Flame Of Love

79 thoughts on “Flame Of Love”

    1. Thank you, MM. I am always seeking ways to keep my skin healthy. I make my own body butters that has coconut oil in it among other ingredients. My face is the biggest challenge being exposed to the Winter elements as it has been. I’m going to continue with the Vita C for as long as I need to. And the Vaseline. My Mom actually at one time mentioned she uses it on her face and she does not look her age. So there you have it! 🙂 ❤


  1. Just wonderful! 💗

    Ps; Thanks for sharing your secret. My skin has been just awful this winter. I’ve been hiding it behind a heavy coating of makeup! 😭 Vaseline and vit C, here I come!

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    1. I really hope this works for you, Amanda. Let me know how you do. 🙂 Remember, that Vitamin C will feel gritty but it really does absorb. I’ll be on over a bit to see you. I have some things this morning I must do. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Thanks again. I’ll keep you updated! 🙂

        One of my beauty favourite’s is coconut oil. I use this for just about everything – hair, skin, eyelashes (it makes them longer) teeth, lips, body! Everything! In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ll turn into one soon! 😳

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      2. I actually tried coconut oil on my face but that as well did not really 100% help. I know everyone has a “different” body so what I am using may not work. Crossing fingers this “tip” helps some whose faces are hurting or dry. It is terrible to feel this dry chapped, wind burned face and to see how that face looks like a prune. Vaseline and coconut oil have been around a long time. So has Vita C. I’m also seeing miraculous results with my cats using Vita C, but that is another story. Now off I go to my appt. and then after that my morning rountine with my cats. I can’t wait to see what is waiting for me over on your blog. Love you!!! ❤


    2. I hope all is well your way, my friend, for I don’t see another post from you since your last one. Thanks for the reminder of coconut oil for teeth. I’m going to start brushing today. 🙂

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      1. All is well, dear Amy 🙂 I hope you are, too?

        And you are welcome. Teeth and gums! It’s great stuff. It doesn’t help with my skin so much, but does help with the dreaded “eye bags!” I’m terrible for staying up late! I’ve turned into a night owl. I look like death in the morning!

        Oh, and my new post goes out tomorrow eve!

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      2. I will make sure I try to remember to keep my eye out for your new post, my friend. I so enjoy your work! I’ve been having a “BPD” or bad pain day. I sometimes go through these “crises” as my body is releasing from the inner work I have done. And of course the releases target those areas of my body that are in my “pain zone”. I am only answering a few comments, and then go to the couch for a while, and try again later. Other then that, my Mom is doing well so far, my cats I have seen a major turn around for the better due to Vita C (LONG story), hubby is in a good space and has been for a while (YAY!), and I still have a happy Heart. Pain is the pits so when I have these days I rest. I’ve also been noticing Yoga is not helping much so I must go back to the gym to workout on the machines. I”m also making plans to go see this chiropractor who has some really intriguing therapies that sound right up my ally! I stop moving and staying strong, I am in real trouble. (LONG story!) I’m SO glad your life is humming again!!! Sometimes we have to go through the “mixer or blender” in order to be beaten to produce another aspect of ourselves, this one better then the old one. Life is really complicated. 🙂 xoxoxo


    1. Marissa, that is actually how the sun low in the sky was shining as a back light onto this flower when I took this shot. I did nothing. What you see is what I saw. Light makes all the difference in the world when it comes to photography. And yes I agree about the grittiness of the Vita C being an exfoliant. It really doesn’t stay gritty for long though … It really just absorbs! I’ll be over too see you later. I have my morning routine with my cats yet to do. 🙂 Running a wee late today …. ❤


    1. Thank you, Irene, and you are so welcome about the beauty tip. I just did my Vita C treatment and instead of mixing in cold water mixed in warm and the powder crystals dissolved. So no grit. 🙂 YAY! Hope this works for you. What a cheap way to bring a natural glow to your skin! And then when you break open the capsule, you take whatever is left. I win win! 🙂

