well! It is still very sunny and warm here, so I am wearing shorts for as long as I can. The Robins and Hummingbirds are still here, or at least some of them, something I have never seen this late in the season. I hope that means we will have a gloriously warm Fall and a mild Winter. Keep on dancing and singing! As you do, know I am too!!! (((HUGS))) to you!! ❤

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      1. Reading your words always make me smile, Amy. 🙂 The weather is cooling here in Labrador City as it always does this time of year. I haven’t noticed the Robins or the two Doves that made my neighborhood their home this summer in the past couple of days. I always miss them when they leave, but they’ll be back before I know it. I suspect that Fall is already here for us. It always brings it own beauty however, and so I continue to focus on the present. Here’s to the joys that each season brings. 🙂 May we sing and dance in celebration. 🙂 ((Hugs)) 🙂

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      2. Just as of today, I do not see or hear the Robins or the Hummers. Yup, they have flown and OH they will be missed as all the birds. It is just SO quiet outside without those birds! I took down my Hummer feeder and rescued a drowning wasp. Even a wasp I could not bear to watch drowning even though I do not like them. So, the season ends with me rescuing a wasp and sneaking some more “treats” to the horse next door because she asked me for them. I’m a sucker. LOL The two barn cats I dewormed last evening are hiding from me today probably pee o’ed at me, but oh well, now the tapeworms are finally gone. If I had not intervened one of the cats would have died. So, Fall has come as will my post for the morrow will reflect. LOL I’m having a dandy day today! How about you? LOL 🙂

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      3. Hahaha 🙂 My husband is working so it’s quiet at my place. I managed to get in a workout. That always makes me feel good. Speaking of workouts, two days ago while working out I saw a small spider down around my weights. I’m afraid of spiders but I didn’t want to kill it. I started tapping a weight nearby to force it to move. Out of sight, out of mind. 🙂 This morning I curled up on the couch to do some reading. A relaxing experience. 🙂 I’ll probably do some more reading this evening with some music in the background. It sounds to me that you’ve been keeping yourself very busy. 🙂 I love horses btw. A truly majestic creature. 🙂

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      4. This horse is really not cared for well nor loved much. I do my best to LOVE that horse and to make sure she gets attention when I come over to the barn to leave food for the cats. She is getting up in years and for her sake I hope she leaves this world effortlessly and with grace. It’s heartbreaking to see how some people view animals.
        You sound like me with spiders. I will not kill them but I will be brave to scoop them up in a paper towel and carry them outside. Ants … nope sorry all bets are off if they are in my house. Speaking of the house, Hubby is out of the house so hehehehe yes quiet and I am enjoying puttering around basically doing nothing. I have my nose in a book, and going through my photographs deciding which ones to show on Petals this coming week. I’ve been having trouble with LR since the last update and so I am only post processing in PS. I am learning with my full frame camera, my images need less editing and if I overdo they look terrible. I have a macro coming tomorrow that is getting there. I think I still over processed it, a habit I have got to change. I plan on making only minimal changes from now on because these images in original format are stunning as is. So all is good! My cats are all hanging out by the open windows even though it is getting a wee warm today. There still is a slight breeze and with the coming evening things will cool off quickly.
        I have a post in the back of my mind about marriage. LOL I’ll give you an example. I could make a roll of paper towels last 3 days. Hubby? He could go through 2 in one day. Another example. We finally gave up fighting over the toothpaste as to how to squeeze it properly. I have my own tube separate from hubby’s. That ended that. LOL And it goes on …. The JOYS of marriage …. I’m giggling as I write this …. (((HUGS))) ❤


      5. Hahaha 🙂 I’m so looking forward to that post! I have a feeling it’s going to be sooo funny. 🙂 Marriage is a continuous compromise that takes time and practice to get it almost right. 🙂 My husband and I also use different toothpastes. We’ve learned over the years to share our space and when to let something go. 🙂
        Given your immense talent, any photos that you share will be amazing. 🙂 I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of time and patience that must also go into your gift. 🙂 I’m always amazed by your posts.
        It must be heartbreaking to see such a beautiful creature so poorly treated. However, I’m so happy to hear that your fur babies are doing well. 🙂 ((Hugs my beautiful friend)) 🙂

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  7. Oh Amy, what a amazing picture. Love how the background is in the glass. So happy to hear that you got your mojo back. I also love to sing around the house. Take care my friend and have a wonderful holiday weekend. Huge Hugs ❤

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    1. Oh wow, I almost forgot about the holiday weekend. Where’s my head at? LOL Wrapped around my new camera and the new excitement about my mojo, that’s where! I’m laughing as I write this. Kathy, it feels so good to have JOY back in my Heart. I took some macro shots last evening and found magic, to my complete and utter JOY. It’s been so long since I could produce macro like I know I can. This evening I go for a walk in the park behind us and HOPE there are no people where I plan on shooting. The Light is perfect making everything look dreamy and soft. I went walking back there a few evenings ago and was stunned at the Beauty I saw. It feels so good to have my mojo back. And I shall keep on singing!!! 🙂 ❤

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  8. How on earth did you take that shot? I’m been trying for months to get a really good glass-of-wine photo. Damn, I’m so jealous of you right now! Glad you got our mojo back, Amy – looks like it came back with a vengeance! Hugs, friend.

