And All That Jazz

57 thoughts on “And All That Jazz”

    1. Ah, but that is where the deception lies. Now the man in this house has decided to replace our front door NOW, not waiting until all in this house are not ill, or stressed from all that has happened. Nope, he just will not wait. So now we are dealing with stressed out cats due to loud noises. No common sense is apparent. None. Yet I weave my magic to reassure all in this house it is just Daddy who is making all that racket. *Deep breath* ❤

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      1. Maybe that’s his way of coping Amy. Men, in the way that they are brought up, tend to block with something (door hanging), whereas ladies like to resolve the feelings in facing them and going through them.
        It probably goes to show it IS actually affecting him, but in his bringing up, he was never shown how to cope with these feelings so he doesn’t ‘know’ how to resolve them 🙂

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      2. BLESS you, Mark. Hubby is a troubled soul, which is one reason why I am with him. No he is not able to show his feelings much and when he hurts he gets all caught up in busy-ness. Unfortunately, he is not alone here and there are many who require peace and quiet in order to get back to a semblance of normality. Why do you think I hike a lot? The SILENCE of the forest draws me and the GREEN soothes me and the BEAUTY awes me. I bring all that back into my home and share that energy with those whose Hearts are open to it.
        You really touched me with your words. Sometimes I am so intent on speaking with a person, that I oft times forget, oh my, others can read what I wrote. I’m thinking now that I reveal much more of my Life in my comments then I do on my posts. The support and friendships I have here I would not trade for anything. Again, BLESS you for your contribution in this conversation. I cherish your input! ❤

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      3. Nothing wrong with speaking from your heart kind lady, it is that, that we are drawn to. And in expressing that you are allowing your heart to resolve your, and your feelings for those around you in a way to help your journey in its understanding of that love within.
        That is your integrity and love in how you are, here in your blog. Of which, you share beautifully 🙂
        How could I not enjoy the beauty in your hikes and photo’s, and a heart sharing its understanding in all of life’s ups and downs, without an empathy, built from the beauty you share with us 🙂
        Big hugs for being that truth, and strength to keep you on your path ❤ ❤

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      4. Oh, Mark. For heaven’s sake! You’ve got my tears ducts active! Your incredible words shake my soul, encourage me so hugely in ways you just don’t know, for in being me in a world I do not understand, my Life’s Journey has been anything from easy. Through it all I am so determined to express myself and not be controlled by any. That was my history of a childhood, and absolutely under any circumstance, will I not allow control again. So I suppose you could say I too am a troubled soul, expressing myself here at Petals as by each beautiful petal, I unfold to reveal more of me and in so doing, sharing that me-ness with all of you. YOU who come validate my Life, validate my existence, something I was denied as a child, and something I cherish so much again words are not adequate to describe those feelings. My goodness, your Light is so bright and your gentleness with wisdom so profound, in your wake I feel touched by an Angel. Wow. I am really emotional right now. I really haven’t looked at me the way you describe me. Again the tears are stinging. (((HUGS))) ❤ ❤ ❤

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      5. Oh believe me, our animals “expect” a certain routine and when that is interrupted they get upset. I am crossing all fingers your dog will be OK. Amazing how we’ve structured our lives around our animals. Just amazing. Have a great Sunday, Dan! ❤

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      6. You are teaching you, the love of self Amy. That is our entire purpose, to find that unconditional love within us all.
        And yes, it does need those hard, hard roads…or how else would we see, understand and find that empathy, for ourselves or others, if not by going through those things.
        If it was all just given to us, we wouldn’t understand them because we haven’t had the experience.
        I can tell you what it is like to travel with spirit and ‘see’ so many incredible things…but you truly cannot understand until YOU do actually go through it, and then you will ‘know’ what it means.
        Our experiences are the making of us…and most of all, it makes a beautiful heart…simply because it has been made from that love and empathy that is created in our journey.
        I hear you Amy…and I most certainly empathise with your journey. And no, I haven’t been through what you have experienced, but I have been through my own. And spirit, after a great yearning on my part to be a healer of hearts, showed me many things, but only after I had healed my own heart so that I COULD see anothers journey, and be able to truly help them by guiding their journey. It is always still up to each and every person to touch that place within, realise its worth, and become that truth within.
        You my friend are ‘glowing’ nicely…and I ‘see’ your heart in your words. Take a bow…you have great courage, and a heart being crafted by the greatest love in the universe…your love ❤