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    1. Click on it twice and you will get a bigger picture of it, Susan. I had these gorgeous flowers on either side of my front porch last Summer. I caught this flower with the sun low in the sky as a back light. I got lucky!!! And when I saw the flame, of course my jaw dropped. ❤

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    1. I use a brand called Solgar and the Vita C comes in capsules in which I can pull apart in order to get approx. 100mg. Oh what a shame about you having to do something. Hehehehehe It really works for me, Laura. My face was in bad shape from all the Winter landscape shots I was doing. Between the cold and the wind, I looked like a prune and my face hurt!! For real! Now? My face looks like it usually does. YAY for vanity!!!! 🙂

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    1. Perhaps this Vita C/Vaseline combo just might do the trick. As I told someone else, I mixed my Vita C this evening with warm water and had no grittiness. I was mixing it with cold water. Don’t ask. No clue why. 🙂


  2. I take Esther C 1000mg daily orally. I use coconut oil and vitamin E 55,ooo iu on face and cocoa butter lotion on body. At night for lips and under eyes, Vaseline. Blessings, Emma xo

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    1. Good for you, Emma!! And here I m probably a good 30 years your senior so you can imagine how wonderful it is for me when I THINK I have found something that really works. I also take Vita C orally. My body butters I make have coconut oil and Vita E in them. The more basic and simple we can be the more healthy we are. Or at least I would like to think so!! 🙂 ❤

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      1. *mouth drops open* NO WAY! I thought you were in your 20’s. Is the picture of you on your blog recent? Emma, I’m 58, only 5 years older then you. I’m seriously shocked!

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      2. OH. MY. GOSH! A feather could knock me over! You are stupendous, an actual Miracle of God! I KNOW how much work this entails to look like you do. Your commitment I commend you for! To be that strong and healthy please cherish. I know you do. I had a severe back injury in 1993 and to this day stuggle with nerve damage, muscles not working right, and pain. God has just put into my Life a chiropractor who as I am reading about, sounds like the Miracle I need. I’m making an appt. tomorrow. 🙂 ❤

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      3. AmyRose, you are really going to be shocked now. I speak about my back injury in my about page and I have done a couple posts regarding my back pain and the methods I used which is the birth of my fitness book on my website. Yes! God used my pain (which I still have ) to speak through me and write my books for the broken, hurting and those lost and in despair; which was my mental and physical state. My fitness book was published at almost turning 48 and I did 3 bikini calendars a year after.

        God promises us that what we sow in tears will reap much joy psalms 146 : 5.

        He uses us to give birth to things that others will need for their healing.

        Wow! That you would be one of the women that God would bless through me. xo

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      4. On my way right now to read your about page. WOW is right!! Oh, Emma, how glad I am we know each other. I’ve already seen Psalm 146:5 come to fruition in other aspects of my Life. Perhaps it is finally time for this pain to stop torturing me. YET, from out of this pain, I minister in Love. I’ve not allowed my pain to destroy me, just make me stronger and wiser. Off now to read about you ….. ❤

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      5. AmyRose, you are really going to be shocked now. I speak about my back injury in my about page and I have done a couple posts regarding my back pain and the methods I used which is the birth of my fitness book on my website. Yes! God used my pain (which I still have ) to speak through me and write my books for the broken, hurting and those lost and in despair; which was my mental and physical state. My fitness book was published at almost turning 48 and I did 3 bikini calendars a year after.

        God promises us that what we sow in tears will reap much joy psalms 146 : 5.

        He uses us to give birth to things that others will need for their healing. Wow! That you would be one of the women that God would bless through me. xo


      6. AmyRose, you are really going to be shocked now. I speak about my back injury in my about page and I have done a couple posts regarding my back pain and the methods I used which is the birth of my fitness book on my website. Yes! God used my pain (which I still have ) to speak through me and write my books for the broken, hurting and those lost and in despair; which was my mental and physical state. My fitness book was published at almost turning 48 and I did 3 bikini calendars a year after.

