More To Life

124 thoughts on “More To Life”

    1. You are ever so welcome. I did forget to mention that while in the tunnel I could hear the waterfalls which only fueled my determination more to continue all the way to the end. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. No flashlight in car either (note to self put one in) and the thought of walking back at least one mile through that slippery creek, even IF I had a flashlight in my car, no way. I would rather face my fears and push on. Which I did. 🙂 Did the experience eradicate my fear of closed in spaces? No. But to know I did this, empowers me!! Hope you are having a great day, CM!!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Amy, you are the one who reminded me of this set of images I have in my archives. I’m so happy you came to see these waterfalls. To me what makes these so cool is the way the sun hit them. I had to work fast because where these falls were located the sun was rapidly moving across them so I had to follow the sun. As with a lot of what I do, it just so happened that I arrived exactly at the right time that the sun hit these waterfalls. Amazing!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  1. I appreciated knowing the struggle you went through to get back to the waterfall, Amy. As the partner of a photographer, I am continually amazed at what nature photographers go through to get a good photo. It is much appreciated. And what a spectacular photo you created! 🙂

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    1. Jet, there are times I ask myself if I’m quite sane due to what I will do just to get a good image. 🙂 Yes I have turned down some “risks” knowing, um, no way will I do that! A lot of people don’t know the “story” behind the photo, in just seeing something beautiful presented to them. This was one of my more dramatic stories, so I included it to get some people to think what I really do to get some photographs. Thank YOU for understanding!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  2. Oh my goodness, gorgeous! And I can’t even imagine how you got the image to look like that. Seems like a burst of sun in the center, so was that actually where the water was running down and maybe you played with the sunlight a bit? Anyway, I’m almost a little worried about how far you will go to capture an image. Love what you are getting and your adventurous spirit, but be careful you don’t get hurt. By the way, I go out walking every day on break at work. Have to get out of the office!! Anyway, we just moved to a really disgusting industrial neighborhood (work that is) and I was out walking, and wearing sandals no less, and a rat scurried under my feet. Yuck!

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    1. Marissa, what do I have to show you in order for you to really believe that I find MAGIC? I did nothing with the sun or the light. This is how I saw these falls except not with slow shutter speeds. These waterfalls were located in an area that was not easily assessible to the sun and I just so happen to arrive when the sun hits them. (REALLY?) I had to work fast because the sun seemed to move quickly across these falls. I had to chase the sun as the light traveled across these waterfalls. I had about a half an hour window which is not a lot when you are shooting in manual mode and manual focus. I did not see the streams of “light” with my naked eye but my camera did.
      As for your experience with the rat I would have screamed. OH! I do NOT like rats and to think one ran across your foot in a sandal, makes me shudder as I write this. I applaud you for walking but is there any other place to walk to avoid rats? EEK! I’m sorry to hear your company moved to a disgusting location. That cannot be any fun for you. How awful!!! BIG (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. I do believe you find magic! It’s just that my inexperienced eye never knows if it’s magic or an effect, ha, ha!
        No, there’s nowhere else to walk here. As soon as I got here, I scoped out the neighborhood and it’s a bunch of weird windy streets with a lot of strange looking characters hanging about!!

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      2. Marissa, you are just SO cute and that is one of the reasons why I just get such a kick out of you. Take my word for it I do not know the more advanced editing techniques in PS or LR. Now my digital art is a total different story but still there I am just playing around. Yes there have been images I have gone heavy on the saturation of a certain color to change appearances. But to know the more advanced stuff? LOL Nope. Not me!
        And I am really sorry to hear there is no where to walk other then where you are. That really reeks. Is there any way you could possibly get another job? Just a thought …. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      3. Okay, for future I will know not to overthink the whole effects thing when it comes to you. Truly amazed by what I see sometimes.
        As for the job, I really can’t complain. Great schedule, bosses that never yell at me, regular raises. It’s just the location that stinks (and I do mean stinks…it smells like death out there…probably dead rats).

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      4. Well, makes the two of us because MY jaw is constantly dropping at the results I get. Tee hee …. That is no lie.
        As for those rats …. RATS! That stinks, literally and metaphorically! Is there any way you could walk when you got home? Exercise is SO important so please don’t put it aside. ❤


      5. My jaw would be dropping as well if I were you.
        As for the job, you are kind to be concerned. Well, you know, part of it is I have a desk job and most days it gets pretty boring and I just need to get out of the office and get my blood flowing again, you know what I mean?

