Holding You

119 thoughts on “Holding You”

    1. I do, Hein. Last year we had to dig up two of them because they had gotten too big and were beginning to push against the foundation of our porch. It broke my Heart to do because every Spring I walk intoxicated with the smell of Lilacs in my nostrils. I have a total of 4 and I hope this year they will be covered with flowers!! ❤


    1. SMILING! My eyes really see, Debra, as you are beginning to realize. I hope my example encourages others who see my work to begin to look closer because Mother just is so ripe with Treasures everywhere. ❤

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      1. And this is what I desire to do …. To get others to see what I see, to look closer and closer still, in order to see the Magic. Have fun, Debra!! 🙂


    1. The photograph was first, Erika. As I gazed deeply at the amazing image I was pulled in so close. Tenderly it began and then the words just came as if from this very photograph itself. ❤

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      1. Erika, I do not think my self in those terms. You humble me greatly and at the same time you make me squirm. I know my Gift given to me by God I do use and I keep expanding that Gift to improve in technique and editing. Bless you from the bottom of my Heart for what you said. I will never forget these words. ❤ ❤ ❤

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      2. Erika, you don’t know how many times I have read these words. Bless you! If you knew the struggles behind the scenes to continue my Purpose here, you would understand why I at times think of not blogging any more. Just know I do my best to get here and to present to all who do come, what I am being directed to publish. I Love you! ❤

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      3. Oh, Amy, your words are touching me deeply. I don’t know what is going on in your “real” life. But for sure blogging can sometimes be too much. You have so many purposes but one for sure is to show people the world through your eyes. I am thankful for all I was allowed to see by today! Love you too, dear Amy 💖


      1. It is not to all, dear friend. This is partly why God has asked me to do what I am … Showing in both word and photo Divinity that lives all around us. When man lives in Harmony with Mother, the destruction of Mother will cease. ❤

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    1. What you see is only one tiny pod holding all the potential for flowers on that one stem. I could not stop staring at this and I was amazed I was able to bring this in as clear as it came out. I was standing, and there was a wind. I timed the click just perfectly!!!! ❤


    1. Right now my gardens are a lot of work. Tomorrow I go out again! Each day it seems I gain more and more strength which I am so happy about, believe me!! Hope your day was a good one!!! ❤

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    1. Isn’t Mother just jaw dropping amazing, Kathy? I was shocked that I captured this as well as I did, because I was standing and there was a wind. Steady she goes. 🙂 I’m quickly doing some notifications before I again return to my gardens. I hope you have a really good day, dear friend! ❤

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      1. Mother Nature is inspiring and you are capturing it so well. Enjoy your time in the garden. Still really chilly here and windy, also. Big Hugs and wishes for a great day, Amy ❤

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    1. You humble me, Noora. Bless you! I LOVE what I do and I really do know it shows. I am in Love with Mother, plain and simple, as She consistently shows me a world that so many people don’t even know exist. At times I just stand there in such awe that Bliss falls softly around me. It’s good to see you again!!! ❤

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    1. Thank you, Shrimp. I’ve been very involved taking care of sick cats and opening my gardens. I’ve been not getting too involved in conversations here on WP, just doing the minimal. There are days I don’t know how to even blog for all I have in my Life right now. I hope things are well with you and the family!! Much Love, MB ❤

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      1. Thank you sweet Amy. I know you have your paws full with taking care of my sick family members. I’m so glad they have you! Please take some time fur yourself when you can. Someone has to take care of YOU, you know! 😺💝

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      1. You can always turn your hearing aids off, George. Michael has to learn that the house he is now living in is boisterous and contains a lot of different personalities. I think BB needs to be with Grandpa alone to offer her “sympathies”. 😉 Welcome home, little Michael George! ❤ ❤ ❤

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      2. M will learn like the other Grands did after moving here, never quiet or dull around this Clan unless we’re sick……… I did give up my sound proof apt in the basement while they’re here. That way both can sleep there when needed for the beginning until really recovered……. BB is loving being around Michael and watching the kiddies interactions. She’s getting lots of tips from our Midget Nurses and Moms………… It’s a good thing I’m mute, I’d be busting out laughing at all the wrong times as Nieces parlay their “wisdom and experiences.” Geez where did I get them, I wonder some days. If I hadn’t been there at their birth, I’d swear they were switched by aliens…………………. Nieces call him Schatz, treasure in German………………..so sweet my Munchkins

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      3. Happy Monday, hope your weekend was good. Ours was busy and will remain so for next few days. Been outvoted to stay for a few more days so Kids can enjoy Memphis in May celebrations and Cousins can see Baby Michael. Daughter in Laws Siblings from Phillipines came for their Nieces First Communion and staying until Mother’s Day, apparently so are we………………….. What’s a few more days and more people to this Clan of mine? I guess it’s our contribution to the local economies here. )))))))))))));<))))))))))))))))))))))))

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    1. I know. I figured out what was draining me, Laura, and I eliminated that source. The moment I realized WHY I was feeling so drained, a weight came off of me as if I had been chained with 1000 pounds. It was incredible. The source was a book I was reading which explained what happened to my brain and body due to my childhood. I am NOT able to immerse myself in that wound. It would kill me if I did. SO all is good! GRIN! See? I say one thing and boom! I do just the opposite. So it goes with me!!! Hehehehehe Wait until I tell you my story about Apple/Adobe drama that happened to me yesterday. You will not believe it. Email coming later. Love you! ❤

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      1. I’m glad you’re back and you’ve eliminated a huge weight. It’s so rare we can identify something like that and correct it so quickly so bravo for you!! Oh no…drama? I’ll be interested to see what happened! I hope it’s resolved.

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      2. It took me weeks to figure it out. When I did I knew immediately that really was the source. I felt freed of this horrible angst and unsettledness all making me just wanting to scream and put my fist through a wall. Yep, that powerful. Since I put the book away, I’m fine. I’d call that a miracle! Email once I finish up with laundry. You should be getting an email that shows the moutains I am folding today plus a 2 helpers. LOL

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    1. Why thank you, Eliza! I am on break at the moment still in my gardens. This year it seems it is taking me forever, yet I must be gentle on myself due to all else I am doing as well. Hope you are having a great day! ❤


      1. Yes, we must pace ourselves in the garden. Although, it often feels nature is leaping way ahead of us. I have to tell myself it will all get done (or not! 😉 ) in good time!

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      2. LOL I’m telling myself the same thing, Eliza. It’s still so darn chilly here and I just don’t get going until it gets warm. I feel like another person once that thermometer gets in the 60’s. I’m done with garden number 8 today.. only 10 more to go. GROAN! 😉


    1. Lately what I am capturing is “speaking” to me as I gaze while editing. I begin to “hear” words. Today for example I have to more images hopefully coming this week and while I was involved with my morning routine, I heard words when I was thinking about the images. I wrote them down. They may stay they may not. I have yet to edit these images so they may tell me different. 🙂 Oh yes, how mysterious this process is. ❤

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    1. Oh, Natalie! Blushes are on my cheeks!!! Thank you for such high praise of my work! I am so happy you saw this and understand the Majestic Gorgeousness of what Mother offers. Bless you! ❤

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  1. Beautiful photo and words Amy. You are having great results with this new Macbook Pro. I’ve heard they show photographs well, and you are proof of that. Of course, you need to take them as well as you do but it’s lovely to see. Enjoy your new acquisition! xx

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  2. This is beautiful Amy. I was trying to leave a comment on “Harmony” but it wouldn’t let me. Comments didn’t appear closed, but… anyway, I really liked the lines: ” me being me
    you being you” – I mean, that just the best, isn’t it.

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