        God promises us that what we sow in tears will reap much joy psalms 146 : 5.

        He uses us to give birth to things that others will need for their healing.

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    1. Thank you, Mabel. It also counts what I put into my body as well, not just what I put on my face. Years worth of I have been changing my diet, and still to this day, am doing so. My goal each and every day is to eat organic whole foods and a lot of purified water. That is only a small portion of what I do daily. My back injury of 1993 keeps me accountable in ways I don’t think I would, because I used to be such a sugar-aholic. Now I have sugar and it makes me feel ill. I do not profess to know all the answers and I do also know each body is different, so that person must discover what works best. Just a few tidbits for thought. 🙂 ❤


      1. That is good to hear you are taking care of yourself by watching what you eat too. It is amazing how certain foods can make us feel incredible, while others not so good. Our bodies change with time, and it is important to listen to it and take care of our health.

        I agree. Tidbits every now and then is okay as a treat ❤

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    1. Hmmmmm ….. I put turmeric and yogurt into my smoothie every morning. How cool!!! I must try your recipe on my face just to see how it works. I also put ginger in my smoothie to help with circulation and arthritis as well as 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon. Did you know that cinnamon in the dosage I just told you lowers bad cholesterol significantly? Now how wonderful is that to be able to enjoy eating something that tastes so good and is so good for you! 🙂 I also have a recipe for an immune booster if you ever are interested which by the way, doesn’t taste as good as cinnamon but it works, darn it! Amazing!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  3. Gorgeous flowers Amy! Glad you found a remedy for your winter weather beaten face. 🙂 Have you ever tried coconut oil? I use coconut oil on EVERYTHING, I swear it contains magical properties!
    Blessings for your day…

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    1. Thank you, Julie, for your compliment! Regarding coconut oil, I actually did try it on my face with results not what I was hoping for. The Vita C/Vaseline combo are working beautifully for me. I have begun brushing my teeth with cocunut oil and so far I like it. I also tried it as a conditioner for my hair and did not like the results. So yes I am experimenting with coconut oil. Blessings to you, Grandma!!! ❤


    1. You made me laugh so hard, Dan. Oh course you are not a fan of cremes. You are a GUY! About this flower, this is actually how this flower formed. This flame is part of the flower! And why it stuck out so much is because the sun was at a low angle in the sky, backlighting the part of the flower I was photographing. I forgot the name of this flower but it is a tropical flower that I use as an annual in my gardens. It is gorgeous and grows these huge flowers, bright orange in color.
      I’m way behind (again) with comments and am just about hitting the floor swaying with fatigue right now. I will come on over to see you tomorrow. Don’t miss my latest post of waterfalls. I think this is my best one yet. You must be busy yourself for not coming yesterday …. Monday. ❤

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      1. Appts. Back to back here. Just on my way to bed. Just wanted you to know I’m not caught up either. 🙂 LOL Two peas in a pod. Tomorrow another appt. Honesly! Tons of comments yet waiting …. Ahhhhh….. What a life! Good night, Dan! ❤

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  4. My skin is too sensitive for vitamins A, B or C! I rely on aloe vera, coconut oil, and emu cream for my face. I am glad you’ve found what works for you, and it may help someone else, so nice of you to share!
    Biting wind is brutal. I’ve got my whole body layered up on oils as well, tsk. I’m glad this winter has been milder than some. As bad as it is for the gardens, at least my skin is a bit better 🙂

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    1. Joey, it is so important to understand what you as an individual requires. Every “body” is different. I’m happy for you as well that you have found what works for you! I just came from outside and it being brutally cold today I am glad I am staying inside today. Nope. It’s even too cold for me. My skin on my face has finally healed and I am not about to undo all the healing. 🙂 ❤

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    1. I am keeping warm out of the cold, Sue. It’s just brutal out right now. My face finally healed and I want it to stay that way. Call it vanity. Or that the cold seriously hurts!!! ❤


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