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      6. My Heart goes out to you, Marissa. I am only able to sit for a certain amount of time before I must get up to move. I’ve always had jobs that required walking/standing. I don’t sit well. I give you so much credit for firstly sitting, and then wanting to walk to get the circulation going again. I really hope a solution comes about so that you can walk. ❤


  3. So so beautiful Amy.. I am so pleased you posted this particular journey through the tunnel. So a metaphor for life..There is Light at the end of the tunnel and the rewards are well worth wading through those obstacles and carrying the heavy load upon our shoulders..
    Thank you my sweet friend.. So enjoyed and perfect photo..
    Love and mega hugs

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  4. Again, this shot was worth the effort. It’s absolutely beautiful. That said, I hope you now carry a flashlight and might consider a treking pole (or two). they make ones that double as a monopod. Keep going and please, keep sharing.

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    1. Thank you, Dan!! Yes I do carry a flashlight with me and pepper spray! That treking pole sounds like the very thing I need …. keeping my balance in that creek was tricky! Thank you for your encouragement of what I do, because there are times I question if all the effort I put intot this is worth it. There is a lot more to then just viewing a beautiful photograph, as you well are aware of. I even had someone ask me on this post if I digitally altered the sun light on this image. Um, no. I don’t even know how to do that except decreasing the highlight or vice versa. You know what is discouraging to me? Too many photographers alter their images to make the viewer believe that what you are seeing is in actuality real. How can I even compete with photos that are drop dead gorgeous yet very digitally altered? Yes I admit I do underexpose for drama and I do like to adjust light/shadow in the editing room for more drama, but to actually cut out portions of a photo or erase something and replace it with something else … I don’t even know how.
      Thanks for listening. Instagram has me discouraged. Just too much perfection. I think I will not be using that form of social media for a while. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Certainly put a little “thrill” in that day, I’d say! LOL I’m either brave or a wee bit unhinged. I’m so glad you see the magic. It really was. What I neglected to say and wish I had these falls were in a ravine. To my left and right were steep walls of rock and dirt. To the back of me was the tunnel. Directly in front of me were these falls. There was NO other way to get to these waterfalls other then the one I took. So, another magical meeting …. I arrived at the exact time the sun shone on these falls. How about that? (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. I sure can see the “thrill”. With the ravine I can see how hard it must of been to go through that. It was magic that the sun came out just right. You are brave! HUGS ❤


    1. Thank you, Raewyn!!! It was well worth pushing through. This is the ONLY access to these falls because as I found out I was surrounded by walls of stone a good 30 feet high, in front of me being the waterfalls. I had to go and turn around to again walk through the tunnel. I amaze me sometimes. 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Has my fear of closed in places disappeared? No. But I have empowered myself to know I overcame that intense fear. And maybe next time that fear won’t be so grand. I’m not too bad with heights … although there have been times I have said WHOA and actually felt dizzy! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. We are so pretty much the same! I did not get rid of my fear but I overcame a lot of it. For example I stood at the edge of Grand Canyon and looked down without anything between me and the Canyon! 😀

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      2. Whoa!!! I’ve been out to the Grand Canyon and I KNOW there are places there is nothing between the edge and a long ways down. Good for you!!! I am really proud of you! I also KNOW how much courage that takes to do!!! ❤

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      3. COOL!!! See what happens when we get so involved in the moment? Our fears evaporate! That is what happened while I was shooting those falls. I will still in a very tight spot yet I felt no fear and the fear of walking back through that tunnel was greatly diminished!!! ❤

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    1. Oh, thank YOU, Julie!!! I am so happy you see the magic here! Yes, there truly was magic that day. The sun ONLY shone on those waterfalls for about 1/2 hour of the day and I just um happened to be there when it did shine. Hmmmm …. Mother up to her “tricks” again with me. LOL Never a dull moment with me!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. I really DO cherish Life, Jodi. I know how short Life is and I know how much more I really desire to do! To create in JOY and Love and then to share that … what more could I possibly ask for? I hope you are having a great day! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. I did, Sylvia!! When I came through the opening of that tunnel, my mouth flew wide open!! I never knew these falls even existed until another creek wader told me about them. I found myself in a gully of sorts with sheer rock walls to the left and right of me of about 30 feet, the falls directly in front of me and the tunnel behind me. There is no other access to these falls except the tunnel. Amazing isn’t it? AND at the exact time I arrived the sun began to hit those falls, only with about a 1/2 hour window. I just so “happened” to be there when this phenomenon occurred. (GRIN!) Hope you are having a great day!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Olga, you do speak the Truth. Mother Nature really has changed my Life for I am constantly witnessing things that I know no other word for …. MAGIC. The play of Light, the shapes, what I find … the absolute wonder of it all! Every time I go for a walk, or every time I go on a shoot, something always seems to happen that has me saying …. WOW!!! Hope you are having a great day today!! I’ve been so busy I am not catching up on comments! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. And I just happen to amaze myself, Rita. I never knew all this even existed inside of me, plus the fact, Mother always seems to be revealing things to me that has my jaw dropping and my feet just stopped in their tracks!! I hope you are having a good day today … I’ve been so busy I am just now catching up on comments. I’m taking a few days off and won’t be posting again until Saturday. T’is the season to get very tired and this Santa needs rejuvenation. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. I Love you too, Rita. I’ve been pulled away from you but it’s OK. Life has a way of bending in and out and when in Flow we go as we go. All is good. I have every confidence we will come together again. 🙂 ❤