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      7. You speak Truth, Mark, for in order for me to “understand” what unconditional Love is I must experience it. Conceptual knowledge is just that … conceptual. This is the reason why we are all here to bring understanding to that knowledge and live it. This is the only way I in turn can share that wisdom for without the experience behind the words I would be an empty masonry jar ready to crack. Choosing to experience the Higher Truths is an honor. And yes I “see” as well others’ journeys, and how so many refuse to take the blindfold from off their eyes to see their own glorious selves. This is not our Home, as well you know, but just our classroom in order to grow more into our Spirit forms in human form. This is the Plan from the Beginning, but alas, most have forgotten and gone astray. Yet what may look like going astray is actually the long way around to heading back Home, for all Paths do lead to Home. I know you know this as well, for you are awake. May those of us who travel the road less traveled leave a mark so great that it shakes and rattles those blindfolds off to assist our sisters and brothers to see how to become more of their Spirit forms while here on this Sacred Planet.
        I do not have many conversations like this and when I do, I cherish them immensely. Bless you, dear friend, and have a glorious Sunday!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

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      8. Thank you kind lady, blessings taken with much appreciation and gratitude with the love that they were given.
        And yes, it is good to see another ‘awake’ on this journey, and even see the changes take place within their writing 🙂
        Even in my ‘awake’ state, their is still much more to learn, just from a different perspective. It still amazes me when spirit blocks me by putting a blindfold over my inner ‘eyes’ so that I trip and stumble with the best, all so I can ‘feel’ and understand that journey. Sometimes I even ‘see’ it coming but still step into it, just so I understand, and create a closer bonding to the compassion of unconditional love 🙂
        Blessing and love on your journey also Amy, may that path bond you always ❤ Namaste

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      9. Ah, yes those famous blocks. I know all about them. It feels as if no matter what I do things just keep unfolding, most of the time not to my liking. I’ve also noticed a “power” that seems to be guiding me in a certain direction even though I still have free will. It’s like a wave I am riding which I don’t seem able to disconnect from. Very interesting indeed. 🙂

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      10. Yes, that makes absolute sense because I know that I know I designed this Life I am living right now. I did. It’s like a Chinese puzzle … The more you Live the more you see yourself. Or at least that is how it is supposed to be. This lifetime I feel as though I bit off a wee more then I can eat. I sure was in a hurry to grow this Life, this much I can tell you! 🙂 ❤

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      11. Your so funny Amy. Your words do show the seriousness of this journey, but also the happiness in completing those hard bits 🙂
        The markings of a true angel, bite off more than you can chew, but smile in doing it 😀
        Well done spiritual flyer, but just be careful of those wings, they get a bit crumply after going through some of those wild hikes you go on 😀

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      12. It’s been too hot to do any hiking lately. I can barely get walking in. This heat has been unbearable. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t mind the heat. Arghhh ……..

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    2. And my apologies to Dan, I took over his conversation with you and the gentleman could barely get a word in.
      Blessing to you also Dan, for allowing our journey and also being the trigger to bring forward this conversation to help a young lady to re-affirm her path and see more beauty in her journey….thank you! 🙂 Namaste

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      1. Dan is one of the good guys, Mark, and he I know would not mind this conversation, not at all. I’ll pass the Blessings on to him in case he does not see this comment of yours. Namaste, dear friend! ❤

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  1. Another beautiful flower…a rose is a rose is a rose, and nothing else could compare.
    Oh, except for the lovely flower who shared her 😀
    Thank you Amy , makes a great start to my day to see such beauty 🙂

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