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    1. I got this effect with an app, CM, called Photo Studio Pro with a PIP effect, which is something new. I imported a photo from my cellphone and this is what I did. Pretty cool, huh? LOL I am playing again, and OH what a Joy! I am laughing again, a real laugh, feeling Joy within. If you have a smart phone get this app. It is free and it is powerful! It takes a while to understand it and I still find myself all thumbs and swearing under my breath when I mess up. Did I just admit that? LOL Well, it’s true. Let me know if you need help with it when you download it. Now go get going and play yourself to create your own glass of wine photo. Once you put that glass on your photo you can move it around with your finger until you have it exactly where you want it. There are several different types of wine glasses included. I chose this one. I was going for the bridge in that wine glass. I got it. 🙂 ❤

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    1. You are very wise and very right, Jodi. I do not know what my future holds but I do know I finally felt that “connection” yesterday and it still is here today. I’ve been through so much, and the road yet still may be bumpy at times. And thank you for the compliment. I was so pleased at the results! I’m back to playing again, something that feels so darn good! LOL ❤

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  9. Life is right out there for us to take in, and make the best of what the day brings ~ and when you have your mind right, that is exactly what you do. Great post Amy, great shot and congratulations on grabbing a hold of this great wave your riding ~ look forward to revisiting some of your great work.

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    1. Marissa, I am SO happy to see you comment. I saw earlier that you liked this post but did not comment and right away I hoped you were all right. Why? Because you always comment. I wish I could hug you right now. I am just so relieved to see your comment here now.
      And about this image … LOL. Magic! My magic is back, dear friend. I played with an image from my cellphone in an app and voila, this is what I created. Just wow, right? I couldn’t even tell you how, because I just played. Tee hee ….. typical me. 🙂 ❤


      1. Yes, definitely seeing a great improvement in the quality of your photos and i hope it opens doors for you although there is no doubt..your work always moves forward.
        Funny story about the commenting…I was waiting for a car wash…you know, one of those you actually drive through and reading my emails (probably not the safest). I liked your blog and then my turn came at the car wash so didn’t get back to comment until much later. Lucky I remembered!

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      2. LOL You are just so adorable! And thank YOU for the encouragement, Marissa. There is so much going on in my Life lately that I really haven’t had that much time to apply to my photography, so to hear that you see an improvement lifts me up. Bless you!!! ❤


  10. my oh my Amy!! this is stunningly “FILLED” yes, thats the word!
    so glad your heart has song in it and is making some joyful noise woohoo. helps us create, I think. Now, I don’t have the foggiest idea, of what layers filters, do hickies, and thingies you did for this image….. but,
    I LOVE IT!! as always, peace, love, joy, and Cheers, Debi

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    1. LOL Debi, I couldn’t tell you all that I did to get this image to look the way it does. I just played paying absolutely no attention to the “list” of details. I was thrilled at the outcome because it truly expresses how I felt at that moment. Just glorious what digital art can do. Now for me to be able to paint my emotions …. I wish. I come to you for that! 🙂 ❤


    1. Barbara, there are times in Life when one’s Heart just is breaking all over the place and to get that JOY is the furthest thing from one’s mind. There is a place for those kind of emotions as well yet we all have the choice as to when to get back into the Flow of Joy. I AM celebrating Life in all ways and it feels just so darn good!!! Much Love to you, ❤


  11. Hey, Amy! The photo has something magical in it. I love the champagne bubbles or, as you beautifully said, Stars in the Champagne. But… The most, I love your spirit, full of Joy and Happiness. This is what I love, this is what we have to sing. Good for you, my Amy! 🙂
    Love and kisses ❤

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    1. Time is spent getting the angle and framing right and also knowing the magic combination of settings to get the effect I want. I do everything manually, including shooting. I put my camera through the paces and when I get the effect I want I know it when I see it. Looking at this gorgeous weed in the way she was presenting herself, just looked so feminine and alluring. That is the “feeling” I wanted to capture and I do believe I did. Thank you for this wonderful comment. I welcome you to my blog, Mohammad!!! 🙂 ❤

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