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    1. You are welcome, Tiny!!! Thank you for taking the time to be here. I myself have been so darn busy (but finally done!) that I am just now catching up here on WP. I’m not official until Saturday so I will again visit you then. Hope you are having a really good day today, my friend!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Thank you dear Amy!! I am so bogged down with work too now that I can hardly make time to read and post on WP, but I’m trying at least a couple of days a week. I wish you a wonderful day too ❤

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      2. WE all are only one person, my friend. I am just not willing to “kill myself” any more by running myself into the ground. My focus has changed and it used to be majorly WP, but no longer. Yes I Love to blog and show my work and do what I do, yet it’s gotten very important to me to LIVE Life! Sending Much Love to you, Tiny!!! amy ❤


  5. I worry about slippery wet surfaces. There are damp rocks which you could slip on and break, twist or bruise yourself on. Maybe, could you take a friend, just in case something dangerous happens, dear Amy? Hugs to the intrepid explorer, whose photo of a waterfall was breath-taking! 🙂


    1. Robin, the sad thing about most folks they just don’t want to do want I like to do. So I end up going alone. That’s OK because this wayI don’t have any distractions. When I am with my camera I am so focused on what is around me I don’t want conversation or anything else. A friend suggested a trekking pole which I am seriously looking into. I don’t like slippery surfaces either especially because of my back. I do have an incredible sense of curiosity though, and will take risks to a certain degree. This story here is about the most risk I am willing to go to. I hope you are having a really good day today. All my busy is done thank goodness but I need a few days off so I won’t officially be here until Saturday!! Love you! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  6. Yes! The picture was definately worth the effort, and the bravery, and the determination, and the skills necessary! Heart pounding suspense; when are we truly more alive?

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    1. You are absolutely right, Darrell! When ARE we more alive then when we dare to face our fears? Then again when we experience BLISS, in the moment rapture, this too is a time when we tingle with alive-ness! I have more photos from where this one came from … it is just a matter of me editing them. 🙂 Hope you are having a wonderful day!!! xoxox Amy ❤


  7. Oh this is so beautiful and so calming. My soul is smiling. This is Ruth posting on my cats blog.
    I decided I need a new perspective for a blog and this ones refreshing for me.
    It also allows me to post more photos of my beautiful girl who is now off of all medication and is having some very good days.
    No more Vet visits and no more poking and prodding and trauma. When her time come out vet will come to our home and help her pass.
    Hugs Amy

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    1. Hi, Ruth!!! I am SO happy to hear Ali is doing so well. I have 2 FIV+ cats, and both have their struggles, yes, but both are med free. When we recently had to take Prinny in due to a growth in her ear (one of the FIV+ cats) one of the vets we spoke to could not believe she is on zero meds. He kept shaking his head and looked confused, saying, “No, meds?” She is taking psyllium to help here with BM but nothing else. Oh, I forgot. She does get a herbal tincture for pain. But nothing allopathic!!! So SO happy for you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  8. So beautiful and calming. Brings a smile to my heart and soul.
    This is Ruth , from sunset dragon. I needed a new perspective for blogging and something that was more fun and I decided to start a blog in the name of my kitty.
    My sweet Ali is still with us and having some good days now that she is weaned off of all of the nasty medication she was on for the feline auto immune disease, and she will have no more vet visits to prod and poke and make her life traumatic.
    Following your journey with you beloved kitty has given the strength to allow her to have peace and calmness in her last days.
    When the time comes the vet will come here t our home, where she knows love an happiness and help her on her way.


  9. How can I knot love the waterfalls you present, as Creation’s most wonderful present will always be H²O

    🙂 MeRRy ChRiStMaS to you and yours, Amy dear! ❤ Peace and luvz and HaPPy NeW YeaR, too! UT

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