
118 thoughts on “Light”

    1. Makes you wonder, does it not, Scott? I know it does me. WHERE is that light coming from, and yes there is Light!! This is not the first time I’ve caught Light coming from a flower. Amazing!


    1. Carol, I am on the recovery path, yet it is taking a long time. I’m pacing myself carefully and seeing if today I can answer all comments. Last week I could not. Let’s see what I can do today. 🙂 As for this Rose, OH do I miss Her!!! ❤

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    1. I’m slowly improving, Gigi. I was so stressed over what was happening with my Mom that this virus found its way in and wham! Got me! This is one really good example why it is so important to keep the stress of Life at bay, as much as possible. Some people seem to thrive on stress. Not me. All else in my Life is humming along with some cats with improvement seen after long months of hard work. Thank you for asking!! Hope you are well as is your daughter!! ❤


      1. We are doing fine, thank you. I’m so very, very happy to hear that the cats are improving. What a wonderful bit of news. Hope your mom is doing okay and I’m glad you’re getting better, even if it’s slow going. Some of the things that are going around now take a VERY LONG time to go away. Be well and happy, my friend:)

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      2. Gigi, I am embracing an attitude I AM STRONG, that I AM healing quickly. Every day finds me a bit stronger! I have my Mom’s determination, and nothing will stand in my way of getting better! 🙂


    1. You are SO welcome!!! There is a “deeper meaning” to these words which I believe you “caught”. I’ve been so involved in dealing with darkness that I just fell into this Rose and as I did, the words came softly. You keep on shining your Beautiful Light!!! ❤

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    1. Barbara, I know I burned off much dross with this flu that came with it intensely high temperatures for there were many moments as I lay in delirium when horrors both personal (past) and life came to my mind. You could say I walked the halls of hell and survived. Yes I am so ready for a new world in more ways then I could possibly even try to explain. I’ve been seeing glimpses of it here and there. ❤

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  1. I’m sorry, Amy, I did not know you are sick! I’m using my phone and only saw your beautiful picture and quote at first. Then I saw the comments people are writing to you and realized you are sick. I hope you recover soon! I am sending you healing thoughts. ❤

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    1. Oh, Honey!!! Please don’t fret! See how Spirit worked and drew your attention to some comments and here you are sending me healing energy? Thank YOU, Kim! I’m not actually ill now, just recovering from the nastiest flu I have ever had with extremely high fevers and burning off 6 pounds in 5 days. What is left is chest congestion and such horrid weakness. I’m doing all I can to get strong, and strong I AM! Bless you! ❤

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    1. Thank you, Dan!!! I’m going slow yet still there is a huge improvement over last week. (smile) The Light in this Rose intrigues me, leaving me asking how it is possible for Light to be coming from within this Rose? This to me represents the Power of Life given only as only God can give. ❤

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    1. (smiling) You of anyone would truly be touched by this Rose, Raewyn. Thank you for your appreciation of this Beauty and your kind concern for me. This flu I caught was horrid. Now I am slowly on the mend. ❤


  2. Amy, your photo captivates all the senses, simply beautiful dear sister! I am just now feeling really good after a long illness. I know that all the love which embraces you from all above will bless you with a special healing.
    Jeremiah 17:14, Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.
    Amy I always feel your praise for God in all the beautiful things you share! May you be blessed abundantly! Spiritual love, hugs and blessings always!

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    1. God Bless you, Wendell! I’m so sorry to hear about your long illness for I would wish that on no one, much less you! I pray YOU are feeling well again, and if not up to 100%, please make sure you pace yourself. I seem to have been unfollowed with you so I refollowed. 🙂
      Thank you for saying what you have about my blog. It takes a lot of energy to keep gong some days, yet I do know I really am Blessed for doing what I have been asked to do. Much Love to you, my brother! ❤


  3. Oh what a beautiful capture Amy!! And you have a new ‘Selfie’… Looks like you’re holding up the wall! LOL! Yes you’re still beautiful! Do you still have a temperature? Hope you get better soon! Just think! It may snow! 😉

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    1. Strange you say I look like I am holding up the wall. You are just too much! No I don’t have a temperature any more, thank goodness for when I did I was flat out, unable to get up at all except for nature calls. And even that was tricky one morning when I almost passed out trying to stand up. I am getting stronger each day, my friend. I promise you that!!! And I refuse to think it will snow. I have Crocuses blooming my gardens and Daffodils coming up! 🙂


      1. True… You’re a ways south of me! I’ve been feeling weak and listless the last couple of days. I’ve taken the precaution to do a detox. Just hope I’m in time! I’m glad you’re recouping! That’s good news! That’s scary about your balance! That’s happened to me too… I got so dizzy and could feel myself almost black out! Very scary! If your garden’s growing, warm weather is on the way. Could soon have another photographic technique that might perk your interest… Intrigued?

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      2. Then read my poem. (This is blackmail…) Seriously, I just wrote a new poem, (Choose ‘Poems’ from my catagories list.) It’s called: ‘Upon Majestic Shores’ I’d like an opinion since no one ever gives me one but you 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Sue. Looking back, I don’t know how I managed to address those cats that could not go without treatments when I was so ill. Hubby stepped in and did the majority of what I normally do. Even sick, I do not have the option to just be sick. Yes I am taking this slow, and really pacing myself. Bless you for your concern!! ❤

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      1. Good to hear you are pacing yourself and that Hubby was such a help… Do not over do things, we are at that age LOL, where we think we still can climb mountains yet the mountains seem to get steeper LOL especially when we have been so poorly.. So do look after yourself and take things steady 🙂 🙂 ❤ Hugs

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      1. ❤️ Do take things easy. I use Vitamin C crystals, plain ascorbic acid works best to boost the immune system as well as fresh squeezed OJ. Love you Amy! 💖🌹

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  4. Love, love his poem and photo. Light conquers all at the end of the day. With light comes warmth and love, and hope and love. With light, so often we feel uplifted…and I think many of us feel that way when we see your vivid photos of nature 🙂

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      1. I was pondering on how best and short as possible to reply. We’ve had a tough go of things, to be honest, and I hope that of late, things are smoothing out again. It’s such a long story, one that is not unfamiliar to any of us. How we get through the tough times is what counts. And yes my family, at least some of us, are getting through and becoming better for the process. 🙂


      1. I hope so, Laura. I look at my work and nothing even moves me right now. Grrrrrr …… I’m just dry, period right now. With that, I am going for a walk to shake these blahs off, darn it!

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    1. Kathy, you have been on my mind and in fact, I was planning on coming over to your blog to make sure you are OK. I’ve been so ill I cringed to even think you were too, so when I didn’t see you yesterday I thought maybe you were down with the flu too. I’m so relieved you are OK and it was just a little WP issue and nothing more. Much Love and (((HUGS))) ❤

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      1. Amy, thanks for thinking of me. When I saw that you were answering comments from yesterday I thought I didn’t see that post and investigated. No flu here and glad that you are getting over it. Much love back ❤

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